Alejandro Camprubi Selected Works

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Alejandro Camprubí Selected


“Architecture and Design are not only the result of ideas, passion, team work, administration, experience and knowledge, but of the respectful relation one can build with people around to make things happen harmoniously”. 建筑和景观设计不仅仅是 构想、 激情、团队协作、管理、经验 与学识综合作用的结果, 还体现了一种人们互相尊重、与周围和谐 相处的关系 西班牙规划、建筑、景观设计师 Alejandro Camprubí / 路彬
Alex Camprubí 相信没有任何的创新是可以不经过研究和探索的。创新是用来开启影响成功的潜在机遇与从新定义市场的工具。 Alex Camprubíbelieves there is no innovation without research and exploration. And that innovation is an instrument which opens potential opportunities and redefines markets which in turn influence places to be successful. Camprubí先生是美国建筑师协会香港分会(HK AIA)国际会员,西班牙都市生态研究设计机构(FM )的国际高级顾问,国际城市与 区域规划师学会( ISOCARP)会员,城市土地学会(ULI)会员,Ekistics会员、美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)国际会员。他是国际景观协 会的中国区副主席,是与联合国有咨询地位的亚洲人居环境技术委员会会员(ECOSOC),并拥有超过20年在城市设计、建筑及景观 领域设计的经验。 Mr. Camprubíis an International Associate HK AIA; an ISOCARP member, member of Urban Land Institute, member of Ekistics and an International Member of ASLA. He is Vice President of the International Landscape Industry Association in China, Member of the Technical Committee of the Asian Habitat Society in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC); and has more than 20 years of continuous work in the fields of Urban Design, Architecture and Landscape. 他的兴趣都与有效益的设计管理、可持续的创新、场所营造以及创意产业和公共空间相关。 His interests are related to profitable design management, innovation in sustainability, placemaking, creative industries and public space.
Mayor Skills

Relevant Projects:

Guiyang Big Data Boulevard 2019

Sea Dragon Wonder Iceland Theme Park 2018

Beijing Guan Jing Tai, Sculpture Garden 2018

Supercities, Chinese Edition. 2018

Metropoli Ecosystems

China Principal, Senior International Advisor 2018.02.26 – 2020.02.01

We live in a world of cities, our environment is increasingly more urban. Cities are the new engines of the global economy and they have become the leading drivers for confronting climate change, inequality and poverty challenges.

Metropoli Ecosystems was born in 1987. The focus and objective is working in cities and territories to globally contribute the acceleration of their economic development, competitiveness, life quality and sustainability. Our projects integrate two essential components “urban intelligence” and “digital technology”.

Metropoli Ecosystems has collaborated with many different cities in the world applying our philosophy of “Intelligent Territories”. It helped cities generate a special magnetism and develop initiatives and projects of big impact.

responsibilities include:
Relevant Projects: Kunming, Gudian Fantasy Kingdom 2017 Googol IT Science Park 2016 Guangzhou Infinitus Corporate Landscape 2016 Zhejiang, Anji Club Med Resort 2015 PuBang Design Institute Design Director 2015.02.26 – 2018.02.26
+ Identify the requirements of the client. + Deliver design solutions and presentations to clients from schematic design to construction drawings and supervision of design on the construction work site managing design teams within the company. + Design research and development. + Implementation of innovative and creative design solutions. + Collaborate to improve design management systems. + Collaborate on training sessions.
Relevant Projects: Olympic Museum Beijing 2012 Nanshuibeidiao Jiaozuo Landscape 2013 Qingdao Gold Concorde IT Tiandi Park 2014 Beijing North Offices 2014
CSCEC-GC Design Center Studio Director 2012.11.01 Actual Work GC Design Center is a competitive architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture firm acting with social responsibility. We design comprehensive and artistic buildings and landscapes that result in environmental and sustainable solutions based on the cultural background of the land and the people related to each project we pursue. We build upon the success of every project we complete through greater understanding the needs of our clients, being aware of their requirements and providing competent professional advice.

Relevant Projects:

Greening the Metropolis Caofeidian 2010

Eco-City BARC Think-Tank Project 2010

Zhejiang, Xiaoshan; Bamboo Forest Resort 2010

Zhejiang, Lin An; Town Planning 2010

Heilongjiang, Harbin; Cultural Center 2010

XWHO Design International Chief Landscape Architect 2010.03.01 – 2012.03.01

I have performed as a Landscape Design Consultant and Landscape Chief Architect. My main attributions are related to develop design concepts, and design objectives up to the detail design, define technical consulting, project planning, scheduling and resourcing. Supervision of the design team and give presentations to clients.

XWHO International is a Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Architecture firm with offices in United States, Canada and China (Boston, Seattle, Vancouver, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Kunming). In China, in the past 10 years XWHO has developed more than two thousand projects and has a base staff of more than 400 people.

Relevant Projects:

Suining, Jiangsu; “The Flower Path” 2009

Liaoning, Dalian; IT Tiandi Software Park 2009

USA, Chicago North Grant Park Renovation 2009

Tianjin, Qiao Yuan Park 2008

Henan, Shangtang Recreational Center 2008

Zhejiang, Sanmen Tourist Center 2008

Jiangsu, Gaoyou Eco Tourism Development 2008

Turenscape Beijing Institute of Design Chief Architect 2008.02.01 – 2009.12.31

I performed in Turenscape in different areas, besides Design Consulting for the Firm, including project manager, project designer and researcher for sustainable projects. My main attributions were related to develop design concepts, and design objectives. Supervision of the design team and keep relationship with clients. I focused on developing, managing and supervising design competitions for the firm.

Turenscape is a top Chinese, multi awarded Landscape Architecture firm. Urban Planning and Architecture serve as solid complementary fields. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, in the past 12 years Turenscape has developed more than one thousand projects and has a base staff of more than 500 people.

