Urban design, planning, and landscape architecture portfolio 09-17 TUDelft + HKU

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P O R T F O L I O E-mail: alex9792003@gmail.com Phone: +852-55375267


+ +03 06




PREFACE The selection of work expressess the interest on utilizing the potential of "open space" in urban redevelopment globally. Open space design and strategy will be transformed into interventions that could solve existing urban problems, serve as innovative social/ecological/economic infrastructure, and facilitate assets of existing urban environment. Eventually, these interventions become the backbone of urban redevelopment. Details of the projects will be elaborated during interview or via future updates on my ISSUU and LinkedIn account: https://issuu.com/alex9792003 https://www.linkedin.com/in/chih-chu-alex-lee/


URBAN DESIGN+PLANNING /LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 09-17 01 Urban Stitches Taoyuan, Taiwan 04

02 Guolaam-scape Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong 12

03 Huairou Mesh - The New Agriculture Beijing, Hong Kong 18

04 Celebrating Water

Flevoland, the Netherlands 24

05 The Visible Hand

Buenos Aires, Argentina 28

06 Pavillion Workshop : The Dancing Wave Hong Kong Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale 34


TRA Tayouan Project Construction Scope


0 km

180 m

360 m

Vision on the Comp




Taoyuan, Taiwan (Individual) Master Thesis Delft University of Technology, 2016-2017 The thesis delves into the research question of "How to elevate huge scale infrastructure renewal projects into an opportunity to integrate and trigger desired urban regeneration actions of its located urban environment?" It has been a common trend of Taiwanese municipalities to renew its existing transportation infrastructure systems in order to boost up their city's image and advantage on competitiveness. Common practices of the renewal includes transferring the existing systems to either flyovers or underground. However, inconsiderate planning practice of transportation infrastructure implementation could induce variety of urban problems. Many of the existing spatial problems in urban Taiwan are the consequences of the implementation of these massive transportation infrastructure projects. Furthermore, inconsiderate planning practice leads to postponement due to fiscal pressure, change of political regime, or failure to include multiple actors in the implementation process. Therefore, it is concluded that the existing transportation infrastructure implementation process is detached with the real need of the urban environment, which needs smaller scale of urban regeneration and inclusion of various actors presented in the transportation infrastructure renewal project. Taiwan Railways Administration Taoyuan Railway Underground Project (shortened as TRA Taoyuan Project) is chosen as the case study of the thesis. Existing and possible urban problems in spatial, social, and economic aspects induced by the existing railway system will be analysed at different scales respectively. Urban design strategy of the released corridor, once occupied by the railway, will be utilized to encounter the existing urban problems.

pletion of TRA Taoyuan Project Applying the Method Formulated from the Thesis Research Process.

For complete documentation of the research and design process of the thesis, please review my thesis report on my personal ISSUU page.


Problem Analysis

Thematization of the Urban Fragmentation from the Conclusion of Layer Analysis (District Scale)

Urban problems induced by the flawed implementation of transportation infrastructure renewal projects have been looked in two directions: Spatial Problem of Urban Environment, which is the urban fragmentation induced by the introduction of existing railway system. Possible Scenarios of the Implementation of TRA Taoyuan Project, which predicts the possible vunlerability of TRA Taoyuan Project that could lead to postponement of project implementation. Scales that have been studied: Project (18km), district, neighborhood (urban design site)

Layer Analysis on Spatial Distribution of Urban Characteristics (Project Scale)

Road hierarchy

Industry zones

Concentrated commercial areas

Urban open spaces

Urban sprawl

Education institutes

Concentration of high immigration rate

Concentration of low income households

Concentration of high population density

Potential Scenario Predicted by Actor Analysis (Project Scope)

N Actor conflict and delay due to relocation

Privatization/Commercialization of project scope

Reduction of project scope 0 km


1.8 km

2.7 km

Construction-integrated Urban Regeneration Construction of TRA Taoyuan Project would cause disruption of adjacent neighborhood. Therefore, urban design actions are suggested in order to utilize the construction into actual opportunities to trigger urban regeneration. These actions take considerations of the need of adjacent neighborhood in small scale. These actions would alleviate the potential postponement of construction if it has happened according to the scenario predictions.

Tunnel on site will be widened as alternative road since main tunnel will be closed due to construction.

