BRIDGING THE PERCEPTIVE GAP Enabling the convergence of architectural expectations
Alexander Hussey 10421029 ARC604: Design Praxis + Critical Context 6.2 Dr. Karan August
This investigation will examine the role of perception and phenomenology in both the formation of design ideas and the effect it has on architecture. This will formulate conclusions as to how this architecture affects the identity into which it is placed, starting by establishing how a perception is formed and clarifying the theory of phenomenology. Linking these, by comparing the studies of Alva NoďƒŤ, Christian Norberg-Schulz and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, will aid in demonstrating the process behind a perceptive construct. This being the result of a collection of influences that helps to form an individual's perception of the world. This notion of the perceptive construct can then be applied to the work of three architects, Juhani Pallasmaa, Peter Zumthor and Anna Heringer. Investigating the link between influences of a perceptive construct and their role in the architecture profession, by studying a series of architect's projects, will aim to confirm their potential connection. The projects chosen are Pallasamaa's Moduli 225 in Finland, Zumthor's Chapel of St. Benedict in Switzerland and Heringer's METI School in Bangladesh. This will also consider how identity of place is perceived by participants within a project, including the architect. This leads on to the importance of place identity within the field of architecture and how these architects have appropriated identity within their designs. The discussion will then begin to interpret how residents of these identities perceive the architects ability to intervene appropriately. The aim of viewing this idea of perception from both sides of the dialogue, between the architect and the user, will be to establish both ends of the perceptive gap. In doing so it will begin to find similarities and differences, showing to what extent this gap can be reduced and the effect this will have on architecture and identity in producing an environment that is considered beneficial to both parties.
1. The Perceptive Construct 5 .1 Phenomenology and Perceptual Experience .2 The Theory of Phenomenology 8 .3 The Perceived World 10 2. From Construct to Construction 13 .1 Appropriating the Perceived World .2 The Architectural Product 14 Juhani Pallasmaa 16 Peter Zumthor 24 Anna Heringer 32 3. Engaging the Percept 39 .1 Perceiving the Identity 39 .2 Perceiving the Architect 40 .3 The Legacy of Identity 44 Conclusion Bibliography
49 51
Images Cited Further Reading
55 59
Th huma facult o perceptio coul b viewe a combinatio o experience includin upbringin educatio an environmen plu th influentia lif experience tha a individua encounter PhilosopheMauricMer leau-Pont discusse thi vie statin 'Th adul himsel wil discove i hi ow lif wha hi cultur educatio book an traditio hav taugh him' Thi emphasise th importanc o individua backgroun whe discussin ho the vie thei persona an contextua identit Thes experience ar als applicabl t architectura observatio an applicatio Thi formatio o identit personall an architecturall affect th wa intervention ar develope i th architect' consciousnes. Architectura theorisChristia Norber-Schul note wit regard t th architectura consciousnes tha 'W sho th tendenc t abstrac singl propertie an regar the a i the wer th whol object'Extractin singl qualitie lik thi coul hav detrimenta effec o th wa tha designer conside projec du t th possibl misinterpretatio o plac Thi individual' wa o perceivin an interpretin plac i base o persona view tha hav bee fe b thes influence suc aMerlea-Ponty' aforementione experience Professo o PhilosophAlv N ha discusse thes experience statin tha 'althoug no judgement ar thoroughl thoughtfu Perceptio i wa o thinkin abou th world'I takin thi forwar i shoul b note tha perceptio i persona interpretatio o arisin circumstance tha i allie t a individua rathe tha grou
1 Merleau –Ponty, M, ‘The World of Perception‘, (London and New York, Routledge, 2004), pg.86 2 Norberg – Schulz, C., ‘Intentions in architecture’, (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.29 3 Noë, A, ‘Action of perception’, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT press, 2004), pg.189
Similarl PhilosopheHenrBergso offerin hi stanc o perceptio a persona referenc poin t hi action (diagrammed in Fig.1) state 'M bod i tha whic standou a th centr o thes perception m Personalit i th bein t whic thes action mus b referred' Thi interpretatio o th worl an th wa i i acte upo bot insid an outsid o one' consciou boundarie ha th potentia t shap th formatio o designer' interventio upo localitHoweve thos withi tha localit hav als forme perceptio o thei plac identit-'th identificatio o emotio an feeling t particula plac an th distinctiv characteristic o th place' Thi uniquenes require th adaptatio o th intervenin body' perceptio o tha identit an ho i shoul b appropriatel accommodate. Th acknowledgemen o place' identit i potentia influenc o one' perceptio leadin t al thos affecte b th outcom formin thei owTherefor th proble i th potentia ga i perception th perceptiv ga (shown in Fig.2) betwee th engagin partie Thi refer t th theoretica distanc betwee al th individua perception o a ide th relationshi betwee the an th exten t whic the correspon o diverg. Architectura historiaAlbert ereome commente o th importanc o th relationshi betwee engagin partie i th desig proces no jus limitin i t th physica aspect 'i require fro th architec an th inhabitan differen relationshi wit externa reality' Th greate th perceptiv ga th furthe apar ar th perceive idea o a appropriat outcom upo place' identit possibl wa o reducin thi ga thereb bridgin i i t provid furthe clarificatio o th subjec o architectura perceptio t enabl thos wh ar affecte t connec furthe wit th architect' idea an vic vers
Bergson, H, 'Matter and Memory', (London, George Allen and Unwin, 1911), pg.17 Ujang, N, 'Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity', in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010) pg.61 Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg. 23
Diagram- Body as the centre of perception.
Fig.1 Perception as a personal reference point.
Fig.2 The Perceptive Gap. 
