Personal Budget

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*)% Pancake Fundraiser

Gamma Phi Beta

Statement of General Purpose In order to support the endeavors of the Camp Fire USA program and help raise leaders of future generations, the Beta Lambda chapter of Gamma Phi Beta is hosting a Pancake Fundraiser. By targeting the entire student body of San Diego State University, predominantly the Greek system, we aspire to raise awareness of Camp Fire USA and raise money to provide scholarships for ur-­ ban children in the San Diego area to attend camp programming in Balboa park. About the Beneficiary Camp Fire USA is one of the nation's leading not-­for-­profit youth development organizations. Camp Fire USA, with national headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., provides all-­inclusive, coeduca-­ tional programs in hundreds of communities across the United States. Founded in 1910, Camp Fire's outcome-­based programs include youth leadership, self-­reliance, after school groups, camp-­ ing and environmental education and child care. Serving youth from birth to 21, Camp Fire USA helps boys and girls learn -­ and play -­ side by side in comfortable, informal settings. Our coed programs allow parents to consolidate schedules for both their daughters and sons. As the first nonsectarian, interracial organization for girls in the United States, Camp Fire USA takes pride in its long-­standing commitment to providing fun programs and services to all children and families in America. We are inclusive, open to every person in the communities we serve, wel-­ coming children, youth and adults regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or other aspect of diversity. Camp Fire's programs are designed and imple-­ mented to reduce sex-­role, racial and cultural stereotypes and to foster positive intercultural rela-­ tionships. Camp Fire USA's mission is to build caring, confident youth and future leaders.

For More information go to:

Specific location: Camp Cahito, in Balboa Park²

Gamma Phi Beta

Event Details²3rd Annual Pancake Fundraiser Date: April 8, 2010 Time: 10:00pm-­1:00am Venue: 6123 Montezuma Rd. San Diego, CA 92115 Timeline Type of Event/Activity

Time to Authorize

Forms to Execute/Get info

Pick Date/Time

Exec. Retreat

Permission of Chef

First week of semester

Permission of House Mom

First week of semester

Event Sponsorship Volunteer Coordination Shirt Design & Order

Two months prior to event One month prior to event Three weeks prior to event

Sponsorship Letter²P.12,13 Volunteer lists± P.10,11 Shirt Design²P.16

Create Facebook Event Contact GreekBeat article in The Daily Aztec Philanthropy Event Approval Form Make Flyers

Three weeks prior to event Two weeks prior to event

One week prior to event

Send a synopsis of event/ beneficiary/time/date/location Form 95²P. 15

Make Posters Fraternity Walkarounds

One week prior to event (Ideally) One week prior to event

Fraternity houses, inside/ outside Gamma phi

Sorority Walkarounds

One week prior to event

Chef order food

Week of event


Week of event

Need at least 200 Flyers² time, date, location, etc...

Apply for fund matching

Turned in by March 15

Form 77-­Supplemental Funds Application² P.14

Two weeks prior to event

Gamma Phi Beta

Day of Event Activities

x x x x x x x

Pancake eating contest Pancake decorating contest Pancake toss [Frisbee golf, egg toss] Make bracelets for campers ? Raffle Dance floor Mint photo lounge ?

Entertainment x Live band x Dee jay x Ipod x No music

Gamma Phi Beta

Supplies Needed: Marketing x (2 rolls) Poster paper x (500) Paper flyers x Tape x Paint [blue, white (if colored paper), red, pink, brown, yellow, black] Day of Event x (2 1/2) cases pancake mix x (4 gallons) heavy cream x (1 flat) strawberries x (10lbs) chocolate chips x (30lbs) bananas x (2 gallons) maple syrup x (1 gallon) boysenberry syrup x (2 gallons) caramel sauce x (1,000) plates x (1,000/each) forks, knives x (2,000) napkins

