BA Architecture Dissertation

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BRIDGING THE PERCEPTIVE GAP Enabling the convergence of architectural expectations

Alexander Hussey 10421029 ARC604: Design Praxis + Critical Context 6.2 Dr. Karan August


This investigation will examine the role of perception and phenomenology in both the formation of design ideas and the effect it has on architecture. This will formulate conclusions as to how this architecture affects the identity into which it is placed, starting by establishing how a perception is formed and clarifying the theory of phenomenology. Linking these, by comparing the studies of Alva NoďƒŤ, Christian Norberg-Schulz and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, will aid in demonstrating the process behind a perceptive construct. This being the result of a collection of influences that helps to form an individual's perception of the world. This notion of the perceptive construct can then be applied to the work of three architects, Juhani Pallasmaa, Peter Zumthor and Anna Heringer. Investigating the link between influences of a perceptive construct and their role in the architecture profession, by studying a series of architect's projects, will aim to confirm their potential connection. The projects chosen are Pallasamaa's Moduli 225 in Finland, Zumthor's Chapel of St. Benedict in Switzerland and Heringer's METI School in Bangladesh. This will also consider how identity of place is perceived by participants within a project, including the architect. This leads on to the importance of place identity within the field of architecture and how these architects have appropriated identity within their designs. The discussion will then begin to interpret how residents of these identities perceive the architects ability to intervene appropriately. The aim of viewing this idea of perception from both sides of the dialogue, between the architect and the user, will be to establish both ends of the perceptive gap. In doing so it will begin to find similarities and differences, showing to what extent this gap can be reduced and the effect this will have on architecture and identity in producing an environment that is considered beneficial to both parties.




1. The Perceptive Construct 5 .1 Phenomenology and Perceptual Experience .2 The Theory of Phenomenology 8 .3 The Perceived World 10 2. From Construct to Construction 13 .1 Appropriating the Perceived World .2 The Architectural Product 14 Juhani Pallasmaa 16 Peter Zumthor 24 Anna Heringer 32 3. Engaging the Percept 39 .1 Perceiving the Identity 39 .2 Perceiving the Architect 40 .3 The Legacy of Identity 44 Conclusion Bibliography

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Images Cited Further Reading

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Th huma facult o perceptio coul b viewe a  combinatio o experience includin upbringin educatio an environmen plu th influentia lif experience tha a individua encounter PhilosopheMauricMer leau-Pont discusse thi vie statin 'Th adul himsel wil discove i hi ow lif wha hi cultur educatio book an traditio hav taugh him' Thi emphasise th importanc o individua backgroun whe discussin ho the vie thei persona an contextua identit Thes experience ar als applicabl t architectura observatio an applicatio Thi formatio o identit personall an architecturall affect th wa intervention ar develope i th architect' consciousnes. Architectura theorisChristia Norber-Schul note wit regard t th architectura consciousnes tha 'W sho th tendenc t abstrac singl propertie an regar the a i the wer th whol object'Extractin singl qualitie lik thi coul hav  detrimenta effec o th wa tha designer conside  projec du t th possibl misinterpretatio o plac Thi individual' wa o perceivin an interpretin plac i base o persona view tha hav bee fe b thes influence suc aMerlea-Ponty' aforementione experience Professo o PhilosophAlv N ha discusse thes experience statin tha 'althoug no judgement ar thoroughl thoughtfu Perceptio i  wa o thinkin abou th world'I takin thi forwar i shoul b note tha perceptio i  persona interpretatio o arisin circumstance tha i allie t a individua rathe tha  grou

1 Merleau –Ponty, M, ‘The World of Perception‘, (London and New York, Routledge, 2004), pg.86 2 Norberg – Schulz, C., ‘Intentions in architecture’, (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.29 3 Noë, A, ‘Action of perception’, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT press, 2004), pg.189

