The Alestle: Vol66, No. 7

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Volume 66, No. 7

Rep. Rodney Davis campaigns for re-election !


On Monday, Rep. Rodney Davis of Taylorville, R-Ill., announced his decision to run for reelection to the United States House of Representatives.

Cleveland-Heath was chosen as Edwardsville’s venue for the representative to make his announcement. With nearly 30 people crammed into the restaurant, Davis made his intention for re-election official in Edwardsville. Davis said his decision to run

We must put our fiscal debt in order, not just for us, but for our future ... ! !"

Davis is currently serving in the 113th Congress as a representative for the 13th District of Illinois. He will again be running for the House of Representatives in the 13th District, which stretches across the central portion of Illinois and includes Urbana, Springfield, Litchfield, Decatur and Edwardsville. The election will take place in November 2014 and will be for the seat designated to the 13th District of Illinois in the 114th Congress. Davis stopped in several cities on Monday to make the announcement, including Champaign, Bloomington, Decatur, Springfield and Edwardsville.





again for Congress was heavily influenced by his overall desire to protect the families of the 13th District from some of the major problems that Washington, D.C. is avoiding. Using the protection of families as a pretense for his objectives, Davis elaborated briefly on several issues facing Washington, D.C. today. “We must put our fiscal debt in order, not just for us, but for our future, our children and our grandchildren,” Davis said. Davis made his stance on health care extremely clear during the announcement. He wants to keep

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| pg. 2

OutlinesOutloud app helps students study !


OutlinesOutloud is an app that converts study outlines students create into spoken audio. It syncs outlines and other study documents from a user’s computer to their iPhone or iPad and gives them control over the playback, allowing users to jump forward and back, as well as skip sections. Freshman nursing major Jordan Nijim, of Paxton, said this app is perfect for her challenging classes. “Nursing is a lot of reading and repetition, and I easily get bored of just staring at a book for hours,” Nijim said. “This app keeps my interest a lot longer, and I don’t take as many study breaks.” An OutlinesOutloud spokesperson said this app promotes easier studying and potentially faster learning and lets the user study anywhere, anytime, without lugging around notes, books or even a laptop. Freshman nursing major Mel Escamilla, of Chicago, said this app is ideal

for his learning style. “I learn better not from seeing or reading things, but by hearing them out loud,” Escamilla said. The spokesperson said creating the outline will increase retention and reviewing the outline several times afterward will increase retention even more. The spokesperson also said the app offers a new and efficient learning pathway that many find more helpful than simply reviewing the outline visually. To get an outline on the app, users create the outline on their computers, save the finished outline into a Dropbox folder or drag it into iTunes. It will then appear on the iPhone after syncing. A downside, however, is that the app does not allow editing from the app itself. The user must edit the outline on their computer and sync it to his or her device again. Junior engineering major Mike Karen, of St. Louis, said another downside is that the app is only tailored to auditory listeners.

“This type of learning style is not effective to me,” Karen said. “I’m a visual learner, so if the app did something to the font of my notes or made it more interactive, I would probably get it.” The price is also a deterrent to some college students. Sophomore mass communications major Alex Johnson, of Kankakee, said the $4.99 price tag for OutlinesOutloud is much too expensive for him. “I don’t pay for apps, and this doesn’t seem worth the money if all it does is read to you,” Johnson said. Nijim, however, said that extra money is worth the ease of use that the app provides. “I use this app to study on the way to class on my phone,” Nijim said. “It’s the perfect refresher right before a big test.” # !$ # !$ ! " # # !$



2 // The Alestle

Thursday, September 26, 2013 DAVIS | from pg.1

Obamacare from being implemented into law, describing it as “a train wreck.” Last week, he voted to defund the program in Congress, which he noted in his address. Davis also mentioned constituency service as being a very important part of the job for him. Many people only come to congressmen as a last resort for solutions to their problems, and Davis prides himself and his staff on being able to work with constituents to find solutions to whatever problems they may have. The congressman has received the full support from Michael McCormick, the mayor of Godfrey, is his re-election campaign. “Congressman Davis is a great representative and we need to get him back to Washington,” McCormick said. There were some at the announcement, however, who were not impressed with Davis. Diana