1. The Perceptive Construct
T decreas th siz o th perceptiv ga th relationshi betwee th concep o perceptio an th theor o phenomenolog wil nee t b considere i orde t follo th proces b whic eac individua form perceptio
. Phenomenolog an Perceptua Experience
Phenomenolog a metho o inquir int th subjec o philosoph i exemplifie b th StanforEncyclopedi o Philosoph definitio tha state tha i 'i th stud o structure o consciousnes a experience fro th firs-perso poin o view' Thi interpretatio suggest th basi fo th formatio o perceptio i accordanc wit element tha influenc thei consciousnes perceptiv construcConsideratio o thi wil ai i th clarificatio o th connectio betwee th effec o influentia experienc an th perceptio o othe existence. Th previousl mentione eminen figureMauric Merlea-PontAlv N anChristia Norber-Schul carrie ou numbe o studie o th theor o phenomenolog 'a th exploratio an descriptio o phenomen wher phenomen refe
Unknown, 'Phenomenology', [Available],, 31st December 2015
t thing o experience a huma being experienc them' an it' associatio wit perceptio Thi ide suggest tha th wa i whic w perceiv realit i relate t thos experience 'Perceptua experienc present th worl a bein thi wa o tha on mus b abl t appreciat ho th experienc present thing a being' Thes experience ca the initiat modificatio o a existin perceptio du t th occurrenc o ne experience an exploratio o thought an phenomen Thes adjustment creat ne perception Buildin upo modifie perception stemmin fro experienc N ha discusse th consciou dependencie tha affect hi viewpoin statin 'm consciousnes depend no onl o wha i happenin i m brai bu als o m histor an m curren positio i an interactio wit th wide world'A thes experience accumulat certai o the com t b utilise withi th consciousnes an ho the ar utilise coul alte th resultin perceptio Ernst Mach's visual field drawing (Fig.3) emphasises this world that is represented through the consciousness. Thi representation need t b understoo b th perceive i orde t mak effectiv us o thi accumulatio. Howeve i shoul b recognise tha al experience d no hav th sam effec o ou perceptio N reflecte upo thi suggestio whe h note ' ca b mistake abou th natur o m experienc abou ho i experienc tak thing t be' Realisin th potentia misguidanc resultin fro experienc an th link i ha wit perceptio i emphasise th ide tha perceptio i a unreliabl mediu t attemp t defin a identit a 'no jus a addres o se o appearance bu complet personalit
Seamon D, 'A way of seeing people and place: Phenomenology in Environment-Behavior Research', in Wapner, P., Demick, J., Yamamoto, T. And Minami H. (eds), Theoretical Perspectives in Environment ' Behaviour Research, (New York: Plenum, 2000), pg.2 No, A, 'Action of perception', (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT press, 2004),pg.181 No, A, 'Out of our heads: Why you are not your brain and other lessons from the biology of consciousness', (New York, Hill and Wang, 2009), pg.4. No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.14
Diagram-Viewing through perception (MACHS DRAWING)
Fig.3 Mach's picture of the visual field.
Fig.4 The Perceptive Construct. 
wit whic th inside i intimatel associated' Followin o fro thi ide o th experientia developmen an th resultin perceptiv approac t one' surrounding Norber-Schul state 'on ma adjus on' ow conduc an perceptio become recognitio o th thing whic ar known' Th know worl o th individua the become firs perso consciou constructio (depicted in Fig.4) whic relate bac t th StanforEncyclopedi definitio Th multitud o experience whic affec perceptio encompasse bot th concep o perceptio an th theor o phenomenolog reveal perceivin t b conditio whos natur depend o th presenc an involvemen o th worl encountered' Phenomenolog coul therefor b considere a catalys enablin th constructio o perceptio engagin th individua wit thei evolvin surrounding.
. Th Theor o Phenomenology
Eac o th theorist ha thei ow interpretatio o th theor o phenomenolog eac approachin th subjec fro numbe o perspectiveI comparin thes thre approache i ma b possibl t fin leve o commonalit tha wil serv t judg th importanc o th relationshi betwee phenomenolog an perceptio. Startin witMerlea-Pont h addresse phenomenolog i wa tha bring th theor bac t th consciou stat whe h note tha 'Phenomenolog ca b practise an identifie a manne o styl o thinking' Thi statemen implie tha th concep i simpl a interna though proces tha h recognise a distinc wa o thinkin Thi relate bac t th ide o perceptio bein Relph, E, 'Place and Placelessness', (London, Pion Limited, 1976), pg.5 Norberg - Schulz, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.37 No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.5 Fisher, A.L, 'The Essential Writings of Merleau-Ponty', (New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1969), pg. 28
a individua notio althougMerlea-Pont appear t limi i t purel though base theor ContrastinMerlea-Ponty' approac t th theor N' interpretatio o phenomenolog suggest i 'i matte o ho thing see t uHo thing see t u leave ope ho thing ar beyon th limit o ou consciousness'H infer tha th concep o phenomenolog i ho th individua view condition presente t theHoweve i hi vie i reache beyon thi interna though proces an ca b presen outsid o thos limitation Thi challenge th StanforEncyclopedi definitio a i move beyon th firs perso bu acknowledge a elemen o perceptio. A a alternativ t botMerlea-Pont an N' view o th theor Norber-Schul propose tha i i ' "retur t things" a oppose t abstraction an menta constructions' Thi vie discount th ide o phenomenolog bein consciou constructio bu rathe concentrate o i becomin synthesi o previou idea an influence an ho w perceiv the Thi approac coul b du t th fac tha Norber-Schul focuse o architectura theor rathe tha th broa subjec o philosoph s a resul i befit hi argument t physica r-appropriatio. Takin th viewpoint o th thre theorist int accoun commo them emerge Th commonalitie tha ca b deduce fro thi compariso ar tha phenomenolog bring fort th interna though proces int forme viewpoin tha i base upo ou experience Subsequentl element o thes experience ca b applie t th perceptio o th physica worlCombinin thi approac t Phenomenolog wit th concep o perceptio wil provid basi allowin perceive t approac an appropriat thei ow worlI developin thi vie ther wil als b consideratio o th worl a see b other 'A a individua develop hi persona interna
No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.1. Norberg-Schulz, C, 'Genius Loci: Towards a phenomenology of architecture', (New York, Rizzoli, 1979), pg.7
worl h als develop curiosit abou th existenc an natur o another' world'Bot th physica an menta aspect o th bod coul b considere blan canva upo whic th worl imprint itsel Th bod an it' experience als hav th potentia t mak a imprin o th worl.