Similarl PhilosopheHenrBergso offerin hi stanc o perceptio a persona referenc poin t hi action (diagrammed in Fig.1) state 'M bod i tha whic standou a th centr o thes perception m Personalit i th bein t whic thes action mus b referred' Thi interpretatio o th worl an th wa i i acte upo bot insid an outsid o one' consciou boundarie ha th potentia t shap th formatio o  designer' interventio upo  localitHoweve thos withi tha localit hav als forme  perceptio o thei plac identit-'th identificatio o emotio an feeling t  particula plac an th distinctiv characteristic o th place' Thi uniquenes require th adaptatio o th intervenin body' perceptio o tha identit an ho i shoul b appropriatel accommodate. Th acknowledgemen o  place' identit i  potentia influenc o one' perceptio leadin t al thos affecte b th outcom formin thei owTherefor th proble i th potentia ga i perception th perceptiv ga (shown in Fig.2) betwee th engagin partie Thi refer t th theoretica distanc betwee al th individua perception o a ide th relationshi betwee the an th exten t whic the correspon o diverg. Architectura historiaAlbert ereome commente o th importanc o th relationshi betwee engagin partie i th desig proces no jus limitin i t th physica aspect 'i require fro th architec an th inhabitan  differen relationshi wit externa reality' Th greate th perceptiv ga th furthe apar ar th perceive idea o a appropriat outcom upo  place' identit possibl wa o reducin thi ga thereb bridgin i i t provid furthe clarificatio o th subjec o architectura perceptio t enabl thos wh ar affecte t connec furthe wit th architect' idea an vic vers

 Bergson, H, 'Matter and Memory', (London, George Allen and Unwin, 1911), pg.17  Ujang, N, 'Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity', in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010) pg.61  Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg. 23

Diagram- Body as the centre of perception.

Fig.1 Perception as a personal reference point.

Fig.2 The Perceptive Gap. 

1. The Perceptive Construct

T decreas th siz o th perceptiv ga th relationshi betwee th concep o perceptio an th theor o phenomenolog wil nee t b considere i orde t follo th proces b whic eac individua form  perceptio

. Phenomenolog an Perceptua Experience

Phenomenolog a  metho o inquir int th subjec o philosoph i exemplifie b th StanforEncyclopedi o Philosoph definitio tha state tha i 'i th stud o structure o consciousnes a experience fro th firs-perso poin o view' Thi interpretatio suggest th basi fo th formatio o  perceptio i accordanc wit element tha influenc thei consciousnes  perceptiv construcConsideratio o thi wil ai i th clarificatio o th connectio betwee th effec o influentia experienc an th perceptio o othe existence. Th previousl mentione eminen figureMauric Merlea-PontAlv N anChristia Norber-Schul carrie ou  numbe o studie o th theor o phenomenolog 'a th exploratio an descriptio o phenomen wher phenomen refe

 Unknown, 'Phenomenology', [Available],, 31st December 2015

t thing o experience a huma being experienc them' an it' associatio wit perceptio Thi ide suggest tha th wa i whic w perceiv realit i relate t thos experience 'Perceptua experienc present th worl a bein thi wa o tha on mus b abl t appreciat ho th experienc present thing a being' Thes experience ca the initiat  modificatio o a existin perceptio du t th occurrenc o ne experience an exploratio o thought an phenomen Thes adjustment creat ne perception Buildin upo modifie perception stemmin fro experienc N ha discusse th consciou dependencie tha affect hi viewpoin statin 'm consciousnes depend no onl o wha i happenin i m brai bu als o m histor an m curren positio i an interactio wit th wide world'A thes experience accumulat certai o the com t b utilise withi th consciousnes an ho the ar utilise coul alte th resultin perceptio Ernst Mach's visual field drawing (Fig.3) emphasises this world that is represented through the consciousness. Thi representation need t b understoo b th perceive i orde t mak effectiv us o thi accumulatio. Howeve i shoul b recognise tha al experience d no hav th sam effec o ou perceptio N reflecte upo thi suggestio whe h note ' ca b mistake abou th natur o m experienc  abou ho i experienc tak thing t be' Realisin th potentia misguidanc resultin fro experienc an th link i ha wit perceptio i emphasise th ide tha perceptio i a unreliabl mediu t attemp t defin a identit a 'no jus a addres o se o appearance bu  complet personalit