Lee, a retired schoolteacher and resident of Edwardsville, said she felt underwhelmed after hearing the congressman speak. “He’s been in Congress for a year, and his only major contribution is the bridge name [referring to Davis’s only piece of legislation, which named the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge],” Lee said, “and he compromised on even that, so it seems a bit inconsistent on his part.” Davis faces primary opposition from Urbana attorney and former Miss America winner Erika Harold. He also faces competition from three Democratic candidates: social policy analyst David Green, physicist George Gollinand and retired judge Ann Callis. This congressional race is anticipated to be one of the most closely watched and contested in the elections taking place during November 2014. Jordan Saner can be reached at or 650-3530.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Alestle // 3

Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist to give lecture at SIUE Thursday BEN OSTERMEIER

Alestle Opinion Editor

NASA astrophysicist and co-winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics John C. Mather will deliver a lecture titled “History of the Universe from the Beginning to End” Sept. 26 as part of Arts and Issues and the Department of Physics’ Shaw Lecture series.

NASA astrophysicist John Mather. | Photo courtesy of University Marketing and Communications.

Mather’s lecture in the Meridian Ballroom will explain the origins of the universe in the Big Bang, how the universe was able to produce a planet with sentient life and how that sentient life — humans — are now discovering the universe’s history. There will be a question and answer session after the lecture. According to physics professor and event organizer Jeffrey Sabby, Mather will discuss his work as Project Scientist on NASA’s Cosmic Background Explorer, COBE, satellite during the 1990s and currently as Senior Project Scientist on the project developing the James Webb Space Telescope. He will also explain Edwin Hubble’s discovery of the universe’s expansion and Einstein’s biggest mistake. Mather and George Smoot were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work with COBE. According to a Nobel Prize publication, “Information for the Public: From Unexpected Noise to Precision Science,” Mather and Smoot’s work gave further evidence for the Big Bang theory and ex-

plained the structure of the universe. Mather will discuss NASA’s planned successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope. This telescope, far larger and technically advanced than the Hubble telescope, will be able to see farther and further back into the universe’s past in greater resolution. This will allow scientists to study the birth of planets and galaxies and to possibly find extraterrestrial life. According to Sabby, Mather gave a technical talk Wednesday for physics and engineering faculty from SIUE and surrounding universities, as well as interested students. This talk was a more advanced discussion on Mather’s work. Mather’s lecture will be 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26. Check the Arts and Issues website for ticket information or call the box office at 6505774. Ben Ostermeier can be reached at or 650-3527.

9-16-13 An officer responded to a subject regarding a stolen phone from the restroom in the Morris University Center. An officer responded to a report of stolen books. The subject left his bookbag at the Engineering Building during the weekend. His bookbag was empty when he found it. An officer issued a citation for Grant R. Holt for speeding 60 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. The offense occurred on South University Drive at Stadium Drive. An officer checked on a vehicle parked in Bluff Hall Parking Lot occupied by four subjects. A suspicious odor was coming from the vehicle and probable cause to search was performed. A trace of marijuana was found and all subjects were warned about using marijuana on campus. 9-17-13 An officer issued a citation to Candace M. McCord for speeding 59 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. The offense occurred on South University Drive at Stadium Drive.

An officer issued a citation to Sami M. Jabaji for speeding 40 mph in a 25 mph speed zone. The offense occurred on Northwest Entrance Road at Lot 11. An officer responded to Cougar Village regarding an active fire alarm. The alarm was activated due to a hair dryer. No fire, smoke or damage found. 9-18-13 An officer responded to Cougar Village regarding an active fire alarm. The alarm was activated due to the shower. No fire, smoke or damage found. An officer responded to a report of a vehicle owner’s passenger side window that was broken and an iPhone taken while parked at Korte Stadium. 9-19-13 An officer met with a student at the Student Fitness Center that had all of his personal belongings taken except for his shoes. An officer met with a student reporting his cell phone stolen from the Science Building Labs.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013


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The Alestle // 5


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In defense of the corporate executive Executives receive high pay for hard work, liability People say the average student deserves more money than a corporate executive because students work harder. Recently, a student who works as a server made the same claim to me.

