PLG 520 // 06 Dec 20161
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Transmittal Report
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Transmittal Report According to the Toronto Strong Neighbourhood Strategy, the Jane & Finch area has been identified as a neighbourhood in need of strengthening. The North York Community Council has undertaken the process of creating the documentation to revitalize and rejuvenate the area, beginning with a background report. This report set the boundaries of the study area, and includes a wealth of demographic, urban design, transportation, and community aspect information of the site. The background report is publicly available. Upon completion of the background report, a Charrette took place to evaluate the opportunities and constraints of the study area. These findings guided the crafting of the vision of the neighbourhood, as well as the guiding principles to meet the vision. A series of policies have been created, ensuring the revitalization takes place as envisioned. In moving from the background report to the Secondary Plan, one boundary change is being made. In the southwestern quadrant, the study area boundary split Elana Drive in half. It has been decided that this boundary is to pushed to the east, leaving all of Elana Drive out of the study area. The rationale behind the decision is that it is senseless to include only one side of a residential street, and expanding to cover the entire street will fragment the neighbouring residential community. This new boundary area can be found in the attached bylaw schedule. Attached please find: â—? Bylaw schedule including Secondary Plan â—? Charrette Summary Report
North York Community Council Item ##, as adopted by City of Toronto Council on November 22, 2016 CITY OF TORONTO BY-LAW No. ####-2016
To adopt Amendment No. ### to the Official Plan of the City of Toronto respecting the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan Area Whereas authority is given to Council under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended, to pass this By-law, and Whereas the Council for the City of Toronto has determined it appropriate to amend the Official Plan for the City of Toronto adopted by By-law No. 1082-2002; and Whereas Council of the City of Toronto has provided adequate information to the public and has held at least one public meeting in accordance with the Planning Act; The Council of the City of Toronto enacts: 1. The text and maps attached hereto are adopted as an amendment to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto. 2. T his is Official Plan Amendment No. ### Enacted and passed on November 22, 2016
AMENDMENT NO. ### TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF TORONTO The Official Plan of the City of Toronto is amended as follows: 1. Map XX, Land Use Plan, is amended by re-designating parts of the lands in the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan area as shown in Schedule ‘I’, attached hereto, as follows: a. Northeast Quadrant - Apartments Neighbourhood to Mixed Use and Parks and Open Space Areas b. N orthwest Quadrant - Mixed Use to Mixed Use and Open Space Areas c. S outheast Quadrant - Commercial to Mixed Use and Open Space Areas d. Southwest Quadrant - Mixed Use and Apartment Neighbourhood to Mixed Use and Open Space Areas 2. Chapter 6 is amended by adding Section 34, the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan, attached hereto as Schedule ‘II’. 3. Schedule 2, the Designation of Planned but Unbuilt Roads, is amended by adding the following:
Street Name
New Link
Yewtree Boulevard
Finch Avenue
New Link
Driftwood Avenue
Jane Street
New Link
Finch Avenue
Driftwood Avenue
JANE & FINCH SECONDARY PLAN Enhanced Pedestrian Areas
Site Boundary Line
Proposed Bike Lanes
Proposed LRT Stops
Proposed LRT Line
d. York Gate Blv
New Pedestrian Friendly roads
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
City of Toronto Planning Division
Finch Ave.
Transportation Structure Not to scale
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Schedule ‘I’
Map of New Roads
Driftwood Ave.
Schedule ‘II’
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
1.0 INTRODUCTION Jane & Finch is an established community in northwestern Toronto that will be facing significant changes in the near future with regards to how it will grow, mature, and develop. The area is at a turning point and will be shaped by transportation projects that make Jane & Finch an area connected to opportunity. With the introduction of Finch West LRT towards Humber College providing better access to Pearson Airport and the extension of Line 1 north to York University it will be critical to plan for unprecedented growth to direct intensification around a new LRT station. However, Jane & Finch has seen a number of challenges over the years. In the 1960s the area changed from farm lots to residential of low, medium, and high density which included a series of high-rise apartments. The Jane & Finch Corridor grew into an area that was known for its gangs, overcrowded schools, and poverty. The neighbourhood was also identified as a priority neighbourhood by the City. Plans for the future of Jane & Finch will be realized over a period of time and will be subject to ongoing dialogue and transparent implementation. This secondary plan equips Jane & Finch to build on its best qualities and mitigate community concerns. Contained in this plan is a framework for developing a finer block structure that promotes healthier lifestyles and provides connectivity to transit. It aims to focus the attention on community spaces and local business to promote growth, economic diversity, and quality public life to build on human capital that focuses on families, young professionals, and seniors. This secondary plan is a vision for the future of a community that has immense potential and includes policy like: • Implementing the Official Plan’s Avenues policies • Provides community space that can be programmed • Introduces a finer block structure to create a more compact, and walkable Transit-oriented community as well as improved legibility and access • Provides direction for new developments as informed by the City of Toronto’s tall and mid-rise guidelines • Connects with existing pathways and streets to build JANE & FINCH SECONDARY PLAN
on Jane & Finch as a community in close proximity to opportunity at York University, Humber College, and major employment areas like Pearson Airport • Integrates the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy deliverables and continues the trajectory towards a better neighbourhood for all residents
CONTAINED IN THIS SECONDARY PLAN Vision and Guiding Principles Outlines the vision and core principles for directing growth, renewal, and preparing for change. Development Framework Defines the urban structure and details the four precincts for the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan. Shaping the Built Environment Explains the core components of the secondary plan including policies on the built form, public realm, land use, housing, transportation, community services and facilities, parks, open spaces, heritage, and the natural environment. Implementation Provides clarification and a strategy for making the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan a reality. Site-specific policies Identifies specific policies on a site-by-site basis where applicable.