ARPPA Principal 1999.10.20 – 2007.10.31

Relevant Projects:

Mexico; Club Britania, Sport Club Facility 2007

Mexico; Rincon del Centro, Residential 2006 Mexico; Bernal, Urban Planning 2006

Mexico; Haza Calderon Residence 2004

I worked in ARPPA Architectural Workshop as a Principal in Charge with an average staff of 10 architects and designers complemented with a team of external associates that produced interdisciplinary architectural and urban projects. At the same time I built several projects I designed. Most of the projects I developed were within residential, educational and commercial fields.


Design Philosophy

Professional Design is a service aimed to meet our Client’s needs and benefit the community as an indispensable part of their living; in the understanding that successful design is intended to ease life, give comfort, allow productivity and integrate responsibly into the site, its climate and its surrounding environment .

Design is committed through efficient and thoughtful cost solutions, integrating sound structure proposals as an holistic design approach, that will lead to perceive the designed object with integrity and honesty. Our vocation eagerly encourages us to continuously search for simplicity and a clear spatial organization, simultaneously embedding sustainable practices to promote green building , low carbon and regenerative design.

Inspiration in the site’s characteristics, history and the inherent purpose is a source of making a meaningful and innovative design, expressed in the detailed, respectful and careful use of materials with which space is pleasantly experienced through light and time.

我们的设计提供高效、低成本的解决方案,将合 理、纵观整体的方案融合其中,使人们能够客观 诚实地理解设计方案。我们的使命感促使我们寻
专业化设计旨在满足客户的需求,提升整个社区 的品质,使之成为人们生活不可分割的一部分; 成功的设计具有社会责任感,使生活更加便捷, 提升整个景点、气候与周边环境的效率。
求简单明了的解决方案,将可持续发展方案融入 到绿色环保、低碳、可再生的设计之中。 我们综合考虑各个区域的历史特点,设计出具有 意义、充满创新灵感的作品。我们的设计注重细 节、节约合理使用各种资源,通过合理运用时光 概念创造出令人愉悦的空间。

Selected Projects


Key table of personal involvement in each project


“ar / DD / CD ... Project Design Director”

表示该项工作所属公司为Arppa, Alex的职责为细节设计( DD-Detailed Design) 、绘制工艺图( CD-Construction Drawing),职位项目设计总监( Project Design Director)


Note: when stated Principal in Charge, will include Project Management and Project Design responsibilities


Responsibilites Key


Scope of work key

CH/ 策划

Feasibility Study SD / 原理图设计

Schematic design DD / 细节设计

Detail design CD / 绘制工艺图

Construction drawings B&N / 招标和谈判

Bidding and negotiation CA / 施工管理

Construction administration MP / 总体规划

Master plan GD / 图形开发

Graphic development

FD / 规划方案全套资料

Full documents for planning (其中包含地理与统计工作) (including geographical and statistical work)

总裁 / Principal In Charge 设计副总监 / Associate Design Director 顾问 / Consultant 项目管理经理 / Project Management Director 项目设计经理 / Project Design Director 项目设计主管 / Project Design Supervisor 资深设计师 / Senior Designer 资深策划人 / Senior Planner 建筑管理 / Construction Management 竞赛项目经理 / Competition Manager xw/ 艾斯弧国际项目 / Project done for XWHO Design 向ts / 土人景观项目 / Project done for Turenscape ar / Arppa项目 / Project done for Arppa mq / 克雷塔罗市项目 / Project done for Queretaro Municipality dv / 科拉雷侯市项目 / Project done for Dovela gc/ 中国中建设计集团GC工作室 / Project done with CCDI / CSCEC GC pb/ 普邦设计院项目 / Project done with PuBang ln/ 岭南园林设计院项目 / Project done with LingNan Design fm/西班牙都市研究基金会国际高级顾问/ Project done with FM

Landscape Selected Works

Guiyang Big Data Boulevard Conceptual Landscape (2019) Landscape/ Interactive / Layout / SD Area: 20 km Blvd Client: Guiyang Municipal Governemnt Landscape Consultant for LayOut Design
/ SD
GuanJingTai MAX Creative Industry Complex.
Cultural Landscape Design
Area: 12,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments
Fantasy Kingdom Theme park (2017) Landscape/ Interactive Design / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Design Director
Area: 2.8 km2 Client: NuoShiDa Group
Interactive Design / Graphic Design / pb / SD
GuDian Fantasy Kingdom Theme park (2017) Landscape/
Area: 2.8 km2 Client: NuoShiDa Group Design Director
Fantasy Kingdom Theme park (2017) Landscape/ Interactive Design / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Design Director
Area: 2.8 km2 Client: NuoShiDa Group
(2017) Landscape/ Interactive Design / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Design Director
GuDian Fantasy Kingdom Theme park
Area: 2.8 km2 Client: NuoShiDa Group
Landscape/ Interactive Design / Graphic Design / pb / SD
GuDian Fantasy Kingdom Theme park (2017)
Area: 2.8 km2 Client: NuoShiDa Group Design Director

Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD

Area: 2.3 km2

Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant

Jiaozuo Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD
Area: 2.3 km2 Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant

Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD

Area: 2.3 km2

Client: Government of jiaozuo

Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant


Area: 2.3 km2

Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant

Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD

Area: 2.3 km2

Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD Area: 2.3 km2 Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD Area: 2.3 km2 Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD
Area: 2.3 km2 Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant
Infinitus Corporate Building 2016 Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD
Infinitus Group Design Director
Area: 45,280 m2 Client:
Infinitus Corporate Building 2016 Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD
Infinitus Group Design Director
Area: 45,280 m2 Client:
Corporate Building 2016 Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD
Group Design Director
Area: 45,280 m2 Client: Infinitus
Infinitus Corporate Building 2016 Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD Area: 45,280 m2 Client: Infinitus Group Design Director
Infinitus Corporate Building 2016 Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD
Area: 45,280 m2 Client: Infinitus Group