Extension of riverfront promenade could also be simultaneously activated, as the existing promenade is currently blocked by the presence of railway.

The reconnection of the waterfront system to the Zhongli Station and city centre, as well provides additional value to the city such as ecological rehabilitation or relief of urban stress.

The construction of TRA Taoyuan Project will demolish structures that are mainly servicing the immigrant workers.

These programs will be relocated in the renovated adjacent abandoned building, further developing into complex for immigrant workers with concentrate services.

Completed TRA Taoyuan Project corridor then could become space for exotic market and festival ground to take place, eventually transform into Taoyuan's distinguishing identity.

Existing bus terminals are suggested to be relocated to back station since the construction of TRA Taoyuan Project would induce more traffic congestion.

The traffic congestion and deficiency of pedestrian connectivity are therefore alleviated. The remaining buildings of the bus terminal can be transformed into new developments.

These new developments could potentially diffuse the dense activities of the front station by creating sub-focal points of the city.

The temporary Zhongli Station is planned to be established on the backside of the station.

The station is suggested to include footbridge to ensure connectivity of front and back station. The mentioned relocation of bus terminals should be integrated with the temporary stations.

The temporary train station and the relocation of bus terminals will be expected to trigger redevelopment of the back station.


Phasing Strategy

Design of TRA Taoyuan Project

Phasing strategy is needed since the urban design suggestive actions should be given during specific timeframe of the implementation of TRA Taoyuan Project, with the involvement of various actor groups. The Construction-integrated Urban Regeneration phase should also create synergy with the design outcome of the TRA Taoyuan Project Corridor.

The previous problem analysis stage also bring insights on what the design of corridor should consider in the dimension of spatial, economic, and social aspects of urban environment. Accordingly, three options of the corridor are proposed, which could let the involved actors to participate in referendum on the most ideal option.


0 km Spatial Goal on Site To improve pedestrian connectivity previously blocked by the existing railway, as well to provide more urban public spaces in the densily built station area.

Economic Goal on Site To alleviate the overdensified front station by redistribution resources to the other side of existing railway;


120 m

240 m

Social Goal on Site To create public realm that can accommodate every need of the users from adjacent neighborhood.

N 0 km

N 40 m

80 m

Option I: Mosaic Pattern

0 km

N 40 m

80 m

0 km

Option II: Micro-segments


40 m

80 m

Option III: Urban Topography

Unique urban experience will be provided with the height difference of open space. The formal design of the corridor also forms perspective view.

Entrance Garden

Global Market Space

Station Plaza

Outdoor Dining

Urban Courtyard


Opt 1: Mosaic Pattern

The facilities of the station, both parking and lobby, are on ground level to achieve feasibility. The program of the open space is designed according to the division of the station, further provide different scales and conditions of the spaces.

Ground level plaza underneath the integrative station serves as a view framing to the landscape feature, providing aesthetic value to the commuters.

Connectivity Axis

Global Market Space

Station Plaza

Outdoor Dining

Urban Park


Opt 2: Micro-segments

The form of the integrative station goes vertical to achieve minimal footprint. Open spaces are choreographed in segments, which programs are assigned according to adjacent neighborhood.

The height difference provide extraordinary viewing experience from the urban environment.

Entrance Garden

Global Market Space

Station Plaza

Outdoor Dining

Topographic Viewpoint


Opt 3: Urban Topography

The overall connectivity of the corridor as a landscape bridge is designed on top of the station. Therefore, the open space programs are aligned in the form of continuity.


Directional Passage

Tranquil Urban Pocket

Boutique Pocket Plaza

Station Plaza

Station Plaza and Viewing Platform

Landform as Feature Garden

Landscape Bride

Picnic Park

Welcoming Garden

*Section in 1:500 Sections in 1:500



0 km

15 m

30 m




Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong (Individual) Bachelor Graduation Studio University of Hong Kong, Spring 2012

Guolaam-scape is an urban/landscape redesign project of Yau Ma Tei Fruit Wholesale Market (Guolaam). Previously one of the most historical and vibrant district in Hong Kong, Yau Ma Tei is facing its transition after the prosperity has shifted. Its authentic characterictics, such as Temple Street Night Market, are facing the danger of being replaced by the trend of establishing merely profit-making real estates and shopping malls, like its neighborhood communities of Mongkon and Tsim Sha Tsui. In order to conserve and enhance the local and enchanting commercial life in Yau Ma Tei, Guolaam is chosen to be the headquarter on reviving the good old Yau Ma Tei. As design basis, it provides stable and large amount of goods and money flow that guarantees vibrancy of the district. With technques of urban and landscape design to renovate Guolaam, potential further expansion of the demanding fruit trading activity as well solution on current issue of lacking qualified open spaces in Yau Ma Tei.