2.0 VISION AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan will guide the development of a mixed-use, pedestrian oriented community, while focusing on reurbanisation of a spatially mismatched dynamic, enhancing beautification and quality of life.
ECONOMIC HEALTH The plan aims to support the continuous development of a stable, entrepreneurial and opportunistic local economy. Thriving local businesses that create a sense of a unique economy.
CONNECTIVITY The Secondary Plan strives to create an accessible neighbourhood, with multiple transit options. A welcoming streetscape, pedestrian and cycling pathways, and open environment will ensure universal ease of access.
COMMUNITY FOCUS Disconnected vertical neighbourhoods will be addressed, focusing the adventure of day-to-day life on the streetscape. Public spaces will be well distributed and of high quality, further incentivising the union of social interaction.
URBAN DESIGN The introduction of mixed-use, mid-rise developments, and the integration of green and public spaces, will construct a neighbourhood resilient to time.
ENHANCING ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Protecting existing, encouraging the addition and wise use of vegetation, green space in the site. The plan will also incorporate strategic uses of urban design and technology to enhance the natural environment.
3.0 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 3.1 URBAN STRUCTURE The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan is approximately 30 hectares in area, with the intersection of Jane street and Finch avenue being the centre piece. These two roads divide the Secondary Plan into four distinct areas, which will be allocated as precincts. Growth will be guided towards avenues, with an emphasis on mixed-use, midrise structures, along with public spaces and a new street network to facilitate a community oriented neighbourhood. Revitalization in the Secondary Plan area is expected to occur through: • Diversity in the housing stock; • Enhancement of public spaces; • Redevelopment of commercial spaces; and, • Retrofitting existing major features of the study site. The growth and action of the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan is a long-term project, and a development framework, guided by policy, is provided to shape the urban structure.
POLICIES 3.1.1 The Urban Structure for the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan area is identified on Map C 3.1.2 The Urban Structure of the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan will act in accordance with the Official Plan by: a. Connecting public and open spaces, and transit opportunities through new public street networks, the creation of new park spaces, and enhancing accessibility; b. Creating areas of distinct character via precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4; c. Reinforcing the strength of the community utilizing mixed uses, linkages, and public space; d. Achieving a built form regime with a mix of building types, including their height and scale, making purposeful relationships with their surroundings, and easing transitions to other areas within the site; and, e. Guiding development to be along avenues, promoting a lively streetscape, and the avoidance of the fragmentation of parcels of land.
3.2 PRECINCTS The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan area is organized into four distinct precincts, based on the existing infrastructure, land use, and intended developments.
POLICIES 3.2.1 The four precincts are shown on Map B, and are described as follows: a. Precinct 1 – Is currently occupied by the Yorkgate Mall and large parking lot, and an Esso Gas Station. Precinct 1 is envisioned as a largely public area, with the gas station being converted to a public plaza and park space. The majority of the mall is to be intact, and see the addition of commercial and residential above the mall, creating a mixeduse structure. The vast parking lots are to be infilled with both residential and institutional uses. b. Precinct 2 – Features the three apartment towers. The towers are set back quite far from both Finch Avenue to the south, and Jane Street to the west. This space will be infilled with mid-rise, mixed-use development, and will act as podiums at the base of the towers. The addition of the podiums is to address the overwhelming nature of the tall structures, without demolition, as the towers offer a wealth of family housing. A new street will be created to aid in ease of access, and will be lined with park and open spaces. c. Precinct 3 – Is the site of the Jane & Finch Mall. This precinct sees the most redevelopment of the four. The mall is to be torn down, allowing for a new street network. The shops found within the mall will be moved to the mixeduse developments that are found towards Finch Avenue. The new road network will feature open and park space within.
d. Precinct 4 – Envisions similar growth as precinct 1, but with a greater emphasis on park space. The current Norfinch Shopping Centre will be used as the ground floor of mixed-use buildings, and the apartment structure on the southern edge will also see the addition of a podium. Once again, a plaza will corner the intersection of Jane & Finch, allowing easy access to the new LRT line. 3.2.2 Precinct Plans will be used as a tool to identify the vision of the subject and adjacent precincts and how the overall vision of the Secondary Plan area is to be achieved. Precinct Plan requirements are set out in Section 5 of this Secondary Plan.
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4.0 THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 4.1 PUBLIC REALM The public realm is an integral component of the Jane & Finch community. The public realm consists of the streets, sidewalks, buildings and lands that are open and accessible to the public. People interact with the built environment and one another within the public realm, it is both a physical and social space. A high quality public realm creates opportunities for residents to socialize, relax, and build bonds. Quality public space is able to support and promote a wider range of public activities. The Jane & Finch secondary plan aims to enhance the public realm in each precinct through a series of policies targeted towards a specific elements. Park space, plazas, and programmable space are the primary focus towards achieving a diverse and lively public realm.