Hangzhou Gate and The Digital Key Park, Zhejiang. 2016


Area: 27,000 m2 + 1.2 km2

/ pb /
Client: Shi Mao Group Design Director
/ pb /
Hangzhou Gate and The Digital Key Park, Zhejiang. 2016 Landscape
SD Area: 27,000 m2 + 1.2 km2
Client: Shi Mao Group Design Director
/ pb /
Hangzhou Gate and The Digital Key Park, Zhejiang. 2016 Landscape
Area: 27,000 m2 + 1.2 km2 Client: Shi Mao Group Design Director

Area: 27,000 m2 + 1.2 km2 Client: Shi Mao Group Design Director

/ pb /
Hangzhou Gate and The Digital Key Park, Zhejiang. 2016 Landscape
Nanjing MAX Light Industry Complex. 2015 Cultural Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD Area: 38,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
Nanjing MAX Light Industry Complex. 2015 Cultural Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD Area: 38,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
Nanjing MAX Light Industry Complex. 2015 Cultural Landscape Design / pb / SD / DD / CD Area: 38,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
- 2017
Architecture / Landscape / Master Planning / pb / SD / DD / CD
BMW North Corporate Office. 2014
Construction Area: 65,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
Beijing, Shunyi, BMW North Corporate Office. 2014 - 2017
Architecture / Landscape / Master Planning / pb / SD / DD / CD
Construction Area: 65,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
Beijing, Shunyi, BMW North Corporate Office. 2014 - 2017
Architecture / Landscape / Master Planning / pb / SD / DD / CD
Construction Area: 65,000 m2 Client: Gold Concord Investments Design Director
Club Med Resort Landscape, Anji. Zhejiang. 2015 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / pb / SD/DD/CD Area: 40 Ha Client: Club Med Design Director Landscape
Club Med Resort Landscape, Anji. Zhejiang. 2015 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / pb
SD/DD/CD Area: 40 Ha Client: Club Med Design Director Landscape
Club Med Resort Landscape, Anji. Zhejiang. 2015 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / pb / SD/DD/CD Area: 40 Ha Client: Club Med Design Director Landscape

Club Med Resort Landscape, Anji. Zhejiang. 2015 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / pb / SD/DD/CD

Client: Club Med Design Director Landscape

Area: 40 Ha
2015 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / pb / SD/DD/CD
40 Ha
Design Director
Club Med Resort Landscape, Anji. Zhejiang.
Client: Club Med
BiHai Hill Residential Complex. Zhuhai. 2016 Landscape / pb / SD / DD / CD Area : 26,590 m2 Client: Zhuhai Bihai Hill Development Co. Ltd. Design Consultant
Hill Residential Complex. Zhuhai. 2016 Landscape / pb / SD / DD / CD
Zhuhai Bihai Hill Development Co. Ltd. Design Consultant
Area : 26,590 m2 Client:
BiHai Hill Residential Complex. Zhuhai. 2016 Landscape / pb / SD / DD / CD Area : 26,590 m2 Client: Zhuhai Bihai Hill Development Co. Ltd. Design Consultant
珠海碧海山景 2016 住宅景观设计/ pb / CD 面积: 26590 m2 客户:珠海市碧海山景房地产开发有限公司 设计
BiHai Hill Residential Complex. Zhuhai. 2016 Landscape / pb / SD / DD / CD Area : 26,590 m2 Client: Zhuhai Bihai Hill Development Co. Ltd. Design Consultant
BiHai Hill Residential Complex. Zhuhai. 2016 Landscape / pb / SD / DD / CD Area : 26,590 m2 Client: Zhuhai Bihai Hill Development Co. Ltd. Design Consultant
3000 Rooms / Area: 350,000 m2
Hotel / Tourism /
/ tr / SD
TianRui Group Ltd.
Co. Chief Architect
ShangTang Hot Spring - Spa Resort, Shantang; Henan 2008

3000 Rooms / Area: 350,000 m2

Client: TianRui Group Ltd. Co. Chief Architect

Hotel / Tourism /
/ tr / SD
ShangTang Hot Spring - Spa Resort, Shantang; Henan 2008
/ Area: 350,000 m2
Hotel / Tourism /
/ tr / SD
3000 Rooms
TianRui Group Ltd.
Co. Chief Architect
ShangTang Hot Spring - Spa Resort, Shantang; Henan 2008
Ecological Planning /
/ ts / SD
Area 11’395;000: m2 Client: Planning Bureau of LinFen Project Design Supervisor Lin Fen Fen River Park, Lin Fen; ShanXi 2008.

Area: 230,000 m2

Design Fee: 126,800 USD



Area: 114,000 m2

Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Design Director Yichang East Channel Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008.
ts / SD
Dadu Dev. Co. Ltd Project Design Supervisor Yichang Residential Plot #1, East District, Yichang; Hubei 2008. Residential Development /
Area: 114,000 m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Design Director Yichang East Channel Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008. Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 114,000 m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Design Director Yichang East Channel Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008. Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 114,000 m2 Client:
Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Design Director
Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Yichang East Channel Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008.
Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 114,000 m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Design Director Yichang East Channel Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008.
Design Director Yichang East Channel
Hubei 2008. Sustainable Design / Detail Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 114,000 m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co.
Park, Yichang;

Area: 1’330,000

Yichang East Train Station Park, Yichang; Hubei 2008. Landscape
/ Park / ts / SD
m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Ltd. Co. Project Design Director
and Inv.
Chief Architect / Competition Manager Qiao Yuan Park, Tianjin 2008. Park / ts / SD / WAF 2009 / ASLA 2010 Landscape Award
Area: 220,000 m2
Tianjin Environmental Construction
Ltd. Co.
Area: 220,000 m2
Park / ts / SD / WAF 2009 / ASLA 2010 Landscape Award
Client: Tianjin Environmental Construction and Inv. Ltd. Co. Chief Architect / Competition Manager Qiao Yuan Park, Tianjin 2008.
Area: 220,000 m2 Client: Tianjin Environmental Construction and Inv. Ltd. Co. Chief Architect / Competition Manager
Qiao Yuan Park, Tianjin 2008.
WAF 2009 / ASLA 2010 Landscape Award
Park / ts / SD / WAF 2009 / ASLA 2010
Area: 220,000 m2 Client: Tianjin Environmental Construction and Inv. Ltd. Co. Chief Architect / Competition Manager Qiao Yuan Park, Tianjin 2008.
“The Flower Path” Recreational Street, Suining; Jiangsu 2009. Landscape / Master Planning / Street Scape / Park / ts / SD / DD
254,800 m2 Client: Government of Suining Project Design Director
Suining Street and Central Park, Suining; Jiangsu 2008. Streetscape / Park / ts / SD / Construction to be completed in 2011 Area: 84,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining Design Director
Streetscape / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Design Director
and Central Park, Suining; Jiangsu 2008.
Area: 84,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining
/ Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Suining Street and Central Park, Suining; Jiangsu 2008. Streetscape
Area: 84,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining Design Director
Streetscape / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Suining Street and Central Park, Suining; Jiangsu 2008.
Area: 84,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining Design Director

