Mental Health Improves Through Music Noemi Iniguez Marketing Assistant
A song is defined as a piece of music orchestrated with a beat or rhythm. We listen to songs on the way to work, the gym, mobile clinics, and so on. Music is powerful, in fact, it is so powerful that our mental health actually improves through music. According to research, music can be a form of therapy both physical and mental. By applying such methods to your specialty vehicle that focuses on mental health, your patients will be receiving a fun way to destress and also cope with health issues they face. As we continue to bring awareness to mental health this month, it’s important to find and develop programs that the community can not only benefit from, but also have the accessibility to reach at any given moment. Because like music, healthcare should be
as easy as looking up and playing a song on our phone!
According to Molly Warren, from NAMI, “Music acts as a medium for processing emotions, trauma, and grief—but music can also be utilized as a regulating or calming agent for anxiety or for dysregulation.” This method is therefore great for all ages to implement music into their therapy in order to create a positive environment through implementing workshops that your clinic or organization can facilitate in specialty vehicles to create a stronger advancement in patient’s therapy sessions. Music serves many purposes, whether it’s for entertainment or educational purposes, music can serve as a form of medication. Both literally and metaphorically speaking, music is therefore a great tool to provide therapy for patients.
Music therapy does stop with patients who have Alzheimer’s or dementia. It can be used, in fact, is used on a daily basis for everyone! According
the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy and the Journal of Clinical Nursing suggests that
music can help improve mental health by reducing certain symptoms of depression and by making people feel more in control. It can reduce stress, help us get better sleep and improve our mood.” So whenever you’re feeling upset or stressed, not only can you go to a mobile wellness center to work off these emotions, but playing music while doing so helps
improve your health!
The article
continues, stating that scientist argue that dopamine, a hormone found in our brains, is released when we listen to songs we especially love and brings us pleasure. Therefore, whenever you hear “that one song” you can’t help but feel good inside and out.
From mobile clinics who specialize in maintaining mental health, to organizations who strive in creating a space for music within the health industry, and of course anyone else who would to like to implement these methods into their lives, are getting more and more education between music’s correlation to mental health. The overall focus here at AGI is for us to be ready for anyone interested in creating methods for communities to maintain and continue to work on emphasizing the importance on mental health. Because of the stigma behind mental health, implementing creative and of course fun programs into the community, such as using music, is not only breaking the stigma of mental health, from both public and the self, but it’s redefining what it means to go to therapy. Most of all, through AGI, patients will be able to access these programs much faster and easier.
For more information, go to: 951-213-4815