. Th Perceive World
Approachin th worlMerlea-Pont describe hi ow body' experienc wit th worl therefor hi imprin upo i a 'th powe o adoptin certai form o behaviou an certai worl merel a certai hol upo th world' Perceivin an interpretin plac i suc manne knowin tha th concep o perceptio i a unreliabl sourc i definin a identit th individua mus b awar tha th view the projec ca defin the whe enterin place 'a awarenes o one' uniqu existenc i spac i essentia i developin consciousnes o reception' Thi start t introduc th ide o th world' perceptio o tha individua I acknowledgin thi dialogu betwee th perceive an th perceive ca emerg Th resul o thi dialogu coul resul i th recognitio o th differin perception an therefor th realisatio o th perceptiv gaMerlea-Pont commente o thi exchang recognisin th influenc o a individual' characteristic 'a ou insertio int th worl a a individua an perceptio n longe a constitutio o th tru objec bu a ou inherenc i things' Fro thi on coul establis tha th worl tha i presente t u throug perceptio (represented in Fig.5) i debatabl a i i exclu
Bloomer, K.C., Moore, C. W., 'Body, Memory and Architecture', (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1977). Pg.45. Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.412. Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg. 40 Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.408.
siv t eac perso 'Th perceive worl i th alway presuppose foundatio o al rationalit al valu an al existence' Perceptio withi thi contex i wa o relatin attribute t th worlI accept th idiosyncras o th perceive objec an th perceive 'Perceptio become purel matte o knowledg progressiv notin dow o qualitie an o thei mos habitua distribution' I capturin an storin th qualitie fro thei ow perceptua experienc withi thei consciousnes th perceive i abl t projec thei ow perceptio o th worl ont othe perceiver Thi coul assis i gainin mor inclusiv visio o th worl whic ca compris differen perspective 'i i throug th perceptio o huma ac an anothe perso tha th perceptio o cultura worl coul b verified' Throug perceivin th action o other withi collectiv on ca star t for perceptio o worl tha ha certai significanc t communit Thi i proces tha start t allo th appropriatio o perceive worl whethe i i appropriatio fo th individual' benefi o fo th purpose o significan physica interventio suc a architectur.
Fig.5 The Perceived World. Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ The Primacy of Perception’ , (Illinois ,North-western University Press, 1964), pg.13. Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.28. Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg. 405.
2. From Construct to Construction
Th formatio o perceptiv construc i th min o a architec manifest itsel physicall i th resultin desigA th architec integrate thei interventio int pr-existin local utilizin idea base upo thei limite perceptio o it plac identit thei perceptiv construc begin t projec
.Appropriatin th Perceive World
I wa Norberg-Schul wh state tha th purpos o perception' influenc wa 't giv u informatio whic enable u t ac i a appropriat wa an it' possibl negativ effect a a unreliabl companio wh doe no mediat a objectiv an simpl world'A thi suggest th proble tha perceptio present stem fro th architec enterin a existenc tha i unfamilia t the wher th conceptio o place' identit ha no bee full forme i thei consciousnes Th unfamilia environmen 'allow th architec t se th buildin tradition o plac wit fres eyes' Thi unfamiliarit ma resul i potentiall problemati perceptio whic t th user o suc existence ma contes wit thei ow pr-conceive idea rathe tha c-exisMerlea-Pont foresa thi potentia conflic i th thought o differen userI dealin wit the ma wel believ tha h i a inhabitan o anothe worl i whic m ow thought an action ar unworth o place' Norberg - Schulz, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.28 Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.22 Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.420
Thi implie tha ther i a appreciatio o th identit o thos wh resid withi plac assume t hav mor cohesiv understandin o thei identitH als hint tha i enterin ne environmen th architec i awar tha th user hav perceptio o an newcome likel t hav a impac o th place' dynami. Whe th architec i introduce t a unknow settin wit th intentio o understandin plac identit a expectatio i forme 't arriv i settlemen i t experienc it plac characte Th characte shoul answe t th expectation on ha befor on arrive i th place'I a idea worl i th expectation o al thos involve regardin plac characte wer t converg th likelihoo o suitabl outcom o th projec i respec t th plac woul b enhance 'huma perceptio o th individua an th communit shoul influenc desig for an functio.t produc sensor architecture' Th user' confidenc i th architect' abilit t appropriatel conside th place' identit woul becom mor assure thereb closin th perceptiv ga.
. Th Architectura Product
I orde t analys th ide o th perceptiv construc an ho i influence th buil desig th architectJuhan Pallasma Pete Zumtho anAnnHeringe ar t b examine t gai a insigh int thei individua perceptiv construct an ho the hav influence a exampl o thei desig wor The hav bee selecte du t thei commo linkin theme th appreciatio o plac integrit th importanc o identit an immersio withi settin bot mentall an physicall.