Karen Martin Lifestyles editor His statement struck a nerve because I’ve seen executives in action at two of my former jobs. Not only do they work harder than the average student in a minimum wage position, they take on far more risk, which should result in a far greater reward. Hard work shouldn’t be exclusive to the physical nature of the job; the challenges, skills and responsibilities associated with the position are very much related to what defines hard work. The higher up a person moves in his or her career usually means a job will

be less physical and more mental. Of course students work hard, and this shouldn’t be overlooked. Students spend hours memorizing information only to regurgitate it for exams. On the side, most work one or more jobs, which tend to be laborious and exhausting. Sleep, sick days and free time are luxuries for students. However, the amount of hours per week a student spends working is probably equal to many corporate executives. During some semesters with a heavier load, a student may pack in a few more hours per week than an executive, but this could go the same way for an executive during a peak month. Executives still work harder and still deserve more money because they do what they do for more than four years and have earned their way up doing so. They aren’t responsible for knowing about a few subjects for a test, but are required to have significant knowledge of all

aspects of their company. Since corporate strategy changes on a regular basis, they must be up-tospeed on every change that happens. This knowledge base is required because people at the executive level are the strategists of the company. They make tough decisions in order to move the company and its employees in the best possible direction. The outcome of an executive’s work often impacts the public on a larger scale. That’s not to say minimum wage jobs are meaningless and don’t help anyone. It just means the results of executive decisions have a multiplying effect because the outcome of these decisions are distributed to employees and customers. This multiplier effect also means when they make a strategic mistake, it has heavier consequences than botching a restaurant order or doing poorly on an exam. These mistakes can

Navy Yard shooting resurfaces need for gun control Last week another national tragedy occurred at the Washington Navy Yard. Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 civilians and injured eight others. The attack at the Navy Yard has brought up the debate on gun control yet again.

Ben Levin Reporter On one side, there are the people who want all guns taken away from citizens. They argue that everyone would be safer if average Americans were not allowed to own guns. Opposing this side is a group that argues by taking away Americans’ guns, the government is infringing on the rights of American citizens. The Second Amendment clearly states that American citizens have the right to bear arms. But let’s think about what that really means.

The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791. Back in 1791, the guns were single-shot rifles or pistols and had to be loaded through a muzzle. Today, guns have large clips and can be fired at high speed. The Founding Fathers however had no idea how time and the increased propensity for violence would make this right so dangerous to the American people. With that being said, I understand why people might want a gun for self-protection. We live in a dangerous world with some insane people, and all should have the right to themselves from a mentally unstable person with a gun. I do not feel that it is necessary for people to own automatic or semi-automatic assault rifles for their protection, though. In the Sandy Hook and Navy Yard shootings, a Bushmaster .223 caliber rifle with a high capacity 30 round

magazine and a 12-gauge shotgun were used, respectively, to murder a large number of civilians. Guns like these should not be in the hands of any nonmilitary personnel. There is no reason that someone would need a semiautomatic weapon unless they were planning to slaughter a large number of targets, and there is absolutely no excuse that there are not extensive background checks done before giving someone a gun like this, or really any gun in general. The biggest problem in this entire gun debate is that not enough is being done. New laws have been passed, some for gun regulation and some decreasing gun regulation. The two opposing sides have been moving in opposite directions, yet something more needs to be done. All automatic assault rifles should be banned. No average person needs an assault rifle. All

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jeopardize the vision and profitability of the entire company. It could damage others further down the corporate ladder. If an executive is fired, he or she will have a harder time finding a new job than an average student. Their enormous salary is a potential safety net if things go belly-up. I realize that we live in tough times, and it doesn’t make it easier when imagining the executive in a skyscraper’s corner office, firing people while smoking a cigar. This is an image created by the media and probably “The Apprentice”. The reality is, most people will never know what they go through in order to keep their office, but the beauty of this country is, every driven person has a chance to break their class and find out by reaching an executive level.

Are corporate executives overpaid? Answer our poll at!

guns should have clips no larger than 10 rounds. If the argument to keep guns is that they are used for safety, 10 rounds seems like a reasonable number of bullets. Thorough background checks must be made on anyone attempting to buy a gun to ensure that he or she is mentally stable and does not have a criminal record. Nine months ago, 20 children were killed in Newtown by a gunman using a gun no civilian should be able to get their hands on. Just last week, 12 more people were killed at the Washington Navy Yard. In between, there have been hundreds more killed, not just in large massacres, but also in single-death shootings. We have a problem in this country, and that problem is a lack of gun control.


6 // The Alestle

Questions or comments regarding this section? Contact the Lifestyles Editor at 650-3531 or

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Arrive in style for SIUE’s Red carpet Homecoming Dance SIUE’s Red Carpet Homecoming Dance is coming up, and there is still enough time to prepare a head-to-toe celebrity look. Local stylists and boutique owners have kept a sharp eye on what

has been trending this year and have some tips on completing a style that fits the budget and gives anyone that flawless appearance. The dance will be at 9 p.m. Oct. 4 in the Student Fitness Center.