Area: 84,000 m2

Client: Government of Suining Design Director

Streetscape / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Suining Street and Central Park, Suining; Jiangsu 2008.
Master Plan Area 3,955,000 m2 Client: Government of Sanmen City Consultant
Tourism / ts / MP
Henggang Jin Lin Park, Sanmen Master Plan Reference; Sanmen; Zhejiang 2008

Area: 25,000 m2

Client: Government of Sanmen City Design Director
Architecture / Landscape / Cultural / ts / SD
Henggang Jin Lin, Sanmen Cultural Center, Sanmen; Zhejiang 2008.
Architecture /
Area: 22,000 m2 Client: Government of Sanmen City Design Director
Lanscape / Tourism
Henggang Jin Lin, Sanmen Tourism Center, Sanmen; Zhejiang 2008.
Master Plan Area
Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Plan Area
m2 MP Design Fee:
750,000 m2
139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011
Client: Government of Sanmen City Consultant
Tourism / ts / MP
Henggang Jin Lin Park, Sanmen Master Plan Reference; Sanmen; Zhejiang 2008
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Master Plan Area 750,000 m2 / Landscape Area 139,018 Client: Government of CiXi City Landscape Principal CiXi District Urban Design. Zhejiang. 2011 Urban Design / Landscape Design / xw / MP
Area: 112,000 m2 Competition Entry Client:
District Principal in Charge / Competition Manager Chicago
Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / Competition Finalist.
Chicago Park
North Grant Park Renovation Competition, Illinois; USA 2009.
Area: 112,000 m2 Competition Entry Client: Chicago Park District Principal in Charge / Competition Manager Chicago North Grant Park Renovation Competition, Illinois; USA 2009. Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / Competition Finalist.
Area: 800,000m2 Competition Entry Client: Madrid City Government Principal in Charge / Competition Manager Valdebebas
Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / International Competition
Park Competition, Madrid; Spain 2009.
Area: 1’235,000 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director Dalian Tiandi Software Hub (DTSH), Huangnichuan Master Plan, Liaoning; 2009. Landscape / Ecological Master Planning / ts / SD / DD Area: 112,000 m2 Competition Entry Client: Chicago Park District Principal in Charge / Competition Manager
Park Renovation Competition, Illinois; USA 2009. Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / Competition Finalist.
Chicago North Grant
Area: 1’235,000 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director Dalian Tiandi Software Hub (DTSH), Huangnichuan Landscape, Liaoning; 2009. Landscape / Ecological Master Planning / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 25,600 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director DTSH D27 Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009. Landscape / Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD Area: 1’235,000 m2 Design Fee: 240,000 USD Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director
Landscape / Ecological Master Planning / ts / SD / DD
Dalian Tiandi Software Hub (DTSH), Huangnichuan Master Plan, Liaoning; 2009.

Area: 25,600 m2

Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director

/ CD
DTSH D27 Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009. Landscape
Sustainable Design
Area: 25,600 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director
Landscape / Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
DTSH D27 Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
Area: 25,600 m2
Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director
Landscape / Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
Landscape / Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 25,600 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director DTSH
Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
Landscape / Sustainable Design / Park / ts / SD / DD / CD
Area: 25,600 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director DTSH D27 Zero Carbon Park, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
Area: 26,400 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director
Landscape / ts / SD / DD / CD
DTSH D10 Shopping Center, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
DTSH D22 Office Complex, Huangnichuan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009. Landscape
ts / SD / DD / CD / Construction expected to be completed in 2011. Area: 22,500 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Principal in Charge
Landscape / Park /
/ xw / MP
Area: 1,540,000 m2 Client: Songbei, Harbin Government Landscape Principal Harbin Cultural Center Preliminary Design,
Songyuan; Heilongjiang 2010.
Landscape / Park / Ecology / xw / MP
1,540,000 m2 Client: Songbei, Harbin Government Landscape Principal Harbin Cultural Center Preliminary Design, Songyuan; Heilongjiang 2010.
Area: 4,000 m2 Client:
/ UNAM Principal
Management UNAM
Landscape / ar / SD / DD / CD / B&N / CA
Pedro Beguerisse
in Charge / Construction
Access, Juriquilla Campus, Queretaro; Mexico 2006
面积: 15,780 m2 客户: 克雷塔罗市政府 资深设计师 墨西哥克雷塔罗市Constitución购物中心景观设计 1997. 景观 / mq / SD / DD / CD
/ mq / SD / DD / CD
Area: 15,780 m2 Client: Municipio de Queretaro Project Manager / Senior Designer Plaza Constitucion
and Underground Parking, Queretaro; Mexico 1997.
Architecture /
/ gc /
Design Principal
Wine Cellar and Club of the Beijing Agricultural Research Institute. 2013
DD Area : 1600 m2 Client: MCC / 焦作政府
Area: 9,200 m2 Client: Grupo Solucion
in Charge
Landscape / ar / SD / DD / CD
Santuarios del Cerrito Access, Queretaro; Mexico 2004.

