Physical Therapy - Degree Training Programs
Physical therapy professionals receive their training through accredited schools and colleges. Students looking to pursue a career in this field can do so by gaining a higher education. With a variety of accredited educational training programs students can study for the career they desire in the field of physical therapy. Specialized areas of study include occupational therapy, rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy, sports medicine, respiratory therapy, and more. Degrees in this field are available at a number of educational levels.
*Associate degree Students can train for a variety of professions with an associate's degree. Careers at this level include occupation, physical, rehabilitation, and respiratory therapy assistant. This level of degree consists of completing a two year program. Coursework will vary depending on the school or college but may consist of studying anatomy, physiology, therapeutic exercise, first aid and CPR, psychology, kinesiology, rehabilitation, and much more. With an associates degree students can enter careers in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, and other health care facilities.
*Bachelor's degree A bachelor's level degree in physical therapy can open a world of opportunities for students to pursue. Career training programs at this level typically take four years to complete. Students can obtain the skills to enter into employment as physical therapists, recreational therapists, chiropractors, and more. Coursework will vary depending on the educational program and desired career. Areas of study may include movement dynamics, neuroscience, ethics, physical therapy modalities, kinesiology, functional anatomy, and other related subjects. An accredited education in this field will allow for employment with sports teams, long term care facilities, and much more.
*Masters degree Students who choose to enroll in a master's degree program can expect to spend an additional two years of study in order to obtain their degree. With a masters degree program students will have the opportunity to study more specialized courses such as biomechanics, human growth and development, therapeutic procedure, examination techniques, physics, and more. Accredited schools and colleges allow students to gain the knowledge and skills needed to pursue careers as occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, sports medicine professionals, and more.
*Doctorate degree Doctorate level degrees are for those looking for a career in research and teaching. Students can earn their doctorates degree in physical therapy in four years. Specific areas of study at this level of education include diagnostics, pharmacology, patient management, musculoskeletal systems, and other subjects. With a doctorates degree students can become, professors, researchers, physical therapists, and more. Training at this level will provide the skills and knowledge to enter into an exciting new career.
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