POLICIES 4.1.1 Park space a. Within the site a new parkette will be introduced in each precinct. b. Each precinct shall receive an almost equal amount of park space c. The parkettes shall be designed with the intention to maximize green space and utilize an appropriate amount and diversity of vegetation for the parkette’s purpose. d. Each parkette will feature a specific function and feature special amenities unique to it. e. One parkette will be designated specially for children, it will feature child amenities and facilities including but not limited to a playground, sandbox, and swings.
f. One parkette will be designated primarily for recreational sports, it will incorporate amenities designed for an athletic activity such as basketball, football, or tennis. g. One parkette will be designed for leisure and public art, it will feature various different styles of art pieces such as sculptures, fountains, hedges, and flower gardens. h. Every parkette shall incorporate ample lightning, and utilize surveillance cameras for security and public safety. i.
Each parkette must include the following basic amenities: proper seating, water fountains, waste disposal, paved paths and bicycle stations for cyclists.
4.1.2 Plazas a. Two new plazas will be introduced into the Jane & Finch site. b. They shall be located close to the centre of the site, and be easily accessible as well as visible to residents and visitors. c. Its location is connected the main streets of the site and offers a clear, unobstructed view of the area from within the plaza. d. The plazas will serve to add additional frontage space to the new mixed use buildings. e. One plaza will be located in the Southeast corner of the Northwest precinct, and the other plaza will be located in the Northeast corner of the Southwest precinct. f. The plaza should have a balance of paved and green opened space g. Trees, shrubs and other plants should be placed throughout the plazas in an aesthetically attractive pattern. h. One plaza must feature a large central fountain
Both plazas must feature appropriate seating, waste disposal, and public restrooms.
The inclusion of technology such as speakers and monitors is encouraged
k. The plaza will allow for a limited number of public vendors and performers l.
The plazas will incorporate artificial light sources with the objective to creatively illuminate the plaza at night.
m. The light sources shall utilize bird and environmentally friendly technology. n. Signs, memorial statues, and historical monuments are encouraged. 4.1.3 Programmable Space a. Within one of the new mixed use buildings, a single floor will be reserved for public usage. b. This public floor will be openly available to residents daily, with the exception of statutory holidays. c. The new park and plaza open space shall be flexible and offer residents opportunities to utilize the space for unique events. d. Organizations and the city may arrange for the public spaces to be reserved for special events, but only events that are open to and are of public interest, they cannot be reserved for private usage. e. The parkettes and plazas should be utilized year round with specific amenities being offered during each season, and during public holidays.
4.2 BUILT FORM The revitalization of the Jane & Finch neighbourhood is expected to occur through the redevelopment of the built form. The redevelopment is planned to provide a more pedestrian friendly, connected and safer neighbourhood through the development of many mid-rise and mixed-use buildings within underutilized areas of the site. Mixed-use podiums around the residential towers and mixed use midrise buildings along the avenues will provide opportunities for businesses and institutional uses to operate in the area contributing towards a more interactive, connected and welcoming frontage along the avenues while also providing a sense of place. Policies in this secondary plan area, informed by the City of Toronto’s tall and mid-rise guidelines, are also geared towards dealing with the spatial imbalance of the heights of buildings in precinct two compared to the rest of the neighbourhood. Mid-rise frontage buildings and appropriate high-rise buildings and setbacks will provide a better spatial balance within the area.
POLICIES 4.2.1 New developments and intensification will be sensitive in height and location and will fit into surrounding areas and particularly with the lowrise residential area surrounding the study area. 4.2.2 Mid-Rise Built Form Policies a. Mid-Rise Building on the Avenues Mid-rise buildings are no taller than the width of the street right-of-way or between 5 and 11 storeys. b. The maximum height is established based on a 1:1 ratio where the maximum height of a building is equivalent to the width of the rightof-way. c. The ability to realize the maximum height is tempered by angular planes applied to the front of the site and the rear of the site respectively. Not all sites on the Avenues will be
able to achieve the maximum height, as some properties are physically constrained. d. Mid-rise buildings located along Jane Street or Finch Avenue must allocate adequate units for businesses at grade. 4.2.3 High-Rise Built Form Policies: e. Ensure that all tall buildings fit within the existing context and provide an appropriate transition in scale down to lower scaled, building, parks and open space. f. The maximum building height shall be no more than 50 metres or 16 storeys g. A minimum tower separation distance of 75 metres. h. All buildings must provide a podium of up to 4 storeys at grade level. i.
A tall building must be located at least 15 metres setback from any interior property line.
4.2.4 All development must conform with the City of Toronto’s Design Guidelines relating to the public realm and built form to achieve the goals and objectives of this Secondary Plan.