Masterplan of Guolamscape


Design Strategy Wholesale is one of the most crucial stage within commercial flow. Therefore, Yau Ma Tei should grasp Guolaam as opportunity to develop it as the anchor point of Yau Ma Tei's prosperity and characteristics. To redevelop Guolaam, expansion and reorganization of the wholesale ground is needed. Schools are relocated in order to provide spaces for Guolaam expansion. High quality of open space should be given in return as compensation. The reorganization of Guolaamscape is inspired by the wholesale units of existing Guolaam. Further these sales uits into prototype, it becomes a module that could operate both on ground and vertial level. The organization of these developped modules will follow the adjacent streets' characteristics.

Existing schools (blue), Guolaam fruit market (orange), and storage (orange dot)


Move schools to bigger space, also allows fruit market to expand. Guolaam fruit market


Retail Night market Community park



Both schools and fruit market can enjoy much bigger spaces.

Programming according to adjacent streetscape


0 km

0.5 km

1.0 km

Construction of Detachable Modules


Joints to connect between slabs



Frame w/ joints 8m 8m Column w/ plates

Load -bearing walls


Load -bearing walls



A Retail

B Utility pole/Column

C Cantilever

D Lightpole

E Planter

F Screen

G Elevated ramp


A+B Enclosed street

A+D+E Park&retail

F+G Outdoor cinema

A Corridor

A+G Second floor circulation

B+D Night market w/ power


A+C Backdoor

A+E Rooftop greenery

E+G Entry garden

6 a.m.

Existing Fruit Wholesale Market

Guolaam-scape on Relocated School Site

The park starts to gather users, while the fruit market and wholesale is still active.

4 p.m. Existing Fruit Wholesale Market

Guolaam-scape on Relocated School Site

All the activities on landscape level are at the most prosperous moment of the day while the fruit market is on break time.

9 p.m. Existing Fruit Wholesale Market

Guolaam-scape on Relocated School Site

The night market on landscape level flourishes, and the fruit market is at preparation time as well.

24HR Dynamic Urban Landscape The combinations of these basic modules and hybrids further create various spatial conditions for both the wholesale market activities on ground level and diverse urban landscape experience on elevated level. The synergy created from these combinations will bring not only the functions of the fruit wholesales activities, but also considerations on the performance of the diverse roof open space activities. With both the wholesales and open space activities facilitating each others, Guolaamscape aims to bring 24 hr vibrancy as a grassroot arcade.


Existing Residential Community

Existing Residential Community

Existing Residential Community

Sequential sections in 1:250 1F: Landscape

GF: Fruit market


Ground floor connection

Retail street

Entry garden

Open theatre

Night market


Community park


Bargain space Sunken plaza


Individual shop Main entry

Reten tion p o while purify nd that cu ltiv irrigat fertiliz ion ed ru ates alga e noff f rom Agric ult over- ural activit nu ie irrigat trified run s potentia off fro ion ll m fer y produce tilizat ion an d

Sectional Perspective Demonstrating the Functioning of Huairou Mesh




Beijing, China (Group) Joint Studio with AA Landscape Urbanism University of Hong Kong, Fall 2011 Joing with AA Landscape Urbanism, the studio goal is to develop landscape interventions from existing ecological technique that solves or prevents environmental hazard. Landscape typologies will be invented by the combination of these interventions and existing site landform accordingly. These typologies shoud be able to multiply and modify themselves according to site conditions, eventually spreading out on the landscape and form a "mesh" which is the continuation and combination of these repetitive and mutative landscape typologies. Landscape urbanism strategies will be further formulated according to the spatial condition provided by the mesh and considerations on existing site assets. Huairou, a satellite city of Beijing, has branded itself as the back garden of downtown Beijing. Experiencing village lifestyle becomes a demanding tourist attraction which creates enormous commercial potential for the local farmers. Yet, behind these attractions there are environmental concerns emerging in Huairou regarding to agricultural activities. With the site in proximity to water resource, agricultural activities will generate inevitable pollution. The consequence of agricultural waste leaking into water resource is eutrophication - the algae boom due to overnutrient water which drastically decreases the BOD of water body. Yet, potential hazard could be turned into potential opportunity as well. Algae are also the most anticipated new resource of bio energy. With the technique of retention pond, algae will be bred by the collected agricultural overflow, and harvested as raw material of biofuel. So, what opportunities will be developed with waste water treatment, agriculture, and new urban development opportunities and reform the existing agricultural scene of Huairou?