Hair Stick to braids and soft curls this year. Hairstylist Ellen Devine of Hendrickson Salon in Glen Carbon suggests looking up hairstyle ideas on Pinterest, but also advises to take these ideas to the next level to stay unique. “A lot of my clients don’t want to have the same hairstyle as someone else, so I always try to give someone something different,” Devine said. “It’s just trying to push the limits and see where I can go with it.” Student Body President Alexa Hillery advised not to go too formal with a hair-

style. If a hairdresser does not fit the budget, a friend could do the work. “I would have your friends do your hair. Maybe curl it or tease it or something like that,” Hillery said. “Or have a friend do a cute updo.” There are plenty of tutorials available on YouTube that teach how to style easy and chic looks with what is available at home.

Accessories Shoes and accessories can be an important addition that tie a whole look together, especially with a simpler dress. Jenny Schulte, owner of Girls Night Out in Fairview Heights, said to pull out the dress’ features when selecting accessories. “Sometimes with a simpler dress, like a black or silver, white or nude, you can throw a pop of color and that [can] be your accessory. Do a red shoe, red lipstick,


red flower or red jewelry,” Schulte said. When looking for something cheap, Glitter at St. Clair Square in Fairview Heights has hair accessories, earrings, necklaces and rings, all for a very low price. If color is more important, Charming Charlie at West County Center in Des Peres, Mo., sells a large inventory of fashion accessories, and the whole store is arranged by color. The only catch is the 45 minute drive from campus.

Pimples, pockmarks and redness are a concern for some students, especially on a night with an abundance of picture-taking. Airbrushing is the best weapon to ensure all flaws are kept unseen. Stylist Tiffany Michael of Hendrickson Salon said airbrush makeup will stay on a lot longer and not only hide acne, but also tattoos. “You can achieve

very soft, subtle looks like that porcelain skin, even if you have a lot of blemishes on your face, or you can be very, very dramatic with it,” Michael said. There are plenty of online DIY makeup tips to achieve a natural look without using airbrushing effects. Wikihow has a step-by-step article with pictures that show some makeup application techniques nobody should skip.

Dress For SIUE’s Red Carpet Homecoming Dance, Hillery said a stylish cocktail dress would be appropriate to wear. “I would probably go with ruching, maybe. Just something you would wear if you’re going to wear a dress on a weekend and go out to a party,” Hillery said. The ruching style is not the only trend this year. Schulte said beads, sequins and dresses with interesting backs are a must for homecoming, and the best designers are Tony Bowls, Jovani,

and Sherri Hill. Looking stunning while trying to flatter any body type can be a challenge. Schulte said an empire waist or chiffon fabric is another way to help balance a girl’s shape. “Anyone that wants to hide something, [empire waists] are usually good because it cinches them up at the narrowest part of the body, usually at the waist or higher. And the chiffons are usually the most flattering material,” Schulte said. Girls who do not want to be too fancy can always play it safe and still have a chic red carpet look. “Just find a dress that fits really good and shows off the assets she really wants to work,” Schulte said.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Alestle // 7

Lead school spirit: Tailgate tips Homecoming is the perfect opportunity for SIUE students to dress up in silly getups and not be questioned for their fashion choices.

Body paint safety tips Take the proper precautions to protect your clothes, or wear clothes that you don’t mind ruining, especially when using oilbased paint. This can be as simple as placing a towel over the areas you do not wish to get paint on. Choosing a type of paint is up to you. In some areas, it’s OK to use your fingers to apply the paint, especially when painting your entire body. When planning to paint your face, you may want to invest in some makeup brushes or sponges to help. Store associateJosh Miller, of Gibbol’s Novelties and Costume in La-

clede’s Landing, said you should do a skin test as a precaution. “Twenty-four hours in advance, put [the paint] on the inside of your elbow or behind your earlobe on the neck area and see if you develop a rash,” Miller said. Even if you think your skin can handle it, the toughest skin tends to break out after coming in contact with certain types of paints. Be sure to grab a product that states on its package that it is non-allergenic or made for sensitive skin. Wash the paint off as soon as you can to prevent any irritation.

| Photo illustration by Brian Armea


Supplies It’s not mandatory, but displaying your school allegiance is an important part of any tailgate party. If you do not have anything SIUE-specific handy, anything red, black, white or a combination of the three will do. While catching up with friends can make for a fun tailgate party, a little extra

entertainment can really liven up your pregame festivities. Having a stereo for music is one way to add to the experience. Kicking a soccer ball around the parking lot is also a great way to prepare for the game. Other games that are easy to play and simple to set up include bag toss and washers.

Junior mass communications major Nathan Pierce, of Athens, said you should arrive early to take advantage of all the tailgating events. “Cross the field to the big hill and a bunch of Greek life and other organizations have a tailgate and there’s usually a small dance party or DJ after the game,” Pierce said.

| Photo illustration by Brian Armea

Plan ahead and check out the different parking areas around Korte Stadium. If you’re traveling with multiple cars, make sure everyone arrives at the same time. A parking services employee said there will be open parking starting at 4:30 p.m. on Friday until 8 a.m. on Monday.


Questions or comments regarding this section? Contact the Sports Editor at 650-3524 or

The Alestle // 8

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Men’s soccer .77396. !8'8+ :'27:.00+ 6'*0+= +286'0 3=30' 6'/+


Sept. 20 results +01328 +286'0 6/'27'7 :'27:.00+ " 6'*0+= +2:+6 " 6'/+ +; +<.)3 Sept. 21 results &':.+6 .77396. !8'8+ " % !3+ '659+88+ 3=30' Sept. 22 results 6'*0+= .6 36)+ :'27:.00+ '78+62 00.23.7 +286'0 6/'27'7 .47)31( Sept. 24 results .3)14)++% Schedule for Sept. 28 # '8 6'/+ !2 +286'0 6/'27'7 '8 !'.28 39.7 3=30' '8 '=832 Schedule for Sept. 29 .47)31( '8 .77396. !8'8+ Schedule for Oct. 1 6'/+ '8 %+78+62 00.23.7 980+6 '8 :'27:.00+ Schedule for Oct. 2 6'*0+= '8 368-;+78+62 + '90 '8 3=30' 0%1(,!- $%&%-$%0 -$0%5 %-$!++ 1%!1.-

Women’s soccer 978.2 +'= ')/732:.00+ !8'8+ 966'= !8'8+ +01328 #" '68.2 "+22+77++ "+)!398-+'78 .77396. 36+-+'* !8'8+ '78+62 +289)/= '78+62 00.23.7 Sept. 20 results 6'/+ '78+62 00.23.7 :'27:.00+ '78+62 +289)/= %+78+62 +289)/= +01328 !12%0- !1()-'2.-'88'233,' "+22+77++ "+)#" '68.2 !'.28 39.7 '< !8'8+ 0'('1' !8'8+ Sept. 22 results "+22+77++ "+)'78 "+22 !8 .+.0!$. 2!2% 36+-+'* !8 44'0')-.'2 !8 6/'27'7 !8'8+ 966'= !8'8+ $'04'6'.73 '78+62 00.23.7 +36,.' !8'8+ '< !8'8+ Schedule for Sept. 27 !398-+'78 .77396. '8 966'= !8'8+ '78+62 00.23.7 '8 +01328 #" '68.2 '8 978.2 +'= %--%11%% %#( !2 '78+62 +289)/= '8 '< !8'8+ Schedule for Sept. 29 "+22+77++ "+)- '8 '78+62 00.23.7 #" '68.2 '8 966'= !8'8+ +289)/= '8 0'('1' 36+-+'* !8'8+ '8 '< !8'8+ %+,.-2 !2 !398-+'78 .77396. '8 978.2 +'=

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Men’s soccer loses fourth in last five games Cougars 4-4 after losses to DePaul and No. 18 Louisville After starting 3-0, the SIUE men’s soccer team has lost four of its last five matches, the last three of which have been on the road. The Cougars’ last two losses were Saturday at DePaul and Tuesday at No. 18 Louisville. SIUE lost 2-0 Saturday and 1-0 Tuesday. On Tuesday, The Cougars (4-4 overall), had eight shots in their second straight loss, but none were on goal. Louisville (5-2 overall) had 11 shots, with two on goal. The winning goal was scored in the 65th minute. Junior forward Christian Volesky led the team with seven shots. Junior midfielder Matt

Polster had SIUE’s only other shot. On Saturday, despite outshooting the Blue Demons by a 9-8 margin, DePaul picked up the win by scoring two quick goals in quick succession during the first half of Saturday’s match. Despite the losses, Head Coach Kevin Kalish is still confident his team has what it takes to put together a successful season. “It’s going to take longer than we want to play at that high level, but we are going to get there,” Kalish said. SIUE, which started the season on a three-game win streak, has only scored one goal total while allowing two goals in each of its losses. In the team’s

Cougars’ season so far 3' !# !'28'

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wins this season, the Cougars have only allowed one goal. Volesky said the difference between a win and a loss can

out there and take a loss, but we aren’t going to change our game plan. We still have to be able to go out there with a high-level of

It’s going to take longer than we want to play at that high level, but we are going to get there. +:.2 '0.7-


come down to staying focused. “We didn’t have the focus or the energy coming into the game with DePaul,” Volesky said. “I think that has been our problem in the losses. We have to be able to come out ready every game for the whole game.” While the Cougars were unable to score, six of the team’s nine shots were on goal, forcing the DePaul goalkeepers to make six saves. DePaul was also forced to defend seven corner kicks during the match but was able to successfully keep SIUE’s offense from converting. On the defensive side, SIUE allowed goals in both the 27th and 28th minutes but senior goalkeeper John Berner and the Cougar defense kept DePaul out of the goal for the rest of the match. “It is hard anytime you go

energy,” Berner said. Moving forward, SIUE will continue to play tough matches. Next up for the team is a match against Louisville, a team that is ranked No. 22 in the nation. With tough opponents coming up on the schedule both on the road and at home, players will look to get the team back to its winning ways. “You see a lot of teams take early losses, but we can still pull it together,” Volesky said. “When we are able to find our rhythm, we are going to be a very tough team to beat.” SIUE returns to Edwardsville for the first of two straight at Korte Stadium for a match at 7 p.m. Saturday against UIC. !


Thursday, September 26, 2013

9 // The Alestle

Women’s soccer 6-1-2 in North Dakota, set to begin Ohio Valley Conference play BEN LEVIN

Alestle Reporter

Senior midfielder Sarah Doggendorf passes the ball. The Cougars are now 6-1-2, and have the best non-conference record in the Ohio Valley Conference. The conference schedule starts Friday, when SIUE takes on Tennessee Tech.

| Photo by Brian Armea/Alestle

After three weeks at Korte Stadium, the SIUE women’s soccer team traveled to North Dakota, where it won one match and drew another. Coach Derek Burton said he was pleased with the team’s results, considering the long trip to North Dakota, but would have liked to get a victory on Sunday. “It was good to see us get out of our comfort zone,” Burton said. “We have been at home for three straight weeks. We didn’t do a bad job dealing with the travel, but we didn’t get the result we wanted on Sunday. We had the opportunities to win that game.” On Friday, the Cougars earned a victory in the second overtime period over Eastern Washington. In the first half, the Cougars took seven shots to Eastern Washington’s two, but it was Eastern Washington that scored first in the 33rd minute. The Cougars went into halftime down 1-0. It was not until late in the 70th minute that the Cougars got their first goal of the game off the foot of graduate student midfielder Tory Pitts. Senior midfielder

Chelsea Smith assisted Pitts on the goal. The game remained 1-1 after 90 minutes and the teams went to overtime. In the first overtime, the Cougars did not get a shot off, while Eastern Washington took two. Neither of the shots led to a goal, so the teams headed to a second 10-minute overtime period. In the 101st minute of the game, freshman forward Kayla Delgado took a shot from 10 yards out that found the back of the net, giving the Cougars the victory. Assisting on Delgado’s sixth goal of the year was senior midfielder Sarah Doggendorf. Delgado said she took the shot knowing the game was getting late and the team might not have any other chances. “We were running out of time, and I saw a chance to take a shot,” Delgado said. “It might have been a little farther out and it was with my weak foot. I just thought, ‘What the heck, I’ll try it.’ The worst thing that could’ve happened was that I would miss.” On Sunday, the Cougars played against Colorado State for 110 minutes, but neither team could find a goal. The Cougars took 18 shots in the game.