4.3 HOUSING SECTION 111, CITY OF TORONTO ACT In 2007, Toronto City Council adopted the Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Control By-law under Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act. The By-law makes it an offence to demolish or convert rental housing without approval by City Council. Owners wishing to demolish or convert rental housing units must submit an application under the By-law. Council’s decisions on such applications are final and cannot be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The By-law is based on the City’s Official Plan housing policies and provides the City with additional powers to conserve the supply of existing rental housing and assist tenants affected by demolition or conversion proposals. City Council may refuse an application, or approve it with conditions. Conditions may include requiring the replacement of rental units, tenant assistance provisions or other related matters.
Jane & Finch started exponential development in the 1950s, the plan was to develop a mix of low, medium, and high-density housing along with employment centres, commercial areas and social services. The nature of the high concentration development created, low cost homes to try and alleviate some of affordable housing problems the city faced. The area’s lack of amenities and lack of connectedness has created the need for redevelopment in order to try and service these issues. The revitalization of Jane & Finch is designed to encourage a range of housing opportunities in terms of form, tenure and affordability. This secondary plan will be intentionally limiting the redevelopment of existing housing stock in order to limit the amount of displacement of current residents. The new development will be complementary in balancing the existing housing stock with new dwelling units, this will be done to avoid the loss of valuable affordable and midrange rental housing in the area.
POLICIES 4.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, the housing policies of the Official Plan, including the housing definitions, will apply to the lands in the Secondary Plan area. Building Intensification 4.3.2 New housing development may be permitted, where appropriate, through infill and intensification that is consistent with the Official Plan and the policies of this Secondary Plan. 4.3.3 As the City of Toronto’s official plan identifies Avenues as areas of significance where growth of new housing and jobs should be directed. Significant new development where designated along Jane & Finch corridors will support midrise development, which will be consistent to the city of Toronto’s official plan guidelines.
4.3.4 New dwelling units in proposed redevelopment areas will conform a housing policy that only allows building of units such as row housing, triplexes and multi-unit residential buildings. This will encourage an increase in density that will be necessary for the adoption of the new LRT line proposed in the neighbourhood. 4.3.5 Existing high-rise towers will be eligible for retrofitting buildings to be completed with podiums. This allows for more efficient use of land and better integration of vertical nodes. This will allow for adequate use of excess space and create more efficient areas for community opportunities, i.e. Daycare centres. (Refer to precinct 2) 4.3.6 Intensification development on existing mall will through looser height restrictions will allow for the creation of more residential/office space. This allowed and better use of the mixed use zoning designation. (Refer to precinct 1) 4.3.7 Tax revenue generated from the intensification and developer investments should be allocated to updating and refurbishing existing units that are being developed around. Redevelopment and Rental Replacement 4.3.8 The demolition and replacement policies of the Official Plan, which relate to full replacement of rental units lost due to redevelopment, will continue to apply. This means when existing rental housing is replaced, it will be maintained as rental housing in accordance with City practices for at least twenty (20) years from the date the units are first occupied, with an additional three (3) year transition to market rents. 4.3.9 The Official Plan policies concerning the demolition and redevelopment of properties involving rental units will be applied. While maintaining the objectives of good planning, the City at its discretion and in special
circumstances, may consider some flexibility in the implementation of its replacement policies and practices in terms of: 4.3.10 Buildings with a lack of a variety of unit sizes will be converted in order to offer a larger range of housing options for families of all sizes. Tenant Relocation and Assistance 4.3.11 In order to accommodate existing tenants, if they are relocated temporarily to alternative housing within or outside the Secondary Plan area as a result of demolition and redevelopment of the policy area. They will be given priority right to return within a reasonable period of time to occupy new replacement units of the same type and size at similar rent to their original units in the Secondary Plan area. 4.3.12 In these assistant efforts, tenants in rental housing units to be demolished will receive relocation assistance from the developer to the satisfaction of the City, including the provision of alternative accommodation at similar rents, and financial or other assistance to mitigate the hardship caused by relocation. Range of Unit Sizes 4.3.13 Development of new housing suitable for large households, such as families with children, will be supported and provided for by: 4.3.14 Requiring that a minimum of 7 per cent of the units constructed on a development site, not including the replacement rental housing units, be built with three or more bedrooms. 4.3.15 Tax incentives to those who convert two small units into one larger one to accommodate larger families. 4.3.16 No single detatched units shall be approved in order to promote densification and efficiency of land use.
Affordable Housing 4.3.17 Support the preservation of existing housing units that serve fixed and low-income earners. 4.3.18 Pursue partnerships with non-profit organizations and other levels of government to encourage innovative design and/or management of housing projects that will increase affordable social housing opportunities. 4.3.19 Due to the nature of the local community and the context of Jane & Finch inclusionary zoning bylaws will be enforced of 20% of new development to be allocated to below market value housing. Housing Renewal and Energy Conservation 4.3.20 Development on or around existing high-rise buildings should be accommodated with a maintenance and improvement scheme funded by the developers of existing/surrounding land.
4.4 TRANSPORTATION/MOBILITY AVENUES STRATEGY To facilitate and shape growth, avenues are important corridors along major streets where reurbanisation is anticipated and encouraged to create new housing and job opportunities while improving the pedestrian environment, street aesthetics, shopping opportunities and transit service for community residents.