Master Planning Selected Works

Qiantang Bay District Urban Design Competition. 2021 Urban Desdign
Landscape design / FM / SD
Area:179.8 km2 Client: Government of Hangzhou Project Manager / Senior International Advisor

Area:179.8 km2

Qiantang Bay District Urban Design Competition. 2021 Urban Desdign / Landscape design / FM / SD
Client: Government of Hangzhou Project Manager / Senior International Advisor

Nanshuibeidiao. Henan. 2013 Tourism planning/ Architecture/ Landscape design / gc / SD

Area: 2.3 km2

Client: Government of jiaozuo Design Director Landscape and Architecture / Planning Consultant

Landscape/ Interactive
/ ln / SD
DongGuan XiaGang Cultural Wetland Park (2018)
Area: 8 km2 Client: XieGang Government Design Director
Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Government Design Director
Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng Local
Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng Local Government Design Director
Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Stag Biosphere Village (2017)
Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng Local Government Design
Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng Local Government Design Director
Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng Local Government Design Director

Area: 3.3 km2

Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD
Design Director
Client: Dafeng Local Government
Stag Biosphere Village (2017) Master Planning / Landscape / Graphic Design / pb / SD Area: 3.3 km2 Client: Dafeng
Government Design Director
Area: 7,630,000 m2 Client: Tengzhou Planning Bureau Consultant
Urban Design / Landscape / Tourism / Ecology / ts / MP
Weishan Lake Wetland Park, Jining; Shandong 2008.
Area: 13’785,000 m2 Client: Tourism Bureau of Gao You Project Design Supervisor
Ecological Planning / Tourism / ts / MP
Qing Shui Tan Wetland Park, GaoYou; Jiangsu 2008.
Guanting Tourism Planning. Beijing 2014. Urban Design / Master Planning / Landscape / gc / MP Area: 10 km2 Competition Proposal Winner Client: GuanTing Local Government Design Principal
Hainan Hongqi Stag Lake Tourism Resort. 2014
Master Planning / gc / Competition Proposal Area : 1.6 Km2 Client: Rong
Feng Investments Project Manager / Design in collaboration with Lagula
Hainan Hongqi Stag Lake Tourism Resort. 2014
Master Planning
Competition Proposal Area : 1.6 Km2 Client: Rong Feng Investments Project Manager / Design in collaboration with Lagula
Urban Design / Landscape / ts / SD
Area: 687,000 m2 Client: Shui On Land Group Principal in Charge Site A, Hekouwan, Dalian; Liaoning 2009.
Area: 1’235,000 m2 Client: Shui On Group / Palmer & Turner Design Director
Landscape / Ecological Master Planning / ts / SD / DD
Dalian Tiandi Software Hub (DTSH), Huangnichuan Master Plan, Liaoning; 2009.
Weifang LED Research Center. 2014 Master Planning / gc / SD Area : 220,000 m2 Client: LED Research Center Beijing Design Principal

Urban Planning Selected Works

Suining Anju District Urban Design. Sichuan. 2011

Urban Design / xw / MP

Master Plan Plot Area 300,000 m2

Client: Government of Suining City Landscape Principal

Suining Anju District Urban Design. Sichuan. 2011 Urban Design / xw / MP Master Plan Plot Area 300,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining City Landscape Principal
Suining Anju District Urban Design. Sichuan. 2011 Urban Design / xw / MP Master Plan Plot Area 300,000 m2 Client: Government of Suining City Landscape Principal
/ xw / SD
Binhu, Lin’an Urban Design; Hangzhou, Zhejiang. 2010. Urban Design
Area: 1’500,000 m2 Client: Government of Lin’An Landscape Principal
/ xw /
Binhu, Lin’an Urban Design; Hangzhou, Zhejiang. 2010. Urban Design
Area: 1’500,000 m2 Client: Government of Lin’An Landscape Principal

Area: 1’500,000 m2

Client: Government of Lin’An Landscape Principal

Binhu, Lin’an Urban Design; Hangzhou, Zhejiang. 2010. Urban Design / Landscape / xw / SD
Area: 30 km2 Client: Government of Wuzhou Consultant
Canghai New City Planning Design, Wuzhou; GuangXi, 2010. Urban Planning and Design / xw / MP

Area: 30 km2

Client: Government of Wuzhou Landscape Principal

Wuzhou, Canghai New City Planning Design, Wuzhou; GuangXi, 2010. Urban Planning and Design / xw / MP
Area: 5’000,000 m2
Client: Government of Suining Design Director Suining West Gate, Suining; Jiangsu 2009. Urban Design / Landscape
ts / SD

Suining West Gate, Suining; Jiangsu 2009. Urban Design / Landscape

Area: 5’000,000 m2

Client: Government of Suining Design Director

/ ts / SD
Master Plan Area 60 Km2 Client: Government of Putian City Landscape Principal
/ xw /
Mulaxi District Urban Planning; Putian, Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning
Master Plan Area 60 Km2 Client: Government of Putian City Landscape Principal Mulaxi District Urban Planning; Putian, Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning /
xw / UP
总体规划面积: 60,000,000 m2 客户:莆田市政府 顾问 福建省莆田木兰溪区城市规划. 2010 城市规划 / xw / UP Master Plan Area 60 Km2 Client: Government of Putian City Landscape Principal Mulaxi District Urban Planning; Putian, Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning / xw / UP
Master Plan Area 60 Km2 Client: Government of Putian City Landscape Principal Mulaxi District Urban Planning; Putian, Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning / xw
/ UP
Mulaxi District Waterfront Design; Putian, Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning / xw / MP Area: 7,812,000 m2 Client: Mulanxi Government Landscape Principal
Area: 7,812,000 m2 / xw /
Client: Mulanxi Government Landscape Principal
Mulanxi New District Urban Planning, Putian; Fujian. 2010 Urban Planning
Area: 2,000 Ha Client: Municipio de Queretaro Principal in Charge PPDUCP Bernal – San Antonio de la Cal, Queretaro; Mexico 2006. Urban Planning / ar / FD / Competition First Place