Problem Analysis

Huairou Mesh

The land price mapping suggests the locations of Huairou that have the highest land development value regarding to suitability of agricultural development. Suitable slope to be cultivated, sufficient sunlight, and abundant water resource are all considered. The classified land patches with highest potential are also the most vulnerable to agricultural pollution. Therefore, the site of further planning and design is selected according to the land value.

The development of Huairou Mesh follows the positions of the stabilization ponds and the water catchment area servicing them. Urban developments will be planned accordingly with the form of these water catchment landscapes. For example, agricultural services or tourist facilities, will be assigned in between the water catchment areas and along the access route. It is hoped that the mesh will provide insight on how to integrate problem solving interventions with agricultural development, eventually forming distinguishing landscape characteristics that identifies Huairou and attracts new opportunities and awareness.

The consequence of overcultivation is eutrophication, a phenomenon which overflow leaks to water resource and further induces algae boom due to over-nutrient water and drastically decreases the BOD of water body. Yet, potential hazard could be turned into potential opportunity as well. Algae are also the most anticipated new resource of bio energy. With the technique of stabilization pond, algae will be bred by the collected agricultural overflow and harvested as raw material of biofuel.

Indexing of Land Price Regarding to Cultivation Value

Selected Site


0 km

Understanding of Stabilization Pond as a Technique to Prevent Eutrophication


1 km

2 km

Overall Plan of Huairou Agricultural Development


0 km

60 m

120 m

Sections Showing Connections Between Rhomboids in 1:500

Modul e s w it h o u t e n o u g h width will be cultivated as terraces.

Wider modules can used for recreational activities.

Another mesh.

Road as mesh Stabilization ponds located on the edge. lowest part of each mesh.


Making of Mesh 1. Location of the retention ponds are determined by watershed analysis. The ponds are located where the watershed converges. 2. 5° would be the a suitable slope degree for roads to commute. Starting from each stabilization pond, 5° roads create the boundary of every water catchment prototype. Each prototype will therefore start with a stabilization pond and ends to another pond, so the cleansed water from previous pond will flow to another water catchment prototype for irrigational use. 3. With the calculation of water runoff in each catchment prototype, the volume needed for of each stabilization pond could be calculated. 4. Dividing the water catchment areas into even smaller rhomboids and further carving the rhomboid modules to achieve maximum area of 5° slope as it is the most suitable slope for cultivation of most fruit trees. Furthermore, the directionality of the slopes facilitate the collection of surface runoff. The rest part of each smaller rhomboid will be carved in 25° in order to connect height difference between different rhomboids.

1. Determination of the Locations of Stabilization Ponds.

5. The catalog demonstrating how subdivided rhomboid modules' slope is carved according to its width.

2. Water Catchment Formulated with 5° Slope Roads

5° Limit of phase

Contour line of 5 meter

5° Middle of phase

Start of phase



3. Calculation of Runoff

4. Subdivision of Water Catchment Area into Smaller Rhomboid Modules 0 km

120 m

240 m

5. Catalogue of Rhomboids According to their Width


Top: Phasing According to 100 Meter Tnterval Bottom: Model of Huairou Mesh


0 km


120 m

240 m

Water management to structure future trends

Water management as link between urban cores

Water management for urban regeneration

Water management to redefine city axis

Water management to create new conditions for urban potentials (Pilot project to be shown)


0 km

12 km


24 km






Flevoland, the Netherlands (Group) Strategic Planning Studio Delft University of Technology, Quarter 3 2016 ‘Flevoland – celebrating water’ is a strategic planning project with its main scope being water management. The Netherlands as a water-based country with reclaimed lands copes with soil subsidence and ground water level rising, problems that will be only amplified by the climate change trend. Within the Netherlands relatively young land of Flevoland faces these problems the most. The land suffers from soil subsidence whereas the further groundwater level rising would endanger the existence of agriculture, one of the main sources of income of the province.

