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Book Cover :

About Author :

1968 Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design, Harvard University Graduate School of Design 1966 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, Michigan State University School of Urban Planning & Landscape Architecture

Roger Trancik Academic Research/Specialty Areas

Urban Design Landscape architecture Urban form/space analysis Land use and environmental planning Community-based planning Drawing and visual representation International urbanism

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 1

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Book & Author Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

What is Lost Space ?

Development of Twentieth

Urban Space Precedents

- Century Space The problem of urban design today

Three Theories of Urban Spatial Design

Hard Space Functionalism

Boston,Massachusetts Figure Ground Theory

Soft Space Lost space Defined

Case Studies

The Functional Grid

Washington, D C Linkage Theory Goteborg, Sweden

The Causes

Critical Reactions

Redisignng Lost Space

Physical Manifestations

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 2

Place Theory

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Over View Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

The Problem.

Too many instances in today’s urban planning are

What is Lost


dimensional, top-down planning without the consideration of three-dimensional relationships between between buildings and spaces and the people that will inhabit them. Subsequently,


what generally emerges are environments of vacant, unused


As designers we are faced with the reality of




of spaces that are




and ill-planned

for public use to begin with.” (Trancik, 1986, p. 1).

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 3

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Lost Space Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

1. Increased dependence on the automobile










Movement toward open space.

The Causes -


Zoning and land use- policies

of the urban -

Lost Space in

renewal period that divided the city.


4.Unwillingness on the part of contemporary institutions to take responsibility for public Urban enviornment.






transportation sites in the inner core of the city.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 4

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Lost Space Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 5

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Lost Space Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Development Of

* Traced by professional and academic movements. * "Functionalism" - most influential created by(western movements) -

twentieth -

The Bauhaus in Germany

Century Space

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 6

De Stijil in Holland Architect Le Corbusier

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Development Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

The Bauhaus in Germany Unite art and technology under a purified aesthe c that removed all ornament and ar cula on from and stressed the beauty of the expressed func on.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 7

De S jil in Holland

More decora ve than those of Bauhaus, Bright, Primary Colours, Corners ar culated by cross pieces *Social Renewal and abstrac on. *The quest for social revolu on and Human Self Improvement through art and design

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Development Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Architect Le Corbusier Three important Principals behind Corbusier’s influence on modern urban space 1. The linear and nodal building as a large-scale urban element - a principle applied physically to define districts or social units 2. The ver cal separa on of movement systems- an outcome of le Corbusier’s fascina on and highways and the city of future 3. The opening up of urban space to allow for free-flowing landscape, sun, and light

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 8

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Development Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Hard Space Are those principally bounded by architecture walls, o en these are intended to func on as major gathering places for social ac vity.

Urban Space Precedents

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 9

Soft Space are dominated by Natural Environment Whether inside or outside the city. In urban se ng they are parks and gardens and linear greenways that provide opportuni es for recrea on air retreat from the built environment.

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Precedents Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Three Theories of

Figure Ground Theory

Urban Spatial

Linkage Theory


CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 10

Place theory

Finding Lost Space


Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Figure Ground Theory

In this approach, the star ng point for an understanding of urban form is the analysis of rela onships between building mass

and open

space. Figure ground analysis are powerful tools for iden fying the

textures and pa erns of the urban fabric as well as problems in its spa al order, but can lead to a sta c and twodimensional concep on of space.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 11

Finding Lost Space


Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Linkage Theory.

In this approach dynamics of

circula on become

the generators of urban forms. The emphasis on the connec on and movement is a significant contribu on. But the need for spa al defini on is some mes undervalued.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 12

Finding Lost Space


Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Place theory Designers have increasingly become aware of the importance of

historic, cultural and social

values in urban open space. conceptualists have argued strongly against the tendency of the func onalists to impose abstract designs from the outside.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 13

Finding Lost Space


Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Overlay The Integrated approach suggested in this text would incorporate figure ground, Linkage and place theories, giving clear structure to solid and voids, organizing connec ons





responding to the human needs and unique elements of the context.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 14

Finding Lost Space


Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Case Studies

Case study - 1 , Boston, Massachuse s Caste Study - 2 , Washington, D C Case Study - 3 , Goteborg, Sweden Case Study - 4 Byker, New Castle, England

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 15

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Case Studies Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Case study - 1 , Boston, Massachuse s Example of Figure -

Ground theory -Tight building to

Space Pa erns.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 16

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Case Studies Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Caste Study - 2 Washington, D C Example of linkage theory - Many Axial Rela onships.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 17

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Case Studies Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Case Study - 3 , Goteborg, Sweden

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 18

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Case Studies Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Case Study - 4 Byker, New Castle, England

Example of place theory of design with successful process for reconstruc ng an urban district for exis ng residents while maintaining valued neighbourhood tradi ons.

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 19

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Case Studies Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Key Concepts for the crea on of integrated Urban Space.

Towards an Integrated approach to Urban Design

1. Linking sequen al Movement eg, exterior landscape ac ng as a link between buildings and direc ng sequen al movement through a series of spaces

2.Lateral enclosure and edge con nuity The Success or failure of public space depends largely on the character of its frontage and the con nuity of its walls

In the Use of Urban Space, Integra on is also desirable. Spaces that can accommodate mixed or integrated Uses have Much greater richness and vitality Than Single -use Spaces, which are o en Sta c and remain lifeless for substan al periods of me. Design Must respond to the dynamics of Social Uses in its physical form.

3.Integra ng Bridging


CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 20

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Axis and perspec ve

Integrated Approach Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

Guidelines to keep 1.Maintain Con nuity of the street wall Design Process 1.The study of Place

2. Respect exis ng Exis ng silloue e of buildings and landscape

2. Spa al analysis

3.prevent building masses that are out of scale

3.Iden fica on of lost and Restruc ng oppurtuni es

4.match and or complement materials

4.Design Interven on

5.respect exis ng rhythms of facades and spa al elements 6.enhance pa erns on public space usage

CET M.UD 2020

UD Theory and Methodology - Book Review Sheet No. 21

Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design Roger Trancik

Guidelines Submitted By : Alen Joseph James

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