 Seamon D, 'A way of seeing people and place: Phenomenology in Environment-Behavior Research', in Wapner, P., Demick, J., Yamamoto, T. And Minami H. (eds), Theoretical Perspectives in Environment ' Behaviour Research, (New York: Plenum, 2000), pg.2  No, A, 'Action of perception', (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT press, 2004),pg.181  No, A, 'Out of our heads: Why you are not your brain and other lessons from the biology of consciousness', (New York, Hill and Wang, 2009), pg.4.  No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.14

Diagram-Viewing through perception (MACHS DRAWING)

Fig.3 Mach's picture of the visual field.

Fig.4 The Perceptive Construct. 

wit whic th inside i intimatel associated' Followin o fro thi ide o th experientia developmen an th resultin perceptiv approac t one' surrounding Norber-Schul state 'on ma adjus on' ow conduc an perceptio become  recognitio o th thing whic ar known' Th know worl o th individua the become  firs perso consciou constructio (depicted in Fig.4) whic relate bac t th StanforEncyclopedi definitio Th multitud o experience whic affec perceptio encompasse bot th concep o perceptio an th theor o phenomenolog reveal perceivin t b  conditio whos natur depend o th presenc an involvemen o th worl encountered' Phenomenolog coul therefor b considere a  catalys enablin th constructio o  perceptio engagin th individua wit thei evolvin surrounding.

. Th Theor o Phenomenology

Eac o th theorist ha thei ow interpretatio o th theor o phenomenolog eac approachin th subjec fro  numbe o perspectiveI comparin thes thre approache i ma b possibl t fin  leve o commonalit tha wil serv t judg th importanc o th relationshi betwee phenomenolog an perceptio. Startin witMerlea-Pont h addresse phenomenolog i  wa tha bring th theor bac t th consciou stat whe h note tha 'Phenomenolog ca b practise an identifie a  manne o styl o thinking' Thi statemen implie tha th concep i simpl a interna though proces tha h recognise a  distinc wa o thinkin Thi relate bac t th ide o perceptio bein  Relph, E, 'Place and Placelessness', (London, Pion Limited, 1976), pg.5  Norberg - Schulz, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.37  No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.5  Fisher, A.L, 'The Essential Writings of Merleau-Ponty', (New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1969), pg. 28

a individua notio althougMerlea-Pont appear t limi i t  purel though base theor ContrastinMerlea-Ponty' approac t th theor N' interpretatio o phenomenolog suggest i 'i  matte o ho thing see t uHo thing see t u leave ope ho thing ar beyon th limit o ou consciousness'H infer tha th concep o phenomenolog i ho th individua view condition presente t theHoweve i hi vie i reache beyon thi interna though proces an ca b presen outsid o thos limitation Thi challenge th StanforEncyclopedi definitio a i move beyon th firs perso bu acknowledge a elemen o perceptio. A a alternativ t botMerlea-Pont an N' view o th theor Norber-Schul propose tha i i ' "retur t things" a oppose t abstraction an menta constructions' Thi vie discount th ide o phenomenolog bein  consciou constructio bu rathe concentrate o i becomin  synthesi o previou idea an influence an ho w perceiv the Thi approac coul b du t th fac tha Norber-Schul focuse o architectura theor rathe tha th broa subjec o philosoph s a  resul i befit hi argument t  physica r-appropriatio. Takin th viewpoint o th thre theorist int accoun  commo them emerge Th commonalitie tha ca b deduce fro thi compariso ar tha phenomenolog bring fort th interna though proces int  forme viewpoin tha i base upo ou experience Subsequentl element o thes experience ca b applie t th perceptio o th physica worlCombinin thi approac t Phenomenolog wit th concep o perceptio wil provid  basi allowin  perceive t approac an appropriat thei ow worlI developin thi vie ther wil als b  consideratio o th worl a see b other 'A a individua develop hi persona interna

 No, A, 'The Critique of Pure Phenomenology', in Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D. (eds) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, (Unknown ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), pg.1.  Norberg-Schulz, C, 'Genius Loci: Towards a phenomenology of architecture', (New York, Rizzoli, 1979), pg.7

worl h als develop  curiosit abou th existenc an natur o another' world'Bot th physica an menta aspect o th bod coul b considere  blan canva upo whic th worl imprint itsel Th bod an it' experience als hav th potentia t mak a imprin o th worl.