Existing polder landscape Existing urban development

Ground water level rising process is the key in turning the above mentioned risks into opportunities. The continuous availability of water makes it possible to create new urban systems, new agricultural structure, and consequently new economy. Therefore, this project will demonstrate the potentials of integrating water management with spatial planning and also showcase the new high quality environments within the region.


Inlet/outlet of proposed

Wetland reservation Proposed water management intervention site

One key pilot project will be explained to demonstrate how the strategy could be applied into spatial design. At Dutch national level, these interventions not only create a new identity of Flevoland as a region and lead it to sustainable economic growth, but also provides new solutions to areas with similar soil subsidence and ground water level problems.

Proposed green blue corridor

Strategic Plan of "Celebrating Water"


Subsidence Map

Subsidence map


0 km

18 km

36 km Adaptive/Migitative Techniques

Potential Danger - Existing Techniques Land subsides

Pressure Air


Clay reclaimed land needs time to mature by compressing out air in between.

Terracing Reforming the landscape into different levels, where the higher levels could resist surface subsidence and groundwater level rising.

Considered as young reclamation land, Flevoland's development has put too much pressure on it.

Water pumped out

Buildings damaged Air Ground water level rise

Relative increase on ground water level occurs due to the pressure. To keep the land dry, more water is pumped out and further increasing soil subsidence.

Land subsides

Buffering with Vegetation Utilizing the roots from trees to hold and control groundwater level and quality.

The continuous subsidence will damage the tree root system and building structure.

Increasing Surface Water The way to modulate higher groundwater of urban area by expanding canal or ponds.

Problem Analysis The risk prediction on soil subsidence for Flevoland is an increase of subsidence by 50 cm in 2050. Simultaneously there is flooding danger because of the rising ground water level. The conventional way of stabilizing reclaimed land does not alleviate the existing soil subsidence problem and potential groundwater level rising. Yet, applying the innovative method of soil stabilization will have completely different consequences for future spatial planning in the province. Therefore, the innovative water management interventions should be integrated with future urban developments.

Adaptive Landuse In order to accommodate the potential water level rising, land should also be planned for the usage of water related programs.


Pilot Project Site: Zeewolde Implementation of innovative water management intervention is demonstrated through reorganizing the specific site of Zeewolde.



The visions of Zeewolde are: -agro-industry base of Flevoland. -alleviate development pressure of Almere -gate of Flevoland and Eastern Netherlands


waterway road





residential leisure

Terracing is selected as the interventionto combine water management intervention and city visions. Adaptivity with water is introduced by backing the water defense dike, creating landscape that buffers water level rising; robustness is guaranteed from both water level rising and subsidense by transferring developments to higher levels of the terracing and water defense dike; diversity of landuse is created with the height difference.

1 2

The intervention further restructure water management system, facilitate transportation potential, and further anticipate expansions. Various development potentials are triggered, including new catalog of agriculture, deep water canal connecting inland canals, and small port facilitating expected industrial zone.