Van Nes, A,'The Heaven, the Earth and the Optic Array: Norberg-Schulz's Place Phenomenology and its Degree of Operationability', in O' Byrne, B. Healy, P. (eds), Architecture and Phenomenology, (The Netherlands, Delft University of Technology Press, 2007)pg.122. Unknown, 'Theory of Phenomenology: Analyzing Substance, Application and Influence', Unknown, , Available,, 5th January 2016
Pallasma expresse belie i' sens o rootednes an belonging' i groundin hi architecturI embeddin hi architectur withi a environmen Zumtho attempt t 'immers mysel i th plac.t inhabi i i m imaginatio an loo beyon i a th worl o m othe plac' t enabl architectura integratio SimilarlHeringe use architectur a mean t 'explor an strengthe cultura an individua confidence' thereb rootin he architectur withi th loca culturI demonstratin similarit betwee thei architectura philosophie ho d th influentia element o thei perceptiv construct diffe Wha d the extrac fro thes influenceAn ho d thes influence relat t physica exampl o thei architectur Architec SteveHol empathise wit th rol tha perceptio play i architectur an th associate experience i relatio t particula plac a mean 't stimulat bot inne an oute perceptio t heighte phenomena experienc i respons t th particularitie o sit an circumstance' Thi the start t relat bac t th concep o perceptio bein foundatio whic ca b buil upo i th mind o thos wh perceiv T establis connectio betwee th perceptiv construc an th resultin physica outpu i wil b essentia t defin independentl ho th thre architect hav formulate a approac t thei wor Thi bein base o thei perception resultin fro thei backgroun influence.
Brislin, P., 'Identity, Place and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012). pg.9 Zumthor, P, 'Thinking Architecture', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2010), pg.41. Heringer, A, 'Vision', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016. Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg.42.
Juhani Pallasmaa Date of Birth: September 14th, 1936 Born in: Hmeenlinna, Finland Fig.6 Juhani Pallasmaa
I th cas o Pallasma hi earl lif provide hi wit glimps o importan environmenta feature tha wer ke i understandin th importanc o settin initiall base o th surrounding o hom Witmeenlinn (Fig.7) bein 'traditiona an vibran educationa an cultura town' th connectio betwee 'rura life an it' cultur arguabl centre th earl lif o Pallasmaa' Thi provide hi wit 'practica skill lov o natur an stron sens o home whic becam drivin force fo hi ideologie. larg proportio o Pallasmaa' childhoo wa spen a hi 'farme grandfathe' house' ke memor tha influence hi architectura thinkin wa tha o th grandfather' livin roo tabl wher h recalle ' ca stil imagin mysel sittin besid i an relivin thi foca poin o rura cottag th bindin forc o ou famil circl an it occasiona visitors'H ha retaine thi though du t th significan rol tha thi simpl objec playe i enablin a interactiv environmen bringin peopl togethe He reflected upon this whilst considering the painting 'Meal at Simon's House' by Beric Bouts and how the table was symbolised within it (Fig.8). Thi i tur ha a effec o th wa h perceive peopl withi a environmen Thi coul b considere a on importan componen o hi perceptiv construc fro whic t tak relevan feature an transfe the int hi perceive worl the int hi wor 'Th worl i reflecte i th bod an th bod i projecte ont th world' Thi show a awarenes o th importanc o persona backgroun influence a oppose t onl th developmen o architectura experience
As described by their website. Unknown, 'The City of Hmeenlinna', 2016, Available, http://www.hameenlinna. fi/english/, 5th January 2016. Merkel, J, 'Developing a Sensitivity to Locale and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012) pg.133 Merkel, J, 'Developing a Sensitivity to Locale and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012) pg.133 Pallasmaa, J., 'Identity, Intimacy and Domicile: Notes on the phenomenology of home', 1994, Available,, 24th March 2016. Norri, M-R, 'The world of Juhani Pallasmaa', Unknown, Available,, 18th March 2016. Pallasmaa, J., 'The Eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses', (Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 2012), pg.49.
Fig.7 meenlinn
Fig.8 Meal at Simon's House
Whe discussin th significanc o sel identit i th fiel o architectur Pallasma note tha 'i ha t d wit you persona histor an you famil histor an th histor o you wide world'Thes thre aspect o formativ histor an th relate experience wil contribut t th perceptiv construc thereb contributin t a individual' persona an perceive identit.
MD 2HelsinkFinland
On o Pallasmaa' earlie projectModul 2 whic h designe witFinnis architecKristiaGullichse aime 't resolv th constructio o holida homes' i th perio o th lat sixtie Thi housin shortag proble wa concer o Pallasmaa' whic h fel h neede t addres whic coul hav stemme fro hi stron association wit hom Durin thi perio thi modula for o architectur i Pallasmaa' vie wa see t 'posses aestheti neutrality' whic h fel wa 'a appropriat reflectio o th democrati value o equality' Th desig 'raise numbe o possibl combination relyin o structura gri an th possibl combination o panel o standar dimensions' (Fig.9 and Fig.10) Thi neutralit i desig wa respons t 'prevailin pos-wa traditio o ne-functionalis architecture'. Th modula desig wa 'use merel fo purpose o efficienc flexibilit an economy' (Fig.11 and 12) durin perio wher 'Excessiv persona expressio wa viewe criticall an judge regressive'
Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.25. LopezCotelo, B., 'Moduli System', [Online],, 6th January 2016 Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6 Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6 LopezCotelo, B., 'Moduli System', [Online],, 6th January 2016. Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.4 Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6 Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6
Fig.9 Modular 3
Fig.10 AXON
Fig.11 Sistema Modulli 2b
Fig.12 Sistema Modulli 2 
Thi show tha durin tha tim ther wa limite scop fo architectur tha wa see t b mor expressiv tha functiona Recognizin th directio an vie o architectur a th tim Pallasma wa als awar o th perceive ide o th architec whe appropriatin desig t bot brie an settin h state tha architectura project ar 'no onl resul o proble-solvin proces.i i als metaphysica propositio tha expresse th maker' menta worl an.understandin o th huma lif world'I i possibl tha th understandin o th situatio o th huma worl encourage thi modula desig t solv th proble i a a efficien wa a possibl s a t overcom th shortag o housin bu allowin certai amoun o individualit i th desig I Pallasma i awar o hi ow perceive worl thi implie tha ther i a understandin tha other als for thei ow perceive world desig tha allow flexibilit accept tha ther wil b differen perception o th worl recognise gap betwee perception an attempt t reduc i vi it adaptabilit.