. Th Perceive World

Approachin th worlMerlea-Pont describe hi ow body' experienc wit th worl therefor hi imprin upo i a 'th powe o adoptin certai form o behaviou an  certai worl merel a  certai hol upo th world' Perceivin an interpretin  plac i suc  manne knowin tha th concep o perceptio i a unreliabl sourc i definin a identit th individua mus b awar tha th view the projec ca defin the whe enterin  place  'a awarenes o one' uniqu existenc i spac i essentia i developin  consciousnes o reception' Thi start t introduc th ide o th world' perceptio o tha individua I acknowledgin thi  dialogu betwee th perceive an th perceive ca emerg Th resul o thi dialogu coul resul i th recognitio o th differin perception an therefor th realisatio o th perceptiv gaMerlea-Pont commente o thi exchang recognisin th influenc o a individual' characteristic 'a ou insertio int th worl a a individua an perceptio n longe a  constitutio o th tru objec bu a ou inherenc i things' Fro thi on coul establis tha th worl tha i presente t u throug perceptio (represented in Fig.5) i debatabl a i i exclu

 Bloomer, K.C., Moore, C. W., 'Body, Memory and Architecture', (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1977). Pg.45.  Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.412.  Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg. 40  Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.408.


siv t eac perso 'Th perceive worl i th alway presuppose foundatio o al rationalit al valu an al existence' Perceptio withi thi contex i  wa o relatin attribute t th worlI accept th idiosyncras o th perceive objec an th perceive 'Perceptio become purel  matte o knowledg  progressiv notin dow o qualitie an o thei mos habitua distribution' I capturin an storin th qualitie fro thei ow perceptua experienc withi thei consciousnes th perceive i abl t projec thei ow perceptio o th worl ont othe perceiver Thi coul assis i gainin  mor inclusiv visio o th worl whic ca compris differen perspective 'i i throug th perceptio o  huma ac an anothe perso tha th perceptio o  cultura worl coul b verified' Throug perceivin th action o other withi  collectiv on ca star t for  perceptio o  worl tha ha certai significanc t  communit Thi i  proces tha start t allo th appropriatio o  perceive worl whethe i i appropriatio fo th individual' benefi o fo th purpose o  significan physica interventio suc a architectur.

Fig.5 The Perceived World.  Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ The Primacy of Perception’ , (Illinois ,North-western University Press, 1964), pg.13.  Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.28.  Merleau – Ponty, M, ‘ Phenomenology of Perception‘ , (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg. 405.


2. From Construct to Construction

Th formatio o  perceptiv construc i th min o a architec manifest itsel physicall i th resultin desigA th architec integrate thei interventio int  pr-existin local utilizin idea base upo thei limite perceptio o it plac identit thei perceptiv construc begin t projec

.Appropriatin th Perceive World

I wa Norberg-Schul wh state tha th purpos o perception' influenc wa 't giv u informatio whic enable u t ac i a appropriat wa an it' possibl negativ effect a a unreliabl companio wh doe no mediat a objectiv an simpl world'A thi suggest th proble tha perceptio present stem fro th architec enterin a existenc tha i unfamilia t the wher th conceptio o  place' identit ha no bee full forme i thei consciousnes Th unfamilia environmen 'allow th architec t se th buildin tradition o  plac wit fres eyes' Thi unfamiliarit ma resul i  potentiall problemati perceptio whic t th user o suc existence ma contes wit thei ow pr-conceive idea rathe tha c-exisMerlea-Pont foresa thi potentia conflic i th thought o differen userI dealin wit the ma wel believ tha h i a inhabitan o anothe worl i whic m ow thought an action ar unworth o  place'  Norberg - Schulz, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.28  Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.22  Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.420