This Secondary Plan area will be shaping its development around the introduction of a LRT line that follows along Finch Ave that will connect to the Cities existing extensive network. The redevelopment plan for the study area will include the introduction of new public streets, public plazas, and new city blocks that will meet the needs of the residents of the future transportation hub. The goal for the transportation network in Jane & Finch is to enhance pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and create a network of streets, lanes and alleyways. Along with diffusing traffic to alternative different routes by reducing speed of the roads and giving primacy to the pedestrian by maximizing opportunities for walking and cycling within the neighbourhood. The Jane & Finch neighbourhood is an area, which will be directly affected by the new installation of the Finch west LRT line. Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan “The Big Move” identifies one the intersection along Jane & Finch as of the stops along the proposed LRT line. This exemplifies the importance the city and region put of the neighbourhood as an improvement area, this importance will be reflected in the policies in the secondary plan that shape the community.
POLICIES 4.4.1 In addition to the policies in the Official Plan, the public street network in the Secondary Plan area will contain the following: a. Reduce the amount/speed of traffic in order to improve safety and walkability. b. Create vibrant and dynamic spaces to ensure high levels of visual public surveillance. c. Create connected pedestrian routes with public destinations, including transit stops, bicycle trails and open spaces. d. Ensuring all streets are adequately designed for
emergency vehicle access and that designated transit and truck routes can accommodate expected turning movements. e. Contribute to developing a fine grain of pedestrian and cycling routes. f. Will use quality urban design to integrate new development with the existing area. g. Planting Street trees next to the curb on both sides of the street to narrow the optical width of roadways and create vibrant and attractive civic spaces. h. Provide, in appropriate locations, on-street public parking to enhance street activity, provide a buffer between vehicle traffic and sidewalks, and create desirable environments. Traffic Calming 4.4.2 Discourage use vehicular traffic by using traffic control/calming measures as appropriate while providing due consideration for transit, emergency and service vehicles as required. 4.4.3 These measures along Jane would include but not be limited to widening of the sidewalks, raised meridian, and creating tight corner curbs. 4.4.4 The use of shared streets that are pedestrian friendly and use low speed limits with narrow right of ways to encourage but not be exclusive to pedestrians friends transportation. Block Structure 4.4.5 In order to provide for smaller blocks in East Village and in support of a variety of residential development types the development of lanes to accommodate residential, commercial and live/ work uses is encouraged; 4.4.6 Not allow surface parking lots or parking structures that are visible from the street, they shall be screened by intervening uses.
Cycling and Pedestrian Network 4.4.7 The introduction and establishment of bicycle sharing stations is encouraged to connect the Jane & Finch area to the larger City bicyclesharing program. 4.4.8 Installation of cycle track along Finch Avenue, complementing the proposed LRT line to be installed and connect to existing bike path north of the study area. 4.4.9 Creation of new city block that restrict the speed and volume of vehicular traffic in order to enhance walkability along with cyclist use.
4.5 LAND USE DESIGNATIONS The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan area contains land use designations which contribute to a diverse and complete community including Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods. These designations permit a range of residential, commercial, and institutional uses, incorporate open spaces, and high quality services and residential amenities.
POLICIES 4.5.1 Land Use Designations within the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan are shown on Map 13 Land Use Plan in the City of Toronto Official Plan. Lands will be developed in conformity with the related land use designation policies in the Official Plan and the following policies: Mixed Use Areas 4.5.2 There shall be a predominance of Mixed Use buildings within the designated Mixed Use Areas. 4.5.3 Pedestrian environments shall be promoted by locating open spaces and public plazas along the public right of way where possible. 4.5.4 Open spaces shall provide public access and incorporate high quality urban design. 4.5.5 Streets shall be framed by locating buildings adjacent to the public right of way. 4.5.6 Commercial Uses shall dominate the ground floor of buildings. 4.5.7 Parking shall not be visible from the streets. 4.5.8 Buildings shall be oriented as to encourage transit use and access to transit stops. 4.5.9 The reduction of automobile use shall be encouraged by establishing pedestrian oriented right-of ways with distinct materials.
4.5.10 Building transition and shadow impact shall be mitigated by limiting the height of buildings. Apartment Neighbourhoods 4.5.11 Streets shall be framed by locating buildings adjacent to the public right of way. 4.5.12 Building transition and shadow impact shall be mitigated by limiting the height of buildings through the City of Toronto mid rise development guidelines. 4.5.13 Surface parking shall be minimized and buffered from street view. 4.5.14 Infill development shall improve efficiency of land use and be compatible with existing buildings and structures. 4.5.15
Low-rise residential uses, predominantly townhouses, shall infill apartment blocks.
4.5.16 Mixed Use buildings shall be promoted; Commercial Uses shall dominate the ground floor of buildings. 4.5.17 Open spaces shall provide public access and incorporate high quality urban design.
4.6 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES Community services and facilities are a key component in building a healthy and thriving community. Considering the current position and future expectations for the Jane & Finch area, it is important that these services are following a strategic plan to ensure there is adequate and consistent quality service offered.
