Land Reclamation International Graduate School (LRIGS)
What is Land Reclamation? Land Reclamation is an integrated approach to converting disturbed land to its original state (ecological restoration) or to an alternative useable state with a similar or different use.
Land Reclamation One of the Most Pressing Challenges of the 21st Century Land reclamation is receiving increasing global attention as human population growth parallels the increase in land disturbances from human activities. Reclamation of disturbed lands is necessary to provide for the livelihood of current and future generations. Land reclamation professionals are needed to help address this challenge.
Land Reclamation International Graduate School Come join us. Help make a positive impact on the world we share.
Students in LRIGS are taught to think broadly and globally across biophysical and socioeconomic realms. While conducting research in Canada and collaborating countries, they will gain skills to expand scientific knowledge and to communicate with and transfer research results to stakeholders. Students in LRIGS will receive the education and the experience to take leadership roles in academia, government and industry, nationally and internationally.
Program Details
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LRIGS provides both collaborative and multi disciplinary training in the science of land reclamation. Students will enhance their knowledge of disturbance impacts and structure and process in ecosystem development after disturbance, and determine how these disturbances can be directed towards a desired land use via land reclamation practices. Students will learn how to incorporate economic values and social objectives into development of reclamation strategies.
LRIGS is recruiting worldwide for masters and doctoral students and post doctoral fellows.
The research in this unique and innovative training program encompasses reclamation strategies from micrometre to kilometre spatial scales and short to long term temporal scales. Students conduct field research at a landscape, operational scale, with field size equipment, and laboratory research and simulation modeling in modern, efficient facilities. Training provides LRIGS students with an understanding of current world practices and challenges in land reclamation. It facilitates rapid transfer and implementation of land reclamation knowledge into regulatory and industrial regimes.
Funding provided by the NSERC CREATE Program
Land Reclamation International Graduate School 855E General Services Building Department of Renewable Resources University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2H1
Contacts for More Information Dr M Anne Naeth, LRIGS Director Michal Guzowski, LRIGS Coordinator
Phone: 780 492 3599 Fax: 780 492 4323 E-mail: