Tianqi wang's portfolio(lr)

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Taiyuan Xian




Actarit Doo Cards

B.A. From Jiangnan University, P. R. CHINA MArch Graduate Architectural Design The Bartlett, UCL


Sorley Iletsk






Tel: +86 15254454836 E-mail: alex.wang.197@gmail.com


Other Works Brest

Xian Taiyuan

High-rise Building Design

from Braid Team


Under Graduate Works

19 - 28

01 - 10

Urban Public Space Design

Art Gallery Conceptual Design

Square On The Ruins "The Exit"

Paranet Project

Post Graduate Works

29 - 32

Boundry & Fusion

Interaction Design

33 - 34

35 - 38


Research And Drawing Of Ancint Temple

Audio Plants

Tianhou Temple

CONTENTS 11 - 18

The Bartlett School of Architecture MArch Graduate Architectural Design Research Cluster 01


A research-thesis projects are usually complex multi- disciplinary subject that seldom due the efforts of the team alone. Firstly, we would like to thank The Bartlett School of Architecture, for providing us the opportunity and facilities to carry out our research. We would like to deeply thank the program director and our tutor Alisa Andrasek, for constantly supporting and guiding us through the project. Without her insight the project wouldn’t have been possible. We are grateful for course tutors Maj Plemenitas and Technical Daghan Cam for carrying us through the

PARANET BRAID is a research team in The Bartlett School of Architecture, MArch GAD program. The individuals that make up the group are Mo Wang, Shengchen Yang, and Tianqi Wang.

conceptual and technical difficulties. In addition, we extend our sincere appreciation to Denis Vlieghe for helping us to develop Ardruino robots. To Tsinghua University for hold the wonderful and productive workshop. To all the workshop member, Tianhao Lo, Hang Li, Hang Zheng, Ke Liang, Kuiwei Gan for being supportive to assemble the robot and developing the project further. To our family and our own country. A big thank you to all of those we might have missed out. It wasn't a conscious effort to do so. Mo Wang, Shengchen Yang, and Tianqi Wang.

project: PARANET team: PARANET Mo Wang, Shengchen Yang, and Tianqi Wang. Tutor: Alisa Andrasek / Daghan Cam / Maj Plemenitas



BRAID - Chapter 3 Prototyping Braid Set Up

BRAID - Chapter 3 Prototyping Braid Set Up

INITIAL RESEARCH Inspired by logic of generating

Inspriation And Analysis

spider silk and industrial braiding ropes, the concept is manipulating

The logic is extremely similar between spider silk’s generating

industrial weaving by using 3D navigation logic to created

and industrial braiding ropes, this idea can be transform into different

dynamic 3 dimensional weaving fabric and structures.'Learn how

scale, as potential as building blocks to build architecture or structures. We start to study the concept of industrial braid ropes in order to create structural stability of the spacing filling strands. The concept of braiding can create very high resolution intricacy fabric and also

natural complex system can be used to help us create our complex designs.' (Complexity Ceilings) So, we looked into the generation of spider silk and found that this logic is extremely similar to the logic of braiding industrially ropes. But, instead of numerable spins, thousands of ‘spinnerets’ create silk out of protein and braid them

high quality structure performance. The interlock logic give us a way to organize individual material into a structure integrity fabric.

together. In this way, individual silk thread braid into groups, groups braid into clusters, and clusters braid into component, etc. The hierarchy of the braiding creating a decentralized and redundancy system make it more structural and more adaptive.

http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Spider_web_Teruel.jpg http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2010/mar/23/spiders-super-strong-silk-relies-on-its-crystals http://www.popularmechanics.co.za/sci-tech-news/a-spider-webs-strength-lies-in-more-than-its-silk/ http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/426834/view http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/spider/page2h.htm




BRAID - Chapter 3 Prototyping Braid Set Up

BRAID - Chapter 3 Prototyping Braid Set Up

Multi-agent system research We cannot build architecture like the way biology build organism. In order to materialize the ideas we need a system work as media, transfer the code and data into something buildable, like physical behaviors. So we look into multi-agent system. And these kind self-organize adaptive behaviours’ systems are already existed in nature. For example, flocks of birds, school of fishes, and swarm of termites, the shifting sand dunes, or even the economy systems. In these collective behaviour systems, each individuals like a bird, a fish, a termite, or a grain of sand behaves individually on their own. There is no designated controlling agent or command centre giving orders. But when individual forming a group, they start to acquiring swarming intelligence having global adaptive appearances, and appearing to be self-aware and autonomous. For example, flocking birds and fishes can avoid predators and response to environments as groups. With only a few individual position on the edge knowing the appearance of predators and reacting, most of the member never known if there is a predator. Same phenomenon with termites, without a blue print or plans, termites' society are still able to build their cave by working together. And these caves built by them turn out to be very efficiency in ventilation, structure and many other aspects to make the species adapt to their living environments. It is easy to notice that these cases show dynamic and adaptive structures which respond to specific performance criteria in different scenarios.

"By using advanced computer systems, intricate algorithms, and massive computations, designers are able to extend their thoughts into a once unknown and unimaginable world of complexity." (Algorithmic Complexity) So, we set up a model to simulate this situation, so that we don't need to design the route of each spins, which is also impossible. At this point, we introduced agents to represent spins, so that we can controls the movement of spin by writing algorithms to drive the behaviour of agents. We can view each individual behavioural agent which cooperates with other agents like swarming intelligence. We used each agent’s behaviour to simulate the movement of each spin which have a thread attached and then braided. And agents will also act responsively to other agents' data and environment. From learning agency system developed by Reynold's boid, agents are programmed bottomup, which means we design the behaviour of each agent and expecting global behaviour of the collective group. Self-organised structures can be regarded as a kind of computation performed by the interactions of physical particles or agents. Through simple interactions of alignment, cohesion and separation we can create basic self-organizing flocking behaviour. And by adding variable value of other basic behaviours to agents, in our case moving circle around with other, another layers of behaviour designed according to fabrication or material conditions, we are able to create the system help us making knot of thread to weave or braid the fabric. As what you can see from figure10 is different time frame of the agents when they are braiding. By parameterizing rhythmic interaction of the system and organizing different hierarchies of behaviours run though variable durations, many different expressions of collective behaviour of agents can be programmed.

High population agent systems increase the resolution of the fabric of architecture through local interaction and replication these systems generate a heterogeneous intricacy. The open nature of Processing enables agency to be encoded within diverse substrates. Consequently the notion of the agent can be expanded from a position or vector to consider the agency of a line, network, surface or component. This conceptual programming of matter encodes micro design decisions within a distributed population of agents that interact locally to give rise to a self-organized macro design intent. Such large scale/high population multi-agent systems provide resilient fabric that can eventually adapt and learn when connected to external inputs (such as weather data, programmatic inputs, fabrication and constructability constrains including material science). Redundancy and temporal rhythms (including parallel realities of computational time with its massive probabilistic iterations and poly-dimensionality), could be synchronized with the http://www.bioteams.com/2006/03/21/swarm_behavior_and.html


targeted agencies of the host conditions. -047-

BRAID - Chapter 3 Prototyping Braid Set Up

Simulation Logic

Mass Spring System

Computational Physics

Hooke's low & Spring force

In order to simulate the real physic in realty, we need to find a system perform like real thread and also

KEY WARDS: rigid joint, stretch formula:

have collide to simulate knots.

Fs = -kx



Fs = -k(x1- x2) Fs = -k(|x1 - x2| - L) vn+1 = vn + dtF/m


xn+1 = xn + dtvn+1


We use spring force and particles system to simulate strands, by arranging the particle linearly, and connect them with spring force, movement of one particle will add force to neighboring particles. The diagram shown different properties of stand creating by spring system by change K value.




k = 0.1



k = 0.2



Physical Collision k = 0.5

k = 1.0

k = 3.0









Braided Diagram This is the project using agency to create dynamic woven fabric. Not only surfaces, but also three dimensional organism tissue like architecture. Programming agents to control space configuration, quality and structure distribution and performance, simultaneously enjoying properties of living organic structure. Porosity, adhesion, structural integrity, and adaptation. Programmed agents control space configuration, quality and structure distribution and performance, simultaneously enjoying properties of living organic structure, porosity, adhesion, structural integrity, and adaptation. Rendering from inside of the column showing internal space and detail of adhesion. Even if thread was braid into clear cluster, a subconnection and adhesion could still be achieved to create integrity of whole structure. In micro views of the formation of the fabric, we can see the parallel and redundancy make it more adaptive and resilient. While, in a global point of view, woven structures also enjoy many efficient properties, which can be found in nature. The global structure performance of the braiding fabric is very like bones. The lattice and adhesion makes it efficiently lightweight and also able to withstand forces in many different directions. From the comparison diagram between figure15 (our braiding rendering) and figure17(cross section of birds' bone), you may see a great similar properties. Hollow, adhesions, and porosity, these are not just about form, it meets structural requirement, which give biological species adaptability.



BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

Data Matric And Agent Distribution We use a matrix to collect and store data and using agents to run though In our project, we chose a type of basic biological system-swarm behavior. Swarm intelligence has been applied in computational architecture design. It contributes to its emergent, decentralized and self-organized properties. It is typically made up of a population of simple agents interacting locally with

the matrix, certain behaviors will

heterogeneous adaptive distribution

be appear upon different data, in this method, agents was distributed across the field and differentiate the infill structure and space.

one another and with their environment. Agent is the minimal unit and lowest level in this kind of system, and always follows very simple rules. In our behavior, the fundamental rules are: cohesion, separation, alignment. With continues adjustment of parameters, we built up our own library of biological swarming to match our mathematical braiding.

Data Matrix from top to bottom, frame 20-1000 different color means different value of data. Agents have different behavior in different color. Red is space agents will avoid going though Yellow is the field agents will run parallel to create a regular patterning. White is the field agents will run freely by self-organizing behaviors. It will have different data weight and agents will compute locally and behavior with adaptive. With the adaptability of swarming, it can be used to interact with context and environment. Specifically, we created a data matrix to collect and accumulate various data. When swarming agents navigate in the data matrix, they can read the data and change behaviors according to the data.

High population agent systems increase the resolution of the fabric of architecture through local interaction and replication these systems generate a heterogeneous intricacy. The open nature of Processing enables agency to be encoded within diverse substrates. Consequently the notion of the agent can be expanded from a position or vector to consider the agency of a line, network, surface or component. This conceptual programming of matter encodes micro design decisions within a distributed population of agents that interact locally to give rise to a self-organized macro design intent. Such large scale/high population multi-agent systems provide resilient fabric that can eventually adapt and learn when connected to external inputs (such as weather data, programmatic inputs, fabrication and constructability constrains including material science). Redundancy and temporal rhythms (including parallel realities of computational time with its massive probabilistic iterations and poly-dimensionality), could be synchronized with the targeted agencies of the host conditions.



Braid Representation






Braiding set upB-Bot Robotic Fabrication B-BotRobotic Basic Behavior After setting up everything, finally B-BOT could have a behavior of their own, to it is ready to braid the structure. acquire swarming intelligence, Behavior-based robotic system need to be developed. It could

adapt to local environment and the system will be flexibility scalability and self organize, also can be controlled by feeding data. Instead running a predetermine paths simulated in computer. The robots could have behaviors of their own, and become real agent themselves. In order to achieve a self-organizing systems and swarming intelligence, Behavior-Based Robotic system need to be created, which have the ablity to adapt to local environments. It will be flexibility scalability and self organize, also can be controlled by feeding data. We believe that the mobile robots have a better application than just placing of bricks and system should be merged between human and machine, rather than using robotic duplicate human or the replacement for labour. Instead of design of the layout is already predefined and programmed for the drones. We can add sensors and program these mobile robots react to local environments. By giving them behaviours like agents in simulations, robots are programmed to be controlled by a computer code just like how we control agents in simulation, also the way they interact with the neighbouring agent to build up a structure. bricks and system should be merged between human and machine, rather than using robotic duplicate human or the replacement for labour. Instead of design of the layout is already predefined and programmed for the drones. We can add sensors and program these mobile robots react to local environments. By giving them behaviours like agents in simulations, robots are programmed to be controlled by a computer code just like how we control agents in simulation, also the way they interact with the neighbouring agent to build up a structure.



BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

MANUFACTURING ASSEMBLE Components preparation

BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

We got involved in a 9 days summer workshop with Tsinghua University in Beijing. Local human resource and goods supply really increase the efficiency of the assembling and lower the coat a lot. 9 days workshop was spend in Beijing with 5 students built robot from scratch. Including purchasing parts, laser cutting, assembling, adjustment, and many other processes. 30 mobile robots was made using local material and resources in Beijing to create multi-robotic swarming system to braid structures. With larger population of this robots, higher resolution fabric can be fabricated.

BRAID - Chapter 6 Furture Application

Laying out all the component and ready to put them together.

Half done robots Robots armyďźš 30 mobile robots was made using local material and resources in Beijing to create multirobotic swarming system to braid structures. With larger population of this robots, higher resolution fabric can be fabricated.



BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

B-Bot Version Update By shifting versions of B-BOT, we are shifting from prototyping to industrial. We use 3D printing techniques to test out our ideas and learn principles. Then, we looked into commercial products to increase the efficiency.

Bobbin development

Also we have been trying to find smaller component to make our robot smaller. Power supply development

Also we have been trying to find smaller component to make our robot smaller.

L298N motor drive development

Detecting ring


Electronic connecion


Sensors connection

Robot exploration


B-Bot Behaviors

The diagram shows the prototype of the braiding robots--B-BOT. Built in

BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

Alignment Behavior

with 7 infrared sensors and 3 light sensors, B-BOT has the ability to detect surrendering obstacles, other B-BOT, boundary condition and lightness of environments. In order to create knots, we programmed the robots to move circling around each other as basic fabrication behaviour.

The B-BOT is a hybrid with mechanical system and biological system to some degree. Motor system and the bobbin are traditional machine in industrial manufactory. We use these to supply power for B-BOT and pull braiding threads. Micro-controller and feedback system are the “brain” and “nerves”. They give some biological characteristics to B-Bot. Based on these components; we got start with researching the relationship between mechanical part and bio part. For instance, curve between voltage supplied by micro-controller and revolving speed of motors. Then, we tried to scripting behaviors for B-BOT: The core behavior is “Hover” and “Change Neighbor”, specifically, “Hover” means that when B-BOT detect there is a neighbor around him, he will begin to circle around him neighbor, by executing this behavior, we can achieve the basic braiding. “Change Neighbor” means that when B-BOT detect more than one neighbor, it has a chance to change a neighbor to circle around. By using this

Ailment: B-Bot could still have the aliment behavior just like the simulation does. This robot will march towards the direction of neighbor robots.

Encounter Behavior

Circling Behavior

behavior, we can get a braiding pattern emerged out from several v instead of bonding two threads into bolder one.

Encounter behavior: when the robot run into others, the IF sensors in the front will detect and turn the robot to right, then the sensor on the left will detect other robot and begin to make the robot move around that one.



BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

Change behavior: in order to prevent two robot circling each other infinitely, we develop the change behavior. If the robot is circling one neighbor and meet another new neighbor, it will switch to move around the new neighbor.

In order to create knots, we programmed the robots to move circling around each other as basic fabrication behaviour.

Infrared sensor helps B-BOT to detect nearby obstacles and each other, code has been written to control their behaviors when encountered. Very simple behaviors with higher population will generate collective behaviors and self-organized swarming system. Within the system, robotic swarm can create structure and fabric.



BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

BRAID - Chapter 4 Behaviors Study

Specifically, there are 3 situations. 1. When B-Bots are in the bright area, they can execute all behaviors they have. 2. When B-Bots are at the edge between brightness and darkness, they can find out which direction is brighter to go towards. 3. When B-BOTs are in dark area, what they can do is just navigate randomly until they find the bright area. Thus, light projection can be used to make cluster distribution among B-BOTs, and control the global form in physical fabrication with aggregation, diffusion, migration of light spots. In addition, the animation of light will be the interface between physical fabrication and digital simulation.

And as agents reading local environments, we also make B-BOT can recognize boundary condition. In this way, the robots have ability to adapt to boundaries.

Infrared sensor helps B-BOT to detect nearby obstacles and each other, code has been written to control their behaviors when encountered. Very simple behaviors with higher population will generate collective b e h a v i o r s a n d s e l f- o r g a n i z e d swarming system. Within the system, robotic swarm can create structure and fabric.

Also, by giving them other sensor, the can achieve the abilities to adapt other aspect. For example, we added light sensors in the robots making then responses and adapt to change of lights. From the diagram below, we can see how the robots responses to light from a projector. For, each B-BOT is reading different data of light intensity, which can trigger different behaviours. We programmed these robot only braid in light zoning. Then, a mapping of light intensity can control the distribution and density of the agentsďźŒ because they are constantly adapting to the light.



Light Control As we have explained before, a light projector was used to feed light data to the robot the control their distributions and global behavior. With this global control, we can distribute the robotic systems to create the structure where we want or simulated. Globally speaking, we can simulated the agents swarming in computer according to the space or any form we designed and project to the robot. Locally speaking, B-BOT can only recognize the very neighbor robots around them, the individual doesn't have the concept of clustering or grouping. With the control of projector, we can divided them into different clusters and then switch the members to create the bifurcate and branching.



Fabrication Process in Tsinghua University Workshop

In near future, the whole robotic systems can function all bases on physical sensing and reacting. For the experiment of bridge scenario, we can put the save sensors monitoring the bridge into these mobile robots. A huge numbers of the robot provide a wider sensing range and more accurate data. On the other hands, this local data collect by local robots can also feed on them and lead their behaviours. Then, after setting up this system, we can deploy a few hundreds or thousands of these robots and they will behave fully on their own. They can finish constrictions without further interfere of human beings only adapt to their environments. These robots will work like silkworms weaving it own cocoon. Silkworm doesn't need to design a cocoon and build it according to his blueprint, it just has to follow its instinct to add silk wherever make it comfortable, and at last a complete perfect house can be made. This might be leading us to a new future. Design, construction and occupation process can be completing simultaneously, just like a true biological form's reproduction. Human inhabit may interact with these fabrication robots. Robots can read data from inhabitant ordinary life and feeding genetic algorithm to control back this robot’s behavior. At this point, we may create architecture like living organism keep adapting, evaluating and mutating. -200-


Fabrication Process in Tsinghua University Workshop



"The Exit" High-rise Building Design: Complete A Concept Design With Understandings Of High-rise Building Tutor: Shi Ming Site: Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China, August. 2011 Solo

Photographs of Xin Jie Kou CBD

Crossroad Without Zebra Crossing

THE SITE N32째 2'47.55" E118째46'47.18"

Xi Xia District


Yu Hua Tai District

Zhong Yang Men CBD Hunan Road CBD Xin Jie Kou CBD Fuzi Temple CBD

The Site The project is located in the Xin Jie Kou CBD in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. Although Xin Jie Kou CBD is called "The First CBD In China", there are many problems with the planning according to on-the-spot investigation. For instance, the most important problem is heavy traffic caused by too many visitors. To solve this problem, the government has to exploit underground space so excessively that pedestrians must take most of time in the

underpass. Even

there is no zebra crossing on the ground. It will bring about lost feeling. At the same time, compared with successful case, this district has no landscape node to let visitors positioning and lacks supporting facilities. So, this project is an opportunity to perfect this CBD. What I will do is to make an exit from the concrete walls.


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[The Exit]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


The Site

Texture Of Xin Jie Kou CBD

Surrounding Roads Relationship

Comparison On Distribution Of Time


According to the comparison, about 40% time of a visitor spent under ground. And about 70% spent in door. Obviously, that's an important reason for why pedestrians feel lost. Sidewalk

Views From The Site Underpass

Limited View Negative View

Photographs Of Underground Malls

According to the texture, the project is located nearby an exit of the underpass. Many of the same conditions occur in other buildings. But there is no

Positive View

Limited View

doubt that their distinguishabilities are ignored. This phenomenon directly cause the lost feelings of visitors who is just from the underpass.


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[The Exit]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


The Possible Form Of Skirt Building

Nodes In This District

Formation And Evolution Of High-rise

Deji square is only node in the core region. But for it's rigid pavement , few facilities and bad views, few people like to stay there.

Deji Square

Laidi Square

Laidi square is located at a entrance of the underground mall. And there are enough facilities for visitors to have a break.But the problem is high-rises surrounded. this makes it like a basin. And it's located out of the core region. So the district need a real node to let visitors positioning and have a break.

Rise Up The Skirt Building To Plant On The Ground

Divide The Skirt Building Into Units To Plant In The Gaps

Buid A Roof Garden To Raise Afforest Area

Buid A Terrace To Raise Afforest Area And It's Easy To Be Close To The Green Space

Generation Process Of The Concept

+ = Jinling Hotel

Xinbai High-rise Nanjing Financial Center Century Building Tianan International Building


Guoxin Hotel "The Exit"

Final Solution

Comparision On the Outline 05

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[The Exit]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Traffic Streamline Analysis For People Going Shopping For People Going For Recreation For People Going To The Roof Garden For People Crossing For The Staff For The Retail Parkinglot For The Office Parkinglot


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[The Exit]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Functional Partition

Office Tower

Recreational Area & Roof Garden Sky Lounge

Shopping Street Sightseeing Stairs Shopping Mall


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[The Exit]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


The project is a urban public square located in WuXi,

Square On The Ruins Urban Public Space Design: The reuse and transformation of the abandoned historical regions Tutor: Lv Yongxin Zhang Mingming Site: WuXi, Jiangsu Province, China, May. 2008 Aera: 6960m2 Solo

Jiangsu province, P.R China.This site is unique. On one hand, it was one of the oldest blocks of WuXi, but now has been nearly abandoned, it is only in ruins recently. One the other hand, it's an important node of the whole city. So the most important thing is not only to arouse

Scene Photographs

the collective memory of local residents, but also to tell the story of this region to all. What I will do is not try to fix it, also not to totally remove it, but to keep the reserved broken walls, and find

Shenglimen Square

the original texture

of the blocks,and then I will stack up the recent urban texture with it. At the same time, I will excavate the

Donglin Square

image elements of older regions which will arouse the

Public Garden The Site

collective memory of residents.

Huijing Square

Restored Texture Chaoyang Square Factory




Rihui Lane

The Site

The project is located in the west of the Chongan CBD. It's the west entrance of this district.

Green Space Factory Protect reserved plants Redesign the green space Reform the factory to landscape facilities

Courtyard Space Inverse the relationship between indoor space (original buildings)and outdoor space (countyard space) Reform countyard space into indoor space

Main Road Rihui Lane Reserve it's location and function Reform it into indoor space

Surrounding Facilities

An ancient canal located in the west

positive view

Old hotel & stores located in the north and east Residential communities in the south


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Square On The Ruins]

negetive view

the main users

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Processing of The Reserved Broken Walls Through the different height limits of the walls to form different space types: open space semi open space private space

Main Entrance square Open Space Visitors can stride through the boundary View without limit Height: 200-600mm

Semi Open Space Visitors can not cross the boundary But View can through Height: 1200-1500mm

Private Space Visitors can not cross the boundary Limited View Height: 1800-2400mm

Flower Bed Seasonal changes of the image Summer there are plants in the gap Winter there is only the gap Height: -200mm+plants in it

Vice Entrance

Garden & Trestle Road Private Space Productive Landscape Semi Open Space Sports & Meditation Space Semi Open Space Trails & Recreational Space Open Space Flower Bed

The Original Texture And New Texture Stack Up

Reserved broken walls can reflect the original texture of the region. They are organized units.We can keep them and allocate new functions according to the new texture.

General Layout Plan

Parkinglot Good Scenery Sports & Square Private Space





Recreational Space

Private Chating










Enjoy Scenery Original Texture

New Texture

New Path We Need

Final Solution

Complete Degree


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Square On The Ruins]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Collection Of Image Elements

Sellection Of Materials

Transformation of old countyard

The Abandoned Factory It's an important node in the old block because of it's material, height and function. Now, it is still a node in the square. But we only reserve it's structure frame and change it's function to provide a platform for the visitors to enjoy the scenery.

Metals & tiles All of the materials can be find in the ruins. They can be recycled.

A Glass Box For Sculpture

The Rihui Lane It's just a 2.5 meters wide road. But in the past, it's the most lively road. So, it carried the memory of local residents. I completely reserved it's location and strengthened the function.Now,it's 2 floors. The lower one is confined space and the higher one is open space. At the same time, the higher one is connected to the trestle roads and the roof of retails.

Meditation Space 01

The House Number It's the most intresting image element in my opion. To the strangers, it's absolutely a simple way to know well about this region. To the locals, it's a bite complcated. In the past, no one would notice the house number of himself. Maybe only the postman would remember it. But when the block became a heap of ruins, it will arouse the memory of the locals. Now in the square, I will put on the wall of each area according to the old texture.

Meditation Space 02

The Well

Meditation Space 03

Although in the old block there is no well resevered, I also locate a "well" landscape facility at the entrance square. Because in the ancient WuXi region, a well means the entrance of a residential community or a village.

The Gable Wall It's the most significant feature of the buildings located in WuXi. I reuse it as the wall of retails, according to the original texture of the height


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Square On The Ruins]

Retails In the consideration of the residential community around, I reform the relatively complete duilding as retails to improve the supporting facilities of the community. Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


View Of The Factory

View Of The Open spaces

View From The Vice Entrance

View From The Trestle Road Square

View From The Entrance Square


SECTION 2-2 17

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Square On The Ruins]

SECTION 1-1 Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


The project is my graduation design. It includes an art

Boundary & Fusion Art Gallery Conceptual Design: Conceptual design and planning about the contemporary art center of Zhang Daqian and Sun Yunsheng Tutor: Yang Maochuan Men Kunling Site: Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, June.2011 Solo

gallery and facilities located in Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan. When I got the site, what bothered me was how could I design an art gallery at this stagnant place in the suburban district. It ran counter to the civilianization of museum. However, when I researched local culture of Chengdu, the drawback became the highlight in my work. Chengdu has unique auto culture, most families have private cars and the slow pace of life makes citizens spend their holidays

Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R China

in the car Habitually. They can drive more than 20 kilometers just for a sumptuous dinner. It's Hedonism. So the distance is insignificant, what I will consider is how to link the gallery and vehicular road together. Beacuse there will be a large number of cars in and out of the gallery instead of pedestrians.

Dujiangyan The Site


Pengzhou Pi village



Zaha Hadid said, modern life is becoming more and more complex and demands doubled. What we should do is to methodize the complex phenomena in the original basis.

Following this Theory, I finish the

preliminary research in four aspects comprehensively. Four Aspects

Statistics Integrate

Key Words


Zhang Daqian & Sun Yunsheng



Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Boundary & Fusion]

Zhang & Sun


The Site

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Statistics Integrate


Positive Datas Negative Datas Foundational Datas


It is Derived from the analysis of the site. In west of the site, there is full of artistic atmosphere affected by the Qingcheng mountian and China Contemporary Art Museum Group, Dujiangyan. on the contrary, in east of the site, there is the prosperous and living image of downtown.

It is Derived from the understandings and combination of key words. Fusion of eastern and western arts is Ultimate aspiration of Zhang Daqian and Sun Yunsheng. In addition to this, the trestle road along cliff in Chengdu is the attestation of communication between Chengdu and surrounding areas.

Define the gallery a metaphor: It is the boundry between life and art but when visitors approach it, they can enjoy both images.

Make the gallery to be the epitome of Zhang Daqian and Sun Yunsheng's art and a bridge connecting the life and art.

Process Of Creation



Blocks 01

Art Studio

Sculpture Square


Recreation Center

Blocks 02

Key Words Layer


Fast-food Life

Trestle Road Along Cliff

Lifestyle In Chengdu

Spilled Color

Auto Culture

Civilianization Of Museum



Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Boundary & Fusion]



Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Master Layout Plan

Structure Schematic Diagram To form the dynamic shape and special exhibition spaces, the wole building use the steel shell structure. Despite, the accessary parts, such as storage space and office use the traditional beam structure. this is also fusion in structure.


03 06






Art Studio




01 The Art Center 09

02 Main Entrance 03 Vice Entrance 04 Exit 05 Entrance For Staff 06 Art Studio 07 The Recreation Center


The form is an evolution Of Sichuan Dwellings. It is composed by a group of Quadrangles and two exhibition halls. this kind of form is in favor of communication. At the same time, it's suitable for the local climate.

08 Parking Lot 09 Outdoor Exhibition Area 10 Central Square 11 Reserved Land 12 The Garden

Final Models


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Boundary & Fusion]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Routes For Visitors Generally Routes

Vertical Traffic Map Stair Hall Elevator Roaming Stair Roaming Stairs are secial. They connect units on each floor to form one large exhibition space and offer a three-dimensional way to visit with their gentle slope.

Routes To Temporary Exhibition Hall

Functional Zoning Map

Routes To Gallery

Temporary Exhibition Hall Traffic / Communication Space Basic Exhibition Hall Special Gallery Entrance Hall Reference Room Office Fire Services Communication Centre Multimedia Hall Storeroom Cafe / Information Office WC

Routes For Staff

Routes For Exhibits


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Boundary & Fusion]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Pedestrian Routes Vehicle Routes


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Boundary & Fusion]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Audio Flower is an equipment for cllecting sound of the daily life. It will be placed in old blocks, various kinds of sound can be storaged with a audio record, and they will be gathered in a database of this block. What's more, this "Flower" can change color according to the temperature by its special shell. Finally, it will produce soft light

Solar Panels and temperature sensor

at night using the solar collected

Interaction Design:

during the day to decorate the old block.

The Way To Use

With the development of the city, more and more historical blocks disappear, so we hope this group of projects can allow citizens to hear the voice from the old town to remember the local culture. It's not only an interaction between human and environment, but also an interaction between the present and the past. Tutor: Zhang Mingming Partner: Lv Jie, May. 2010

Voice Recording Equipment

Collect Voice From The Block


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Audio Plants]

Shell Made Of Luminescence Materials

Give Soft Light At Night

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Audio Tree is an equipment for playing the audios collected by Audio Flowers. It will be placed in transformated blocks. The shape likes a tree which hanges strips of devices. A loudspeaker fixed at the end of each device. It's also connected to the database, so when you put the branch of this tree, you will hear the voice of the old block.


Pipelines Inside


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Audio Plants]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


Tianhou Temple Research And Drawing Of Ancint Temple: To lern the the characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture through the research and drawing Tutor: Ji Lin Fan Xiaoli Partner: Zhang Jialei Gong Jingjia, September. 2010


Portfolio of Wang Tianqi

[Research And Drawing]

Portfolio of Wang Tianqi


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