architecture CV

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PLACE|DATE OF BIRTH Battipaglia, Salerno | ITALY 02|04|1988

CONTACTS (+39)3899975619



ALESSANDRA RANESI curriculum vitae

Institute of Advanced Architecture (IAAC), Barcelona, Spain 10|2016, Revit basic course Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy 01|2015 - 05|2015, Engineering for cultural heritage _ Post graduated course Ordine degli Ingegneri di Salerno | Salerno, Italy 03|2015, National Engineering habilitation exam _ inscription n° 6685 Università degli Studi di Salerno | Salerno, Italy 03|2015, First Certificate Exam

Architecture | arch Carmela Marziale| Salerno, Italy 06|2014 - 11|2014 Collaborator

08|2015 Workshop _ Architetture per una sagra | Sapri, Italy 27 _ 31 R-ecollocal, Urban Regeneration 07|2015 Summer School | University of Salerno, Italy 06 _ 09 Microgrids and Smart Energy Districts: effective integration of renewable energy, polygeneration, demand response and energy storage resources



Scientific Article | 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC | Torino, Italy 06|2015, An Experimental Investigation on the Air Permeability of Passive Ventilation Grilles SNECS Project | Università degli Studi di Salerno | Salerno, Italy 07|2015 - 12|2015 Energy Aspects and Indoor Environmental Quality for historical buildings

Advertise of the thesis in Architecture and Building’s Engineering: - “L’efficienza energetica negli edifici: un contributo per un testo unico”. E. Donciglio_2015 - “Proposte di riqualificazione di un edificio scolastico in ottica nZEB”. M. Porcaro_2015

Liceo classico T. Tasso | Salerno, Italy 09|2001 - 07|2006, High School Diploma _ classical studies

04|2016 Curso base _ Técnica de construcción con caña| Matarò, Spain 08 _10 Asociasiòn CanyaViva

Scientific Arctile | Clima 2016 | Aalborg, Denmark 05|2016, Parameters that affect PMV in schools

PON Project _ Smart Tunnel | Università degli Studi di Salerno | Salerno, Italy 01|2015 - 07|2015, Evaluation of thermal stress conditions in cold severe environment and IREQ index calculation

Universidad de Sevilla| Sevilla, Spain 09|2009 - 07|2010, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla

09|2016 Costruïm l’ombracle amb Santiago Cirugeda | Sant Boi d Llobregat, Spain

Architecture | Integrar Proyectos | Barcelona, Spain 11|2016 - 04|2017 Collaborator

Interior Design | Private House | Salerno, Italy 09| 2015 - 11|2015 Supervisor

Università degli Studi di Salerno | Salerno, Italy 09|2006 - 07|2014, Master’s Degree in Architecture and Building’s Engineering

04|2017 learnBI0N course #1_Design and Build with CEB | Montemor-o-novo, Portugal 20|04_20|05 Oficinas do convento

Architecture | CanyaViva | Barcelona, Spain 04|2016 - 07|2017 Active Member

Architecture | Franconi Architect | Barcelona, Spain 05|2016 - 07|2016 Internship



My name is Alessandra, I’m italian, born in Salerno in 1988. After completing classical studies in 2006 I decided to cross the university career of “ingegneria edile e architectura” at the University of my city. In 2009 I applied for Erasmus Programme and I spent 9 months at the Universidad de Sevilla. Once finished the studies I spent 18 months working as a researcher at the university, with a research group coordinated by the prof. Francesca Romana d’Ambrosio, about thermal comfort and energy efficiency in buildings. In Jenuary 2016 I moved to Barcelona to explore new natural tecniques for architecture. I experienced , so, design and construction of canes structures and earth architecture moving between Spain and Portugual. I really appreciate the possibility I had to get in touch with different ways of making architecture and I’m strongly convinced it’s always a good moment for learning.

Construction |arch Tania Teixeira | Montemoronovo, Portugual 10|2017- 11|2017 Collaborator

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