Gamma Phi Beta

Marketing Strategies Mission Objectives 7R EULQJ DZDUHQHVV WR WKH &DPSILUH 86$ RUJDQL]DWLRQ LW¶V HQGHDYRUV To exceed our previous fundraising efforts ($500) by $200 To extend the reach of the event to the SDSU community, not just Greeklife

Target Markets

x Greek IFC Panhellenic Multicultural AGO/ADX

x Dorms x On Campus Organizations AS AMA Ad Club SOS (WF« Communication Methods: x Posters on houses x Flyers during raids x Facebook event x Fan page updates x Pancake people x Walkarounds x Class announcements x Website Campaign slogans: x µ:H¶UH IOLSSLQ VZHHW´ x See you on the flip side x :H¶UH VWDFNHG x

Gamma Phi Beta

Volunteers: Date/Time



Phone Number






Flyer Design



















Gamma Phi Beta

6123 Montezuma Rd. San Diego, CA 92115 Phone: 714-�520-�1050 E-�mail: Contact: Alexa Martz

   To  Whom  this  letter  has  reached,     On  April  8,  2010,  the  Gamma  Phi  Beta  chapter  of  San  Diego  State  University  is  hosting  a  pancake  fundraiser,  in  which  members  of  the  college  community  come  to  our  house  to  eat  a  midnight  snack,  participate  in  contests,  and  support  our  philanthropy:  Camp  Fire  USA.  Proceeds  from  the  event  are  donated  to  Camp  Cahito,  a  local  campsite  that  focuses  on  youth-­development,  ultimately  providing  scholarships  for  children,  facility  maintenance,  and  sup-­ plies  for  programming.  In  the  past,  this  event  has  hosted  nearly  300  students  which  helped  raise  about  $700  for  the  FDPS WKLV \HDU ZH KRSH QRÂŤ will  exceed  that  amount  through  our  increased  marketing  on  campus,  limiting  over-­ head  costs  of  supplies  through  donations  and  collecting  monetary  donations  for  the  camp  itself.   With  that  being  said,  we  ask  for  the  support  of  you  and/or  your  company  in  sponsoring  this  event  through  product  (see  attached  list)  and/or  monetary  donations.  As  mentioned  prior,  your  sponsorship  will  not  only  contribute  to  the  overall  success  of  this  philanthropy  but  future  Camp  Cahito  campers  and  endeavors  as  well.  Additionally,  you  will  be  enabled  to  market  your  company/product  to  the  SDSU  college  community.  Donations  are  tax  deductable.   Whatsoever  the  contribution  you  can  make,  you  will  be  enabling  us  to  accomplish  our  mission  to  make  a  positive  impact  on  these  children  and  contribute  to  the  long-­lasting  influence  programs  like  Camp  Cahito  have  on  their  fu-­ ture.    If  you  have  any  questions  or  would  like  to  contribute  to  our  event,  Please  contact  Alexa  Martz  at  (714)  520-­1050  or   *All  checks  are  made  out  to:  Gamma  Phi  Beta.    Thank  you  for  your  support,     The  lovely  ladies  of  Gamma  Phi  Beta    Attachment Â

Gamma Phi Beta

Suggested  donations:      Marketing  event  x x x x x x

Paper,  for  flyers  (2)  Rolls  of  Paper  for  posters  Paint  Tape  Advertising  space  Copy  services      Event Â

x x x x x x x x x


Pancake  Mix  (20-­25)  Maple  Syrup  Chocolate  Chips  Bananas/Strawberries  Bottled  Water  Plastic  ware²Forks,  Knives,  Plates  Napkins  Band/Entertainment  services  Competition/Raffle  prizes  *LIW FHUWLILFDWHV UHVWDXUDQW PRYLHV GHSDUWPHQW VWRUHV HWFÂŤ  Products   Services  (YHQW WLFNHWV VSRUWLQJ FRQFHUW HWFÂŤ  (WFÂŤ Â

Gamma Phi Beta

Gamma Phi Beta

Gamma Phi Beta

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