mid-level defensive

0 km

1. Terraced Agriculture canal

vehicle related industries

polder landscape

wet agriculture aquaculture

water related industries Wolderwijd

elevated road dry agriculture lowered dike

2. Deep Water Canal canal

vehicle related industries lock

polder landscape lock

elevated road water related industries

Wolderwijd adaptive landscape lowered dike

3. Small Scale Port proposed industry cluster

existing Zeewolde city




existing Zeewolde industry-facilitating port





axonometric demonstration




Football Tournament

Football School

Football Community

Market Food Festival

Food Square

Food Factory

Exhibition + Production

Arts & Crafts Centre

Social Cultural Centre




INTA Factory

Renovate Footbridge

Interactions with Neighborhood

Logistic Centre

Increase Permeability

Opportunity of Related Services


Market Expansion

Growth of Creative Industries



Vehicular-based Infrastructure

Pedestrian Accessibility

City Axis under Flyover

Utilization as Open Space

Villa Street

Street Renovation




Buenos Aires, Argentina (Group) Collaborative Studio with University of Stuttgart, Universidad de Buenos Aires & SECHI Delft University of Technology, Quarter 4 2016 The Visible Hand is a research and strategical planning project delving on the impact of globalization to the urban environment of metropolitan Buenos Aires. Due to the implementation of transportation infrastructure system and shifting of industries from city centre to the southern periphery of the metropolis, functionally homogeneous zones of industrial activities and unsatisfactory conditions of dwelling community (particularly "villas" which are the Argentinian slums and social housing) become neglected socio-spatial problem. By reconstructing this clear separation of urban areas as particular functionally homogeneous zones and using as much as possible mixed forms of economic activities, the formulated strategy does not just create better local conditions but also makes the city as a whole more resilient. Central idea of the strategy is a bottom up approach that comunas (Argentinian districts) and even smaller neighborhoods should be more autonomous in terms of production and consumption relations. In order to demonstrate the bottom up strategy, Matadero (cow distribution and by-product manufacturing centre) and Villa 18 in Comuna 8 and 9 are selected as the testing design site to implement mixed forms of economic activities, aiming to attract resource and create entrepreneurial activities. Eventually, the strategy hopes to improve the existing spatial deficiencies of the urban environment induced by the phenomenon of globalization.

Catalog and Vision of Design Interventions


Map of Consequence of Globalization in Buenos Aires

Test Site


0 km




Problem Analysis & Planning Strategy In the metropolitan Buenos Aires, the transformation of the city centre (high living condition) and the establishment of transportation infrastructure system forced the industrial to be driven out and further clustered at the southern part of the metropolis. Eventually, low income settlements with degraded living condition congregated around these industries and further disconnected with the services directing to the city centre. In order to return the service to these clusters, interventions aim to attract enterpreneurship opportunities and central resources by the steps of Activator, Breaking Walls, and Improving Connectivity.

Small, underused, and adaptable spaces that have potential to become meeting places and festivity locations for inhabitants of surrounding neighborhoods.


Large industrial facilities, abandoned or to be relocated, are to be used as generators of economic activities. They can also include other functions.

Conditions of existing road network to be improved, in terms of accessibility at local and metropolitan scale.


0 km

65 m

130 m

Cultural heritage/ Workshop Commercial block Public open space Art village Residential compound Villa 15


Commercial/Residential mix Commercial open space Cultural entrance Commercial street Green spine

Spatial Application of the Bottom-up Strategy in Comuna (District) 8 and 9


The three strategies will be applied on site. Activators will be consisted of three actions: Identifying the potential open spaces that could be initiated as activators, assigning programs and development direction of these open spaces, and implementation of urban design to renovate the existing condition.

The wall of Mataderos will be opened up so the abundant spaces within could be released for urban development infill. The vast space will be divided according to adjacent urban fabrics and assigned with specific usage in each block. The newly drawn urban fabric would therefore also improve connectivity of the site


The streetscape on site should be improved into more pedestrian friendly condition, which market and festival activities could take place. Second, bus stops as transportation node should be implemented in order to improve connectivity of site and also gentrify unpleasant streetscape.

Mataderos wall

Economic activities related to Mataderos

Public square

Extension of urban fabric

Opening of the blocks

Mobility upgrade

Pedestrian paths

Sports fields Cattle sale

Tango school Wood workshop

Sports centre Neighborhood transformation

Leather market

Implementation and Design on Mataderos and Villa 15 The renovation of the Mataderos site will involve all on-site actors and be done progressively, according to the strategical steps of activator, breaking the wall, and connectivity.

Bicycle factory Social and cultural centre

Bicycle factory





(Group) Architecture/Landscape Joint Studio, Exhibited in Bi-City Biennale 2009 University of Hong Kong, Fall 2009

Hair curler is chosen because 1. Cylindrical shape provided more connection possibilities and presenting curves. 2. It could be pieced by its two piece design. 3. It provides color combination.

The workshop aimed to create a pavilion that its void space is fromed according to consecutive body movements as dancing. One single small, daily material found in local market should be the only module used in the assembly of the pavilion. The making process is in four steps: measuring the body movements in still frames, studies on suitable materials, brainstorming on how to patch the selected module together, and eventually weaving of final product.

Cardboard still motion frames to simulate the void spaces of movement created.

Weaving by connecting different parts of the curler, with the assist of wire.


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