POLICIES Daycares 4.6.1 Daycares will need to support all the residents that need the service. New facilities will be established and old ones will be renovated and expanded to accommodate for a higher demand of daycares if it is needed. 4.6.2 A focus for daycares is to offer quality services and the ability to be readily accessible. 4.6.3 Daycares should be established in a quality location with access from all modes of transportation. 4.6.4 All daycares should be within 300 meters of a local transit access point to allow parents to use the transportation system as a viable transportation method. 4.6.5 A daycare is to be located within 500 meters of any mid-rise or high-rise establishment that will adequately service the occupants of the building. 4.6.6 All new development plans should prove that there is a community facility and a daycare facility in proximity to the development and if not already existing that there is land designated to establish new centres. 4.6.7 Community service centres already existing will be updated and untraditional establishments will be promoted to incentivise innovative
community establishments. Health Services 4.6.8 Additional health service infrastructure will be introduced in the immediate study area, there shall be a greater focus of these services in order to bring these amenities up-to-date on the site. Due to better connection and pedestrian mobility, these facilities will be more accessible for residents of the area. 4.6.9 A new health clinic will be provided in redevelopment area of precinct 3 where an existing clinic will be removed. 4.6.10 A temporary clinic will be provided on site while redevelopment process is occurring.
4.7 HERITAGE Development on the site at Jane Street and Finch Avenue commenced in the 1950s, replacing the historic community of Elia at and around the intersection. The original vision prioritized development of a mix of low, medium, and highdensity housing along with employment centres, commercial areas and social services. The federal government released 600 acres of land with intentions of building 3000 new low cost homes for the City of North York to try and rectify the affordable housing issues that plagued the city. The number had been greatly reduced when over 400 acres of the initial proposed land was transferred to York University for their largest and most notable, Keele Campus. This Secondary Plan will take the development heritage of the site into consideration in order retrofit as much of the original vision into the modern vision as possible. There has been a city-wide effort in order to maintain Toronto’s cultural and aboriginal heritage. The City’s historical plaques program that was established in 2004 installed a series of plaques along Finch trail hydro corridor. These plaques along the corridor give a brief historical description on the First Nation peoples who were some of the first settlers of the area. One of the four plaques that make up the “Huron-Wendat Trail” falls within the study area proposed for the secondary plan. Site and Area Specific Policies (SASP) will be enacted, such that the Secondary Plan will have provisions for evaluation of properties and/or lands in order to determine if the cultural heritage value is prominent to be included in the Toronto Heritage Register as per the Official Plan. This small heritage history program will create a sense of culture and community that will be resonated throughout the community for many years.
POLICIES 4.7.1 Improve the accessibility of the heritage path network in the new transportation infrastructure to increase the network’s ridership. 4.7.2 Connecting existing pathways to new cycle tracks and transportation hub to achieve a healthy and cohesive community.
4.8 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TRCA The TRCA, or Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, works with government, business, and individuals to build greener, healthier places to live. Examples of their expertise are green infrastructure, sustainable technology, green space management, environmental monitoring, and flood risk and stormwater management.
The state of the natural environment is a major development concern, and preserving it is essential towards achieving the plan’s vision. This plan will aim to preserve and mitigate the negative effects of development on the natural environment, in order to obtain sustainable and environmentally conscious development. This will be achieved through careful placement and strategic enhancement of the site’s green space.
POLICIES 4.8.1 Green Space
BIRDS The City of Toronto has set forth documentation for Bird-Friendly Best Practices for Glass, as well as Bird-Friendly development guidelines – which is currently being updated. Development occurring the Jane & Finch study area must abide by the guidelines set for in these documents by the city.
a. An increased number of trees and shrubs will be planted along the sides of Jane St and Finch Ave. b. Low vegetation will be planted in the medians along Jane St and Finch Ave. c. Floral gardens will be placed at each corner of the Jane & Finch intersection d. Green walled buildings will be permitted and is encouraged e. The new mixed use buildings and residential towers should feature green roofs.
5.0 IMPLEMENTATION The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan is designed to revitalize the study area, and overcome many of the obstacles found. These obstacles include the mismatched spatial dynamic, overwhelming towers, abundance of concrete, and lack of public and green spaces. The precincts devised in the Secondary Plan are one method of approaching these impediments, and in doing so, Precinct Plans will be used to evaluate the conformity to the outlined policies. By implementing a new block structure, guiding development to avenues, using mixed-use development, creating public space, and retrofitting existing structures, the study area will grow as a well connected, well designed, community. The implementation of the vision of the Secondary Plan relies on the use of Precinct Plans and the policies found within, as well as regulatory tools found in the Planning Act. These Planning Act tools include Zoning By-laws, Land Division, Site Plan Controls, Holding Provisions, and adherence to Section 37.