Thi implie tha ther i a appreciatio o th identit o thos wh resid withi  plac assume t hav  mor cohesiv understandin o thei identitH als hint tha i enterin  ne environmen th architec i awar tha th user hav  perceptio o an newcome likel t hav a impac o th place' dynami. Whe th architec i introduce t a unknow settin wit th intentio o understandin plac identit a expectatio i forme 't arriv i  settlemen i t experienc it plac characte Th characte shoul answe t th expectation on ha befor on arrive i th place'I a idea worl i th expectation o al thos involve regardin plac characte wer t converg th likelihoo o  suitabl outcom o th projec i respec t th plac woul b enhance 'huma perceptio o th individua an th communit shoul influenc desig for an functio.t produc sensor architecture' Th user' confidenc i th architect' abilit t appropriatel conside th place' identit woul becom mor assure thereb closin th perceptiv ga.

. Th Architectura Product

I orde t analys th ide o th perceptiv construc an ho i influence th buil desig th architectJuhan Pallasma Pete Zumtho anAnnHeringe ar t b examine t gai a insigh int thei individua perceptiv construct an ho the hav influence a exampl o thei desig wor The hav bee selecte du t thei commo linkin theme th appreciatio o plac integrit th importanc o identit an immersio withi  settin bot mentall an physicall.

 Van Nes, A,'The Heaven, the Earth and the Optic Array: Norberg-Schulz's Place Phenomenology and its Degree of Operationability', in O' Byrne, B. Healy, P. (eds), Architecture and Phenomenology, (The Netherlands, Delft University of Technology Press, 2007)pg.122.  Unknown, 'Theory of Phenomenology: Analyzing Substance, Application and Influence', Unknown, , Available,, 5th January 2016


Pallasma expresse  belie i' sens o rootednes an belonging'  i groundin hi architecturI embeddin hi architectur withi a environmen Zumtho attempt t 'immers mysel i th plac.t inhabi i i m imaginatio an loo beyon i a th worl o m othe plac' t enabl architectura integratio SimilarlHeringe use architectur a  mean t 'explor an strengthe cultura an individua confidence' thereb rootin he architectur withi th loca culturI demonstratin  similarit betwee thei architectura philosophie ho d th influentia element o thei perceptiv construct diffe Wha d the extrac fro thes influenceAn ho d thes influence relat t  physica exampl o thei architectur Architec SteveHol empathise wit th rol tha perceptio play i architectur an th associate experience i relatio t  particula plac a  mean 't stimulat bot inne an oute perceptio t heighte phenomena experienc i respons t th particularitie o sit an circumstance' Thi the start t relat bac t th concep o perceptio bein  foundatio whic ca b buil upo i th mind o thos wh perceiv T establis  connectio betwee th perceptiv construc an th resultin physica outpu i wil b essentia t defin independentl ho th thre architect hav formulate a approac t thei wor Thi bein base o thei perception resultin fro thei backgroun influence.

 Brislin, P., 'Identity, Place and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012). pg.9  Zumthor, P, 'Thinking Architecture', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2010), pg.41.  Heringer, A, 'Vision', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.  Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., and Perez-Gomez, A., 'Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture', (San Fransisco, William K Stout, 2007), pg.42.


Juhani Pallasmaa Date of Birth: September 14th, 1936 Born in: Hmeenlinna, Finland Fig.6 Juhani Pallasmaa