Sophomore goalkeeper Jennifer Pelley had three saves in the game, her fifth shutout of the year. Burton said he was happy the team got the shutout, but said the team was disappointed they could not get the victory. “We had four or five golden opportunities to score, both in regulation and in overtime,” Burton said. “Since that game was our last game of the trip, it was a little disappointing, but it was also nice to leave with another shutout.” The Cougars start conference play this weekend at home against Tennessee Tech. Burton said the team has high expectations for themselves within the conference. “First and foremost, our goal is to win the conference regular season,” Burton said. “I think that is something the girls really want this year. Beyond that, it is to win the conference tournament. Obviously you have to do one before you do the other, so our goal right now is to win the conference regular season.” The Cougars play Tennessee Tech at 7 p.m. Friday at Korte Stadium. Ben Levin can be reached at or 650-3524.

The Alestle // 10

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Men’s tennis successful at SIUE Fall Invitational Cougars finish fall season at ITA Championship in October before continuing season in January EVAN MEYERS Alestle Reporter

Sophomore Nico Kuhn Sophomore, of Berlin, prepares to return the ball. | Photo by Christian Lee

Playing in the SIUE Fall Invitational last weekend, the men’s tennis team had the opportunity to see some highquality opponents, including Ohio Valley Conference foe Eastern Illinois. SIUE picked up victories in both the No. 2 singles flight and No. 2 doubles flight in the tournament, as well as picking up some experience for the upcoming spring season. Head Coach Jason Coomer said the weekend was a good opportunity to see what level his team was playing at in the early season. “Overall, this weekend opened up our eyes to where we are as a team, both what we are doing well and what we may need to work on,” Coomer said. To highlight the weekend, the Cougars had a good performance from sophomore Jacob Perkins. Perkins went 3-1 in his matches as he secured the victory in the No. 2 flight. Also

successful this weekend was the pairing of freshman Matthew Hutchinson and sophomore Patrick Gaffigan, who picked up three wins without taking a loss. Gaffigan said it was the first time the two had been paired and both players came ready to play. “I enjoy switching up doubles partners. Everyone has their own playing style and the fall season gives us a chance to see what works well together,” Gaffigan said. The Cougars finished with 12 singles victories and six doubles victories during the weekend. Coomer said he was pleased with the weekend performance. “They were working hard, and they want to continue to build off the success they have had in previous seasons,” Coomer said. The fall season is short for the tennis team, with only one more tournament before taking a break until January. Senior Jacob Tanulanond said even with the short season, the Cougars are trying to make the most of

playing quality opponents early on in their schedule. “We are really happy to go out there and have the to perform,” opportunity Tanulanond said. “Getting a chance to see a conference opponent is good for us. We know they will have improved by the time we see them in the spring, but we will have gotten better as well.” With the tournament finished, Coomer said he is pleased, but wants his team to realize they have a lot of tennis left this school year. “We played well but we don’t want to get too excited in our wins, and we don’t want to get too down on ourselves in the losses,” Coomer said. The Cougars will play next at Intercollegiate Tennis the Association’s Central Regional Championship. The tournament will take place Oct. 17-20 in Tulsa, Okla. Evan Meyers can be reached at or 6503524. Follow @ronninixx.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

11 // The Alestle

No-hitter just out of Wacha’s reach RICK HUMMEL

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Nearly 30 years ago to the day, Sept. 26, 1983, Cardinals righthander Bob Forsch no-hit a Montreal Expos club that had been eliminated from the division race earlier in the day. That had been the last no-hitter thrown in St. Louis. On Tuesday night, at a Busch Stadium once removed from Forsch’s venue, righthanded rookie Michael Wacha nearly duplicated Forsch’s feat against the Washington Nationals. They are the successors to the Expos, who had been eliminated from playoff contention the night before. Wacha, the Cardinals’ top draft pick in 2012, no-hit the Nationals for 8 2/3 innings before Ryan Zimmerman beat out an infield single that tipped off the glove of the 6-foot-6 Wacha and went to shortstop Pete Kozma, who made a barehand grab and hurried a throw to first. The throw sailed slightly up the line, and a swipe tag by Matt Adams missed by inches as Zimmerman correctly was called safe by umpire Jeff Kellogg in front of a Cardinals bench where the players were ready to leap over the railing to congratulate Wacha. The play was ruled a hit by scorer Mike Smith, and that decision drew no criticism. With Wacha having thrown 112 pitches in his ninth majorleague start, manager Mike