5.1 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR PRECINCTS POLICIES 5.1.1 In addition to the requirements of the Planning Act and Official Plan, proposals made for development must submit a Precinct Plan in accordance with the policies in section 5.1.1. Developments that will be fronting on either Finch Avenue or Jane Street must be consistent with the Avenues and Mid-Rise Building Study (2010). 5.1.2 In light of a comprehensive approach to the urban form in the study area, Precinct Plans must examine the relationship of the proposed development with their surroundings. This
includes the built form existing on the precinct, as well as adjacent precincts. 5.1.3 Precinct Plans must address policy 5.1.2 if this Secondary Plan, and must include information on the following, unless otherwise addressed: a. Massing of the development, including building heights, setbacks, frontage and depth, floor space index, parking, and angular plane; b. Land use map; c. Transportation study to satisfy policy 4.4.2 of this Secondary Plan; d. Location and size of public spaces, including additional streets, and open and green space; e. A Public Realm plan to satisfy policies 4.1.1 4.1.3 of this Secondary Plan; f. Application for incentivization if development is strained by an environmental obstacle, such as developing over a gas station. Mid-rise buildings constructed from wood may also be applied for incentives; g. A stormwater management plan in accordance with the TRCA; h. For Precinct 2, a Natural Heritage Impact Study shall be completed;
The location of street-related uses and principal pedestrian entrances to proposed buildings to ensure movement along the street is supported and reinforced; and,
A Transportation study in compliance with policy 4.4.2 of this Secondary Plan.
5.2 ZONING BYLAWS POLICIES 5.2.1 Measures set out in zoning bylaws will serve to implement the policies set out in this secondary plan and will include provisions for evaluating delivery based on performance standards to achieve appropriate and desirable development.
5.3 LAND DIVISION POLICIES 5.3.1 Land parcels will be divided and/or created according to this secondary plan in order to facilitate development within the prescribed outcomes of this plan. 5.3.2 In order to facilitate the introduction of new street infrastructure, the division of land will be carried out by subdivision.
5.4 SITE PLAN CONTROL POLICIES 5.4.1 Applications for Site Plan Control must align with the objectives of this Secondary Plan and the City of Toronto Official Plan as well as any other application city guidelines. Furthermore, applications must be compatible with the precinct plans and other supporting documentation considered by these policies. 5.4.2 Site Plan Review will consider proposals within a larger development block, precinct, and/or surrounding area context.
5.5 HOLDING PROVISIONS POLICIES 5.5.1 In order to ensure the proper sequencing of development in phases and to maintain the integrity of provisions contained within this Secondary Plan (including those of infrastructure and services), implementing zoning by-laws may include a Holding (H) symbol in accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act and as contemplated in Policy 5.1.2 of the Official Plan. If a zoning by-law is enacted that incorporates a Holding (H) symbol, it will indicate the uses and buildings permitted upon removal of the Holding (H) symbol by amendment to the by-law. It will also indicate any uses, including existing uses, interim uses, and minor alterations that are permitted while the lands are subject to the Holding (H) symbol. 5.5.2 A zoning by-law for implementation will define and incorporate prerequisites in order for Holding (H) symbols to be removed. In addition to the conditions that are to be met or secured to the City’s satisfaction prior to the removal of a Holding (H) symbol include but are not necessarily limited to: a. Construction of or securing of required public streets and right-of-ways including pedestrian walkways and cycling paths; b. Conveyance of waterfront parkland; c. Construction of or securing required water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure; d. Implementation of off-site traffic improvements; e. Construction of or securing of community facilities or improvements to existing community facilities;
f. Construction of or securing of park provisions including parkland dedications, works and/or improvements; and g. Registration of a draft plan of subdivision. 5.5.3 The City may remove the Holding (H) symbol in phases from subject lands only when the associated conditions are met and appropriate provisions have been secured through an agreement/agreements entered into according to the the Planning Act sections 37, 41, 51, and 53 as well as the City of Toronto Act.
Section 37 of the Planning Act allows municipalities to amend changes in the height and density of a development, in exchange for services and facilities for such uses. The proposed mixed-use development would introduce a new form of land-use to the site, in addition to an increase in density and a possible increase in height in terms of the built-form. The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan is pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act in order to secure community benefits, despite a possible increase in height and density. The provisions of this Secondary Plan shall be interpreted in consideration with, but not solely on, Section 37 of the Planning Act.
5.7 INTERPRETATION 5.7.1 This secondary plan should be read as a whole and with the policies of the Official Plan in order to ensure the comprehensive and integrative intent as a policy framework. 5.7.2 The shaded text of this Secondary Plan contains its policies. Unshaded text and sidebars are provided for contest and background as well as to assist in understanding the intent of the Secondary Plan policies. Illustrations and photos are exclusively for the purpose of illustration and are not part of the Secondary Plan. 5.7.3 Minor adjustments to the boundaries and the location of proposed streets and cycling or pedestrian connections shown in the maps contained in this Secondary plan will not require amendments to the Secondary Plan provided the original intent is preserved. 5.7.4 The policies of the Official Plan apply to the Jane & Finch Secondary Plan. In the case of a conflict, the Secondary Plan Policy shall prevail. 5.7.5 The indication of any proposed streets, parks, services, or infrastructure in policy text or on Secondary Plan Maps is not to be interpreted as being specifically or solely the responsibility of the City to provide, finance, or otherwise implement.
6.0 SITE-SPECIFIC POLICIES 6.1 SPECIAL POLICY AREA POLICIES 6.1.1 The area identified as ‘Subject to Site Specific Review’ - located within the Jane & Finch Mall Precinct (Map xxx) is in proximity to lands designated Parks and Natural Areas containing significant natural heritage resources. Should a proposal to develop this area be submitted, the proposed use and built form shall be evaluated to determine the potential impacts on the areas in the proximity. Developments shall be approved on the basis that they are not expected to adversely impact lands designated Parks and Natural Areas. These lands shall be preserved for low-rise residential uses that ease the transition between areas and also are not expected to contribute to significant traffic increases.