I th cas o Pallasma hi earl lif provide hi wit  glimps o importan environmenta feature tha wer ke i understandin th importanc o settin initiall base o th surrounding o hom Witmeenlinn (Fig.7) bein  'traditiona an vibran educationa an cultura town' th connectio betwee 'rura life an it' cultur arguabl centre th earl lif o Pallasmaa' Thi provide hi wit 'practica skill  lov o natur an  stron sens o home whic becam drivin force fo hi ideologie.  larg proportio o Pallasmaa' childhoo wa spen a hi 'farme grandfathe' house' ke memor tha influence hi architectura thinkin wa tha o th grandfather' livin roo tabl wher h recalle ' ca stil imagin mysel sittin besid i an relivin thi foca poin o  rura cottag th bindin forc o ou famil circl an it occasiona visitors'H ha retaine thi though du t th significan rol tha thi simpl objec playe i enablin a interactiv environmen bringin peopl togethe He reflected upon this whilst considering the painting 'Meal at Simon's House' by Beric Bouts and how the table was symbolised within it (Fig.8). Thi i tur ha a effec o th wa h perceive peopl withi a environmen Thi coul b considere a on importan componen o hi perceptiv construc fro whic t tak relevan feature an transfe the int hi perceive worl the int hi wor 'Th worl i reflecte i th bod an th bod i projecte ont th world' Thi show a awarenes o th importanc o persona backgroun influence a oppose t onl th developmen o architectura experience

 As described by their website. Unknown, 'The City of Hmeenlinna', 2016, Available, http://www.hameenlinna. fi/english/, 5th January 2016.  Merkel, J, 'Developing a Sensitivity to Locale and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012) pg.133  Merkel, J, 'Developing a Sensitivity to Locale and Human Experience', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012) pg.133  Pallasmaa, J., 'Identity, Intimacy and Domicile: Notes on the phenomenology of home', 1994, Available,, 24th March 2016.  Norri, M-R, 'The world of Juhani Pallasmaa', Unknown, Available,, 18th March 2016.  Pallasmaa, J., 'The Eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses', (Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 2012), pg.49.


Fig.7 meenlinn

Fig.8 Meal at Simon's House 

Whe discussin th significanc o sel identit i th fiel o architectur Pallasma note tha 'i ha t d wit you persona histor an you famil histor an th histor o you wide world'Thes thre aspect o formativ histor an th relate experience wil contribut t th perceptiv construc thereb contributin t a individual' persona an perceive identit.

MD 2HelsinkFinland

On o Pallasmaa' earlie projectModul 2 whic h designe witFinnis architecKristiaGullichse aime 't resolv th constructio o holida homes'  i th perio o th lat sixtie Thi housin shortag proble wa  concer o Pallasmaa' whic h fel h neede t addres whic coul hav stemme fro hi stron association wit hom Durin thi perio thi modula for o architectur i Pallasmaa' vie wa see t 'posses aestheti neutrality' whic h fel wa 'a appropriat reflectio o th democrati value o equality' Th desig 'raise  numbe o possibl combination relyin o  structura gri an th possibl combination o panel o standar dimensions' (Fig.9 and Fig.10) Thi neutralit i desig wa  respons t 'prevailin pos-wa traditio o ne-functionalis architecture'. Th modula desig wa 'use merel fo purpose o efficienc flexibilit an economy'  (Fig.11 and 12) durin  perio wher 'Excessiv persona expressio wa viewe criticall an judge regressive'

 Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.25.  LopezCotelo, B., 'Moduli System', [Online],, 6th January 2016  Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6  Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6  LopezCotelo, B., 'Moduli System', [Online],, 6th January 2016.  Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.4  Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6  Pallasmaa, J., 'From frame to Framing', Oz, 22.2, (2000), pg.6


Fig.9 Modular 3

Fig.10 AXON 

Fig.11 Sistema Modulli 2b

Fig.12 Sistema Modulli 2 

Thi show tha durin tha tim ther wa  limite scop fo architectur tha wa see t b mor expressiv tha functiona Recognizin th directio an vie o architectur a th tim Pallasma wa als awar o th perceive ide o th architec whe appropriatin  desig t bot  brie an  settin h state tha architectura project ar 'no onl  resul o  proble-solvin proces.i i als  metaphysica propositio tha expresse th maker' menta worl an.understandin o th huma lif world'I i possibl tha th understandin o th situatio o th huma worl encourage thi modula desig t solv th proble i a a efficien wa a possibl s a t overcom th shortag o housin bu allowin  certai amoun o individualit i th desig I Pallasma i awar o hi ow perceive worl thi implie tha ther i a understandin tha other als for thei ow perceive world desig tha allow flexibilit accept tha ther wil b differen perception o th worl recognise gap betwee perception an attempt t reduc i vi it adaptabilit.