Matheny elected to pull him for fellow rookie Trevor Rosenthal, who got the final out for his second save. Adams smothered a hard grounder by Jayson Werth to ensure a 2-0 victory that cut the Cardinals’ magic number for clinching the National League Central Division title to three over the Pittsburgh Pirates, who stand alone in second place, two games behind the Cardinals. “Man, that was some kind of fun to watch,” said Matheny. “That was something that not many people get to witness from a veteran, let alone a young pitcher.” With two out in the eighth, left fielder Shane Robinson, playing with Matt Holliday shelved with back spasms, motored across the new turf in left field and into the corner to snag Anthony Rendon’s drive. That was the hardest chance until the ninth. A paid crowd of 38,940 stood and roared as Wacha took the mound for the ninth. First up was pinch hitter Steve Lombardozzi, who grounded into the shortstop hole where strong-armed Kozma made a backhand grab and true throw to first. Next was Denard Span, who had drawn the ire of the crowd when he tried to bunt for a hit in the sixth, with the ball rolling foul. Span was called out on strikes on a 3-2 changeup. But the dream died when Zimmerman hit a tapper over the

mound. If Wacha had been 6foot-7 instead of 6-6, he might have made the play. “Who knows?” said Wacha. “He put the perfect spin on it.” Adams said, “I was doing everything I could to try to nick [Zimmerman]. Then, smiling, he said, “I should have tried to trip him.” The 22-year-old Wacha (4-1) fanned nine and allowed just two walks, both on full-count pitches, to Zimmerman in the seventh and Adam LaRoche in the eighth. But LaRoche’s walk was swallowed up when Wacha, after a visit from catcher Yadier Molina, induced Wilson Ramos to ground into a double play started by Kozma. The only other baserunner to reach was LaRoche on an error by second baseman Matt Carpenter, who booted a grounder with two out in the fifth. Matheny was in the dugout the last time a St. Louis pitcher threw a no-hitter. Lefthanded rookie Bud Smith, who didn’t throw nearly as hard as Wacha, no-hit San Diego, 4-0, on Sept. 4, 2001 in San Diego as Matheny watched backup catcher Eli Marrero handle Smith. Wacha praised his catcher, as the Cardinals’ rookie pitchers, and veterans, customarily do. “Yadi was able to keep them off-balance and I was able to hit the glove most of the night,” said Wacha. “It ended up being a pretty special night. “The defense was playing great behind me. That was the

only reason I was able to go that long. Shane Robinson was making plays. Everyone in the infield was making plays. It was just an unbelievable night.” Retiring Nationals manager Davey Johnson, like Wacha a Texas A&M product, said, “I’ll tell you, that made Texas A&M proud. I thought he pitched a heck of a ballgame. And if he hadn’t gone after that ball off Zimm, it’s probably a no-no, because it would have been right to the shortstop otherwise.” Johnson had seen Wacha pitch on television and said, “I was thinking command was an issue. It certainly wasn’t an issue today. He’s proven that he belongs here. They’ve got a good pitcher.” Wacha did not act as if he felt bad about missing the no-hitter. And, given that he had pitched the Cardinals closer to the division title, he really didn’t need to. He admitted his initial reaction was that he was “stunned” after the first hit. But he said, “You can’t hate on Pete or hate on me or anything. He made a heck of an effort on it. I guess tonight it wasn’t meant to be. “The whole goal was just to get a win for the ballclub and stay in first place. It would have been nice to throw a no-hitter, but it’s all good.” Zimmerman joked, “I was using my blazing speed trying to get there as fast as I can. Baseball is weird. We hit balls on the

screws all night, and that’s the swing and that’s the hit that breaks it up.” Zimmerman marveled at Wacha’s ability to use his changeup while still throwing that hard. “To throw four, five changeups in a row when you throw 95, 97, that’s not something that I expected,” said Zimmerman, who said he wanted to go after a first-pitch fastball in the ninth so that Wacha could not go to his changeup. As he awaited his at-bat, Zimmerman said, “It was like a big-time playoff atmosphere, which is what we like to play in.” Wacha said he was aware he had no-hitter from the first inning on. Though he didn’t quite achieve it, he did receive an ice afterward from his bath teammates. “It was cold,” said Wacha. “But it was a good cold.” Pitching coach Derek Lilliquist said he and Matheny had discussed all the circumstances involved in either letting Wacha stay in the game or pulling him. The decision was that if there was a hit in the last inning, Wacha would be pulled, no matter what type of hit. For someone so talented, it seems hard to believe that Wacha never had thrown a no-hitter. “I mean, they’re not that easy to throw,” he said. Read more from Rick Hummel and the Post-Dispatch about Wacha’s big night online at

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