Pallasmaa, J, 'The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture', (Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 2009), pg.108.
Peter Zumthor Date of Birth: April 26th, 1943 Born in: Basel, Switzerland Fig.13 Peter Zumthor.
Zumtho wa bor 'th so o furnitur make an maste joiner' whic provide hi wit a influentia backgrounEarl o i hi caree hi 'wor a carpente specialisin i furnitur' initiate hi respec fo craftsmanshi an appreciatio o th us o material (Fig.14)Hi caree the entere th fiel o architectur whic late include 'consultin service fo th protectio o histori construction iGrison canton' (Fig.15) Th interes i th preservatio o th canton' historicall importan feature starte t mak hi questio 'wh thing her loo th wa the d wha make the beautifu aesthetic' Thi subsequentl le hi t a approac tha woul se hi 'overcomin architecturaModernis i whic nothin wa suppose t hav history '. Whe questione abou th concep o identit i relatio t plac-creatin-architectur h answere ' thin ther i characte i goo architecturI create plac.tha yo ca relat t an thi produce identity'I creatin plac Zumtho discusse ke par o hi architectura observatio Thi link bac t previou idea o plac tha h ha experience 'image tha onc impresse m image o ordinar o specia place tha carr wit m a inne visions'Gatherin thes inne vision togethe bear muc resemblanc t th wa i whic on build perceptiv construc t approac th perceive worl Formin hi ow perceive construc i thi wa Zumtho understand th possibl effect o hi perceptiv influenc o th outcomH als recognise tha ther wil b correspondin proces undertake b thos wh resid i th affecte identit an ho h woul approac thi;
Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016. Unknown, 'Architects: Biography Peter Zumthor', 2015, Available,, 5th January 2016. Unknown, 'Architects: Biography Peter Zumthor', 2015, Available,, 5th January 2016. Kimmelman, M, 'The Ascension of Peter Zumthor', 2011, Available,, 19th March 2016. Kimmelman, M, 'The Ascension of Peter Zumthor'', 2011, Available,, 19th March 2016. Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.22. Zumthor, P, 'Thinking Architecture', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2010), pg.41.
Fig.14 Bruder Klaus.
Fig.15 Graubunden.
'w coul ge togethe an arrang thing firs i ou head an the i th rea worlAn w woul loo an se ho thes thing reacte together' I realisin th relevanc o thi dialogu betwee th resident an th architec involve Zumtho ha inadvertentl addresse th ide o th perceptiv ga an ho t conceivabl reduc i.
Chape o SBenedic Sumvit Switzerland
A exampl o wher thes pas experience an influence o Zumthor' lif hav com t fruitio i i on o hi earl project thChape o SBenedic (Fig.16) buil t replac ke loca featur tha ha bee 'ruine i a avalanche'I i considere tha thi proposa initiate 'hi respec fo sit an materials'Havin consideratio fo thes tw element ca star t integrat th projec int th localit wit regar t th existin cultur communit histor an landscap. I recognitio o histor withi hi ow philosoph th ethic o th Sain' tha th chape wa name afte ha als bee appreciate withi th desig o th structur Th sain emphasise th importanc o 'th livin communit o me wh liv wor ea an pra togethe a permanen elemen.givin sens o togetherness' I orde t wor wit th saint' ideologie Zumtho expresse thi b 'eliminatin th usag o interna walls' (Fig.17) thereb eradicatin an
Zumthor, P, 'Atmospheres', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2006), pg.25 Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4. Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016. For more information on Saint Benedict go to: Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4. Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4.
Fig.16 Chapel of St Benedict.
Fig.17 Chapel of St Benedict Interior.
Fig.18 Exterior Profile.
Fig.19 Exterior materials.
for o divisioA resul o hi experienc i carpentr h wa 'greatl influence b th sensitiv us o rusti material' whic len itsel t thei effectiv us i relatio t th specifi settin;'Th timbe-constructio chape i tapere t th extrem shap o th sit whic i hig o nearl vertica meadow' (Fig.18). Thi show respec fo th landscap b minimizin th impac o it identitI continuatio o th respec fo th place' identit timbe shingle tha ar ' commo materia use fo th loca houses' wer use o th building' exterio t 'spea t tradition i th region' (Fig.19). Th desig choice tha hav bee incorporate int th buildin hav reflecte Zumthor' philosophie hi perception whic i tur hav bee forme b hi pas experience an backgroun transformin th perceptiv construc int physica construc.
Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1. Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016. Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1. Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016.
Anna Heringer Date of Birth: October 13th, 1977 Born in: Rosenheim, Germany Fig.20 Anna Heringer
Heringe spen yea i he earl adul lif livin iBanglades wher sh 'ha th chanc t lear fro th GDipshikh abou sustainabl developmen work' GDipshikh i 'voluntar organisatio workin i th fiel o childhoo an othe disabilities'Havin th opportunit t wor wit compan tha put peopl a th forefron o thei operation th company' ethic worke thei wa int he consciousnes Thi serve a significan componen o he perceptiv construc Helpin ou a voluntee fo compan tha 'believ i hig degre o communit involvement' i woul onl follo tha wha sh too fro thi participatio wa vie tha architectur i mediu tha coul 'buil th confidenc o people, th craftsme th loca communit th youth, an t nurtur trus i thei endogenou potentials' Sh addresse th psychologica effect o a interventio realisin tha i th local wer sel assure i th architect' idea an vic vers th plac woul buil o it identifyin feature an develo it potentiaI turnin thi ideolog int physica for sh considere tha 'th mos successfu developmen strateg i t trus i existin readil availabl resource an t mak th bes ou o it' Recognisin th importanc o usin place' loca resource arguabl no jus materia resource bu als o th peopl an th culturHeringe applie thi t he wor ethiI basin he architectur aroun thi philosoph attemptin t buil trus amongs th affecte sh understoo th ide o th perceptiv ga.
Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016. Unknown, 'We are...', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016. Unknown, 'We are...', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016. Unknown, 'Staff Directory', 2016, Available,, 19th March 2016. Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.
E HO RudrapuBangladesh
ThE Schoo (Fig.21) applie thi elemen o he perceptiv construc int projec tha aim t 'improv existin buildin technique maintainin sustainabilit utilizin loca potentia an strengthenin regiona identity' Workin wit he develope perceptio o architecture' objectiv an he ow buil u philosophHeringe integrate easil accessibl an lo cos material mu bambo an stra (Fig.22) tha ar use i loca constructio t sho trus i th localitie resourceI maintainin trus i loca asset local wer encourage t tak par i th constructio phas an '3 loca constructor wer traine o ne method t ensur lon-ter benefi fo th villagers' (Fig.23)Employin thes loca assetHeringe utilize th identit o Rudrapu i constructiv wa no onl physicall bu i th lon ter t serv th peopl an preserv it individualit membe oHeringer' tea emphasise th importanc o th user' involvemen i th constructio i strengthenin thei belie i an thei acceptanc o th projec 'ThE-student mus b involve int th buildin constructio proces s tha the c-creat an understan it'I allowin th user t participat i th constructio firs han the wer abl t ente int dialogu wit th desig tea a th projec develope Thi enable th perception o al involve partie t evolv an henc ha positiv effec o th perceptiv ga. Followin completio o th constructioHeringe wante th projec t b ' motivatin star an exampl fo a architectur tha serve th peopl thei entir physica an psychi being'
Lim C.S., J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', On Site Review Report, (2007), < org/architecture/pdf/3392_Ban.pdf>, pg.17. Ibid, pg.25. Ibid, pg.25. Ibid, pg.25.
Fig.21 METI School.
Fig.22 METI Handmade School.
Fig.23 Communal Construction.
Fig.24 Local community meetings.
Havin du regar fo th user an encouragin loca understandin throug direc involvemen (Fig.24) sh ha recognize thei perceptionB respectin thes an i combinatio wit he ow perceptio o th fina produc sh ha bot acknowledge th perceptiv ga an ha sough ou wa t reduc i
3. Engaging the Percept
Examinin th ide o perceptio it relationshi wit th architectura desig proces an ho eac architec interpret th perceptiv ga th architec the engage wit th percep 'somethin tha i perceived th objec o perception 'A th subjec o perceptio plac identit become a idiosyncrati concep t thos wh ente i
. Perceivin th Identity
Wit th powe tha architect hav withi thes potentiall ne surrounding an th perceptiv influence tha forme thei perceive worl thei interpretatio o th plac definin element coul 'recas th identit o plac b restructurin foreig o existin element i accordanc wit thei particularize view' Thi vie i influence b th perceptiv construc creatin perceive worl wit whic t engag O achievin sens o plac whe intervenin architec RicJo expresse hi opinio o ho th architec shoul attemp t for vie o tha plac b identifyin th definin point tha differentiat i 't becom intimatel immerse i it particula natura characteristic tha mak i uniqu a broa rang o scales' Unknown, 'Percept', 2015, Available:, 31st December 2015 Kingston, H.Wm 'Assessing Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K., (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg. 80 Joy, R, 'Identity through the grounding of experience in place', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012), pg.41
H suggest tha architect explor 'th huma cultur o specifi plac wit it ritual memorie an.wisdo o th establishe buildin culture'I doin s th architect' respons t th environmen shoul allo the t discove th individualit tha come wit specifi place rathe tha viewin sit contex broadl an assignin characteristic base upo limite understandin I th cas oAnnHeringe a previousl discusse thi immersio occurre A th ag o whe 'sh live iBanglades fo almos year'I taugh he t adop styl o architectur tha allowe he t perceiv a effectiv respons t th loca requirementA th outside i thi cas th architec build u thei perceptio o th plac th inhabitant o th plac buil u correspondin perceptio o th architec
. Perceivin th Architect
Fro th user' viewpoin perceptio shoul b considere elemen withi th dialogu wit th architec Th perceptio o th use ca b tha th architec wh i see a th professiona ha considerabl amoun o powe an responsibilit t influenc th resultin outcom whils havin th leas persona attachmen t th localitAwar o th powe tha th architec ha o localit Zumtho reflect o th imag architectur portray sayin eithe a reall gla t b situate o thi squar O a th mos beautifu buildin her yo lo al loo ugly' Thi coul hav a effec o ho th architec i perceive wit regar t thei appreciatio o plac identit (Fig.25)
Joy, R, 'Identity through the grounding of experience in place', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012), pg.41 Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016. Zumthor, P, 'Atmospheres', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2006), pg.49.
DIAGRAM_ Architecture image.
Fig.25 Perceiving architecture.
