I am an Italian licensed architect
consulting and support on executive
collaborated with them and Arup
who believes in architecture that
tender documents preparation for
Chicago in the competition for the re-
can combine new innovative tools,
such as BIM, and the traditional
years, I have been the group leader
use of a former power plant in Italy.
new I
spaces to
architecture: for
new in
companies. various as
competition” by the Italian Ministry
As a freelancer, I have also worked on schematic and detailed designs of interiors for private clients, such as
environment. Recently I have worked
a a bakery store, a coworking office
as an
architect at the international
competition “Stone City” by Granulati
and a dental clinic in Rome. I am
Italian studio ‘SCA - Studio Costa
Zandobbio spa, among many others.
very efficient with BIM tools (Revit,
I have been working as a BIM manager
Naviswork) and 3D modeling and
on designing luxury apartments in
consultant for PMC Engineering on a
rendering, where I use a combination
Dubai. We collaborated with the US
project for the Bank of Italy. The BIM
company Ae7 for the interior design.
models for this work were finalists in
of SketchUp and Lumion. I have also
Back in 2015, I have found my own
the Italian BIM&Digital Awards 2017.
studio, RAM Architects, with the idea
Later on, I was also BIM Manager
to get in the game and to deal with
consultant for Alvisi+Kirimoto Studio,
every aspect of the profession.
where I have collaborated on the
design in all its aspect and I always
a studio, we focused on three main
BIM models for a school in Shenzhen
designed by Renzo Piano. I have also
improve my abilities day by day.
Phone : +39 338 588.95.24 e-mail : Web : LinkedIn : AlessandroSepe Skype : Alessandro-sepe
very good competence in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. I am very passionate to
Self-organization gained from the experience of a freelancer | Ability to manage small groups of people learned from various contests and academic experiences as group leader | A propensity to work in an international environment developed through the Erasmus program | Detailed oriented | Oral communication | Creative and lateral thinking | Hand fast drawing
BIM Manager consultant at Alvisi Kirimoto studio for a Renzo Piano Building Workshop’s school in Shenzen, China.
LANGUAGES Italian Native
English Advanced
German Basic
BIM implementation consultant at ACAM srl studio in Rome, as Revit trainer. Preparation of competitive tender documents for SPIBS srl, Rome. International design competition “Stone city”, organized by Granulati Zandobbio s.p.a., in Zandobbio, Italy. BIM Specialist partner at E-metodi for the development of original BIM softwares and applications. Design competition with Alvisi Kirimoto studio for the reuse of a former power plant station in Fiumicino, Italy.
InDesign Premier Pro
Office 360
E D U C AT I O N A N D T R A I N I N G FEB 2015
Licensed at the Order of the Architects of Rome - Number 22616
NOV 2014
Workshop of entrepreneurship improvement Human+ Foundation - Turin, Italy
2007 - 2014
Master’s degree in Architecture - 108/110 Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” at university La Sapienza - Rome, Italy
2012 - 2013
Master’s course in restoration at the Koeln Fachhochschule with Erasmus exchange program - Cologne, Germany
2001 - 2006
Classical studies at “Pilo Albertelli” high school 96/100 Rome, Italy
WORKS EXPERIENCES 2018 International design competition “Ice Breakers 2019”, design for temporary art installations in Toronto, Canada. Schematic, detailed and executive design for a pastry store realized in Rome. Private client. BIM Architect at SCA - Studio Costa Architecture in collaboration with the US company Ae7. Design development and executive designs of residencial buildings in Dubai Meydan District One, Dubai Safa B water canal district, C5 Reem Tower.
Schematic design for a pub in Rome. Private client. Design competition for a primary school in Lentate sul Seveso, Italy. Interior design competition “35W2” by private company Slow Wood in Milan, Italy. Schematic design of a co-working office in Rome. Private client. Revit trainer for the technical staff of Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy), Rome.
2016 National design competition “Innovative Schools” by the Italian Ministry of Education for a primary school in Pescina, Italy. BIM Manager & Specialist consultant for P.M.C. engineering s.r.l. for the development of BIM models for Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy). Schematic design of a dental clinic in Rome. Private client. Concept design for the reuse of an abandoned farmhouse in Sarteano, Tuscany. Private client.
2015 BIM Specialist consultant at P.M.C. Engineering s.r.l. for the realization of architectural BIM models of residential buildings. Foundation of RAM Architects studio with Arch. E. Sborchia. BIM Specialist at Bimon s.r.l. for Revit MEP models of Afragola high speed station, designed by Zaha Hadid. BIM Specialist at Bimon s.r.l. for Revit MEP models for hospital facilities in Oman, designed by Altieri studio. Design competition “Nuovo ponte Navetta” for a new pedestrian bridge in Parma, Italy.