Area: 2,000 Ha

Municipio de Queretaro

Urban Planning / ar / FD / Competition First Place
Principal in Charge PPDUCP Bernal – San Antonio de la Cal, Queretaro; Mexico 2006.
Urban Research /
/ ts /
Area: 75 km2 The Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands Design Director BARC – Greening the Metropolis: Caofeidian; Tangshan; Hebei 2010.
Think Tank
Evolutionary Planning Relay
Urban Research / Think
/ ts / Evolutionary Planning Relay
Area: 75 km2 Hong Kong City Design Director with Cesar Cabanas BARC
Greening the Metropolis: Caofeidian; Hong Kong Biennale 2012

Architecture Selected Works

Area : 1.6 Km2

Client: Rong Feng Investments Project Manager / Design in collaboration with Lagula

Hainan Hongqi Stag Lake Tourism Resort. 2014 Master Planning
gc / Competition Proposal

Sea Dragon Iceland Theme Park (2018) Theme Park and Aquarium Design / ar / SD Area: 120,000 m2

Client: Zhong Ke Deep Sea Limited Co. Design Director

: 84,000 m2
Architecture / Landscape / Master Planning / gc / SD
Client: Gold Concord Design Principal Gold Concord IT Tiandi Park Business Cluster. Qingdao, Shandong. 2014
Boao Sports and Cultural Center. Hainan. 2013 Cultural / Sports / Master Planning / gc / SD Area : 420000 m2 Client: MCC / 焦作政府 Design Principal
BoAo Sports and
2013 Cultural / Sports / Master Planning / gc / SD Area : 420000 m2 Client: MCC / 焦作政府 Design Principal
Cultural Center. Hainan.
Changchun Industrial Club Complex. Jilin 2013 Master Planning / Landscape / gc / SD Area: 175000 m2 Competition Client : MU Hotels Design Principal

Nanshan River Walk

Competition Proposal

Area : Urban m2 Client: Nanshan Government Design Principal

- 2014
/ gc /
Urban Design
Area: 230,000 m2 Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Co. Ltd Project Design Supervisor
Residential Development / ts / SD
Yichang Residential Plot #1, East District, Yichang; Hubei 2008.

Area: 230,000 m2

Client: Hubei Dadu Dev. Co. Ltd Project Design Supervisor

Yichang Residential Plot #1, East District, Yichang; Hubei 2008. Residential Development / ts
/ SD
Plot Area: 247,000 m2
Client: Liaoning Police University Design Consultant
Educational / ts / DD
Liaoning Police University , Shenyang; Liaoning 2009 .
Area: 480 m2
Architecture /
/ ts /
QingPing Ji
Ji House Boutique Hotel, Beiluoguxiang; Beijing 2008.
Construction Management
Residential Complex / ar / DD / CD / CA
/ Area: 2500 m2 Client: Grupo Santos Associate Design Director /
Rincon del Centro Community, Queretaro; Mexico 2006.

List of Works

List of Projects in PuBang 2015 - 2018

2017 Nanning Garden and Flower Expo Park

2017 YanCheng Stag Biosphere Park / Competition Winner

2017 GuDian Fantasy Kingdom

2017 HengYang DazhangShu River Park

2016 Googol IT Science Park

2016 Guangzhou, Infinitus Corporate Landscape / Competition Winner

2016 Anji Club Med Resort / Competition Winner

2016 Shi Mao Zhejiang Gate Towers Landscape Concept

2016 Zhuhai, Bihai Shanjing Residential

2015 Zhejiang, Anji Club Med Landscape / Competition Winner

2015 Nanning Jia He Cheng Landscape Planning

2015 Nanjing MAX Life Science Park

2015 Foshan Green Vertical Complex Concept

2014 Qingdao, Shandong. Shipyard Brownfield Office Renovation

2014 Beijing, Shunyi. BMW North Office Building Landscape

2014 Inner Mongolia, Huhhot, Dianli Sports Complex

2014 Beijing, Ligong Shangguan Residence

2014 Hebei, Guanting, Culture Sports Park

2014 Shandong, Qingdao, Chengyang IT Park Plot A Landscape

2014 Shandong, Qingdao, Chengyang IT Park Business Cluster

2014 Shandong, Qingdao, Chengyang IT Park Sales House Landscape

2014 Beijing, Daxing Longxi Hotel Landscape Consultancy

2014 Hainan, Sanya, National Defence and Nuclear Technology Park

2014 Inner Mongolia, Manzhouli, Wood Cabin Exhibition Park

2013 Shandong, Weifang, LED Research Center

2013 Shandong, Linyi, Residential Landscape

2013 Shandong, Feicheng, Residential Landscape

2013 Shandong, Sishui, Huiyuan Wine Landscapes

2013 Beijing, Fangshan Memoria Guigu Plaza Hotel

2013 JiangXi, Memoria Resort Cultural Hotel and Villas

2013 Beijing, Fraser Residence Central Park: W Fitness Club

2013 Jilin, Changchun Mixed Used Development

2013 Hainan, Qionghai Cultural and Sport Center

2013 Hainan, Haikou, Rongfeng Hotel Resort

2013 Heilongjiang, Hei He, Rusian-Chinese Cultural Center

2013 Beijing, China Agrigarden Wine Cellar

2012 Beijing, Majuqiao Office Landscape

2012 Henan, Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao Landscape Park

2012 Shandong, Weifang. Gaomi Cultural Park.

2012 Beijing, Olympic Museum Exhibition Design

2012 Shandong, Jinan Military Park

2012 Guangdong, Zhuhai, Xin Tiandi

List of Projects in CSCEC 2012

- 2014

List of Projects in XWHO 2010-2012

2012 Shandong, Binzhou. North Culture and Development Park

2012 Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Yueqing City Planning

2012 Puer, Yunnan. Puer Lake Residential Development

2012 Cixi, Zhejiang. Cixi Zhejiang New District Landscape / Winner

2012 Harbin, Hanan Street Landscape Design

2012 Harbin, Hanan, Interactive Landscape Plaza

2012 Hong Kong, Biennale Exhibition: Landscape and Ecology as Urbanism 2011 Binshan, Chongqing. Binshan Urban Fringe Redevelopment / Winner