We left this blank on purpose.
We left this blank on purpose.
City of Toronto Planning Division
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Existing Landuse
Not to scale
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Driftwood Ave.
York Gate Bl vd.
Toronto City of Toronto Planning Division
Precinct 1
Precinct 4
Precinct 2
Precinct 3
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Not to scale
City of Toronto Planning Division
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Driftwood Ave.
d. York Gate Blv
Not to scale
Figure Ground Map
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Finch Ave.
Landuse Map
Not to scale
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Driftwood Ave.
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
City of Toronto Planning Division Residential Mixed Use
York Gate Bl vd.
Mid-Rise Mixed use
Parks and Open Space Commercial
City of Toronto Planning Division
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
Finch Ave.
Driftwood Ave.
d. York Gate Blv
Proposed Land-Use
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Finch Ave.
Jane St.
Yewtree Blvd.
Jane St.
Proposed LRT Stops
d. York Gate Blv
Enhanced Pedestrian Areas
Finch Ave.
Toronto New Pedestrian Friendly roads
City of Toronto Planning Division Proposed LRT Line Site Boundary Line
Proposed Bike Lanes
Jane & Finch Secondary Plan
Transportation Structure Not to scale
Driftwood Ave.
Appendix A
Charrette Summary Report
Charrette Summary Introduction
The visioning and charrette process for the Jane & Finch site was undertaken in order to identify areas of opportunity and begin planning a course of action to mitigate challenges as they pertain to land use, quality of life, built form, and connectivity. The overarching guiding principles used in this process were informed by Toronto’s Official Plan.
Summary of Opportunities and Constraints Opportunities: ● OP identifies improvements ○ Mid-rise design guidelines ● Location ○ Buffered from access ● Strip mall retrofitting ○ Surface parking ● Right of way widths ○ Room for high order transit ○ Bikes lanes Constraints: ● Disconnected vertical nodes (no buffers of height differentiation) ○ Spatial mismatch ● Walkability ○ Large block structure ○ Indirect routes ○ Wide ROW with fast-moving vehicular traffic that create negative image ● Low Density ○ The residential availability, relative to the size of the study area, leaves much to be desired ● Reputation ○ Safety and crime ○ While the statistics are trending upwards, how can the public perception be shifted? ● Segregation ○ Lack of mixed-use developments ● Lack of access to employment opportunities ● Lacking block structure
Vision Statement The Jane & Finch Secondary Plan will guide the development of a mixed-use, pedestrian oriented community, while focusing on reurbanization of a spatially mismatched dynamic, enhancing beautification and quality of life.
Guiding Principles Economic Health The plan aims to support the continuous development of a stable, entrepreneurial and opportunistic local economy. Thriving local businesses that create a sense of a unique economy.
Connectivity The Secondary Plan strives to create an accessible neighbourhood, with multiple transit options. A welcoming streetscape, pedestrian and cycling pathways, and open environment will ensure universal ease of access.
Community Focus Disconnected vertical neighbourhoods will be addressed, focusing the adventure of day-to-day life on the streetscape. Public spaces will be well distributed and of high quality, further incentivizing the union of social interaction.
Good Urban Design The introduction of mixed-use, mid-rise developments, and the integration of green and public spaces, will construct a neighbourhood resilient to time.
Enhancing Environmental Features Protecting existing, encouraging the addition and wise use of vegetation, green space in the site. The plan will also incorporate strategic uses of urban design and technology to enhance the natural environment.
Concept Plan The concept plan for Jane and Finch is based off of the guiding principles, the goal of the secondary plan is to improve accessibility, economic health, connectivity, community focus, and transportation options. These goals will be achieved through alterations to the current zoning bylaws and creative urban design of the study area. ● Economic health will will be improved through the integration of a more mixed use development scheme to enhance job opportunities within the area. ● Connectivity will be addressed by the introduction of woonerfs in order to break up the quadrants into city blocks, the purpose of these are to discourage but not prohibit the use of motor vehicles in order to promote a pedestrian friendly community. ● Community focus will be addressed with the implementation of public green space sporadically placed throughout the neighborhood in order to provide public amenities to all the residents all within walking distance. ● Good Urban Design, there will be two community plazas installed along the new LRT corridor, these plazas will allow for more frontage along the mid-rise developments in order to increase economic health as well with create public space for residents to enjoy. Also, the residential development will be heavily influenced by townhouse development in order to ease the disconnected vertical mismatch between some areas (specifically the high rise towers in the north-east part of the site). ● Environmental features, with the introduction of the new LRT line it enables us to remove parking space and increase the density of development. This will improve the overall health of the community in reducing total carbon emissions due to the heavy reliance on the motor vehicle.
Supporting Notations and Precedent Images
PREPARED BY GROUP 11 Alex Gaio Patrick Pearson Taylor Pratt-Dafoe Andrej Obradovic Giuseppe Russo Akheim Cooke Nicholas Chan Evan Wittmann