2014 Proposal of a schematic design for the re-use of the 50’s former power plant station of the City of Fiumicino, designed by engineer Riccardo Morandi. Internship at Studio Transit, Rome - Collaboration on detailed design for the new ENI Headquarters in Rome. Internship at AKA Architects, Rome - Concept design for cycle and pedestrian bridges over Pontina street, Rome, Italy. Collaboration on the tender design of offices and nursery for the World Food Program in Rome.
For the complete works, visit WWW.RAMARCHITECTS.IT
Desi g n co m p e t it i o n for a p r i mar y sc h oo l a n d Civic Ce nte r Lentate sul Seveso, Lombardia, Italy
Work: Schematic Design
For this design competition of a primary school in Italy, I worked as a group leader of a team of 4 designers. The process has taken about a month and a half.
Type: Primary school Client: Town of Lentate sul Seveso Size: 6.000 m2 Location: Lentate sul Seveso, Italy Year: 2017 Budget : 10.000.000 â‚Ź Team : RAM Architects + Gradozero Architecture
The concept behind the design is an idea of a linear architecture, simple and elegant, that would evoke the image of a civic center over the school campus. All around the school there is a series of didactic gardens that can also work as shield from the nearby highway and public bicycle lane. The school building included a large multifunctional gym, offices for the administration, classrooms and workshops for extra hours, a canteen and a roof garden. I have been involved in the conceptual phase, the BIM modeling in Revit and the production of axonometries and prospective sections. I’ve also taken care of the rendering and the post-production process with the help of Lumion and Photoshop.
TOOLS Revit / AutoCad / Illustrator / Photoshop / Lumion / SketchUp
CONCEPT SCHEMES For innovative didactic environments, we have thought of wide corridors that become widespread workshops for diversified activities. Glass and wood panels separate classrooms from corridors. The wooden panels become a
Il Illotto Il lotto prevede prevede una una forma forma dell’edificio dell’edificio molto molto longitudinale, longitudinale, lotto prevede una forma dell’edificio molto longitudinale, suddiviso suddiviso inindue indue due macro macro aree, aree, una una pubblica pubblica verso verso Nord-Est Nord-Est eee suddiviso macro aree, una pubblica verso Nord-Est una una prettamente prettamente scolastica scolastica aSud-Ovest. aSud-Ovest. una prettamente scolastica aSud-Ovest.
Il lotto prevede una forma dell’edificio molto longitudinale, suddiviso in due macro aree, una pubblica verso Nord-Est e una prettamente scolastica aSud-Ovest.
Il Ilbraccio Il braccio centrale centrale si siruota, siruota, ruota, ininmodo inmodo modo dadaportare daportare portare il suo il suo fronte fronte braccio centrale il suo fronte direttamente direttamente a aSud. a Sud. SiSicreano Sicreano creano due due ingressi ingressi alla alla scuola, scuola, uno uno direttamente Sud. due ingressi alla scuola, uno interno interno alla alla corte corte pubblica, pubblica, l’altro l’altro verso verso il percorso il percorso ciclo-peciclo-peinterno alla corte pubblica, l’altro verso il percorso ciclo-pedonale. donale. donale.
Il braccio centrale si ruota, in modo da portare il suo fronte direttamente a Sud. Si creano due ingressi alla scuola, uno interno alla corte pubblica, l’altro verso il percorso ciclo-pedonale.
flexible way to hang drawings and more. The classrooms have a special focus on acoustics and natural light. Through these materials we have tried to make a warmer and more hospitable space than a formal ambient.
Due Due corti,vengono corti,vengono poste poste all’interno all’interno del del volume, volume, e esi esicrea sicrea crea ununun Due corti,vengono poste all’interno del volume, braccio braccio didiraccordo diraccordo raccordo con con lalascuola lascuola scuola esistente. esistente. braccio con esistente.
Per Per evitare evitare didiombreggiare diombreggiare ombreggiare lalascuola lascuola scuola esistente, esistente, una una corte corte si si si Per evitare esistente, una corte apre apre verso verso l’esterno, l’esterno, creando creando una una piazza piazza didiaccesso diaccesso accesso circoncirconapre verso l’esterno, creando una piazza circondata data dadatre datrefronti. trefronti. fronti. Verso Verso Nord-Est Nord-Est trova trova è èposta èposta posta lalapalestra. lapalestra. palestra. data Verso Nord-Est trova
Due corti,vengono poste all’interno del volume, e si crea un braccio di raccordo con la scuola esistente.
