Architecture Portfolio

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alessandra gir贸n osorio master in architecture politecnico di milano alta scuola politecnica

rewinding for identity


gourmet lane


patch the gap


milan survey


INDEX-CODE ANALYSIS The different elements that consitute the whole were subdivided into an index. Regional and urban scales interact given the exchange between these sublayers. The built against the pre-existing nature. The rythm given by people’s flows and how it modifies Matalascaùas during time.

1. REWINDING F OR IDENTIT Y Design Studio III (A.A. 2012/2013) Professors: Michele Moreno, Nathalie Roseau Matalascañas, Andalucía, Spain

Matalascañas rised in the middle of the Doñana National Park as an answer to the andalucian’s need for a vacation spot. As such, it is completely dedicated to those tourists who pack the city during the summer; for the rest of the year it is left abandoned, almost as a ghost city. Driven by private speculation, Matalascañas has developed into an unorganized residential puzzle. It now acts against nature, suffocating the magnificent natural dune system that exists around it. Despite all this, the site is fascinating: a shelter from nature where the size of the ocean, the wet land, the coast and the dunes all come together. For Matalascañas to have a future, we had to re-think the whole city structure in a more sustainable way: from an environmental, economical, and social point of view. The project consists on recalling something that is missing, something that once was there. Through a reading of landscape, this projects seeks to reintegrate a town that was laid out neglecting its natural surroundings. Surface became our medium; by folding it we created a new common ground for nature and artificial to co-exist.







Our strategy developed into bringing the Dunes back into the city, in spirit and shape. Our medium became the ground. By folding it, we created a series public spaces that represent the setting for a new dialogue between cities users, the base of an identity. A place filled with programs flexible for uncertain futures, setting a pace for future development. By folding surfaces we are also create new perspectives, so opening the city to the extensive landscape that surrounds it.


Our projects involves the projection of a connection corridor going through the whole city, guiding users throughout the puzzle that today Matalasca単as represents. We found that the edges are the most critical points, as they are the arena of interaction between both city and landscape. The first one is the arrival point, the meeting node for all flows.



Town Planing Studio (A.A. 2013/2014) Professors: Stefano Boeri, Michele Brunello, Maria Chiara Pastore Pioltello, Lombardia, Italy The ‘Gourmet Lane’ is the proposal for a food-oriented community. Our site, located right next to Pioltello, is strategically positioned as a node for a number of food-production and agricultural cascine; the proposal seeks to link all of these in one unique space so that the resources of the area are promoted and enjoyed not only by locals but also by anyone who takes pleasure from good italian food. In the Gourmet Lane we also introduce the concept of the “Open Kitchen” which we defined as open spaces for food degustation. In here, we pretend to foment the dynamicity of the food industry by allowing people who purchase goods in the market to cook and eat in open spaces, further increasing the idea of the communal way of life.





The site presents water canals that we ought to preserve. They provided a grid over which to work on when defining the masterplan.

We conceive the Gourmet Lane a unique space. Using different levels, the path intersects and goes over the residential units, mixing the private with the public.

We propose four open kitchens that are found throughout the path. Each one dedicated to a meal course. Market enter buildings and programs find a node.

Challenging the concept of streets we connected the whole project with one unique path were markets are found thrughout.


The open kitchen is the synthesis of the food-oriented community. As if the open market wasn’t enough, the internal closed market (working as an extension of the passage street) provides all the necessary products for both visitors and residents to create the best recipes. This Primi Piatti specialized open kitchen also features a Cooking School and temporary residences.

3. PATCH THE GAP Design Studio I (A.A. 2013/2014 Professors: Matteo Poli, Roy Nash, Riccardo Mazzoni Navigli, Milano, Italy

Naviglio Grande is Milan’s main landscape attraction. Throughout its history it has played an important role in the city’s function and image both as a transportation method and an attraction. Regardless of this, today the canal is underused, leaving most of its flow of people to its most urban location - close to the Darsena. With our project we seek to decentralize the “Navigli” area by providing programmatic platforms that will redirect the traffic of people that today concentrates in specialized zones. By analyzing these different zones we organized our proposal as a large complex that includes from sports facilities, to hostel accommodation, exhibition spaces, and co-working rentals


We understand the Naviglio Canal as a gap, a non-place distant from the community and only perceived as a scenery. For us to modify this image, program ought to happen in the Canal itself. We placed platforms over the water, each one representing specific activities that, when put together, create a complex programmatic element meant for different crowds to meet on.

The platforms are also visible in the re-design of the abandoned building. Each floor presents specific sport activities where traditional with non-traditional sports are mixed in a main central node.

ARRIVAL PL AT F O RM This first platform has a direct relationship with: - The warehouse by employing the seating spaces for exhibitions -The Naviglio visually and enhanced sensorial experience - The parking with its extended program and arrival axis - The building as a scenery and possible projection facade - Bike path passing right through its center

T RAM PO LINE PL AT F O RM The trampoline platform has a relation with its surrounding playground where sticks where employed. At the same time, located on the same axis, it is both programmatically and physically connected with the hostel.

S K ATE P L ATF O R M Being located the farthest from the beginning of the Canal, this platform represents the least traditional sports, the underculture that is also a huge part of the arear. A large skatepark was designed next to this platform with the use of different elements in order to add more dynamicity to the playground.

M U LTI FI EL D P L AT F ORM This platform hosts the most traditional sports, being located in the most residential zone. Its projected surroundings include an outdoor gym where the sticks where employed in a number of differente elements.

As a continuation of this garden concept we have the Park next to the building as a Chromatic Garden. As a bridge in between our project and the existent residential buildings, it is designed with the base of a gradient where the amount of vegetation is related to the closeness to the residences. The more residential, the more dense the greenery is.

PAR K ( i n g) Instead of understanding them as absolute opposites, both park and parking spaces are the sinthesis of our proposal for urban gardens. The first has the function of serving our whole proposal as an entrance; it is the first point of reference from all the arrivals coming from Porta Genova. This first zone is conceived as a polifunctional ground where a number of different activities can co-exist under the same roof. On the one hand there is the designated parking zone for aliviating the parking problem on the area, this space was designed as a more interactive type of park(ing) with a flowered pergola that would serve as a flexible infrastructure for the Navigli Market as well. Then we have the ground design of the racing track that passes in front of a wall to be employed as a projection screen. The flowered pergola works together with the landscape added into the area, an urban garden.

4. MIL AN SURVEY Design Studio I (A.A. 2013/2014 Professors: Matteo Poli, Roy Nash, Riccardo Mazzoni

The image of a city is the result of the accumulation of visuals you gather from the built environment. Each individual building has a direct effect in the macro-image of Milan. Is there any relation between the buildings? How does each building contribute, re-shape, or add something to Milan’s image? How do you remember each individual building in your mind? What is the image you keep?

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