2011 Fujian, Putian. Mulanxi New Urban Planning / Winner

2011 Cixi, Zhejiang. Cixi, XinChaoTang District Planning / Winner

2011 Sichuan, Suining Town Redevelopment Master Plan / Winner

2011 Songbei, Harbin, Heilongjiang. Songbei Avenue Street Landscape

2011 Zhejiang, Linan Financial Center Conceptual Master Planning / Winner

2011 Binhai, Tianjin. Binhai Park Conceptual Redesign

2011 Beijing Capital Group, Landscape Design Standardization fo Residential Project / Winner

2011 Beijing, Xihongmen. Landscape for CDD Creative Industry Park / Winner

2011 Xianghe, Langfan. Xianghe 3rd Age Resdential Community

2011 Liaoning, Yingkou. Bayuquan District Conceptual Master Plan

2011 Yongzhou, Hunan. Yongzhou new city Planning

2011 Beijing, RECON Network IFC-CBD Office Interior Design Renovation

2010 Greening the Metropolis Caofeidian Eco-City .BARC Think-Tank Project, with Tsinghua University

2010 Zhejiang, Xiaoshan Bamboo Forest Recreational Resort Landscape

2010 Fujian, Putian, MuLanXi District Urban Planning / Competition Winner

2010 Zhejiang, Lin An City Urban Design Competition

2010 Jiangsu, Qidong Central Civic Square Landscape Design

2010 Helongjiang, Harbin Cultural Center Preliminary Design

2010 Hebei, Langfang Residential Community Landscape

2010 ShanXi, Taiyuan, Residential Community Landscape

2010 Hebei, Cangzhou Commercial, Office and Residential Complex

List of Projects in Turenscape 2008 - 2009

2009 Qiaoyuan Park; World Architecture Festival Landscape Category Winner.

2009 Zhongshan Park; Urban Land Institute Global Award for Excellence.

2009 Zhongshan Park; Waterfront Center Environmental Restoration Award.

2009 Zhongshan Park; Urban Land Institute Asia Pacific Award for Excellence.

2009 Suining West Gate; Suining, Jiangsu.

2009 “The Flower Path” Recreational Street; Suining, Jiangsu.