Per evitare di ombreggiare la scuola esistente, una corte si apre verso l’esterno, creando una piazza di accesso circondata da tre fronti. Verso Nord-Est trova è posta la palestra.
Per Per permettere permettere ununsoleggiamento unsoleggiamento soleggiamento adeguato adeguato all’interno all’interno Per permettere adeguato all’interno della della corte corte scolastica, scolastica, il braccio il braccio Sud-Est Sud-Est diventa diventa adadun adunpiano unpiano piano della corte scolastica, il braccio Sud-Est diventa solo. solo. Volendo Volendo creare creare una una connessione connessione con con l’area l’area dei dei campi campi solo. Volendo creare una connessione con l’area dei campi sportivi, sportivi, la corte la corte si apre si apre verso verso nord-ovest, nord-ovest, lasciando lasciando solo solo il sportivi, la corte si apre verso nord-ovest, lasciando solo il il primo primo piano. piano. LaLapalestra Lapalestra palestra viene viene schiacciata schiacciata ededallargata edallargata allargata così così primo piano. viene schiacciata così dadapermettere dapermettere permettere il percorso il percorso carrabile carrabile a adoppio a doppio senso senso verso verso il percorso carrabile doppio senso verso l’ingresso l’ingresso della della scuola. scuola. l’ingresso dellaunscuola. Per permettere soleggiamento adeguato all’interno della corte scolastica, il braccio Sud-Est diventa ad un piano solo. Volendo creare una connessione con l’area dei campi sportivi, la corte si apre verso nord-ovest, lasciando solo il primo piano. La palestra viene schiacciata ed allargata così da permettere il percorso carrabile a doppio senso verso l’ingresso della scuola.
LeLecoperture Lecoperture coperture sono sono sviluppate sviluppate tramite tramite lalatecnologia latecnologia tecnologia del del sono sviluppate tramite del tetto-giardino, tetto-giardino, ininmodo inmodo modo dadamitigare damitigare mitigare l’impatto l’impatto dell’edificio dell’edificio tetto-giardino, l’impatto dell’edificio sul contesto. contesto. SiSicreano Sicreano creano due due ambiti ambiti esterni, esterni, lalapiazza lapiazza piazza pubblipubblisulsul contesto. due ambiti esterni, pubblicacaacaaSud-Est a Sud-Est ininstretta instretta stretta relazione relazione con con i percorsi i percorsi ciclo-pedonaciclo-pedonaSud-Est relazione con i percorsi ciclo-pedonali,li,ed li,eduna eduna una corte corte pubblica pubblica che che ospita ospita i parcheggi i parcheggi e ei percorsi ei percorsi i percorsi corte pubblica che ospita i parcheggi carrabili. carrabili. carrabili. Le coperture sono sviluppate tramite la tecnologia del tetto-giardino, in modo da mitigare l’impatto dell’edificio sul contesto. Si creano due ambiti esterni, la piazza pubblica a Sud-Est in stretta relazione con i percorsi ciclo-pedonali, ed una corte pubblica che ospita i parcheggi e i percorsi carrabili.
7 1
6 3
1 Administration offices | 2 School canteen | 3 Classrooms | 4 Main hall & cafeteria | 5 Locker room & small gym | 6 Multifunctional gym | 7 Existing school
7 8
7 Classrooms & “widespread workshops corridors� | 8 Classrooms for extra time
The gym is designed to have the maximum flexibility. It has three different configurations : the first splits the large regular basket and volleyball field in two smaller ones. The second option has one large and regular basket and volleyball field and the telescopic seats open for the audience. The last configuration is for school plays and performances and has the retractable stage leveled up and more seats placed on the floor.
R E- US E o f th e fo r m er p owe r p lant o f Fi u mi ci n o , L azi o , I t a ly in collaboration with
Alvisi+Kirimoto & ARUP
Work: Schematic design
For this design competition, organized by the City of Fiumicino, we formed a working group with studio Alvisi-Kirimoto and Arup Chicago.
Type: Auditorium, Renovation Client: Town of Fiumicino Size: 19.350 m2 Location: Fiumicino, Italy Year: 2017 Budget : 6.000.000 â‚Ź Team : RAM Architects + Alvisi Kirimoto + Arup Chicago
TOOLS Revit / AutoCad / Photoshop
Having already had the opportunity to work on the existing building I started from a very strong base of analytical knowledge of the site and its problems. It was extremely educational to work on an auditorium and conference halls design with a very experienced company in this field such as Massimo Alvisi’s studio. The idea behind the building is that of a large central hall of about 900 places situated between two large glass walls. In the lower floor there are two halls with 108-seat rooms each, the foyer and a large bar, as well as various service areas. My colleagues and I have developed the technical drawings using the Revit platform, which allowed us to meet very short delivery deadlines and to have a more effective collaboration with ARUP studio. Apart from this, I was also involved in the production of renders and their post-production.