Thi vie o architectura authorit coul lea t th en user adoptin mor defensiv attitud t potentia chang 'Onc th percep i take a wha i seem t b the th perceive canno ad much' Thi implie tha onc th percep th plac ha establishe perceive identit the othe perceiver hav littl influenc ove i Th concer fro whic thi typ o respons i produce i tha th architect' powe wil lea no t gradua evolutio o identit bu sudde chang reflecte solel i singula perceptio th architect' I th instanc o thE Schoo Projec th informa brie provide wa reinterprete bHeringe 'Th plannin th architectur an th fina resul bea testimon t he ideals' A exampl o thi include th adaptatio o loca buildin technique an material i conjunctio wit limite moder element wit th ai o sustainabilit (Fig.26 and Fig.27). Respondin t th fina outcom larg proportio o th local wh worke o th buildin wa o th opinio tha 'th projec wa a interestin experienc bu on the wil b unabl t repea du t lac o equipmen an resources' Thi opinio suggest tha th local deeme th projec succes althoug th gradua evolutio o identit coul no b maintaine withou furthe externa assistancI a articl publishe o th rol o regiona identit durin period o chang thi statemen wa mad 'i buildin projec withi particula local i limite t persona gestur o statemen o persona belie the th en produc i a ac o idiosyncras an no vernacula impulse'I architectur become purel th architect' individua statemen an neithe engagin part i 'constitutin consciousnes whe the ar abou t communicat an discove commo worl the th questio i wh communicate an fo who doe thi worl exist Gendlin, E.T, 'The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception: How the body knows the situation and philosophy', in Unknown, Man and World, (Chicago, University of Chicago, 1992), pg.1 Lim C.S, J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', (Bangladesh, Aga Khan, 2007), pg.2 Lim C.S, J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', (Bangladesh, Aga Khan, 2007), pg.4 Kingston, H.Wm 'Assessing Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K., (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.78 Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.416
Fig.26 Steel dowel and nylon rope construction technique.
Fig.27 Plate iron sheet roofing.
Therefor th mor limite th communicatio become th user perceptio i les recognise an th ga i perception wil b greateConsequentl th communa ide o plac identit wil b los i thi approac continue whic 'weaken th dept o meanin attachmen an diversit o plac experience' Thi i tur affect th continue individualit o plac whic coul graduall erod th user' sens o belongin.
. Th Legac o Identity
Whe discussin th ide o plac experienc i i noteworth tha th experienc i no onl registere b th architec bu als 'i somethin on ha i commo o share wit otherI unite grou o peopl givin the commo identity' tha form basi fo representativ collectiv opinioI i thi representatio tha serve a a embodimen o th identit bu wit thi come rang o personalitie resultin i th differin o opinion bu stil unde th canop o place' identit (Fig.28) 'I i paradoxica bu commo experienc tha differen person a th sam tim hav simila an differen experienc o th sam environment' Th aforementione SainBenedictChape projec encountere thi for o parado wher communa bodie withi th sam environmen expresse varyin request fo th constructio thereb offerin differen perceptio o th outcomI briefin th projec th villag authoritie 'ha issue th buildin permi wit th commen(withou convictio)'
Ujang, N, 'Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity', in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010), pg.62 Van Nes, A,'The Heaven, the Earth and the Optic Array: Norberg-Schulz's Place Phenomenology and its Degree of Operationability', in O' Byrne, B. Healy, P. (eds), Architecture and Phenomenology, (The Netherlands, Delft University of Technology Press, 2007), pg.116 Schulz-Norberg, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.30 Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1
DIAGRAM- Place identity paradoxical thing
Fig.28 Different experiences within the same environment.
Thi no-restrictiv approac t th brie lef th architec fre t interpre i possibl oversigh i maintainin th ide o identit withi th communitHoweve i respons t thi broa guidanc give b th authoritie th member o th loca monasterDisenti 'wante th ne chape t embod somethin fres an moder element fo th futur generation' Attemptin t satisf everyon woul b a impractica targe satisfyin representativ numbe withi th communit wa mor realisti targe 'Zumthor' desig answere th villag priest' reques o buildin somethin ne an contemporary'Appealin t 'representativ number withi region' wh wil eventuall us th buildin th monk i th cas o Zumtho woul allo unifor perceptio t b forme o th outcomAcceptin buildin i collectiv an consisten manne produce somethin tha i n longe idiosyncrati bu culturall syncreti an vernacular' I relatio t architectur vernacula i commonl referre t a 'Architecture concerne wit domesti an functional rathe tha monumental buildings' Thi woul sho thos wh ar affecte b th developmen tha th interventio bein propose i no symboli statemen mad b th architec bu a attemp a integratio t benefi an contribut t thei identitI acceptanc o thi scal ca occu withi th desig proces combinin multitud o expectation o buildin the th perception o tha buildin ar brough close togethe decreasin th perceptiv gaI closin thi ga th typ o architectur tha result the start t becom unifie developmen whic i tur i mutuall beneficia t a architect' reputatio an th preservatio o plac identit Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1 Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.5 Heath, K.Wm, 'Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K. (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.80 Heath, K.Wm, 'Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K. (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.80 Unknown, 'Vernacular', 2016, Available, vernacular, 1st January 2016
Thi als help t maintai plac meanin an individualit whic 'i importan becaus the contribut t sel identit sens o communit an sens o place' rathe tha succumbin t th ide o powe whic architect o thi calibr hav Thi powe coul b use t mak bol interjection int landscape wher th contex ha no bee sufficientl considere potentiall detractin fro iI i importan tha communitie maintai leve o identit evolutio wit whic the ca associat Thi coul i tur avoi futur i whic identitie merg an los distinctivenes therefor th ide o th stereotypin ' simplifie an standardize conception' o plac ma becom mor tangibl Thi possibl futur wa touche upo i publicatio o buildin identit an plac wher authoHarrie Wennber declare tha plac identit serve 'a solutio t th destabilisin effect o moder globalise societies' Plac identit aim 't connec peopl wit thei environmen an increas th sens o attachmen an belongin i architectura spaces' Sh convey tha plac identit doe no onl benefi th plac an it peopl bu als provide furthe connectio wit architecturA resul thi shoul furthe encourag architect t wor wit identit t produc architectur tha become importan t peopl
Ujang, N, ‘ Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity’ , in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010), pg.62 Unknown, ‘Stereotype’, 2016, Available:, 20th March 2016. Wennberg, H, ‘ In Place: A study of building and identity’ , (London, INTBAU, 2015), pg.14 98 Wennberg, H, ‘In Place: A study of building and identity’, (London, INTBAU, 2015), pg.14
To create architecture that encapsulates all the desires, the built perceptions, of everyone within an environment is a near impossible task, due to the perceptive gap created by the multitude of perceptions that would need to be accommodated. However it is important to minimise this gap in order to produce a cohesive result. Approaching the concept of perception in a phenomenological way opens up the idea of the conscious thought process, that perception is commonly taken to be, and begins to apply it into the physical world, based upon our experiences, allowing the formation of a perceptive construct. This construct allows the development of a personal perceived world, in which the existences of other identities are included. In re-appropriating a world to suit an individual's perception of these identities, the idea of a singular definitive place identity then becomes a questionable assertion. It is clear that, having followed each architect's approach to an appropriation of an identity within their architecture, they have considered the potential perceptions held by the engaging participants, thus recognizing the potential perceptive gap. In bridging the perceptive gap in their own individual ways, based on their perceptive constructs, they have enabled the final response to become increasingly positive and appreciated amongst a collective of inhabitants. This then allows the identity of place to become a unified idea that can be discussed between the resident and the intervener , rather than a topic that disproportionally divides influence over the resulting outcome amongst these groups. An intervention can then start to become exclusive to the place in question but also inclusive of the people within it.