2009 Landscape for Dalian Tiandi Software Hub Park; Liaoning.

2009 Chicago North Grant Park Renovation Competition (Finalist) ; Chicago, USA.

2009 Parque de Valdebebas Competition; Madrid, Spain .

2008 The Red Ribbon; The World Architecture Festival High Commendation.

2008 The Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Award.

2008 The Waterfront Center Top Honor Award.

2008 Yichang Channel Residential Compound, Hubei.

2008 Suining Central Park; Jiangsu.

2008 Yichang Train Station Park; Hubei.

2008 QiaoYuan Park in Tianjin; Tianjin.

2008 FenHe Park; Shan Xi.

2008 Shangtang Recreational Center; Henan.

2008 Sanmen Cultural and Tourist Center; Zhejiang.

2008 Gaoyou tourism and protection urban design; JiangSu.

2008 Liaoning Police University; Liaoning.

2008 Yichang Channel Park; Hubei.

2008 Tengzhou Tourism Development and Wetland Park; Shandong.

2008 JiHouse, Hotel Boutique Design; Beijing, China.

2007 UNAM Cechimex Urban Research Competition Winner.

2007 Club Britania, Sport Club Facility Design; Queretaro, Mexico.

2007 Paredes Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

2007 Guardian Expo Stand ExpoCIHAC; Mexico City, Mexico.

2007 Ludoteca UNAM Campus Juriquilla; Queretaro, Mexico.

2007 Library for UNAM Campus Juriquilla; Queretaro, Mexico.

2006 Rincon del Centro, Residential Compound; Queretaro. Mexico.

2006 Studio Dante Jewelry, Building Design; Cancun, Mexico.

2006 Landin-Dominguez Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

2006 Plaza Diana, Shopping Center; Queretaro, Mexico.

2006 Villa Florencia, Shopping Plaza; Queretaro, Mexico.

2006 UNAM Access Landscape Campus Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico.

2005 Prision Facility Renovation; SJR, Qro. Mexico.

2005 Bernal, Urban Planning; Bernal, Qro. Mexico.

2005 Plaza Oasis, Commercial Center; Queretaro. Mexico.

2004 El Batan, Urban Design Development; Queretaro, Mexico.

2004 Haza Calderon Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

2004 Haza Vandenpeereboom Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

2004 Access for Santuarios del Cerrito, Queretaro, Mexico.

2003 Santuarios del Cerrito, Urban Design Development; Qro. Mexico.

2002 Residencial Santorini, Community Design; Queretaro. Mexico.

2002 Candiles – Los Olvera, Urban Planning; Corregidora, Qro. Mexico.

2001 Mexico Inn, *** Hotel Design; Queretaro. Mexico.

2001 Biodomo, Cultural and Environmental Center; Queretaro, Mexico.

2001 Santa Rosa Jáuregui City Landscape; Queretaro, Mexico.

2001 El Pueblito, Urban Planning; Queretaro, Mexico.

2000 Residencial Balcones, Community Design; Queretaro, Mexico.

2000 Pabellon Sur; Shopping Mall; Queretaro, Mexico.

2000 Mision de Santiago Social Housing Development, Pachuca, Hidalgo.

List of Projects in Arppa

2000 CAPFCE Official Elemantary School Contractor; Queretaro, Mexico.

2000 D’Angélica Dance Academy; Monterrey, Mexico.

2000 GIS City Cartography for urban planning; Queretaro, Mexico.

1999 Molina García Rocha Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

1999 Inventory for social housing; Corregidora, Queretaro. Mexico.

1999 Cluster Misiones, Community Design; Queretaro, Mexico.

1999 Epigmenio Gonzalez Street Redesign, Queretaro, Mexico.

1998 Hacienda Buenavista, Cultural Center; Santa Rosa Jauregui; Queretaro, Mexico.

1998 Tourism Strategical Planning 2000 2015. Queretaro, Mexico.

1998 GIS Data City Billboard Administration; Queretaro, Mexico.

1998 GIS Data project for City Sport Facilities; Queretaro, Mexico.

1997 Plaza Constitución, Landscape Design. Queretaro, Mexico.

1997 La Canada Religious Compound; La Canada, Qro. Mexico.

1997 Municipal Cadaster Coordination Project; Queretaro, Mexico.

1996 Cerda Beltrán Residence; Queretaro, Mexico.

1996 Neuro Biology National Research Center and Laboratories; Queretaro, Mexico.

1996 Landscape Design for UNAM Campus Juriquilla.

1995 Downtown District Urban and City Planning; Queretaro, Mexico.

1995 Blvd. Las Américas Park; Queretaro, Mexico.

1994 Durán Beltrán House; Queretaro, Mexico.

1994 San Pablo Park; Queretaro, Mexico.

1993 Vitro American National Can Industry Building; Queretaro, Mexico.

1993 La Guadalupana Arts and Crafts Center; SJR Qro. Mexico.

1993 2000 CAD Drafting, 3D Modeling and Visualization.

1992 Camprubi Residence, Queretaro. Mexico.

1992 -

Lectures and Articles

2014 -2016

2018 Land Intelligence Book Preface and Chinese Translation coordination

2016 LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture. USA Lecture: “Landscape Intelligence”

2016 Shanghai ULI ASIA Forum. Lecture: “Landscape Tech”

2016 Environmental Planning and Water Forum, Shanghai Lecture: Water Intelligence Design

2015 ISOCARP 51st Congress, International Co-rapporteur Dortmund University Amsterdam Municipal Government Workshop: “Engineering the Public Realm”

2015 Speaker at the: 4th Annual Vertical Cities conference; Marcus Evans; Singapore.

2014 ILIA City Back to Nature. Xiamen. Panelist.

2014, 6th. St. Gallen Symposium, Beijing. Panelist. Embassy of Switzerland in China.

Lectures and Articles

2002 -2014

2014 Changchun, ILIA Conference Idea King Awards: “Natural Landscape Intelligence”

2014 Peking University: “Creative Park Research”

2014 Beijing, IPADE BUSINESS SCHOOL (MEXICO) at the International Study Programs:” Three Perspectives of Design Business. Hongqi, Dalian, Jiaozuo”

2013 UG delegation, Suffolk University, “South Water Divertion Project intervention in Jiaozuo, Henan, China”

2013 HuaZhong University, 21st Century Planning Conference: “Landscape Intelligence and Neural Urbanism”

2013 Peking University Geo Conference: “GIS for Landscape Intelligence”

2013 ILIA Conference Idea King Awards: “Resilience in Landscape”

2012 ILIA : “PM2.5 Mitigating Pollution with Landscape”

2012 Ulanbataar Ministry of Development: “Smart Cities in Spain”

2011 ILIA Conference Idea King Awards

2011 White Peak / XHWO: “Tianjin Bridge Park Wetlands”

2010 White Peak / XHWO: “Curitiba, the sustainable example”

2009 WAF Barcelona 2009; “The Next set of Values for Architecture?”

2009 US-China Greentech Summit: “DTSH Sustainable Practices”

2008 Challenge vs Transformation, “The Turenscape Negative Approach, EDAW-Beijing. China.”

2008 “Rethinking Cities after Natural Disasters”: Mexico 1985. Peking University GSLA Annual Conference. Beijing, China

2008 “Efficient Land Use in China, Beijing”.

2008 “The Landscape Origin”, Peking University Shenzhen, China

2008 “Shanshan, A New Desert Urban Face”. Beijing, China.

2008 “Olympic Architecture in Beijing”. Beijing China

2008 “Detailing in Turenscape”. Indian Architecture Magazine. 2008 “Learning urban sustainability from Curitiba”, Huhott, Inner Mongolia.

2003 “The Lighting Design Experience of Finland”. Museo Regional de Queretaro. Mexico

2002 “Urban Administration of Curitiba”, Architectural Association of Queretaro. Mexico.

2002 “Transportation and New Practices in Curitiba”, Consejos de Concertacion Ciudadana, Queretaro.

Scholar Work

2016 Tsinghua Planning Journal “Greening the Public Realm”

2015 IMPP (International Manual of Professional Planning) ISOCARP Co-Author ISBN: 978-94-90354-40-4

2011 School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing. China

Invited Professor

Urban Planning and Design Workshop: Caofeidian, The New Sustainable

2008-2009 Graduate School of Landscape Architecture: PKU Peking University, Beijing. China

Invited Professor

Urban History, Landscape Architecture Design Workshop

1993-2000 Architecture School: ITESM Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Queretaro, (Monterrey Higher Studies Institute of Technology) Professor History, Sustainable Workshops, Design and Architectural, Autodesk Instructor


2017 Asian Habitat Society (in consultation with ECOSOC)

Urban Landscape Award Asia, Yinchuan, Ningxia.

2016 Asian Habitat Society (in consultation with ECOSOC) Urban Landscape Award Asia, Yinchuan, Ningxia.

2016 ILIA Conference Idea-King Awards; Xiamen 2015 ILIA Conference Idea King Awards; Suzhou 2014 ILIA Conference Idea-King Awards; Xiamen 2014 Asian Habitat Society (in consultation with ECOSOC)

Urban Landscape Award Asia, Nanchang 2013 ILIA Conference Idea-King Awards; Beijing 2012 ILIA Conference Idea-King Awards; Beijing 2011 ILIA Conference Idea-King Awards; Beijing

Research Topics

2016 Drones in Landscape 2015 Landscape Intelligence 2014 GC Creative Park Research 2007 Urban Infrastructure in Beijing; Key for Economic Growth 2004 Efficient Urban Administration Land Use in Mexico 2004 SOLTEC: A New prefabrication method. 2000 Sustainable Development in Curitiba, Brazil.

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