4 5
7 6
9 8
1 Entrance hall with info desk | 2 Cloackroom | 3 Technical room | 4 Public Toilets | 5 Bar Deposit | 6 Lounge bar and garden exit | 7 Conference rooms with 108 seats each | 8 Deposits for theatrical scenes with elevator | 9 Offices and workshops | 10 Toilets
11 Upper Hall | 12 Parterre with 448 seats | 13 Stage | 14 Quintets and elevator | 15 Dressing rooms | 16 Roof garden
1 Entrance hall with info desk | 2 Technical room | 3 Conference rooms | 4 Deposits for theatrical scenes with elevator | 5 Parterre | 6 Gallery | 7 Control room
1 4
6 7
1 Gallery | 2 Parterre | 3 Deposit for theatrical scenes | 4 Dressing rooms | 5 Offices and workshops | 6 Roof garden/ Terrace | 7 Lounge bar
AR C H I T E CT a t SC A - S tu d io Costa A rchite ct ure in collaboration with Ae7
Work: Schematic Design Detailed Design Tender Documents
I have worked at SCA - Studio Costa Architecture from November 2017 to April 2018. Studio Costa is an international company with headquarters in Rome and Dubai.
Type: Interior design for residencial buildings
I have partecipated in several projects where SCA collaborated with the US company Ae7. Our scope was to work on the interior design for luxury apartments in new residential buildings in Dubai.
Client: Meydan, Dubai Size: 19.350 m2 Location: Dubai, AEU Year: 2018 Budget: Unknow Team: Studio Costa Architecture
Renders by Ae7
I worked on executive design for SAFA B residential area. Then I moved on schematic and detailed design for C5 Reem residential Tower and the construction documents for the District One residential buildings. We were asked by Ae7 to work with Revit and our technical drawings were 100% Revit. I was also in charge of making issue reports and I worked with the company’s BIM manager to improve the BIM standards and guidelines. I was also in charge of the parametric families production for furniture and details.
STON E C IT Y co m petiti on fo r Gra nul a t i Z a n d ob bio H ea d qua rte r Zandobbio, Lombardia, Italy
Work: Schematic Design
For this competition, I was the group leader in a team of 3 collegues. I have worked on the concept, the 3D Revit model, and the production of 2D drawings and renderings.
Type: Office and gardens Client: Granulati Zandobbio Spa Size: 2.500 m2 Location: Zandobbio, Italy Year: 2017 Budget: 2.000.000 € Team: RAM Architects
The italian company, Granulati Zandobbio which produces stone floors and walls, was the organizer of the contest. It was asked to create a new building for the management, some offices and a big hall for events and exibitions. It was also asked to create a building that can remind the guests the identity and the mission of the company, or rather to transform the building itself in a message to the public, a landmark. Our first idea was to design a building that looks like a big rock floating on the water. We created an entrance hall that combined the vertical connection with the space for the events, transforming a classic stair in a monumental one, where guests can sit and watch the exibitions or the shows. This entire space has two main focus points, one that looks at the main square, and the other that looks at the old factory and at the existing so called “Stone Garden”, an exibition of all the products of the company.
TOOLS Revit / AutoCad / Illustrator / Photoshop / Lumion / SketchUp
MASTERPLAN +7.00m _ Second Floor Open space workplace Stairs and Lift / Toilets Conference Hall
+ 3.50m_ First Floor Hall Stairs and Lift / Toilets Conference Hall
+ 0.00 _ Ground Floor Hall / Monumental Stairs Stairs and Lift / Toilets Bar Janitor’s apartment
The building form follows two main construction lines. One comes from the main street access to the industry area, and the other follows the nearby highway. The highway is an important area for the project, because it is very useful for marketing and advertising of the company. So we used
that side of the building to put the name the company has decided for this project : “Stone City”. On that side we have also placed a high landmark with the name “Stone City” on it. By night, when the events usually happen, the building becomes a lightful stone cave.
GROUND FLOOR 1 Main hall for public events | 2 Monumental stair with seats | 3 Cafeteria | 4 MEP room | 5 Restorooms | 6 Janitor’s apartment
6 5
4 2
FIRST FLOOR 1 Upper hall | 2 Offices | 3 Restrooms | 4 Meeting room 2
3 1
SECOND FLOOR 1 Open space office | 2 Restrooms | 3 Chief’s office 3
1 2
Thank you for your consideration
Alessandro Sepe E-mail : Phone : +39 338 588 95 24 LinkedIn : AlessandroSepe Web : Skype : Alessandro-sepe