The investigation has analysed the work of three notable architects from across the world. Carrying out a similar analysis at a local level would allow the contrasts to be identified reflecting the different scale and scope of projects and their environments. If the way of maintaining place identity, by acknowledging and addressing the perceptive gap, can be implemented through the mechanisms of the design process, then places can continue to have an identity, the communities within it can continue to contribute to and the individual can still maintain their personal connection with that identity.
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Images Cited
Page 3: Fig.1 'Perception as a personal reference point', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Fig.2 'The Perceptive Gap', (Author's Own Image), Pencil drawing. Page 7: Fig.3 'Mach's picture of the visual field', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Fig.4 'The Perceptive Construct', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Page 11: Fig.5 'The Perceived World', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Page 16: Fig.6 'Juhani Pallasmaa', Unknown, Juhani Pallasmaa, 2014, Photograph, UNSW Australia, UNSW Australia, Web, 27th February 2016. Page 18: Fig.7 'meenlinn', Halttunen, Arto, Kopio (2), meenlinn', Unknown, Photograph, Paramotor, Paramotor, Web, 27th February 2016.', Fig.8 'Meal at Simon's House', Bouts, Deric, Meal at Simon's House, Mid 15th Century, Painting, The University of Art and Design Helsinki, UIAH, Web, 28th March 2016. Page 21: Fig.9 'Modular 3 ', Unknown, modular-kristian-gull ichsen-juhani-pallasmaa-3, 2013, Axonometric projection, tectonicablog, Finland, Tectonicablog, Web, 27th February 2016.
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Fig.19 'Exterior Materials', Camus, Felipe, AD Classics: Saint Benedict Chapel / Peter Zumthor, 2013, Photograph, Archdaily, Switzerland, Archdaily, Web, 27th February 2016.
Page 32: Fig.20 'Anna Heringer ', Unknown, Anna Heringer, 2015, Photograph, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Switzerland, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Web, 27th February 2016. Page 35: Fig.21 'METI School', Hoerbst, Kurt, METI-School, 2010, Photograph, The Architects Newspaper, Bangladesh, Archpaper, Web, 27th February 2016. Fig.22 'METI Handmade School ', Stephens, Samuels, METI Handmade School, 2012, Photograph, SGStephens, Bangladesh,SGStephens, Web, 28th March 2016. Page 36: Fig.23 'Communal Construction', Hoerbst, Kurt, Unknown, 2005, Photograph, Kurt Hoerbst, Bangladesh, Arkitektur: Kurt Hoerbst, Web, 28th March 2016. Fig.24 'Local community meetings', Hoerbst, Kurt,Unknown, 2005, Photograph, Kurt Hoerbst, Bangladesh, Arkitektur: Kurt Hoerbst, Web, 28th March 2016. Page 41: Fig.25 'Perceiving architetcure', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Page 43: Fig.26 'Steel dowel and nylon rope construction technique', Unknown, Unknown, 2007, Photograph, Award Cycle, Bangladesh, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Web, 28th February 2016. Fig.27 'Plate iron sheet roofing ', Unknown, Unknown, 2007, Photograph, Aga Khan Development Network, Ban gladesh, Aga Khan Development Network, Web, 28th February 2016. Page 45: Fig.28 'Different experiences within the same environment', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing.
Further Reading Derakhshani ,Farrokh, 'Appropriating, Reclaiming and Inventing Identity Through Architecture', Godfrey, Walter.H, 'Our building inheritance: Are we to use or lose it?', (London, Faber and Faber limited, 1944). ivenGunila and Larkham, Peter J., 'Sense of Place, Authenticity and Character: A Commentary'Journal of Urban Design 1,03,67-81 Lehman, Maria Lorena, 'How Emotion Impacts the Perception of Architecture', [Online],, [29th March 2016]. Perren, Claudia, and Mlecek, Miriam, 'Perception in Architecture: Here and Now', (Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015) Rawes, Peg, 'Relational Architectural Ecologies: Architecture, nature and subjectivity', (USA and Canada, Routledge, 2013). VanderarkSensory perception through architecture