Thesis slide presentation

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Conscious innovation


The questionnaire

Comparison list General cases Finalists cases

3D Software 3D Parametric Creative profiles

Competition announcement Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition: A Parametric Analysis

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014


Conscious Innovation

The design artifact does not materialize until the fourth step, therefore a generative system is considered as a production system rather a representational construct. Moreover, the generative role of new digital techniques is accomplished through the designer’s simultaneous interpretation and manipulation of a computational construct. The capacity of digital, computational architectures to generate “new” designs is, therefore, highly dependent on the designer’s perceptual and cognitive abilities, as continuous, dynamic processes ground the emergent form Architecture in the digital age, Branko Kolarevic, Spon Press 2003 The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

02 Competition announcement




Approach concept design and view from public square.

to demonstrate that the proposal is compatible with the quality, the value and the significance of the historical urban structure at Etelasatama.

Concept Design to demonstrate that the architecture, immediate external space, exterior, and interior spaces are of the highest quality, expressing the goals of the program and responding to the site

Sustainability/Feasibility to demonstrate a response to the environmental priorities of the program, the lifecycle and the responsible use of materials; and also to demonstrate it is suited to the site climatic conditions, is practical within time and budget, and resolves the given site constraints with respect to road access and port operations.

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Master plan and public space/landscape solution (master plana t 1:200 scale and site plan st 1:500 scale), incuding traffic access and port interface. The design key drawings: plans, sections and elevations [1:200 scale]. To show circulation, program and key functional spaces. Architectural quality illustrated from four set external viewpoints and internal

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

03 Evaluation criteria looking at renders


The representaMon clearly raises the design quality. The material is properly shown and is in perfect relaMon with the structure. The image composiMon involves a large quanMty of elements that enrich the space. It is possible to completely understand the volumes’ placement even out of the picture. Some visual effects are added to make the project more appealing.


The image is clear and points out several building features. From the picture we can infer the surrounding space beyond the shown image. LighMng is totally related to the environment and there is a good affinity between outdoor and indoor spaces

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014



The image can be interpreted easily. It shows a possible picture of the building interiors or exteriors. Lighting is simple and it is related to shadows. The materials representation lacks control over basic parameters (reflection, refraction, transparency).

The image is not clear and it does not show the design process. The arrangement of spaces is not comprehensible and it is hard to read the design materials. The choice of the points of view is meaningless and the scene lighting is unreal.

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

04 Guggenheim Helsinki Design CompeMMon: A Parametric Analysis [STEP 1]

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita


Comparison EvaluaMon shi[


The project is clearly represented through all the boards. The structure is coherent with the iniMal concept. AestheMc components are represented properly and not making them the main part. The project involves all the direcMon given by the jury through the most plausible parametric approach. There are some clearances improving the structural project quality.

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014


The project is pre\y well represented through all the boards. There’s a principle of complementarity between renders and real drawings. A parametric approach is indifferent but at least there’s a weak relaMon between concept and final project. The project includes some jury direcMons.



The project can be interpreted easily but there are some structural lacks. Shapes seems to be created without any strong reason and there is a remote possibility of the use of parametric components. Aesthetic components seems to be more important than structural one.

The project is not well represented and there are many lack of information from a structural and aesthetic point of view. There are no relations between concept and development of the project. Parametric approach in all the likelihood is avoided voluntarily.

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

06 Comparison sample



ConstrucMon and environmental sustainability is achieved through a careful use of materials, considered in their whole lifecycle but, above all, it is inherent in the morphology of the building itself: the inner promenade is a flexible space, a buffer zone open to passively create environmental comfort for visitors and workers all over the year. There are essenMal benefits from the range of temperatures at different heights (levels). Thanks to the atrium “stack effect”, the temperature is ho\er on the height floors where permanent acMviMes are se\led The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

07 Finalists



Moring points are useful during the creaMve phase and give us the right sensaMon of proporMon between framentaMon and heights of the building. Probably in this project has not been used a parametric component in the realizaMon of the model. In all the likelihood we are looking at simple extrusion procedures and manual creaMon of oblique surfaces. Nonetheless the first model of the project seems to be simpler, being aware of the process behind it that is not probably parametric we can state that in building procedures paradoxically is easier to compose the second example case of mooring points. This previous assertaMon is based to the fact that in a parametric process shapes remains alterable unMl the end in every geometrical property.

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

08 Guggenheim Helsinki Design CompeMMon: A Parametric Analysis [STEP 2]

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita


The questionnaire 3D Software

3D Parametric Software

EffecMve uMlizaMon Typology Purpose Comparisons Influence in shape Quality

EffecMve uMlizaMon Contest Reason Influences Operators Comments

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

3D So[ware [%] 10

What is the main purpose of advanced tool utilization ? 10,5 a structural optimization

47,4 an aestheMc element


26,3 get building informaMon f rom the model

visualize ideas and make a choice to pursue a design process

73,7 make a realisMc representaMon that could make more plausible some soluMons of the project

According to you, a 3D modeling approach can match the level of knowledge of a project developed with a traditional architectural process based on 2D design and moquettes ? 31,6




According to you, how much a 3D modeling approach can influence preliminary composition phase ? 5,3 low

42,1 high

52,6 on average

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

3D Parametric so[ware [%] 11

Have you used during the planning phase a 3D plug-in parametric software ? 21,1 yes

78,9 no

If you used it, why you have decided to use a parametric approach ? 28,6 a structural element

28,6 Get building informaMon from the model


57,1 An aestheMc element

To control completely the model

57,1 to get a complex shape easily

If you have designed parametric component in your project, how much do you believe it has affected the concept phase of the project ? 14,3 high

28,6 low

57,1 on average

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

12 CreaMve profiles

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

13 Guggenheim Helsinki Design CompeMMon: A Parametric Analysis (epilogue)

Be aware of technologies purposes before to perceive the shape

Create a technological component able to bring an innovation


Collaboration is a value added to our analysis

The use of parametric software in the competition of the Guggenheim museum in Helsinki 2014

A strong research that connects shapes, material and purposes

Traditional methods worth like alternative ones

Solutions are infinites

Undergraduate thesis Politecnico di Milano A.Y. 14-15 Superintendent Professor Ingrid Paoletti Students: Alessio Grancini, Elia Iulita

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