 Pallasmaa, J, 'The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture', (Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 2009), pg.108.


Peter Zumthor Date of Birth: April 26th, 1943 Born in: Basel, Switzerland Fig.13 Peter Zumthor.

Zumtho wa bor 'th so o  furnitur make an maste joiner' whic provide hi wit a influentia backgrounEarl o i hi caree hi 'wor a  carpente specialisin i furnitur' initiate hi respec fo craftsmanshi an appreciatio o th us o material (Fig.14)Hi caree the entere th fiel o architectur whic late include 'consultin service fo th protectio o histori construction iGrison canton' (Fig.15) Th interes i th preservatio o th canton' historicall importan feature starte t mak hi questio 'wh thing her loo th wa the d wha make the beautifu aesthetic' Thi subsequentl le hi t a approac tha woul se hi 'overcomin architecturaModernis i whic nothin wa suppose t hav history '. Whe questione abou th concep o identit i relatio t plac-creatin-architectur h answere ' thin ther i characte i goo architecturI create plac.tha yo ca relat t an thi produce identity'I creatin plac Zumtho discusse  ke par o hi architectura observatio Thi link bac t previou idea o plac tha h ha experience 'image tha onc impresse m image o ordinar o specia place tha carr wit m a inne visions'Gatherin thes inne vision togethe bear muc resemblanc t th wa i whic on build  perceptiv construc t approac th perceive worl Formin hi ow perceive construc i thi wa Zumtho understand th possibl effect o hi perceptiv influenc o th outcomH als recognise tha ther wil b  correspondin proces undertake b thos wh resid i th affecte identit an ho h woul approac thi;

 Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016.  Unknown, 'Architects: Biography Peter Zumthor', 2015, Available,, 5th January 2016.  Unknown, 'Architects: Biography Peter Zumthor', 2015, Available,, 5th January 2016.  Kimmelman, M, 'The Ascension of Peter Zumthor', 2011, Available,, 19th March 2016.  Kimmelman, M, 'The Ascension of Peter Zumthor'', 2011, Available,, 19th March 2016.  Anderson, M.A, 'In conversation', in Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6 (2012), pg.22.  Zumthor, P, 'Thinking Architecture', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2010), pg.41.


Fig.14 Bruder Klaus.

Fig.15 Graubunden. 

'w coul ge togethe an arrang thing  firs i ou head an the i th rea worlAn w woul loo an se ho thes thing reacte together' I realisin th relevanc o thi dialogu betwee th resident an th architec involve Zumtho ha inadvertentl addresse th ide o th perceptiv ga an ho t conceivabl reduc i.

Chape o SBenedic Sumvit Switzerland

A exampl o wher thes pas experience an influence o Zumthor' lif hav com t fruitio i i on o hi earl project thChape o SBenedic (Fig.16) buil t replac  ke loca featur tha ha bee 'ruine i a avalanche'I i considere tha thi proposa initiate 'hi respec fo sit an materials'Havin consideratio fo thes tw element ca star t integrat th projec int th localit wit regar t th existin cultur communit histor an landscap. I recognitio o histor withi hi ow philosoph th ethic o th Sain' tha th chape wa name afte ha als bee appreciate withi th desig o th structur Th sain emphasise th importanc o 'th livin communit o me wh liv wor ea an pra togethe a  permanen elemen.givin  sens o togetherness' I orde t wor wit th saint' ideologie Zumtho expresse thi b 'eliminatin th usag o interna walls' (Fig.17) thereb eradicatin an

 Zumthor, P, 'Atmospheres', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2006), pg.25  Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4.  Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016.  For more information on Saint Benedict go to:  Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4.  Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.4.


Fig.16 Chapel of St Benedict.

Fig.17 Chapel of St Benedict Interior. 

Fig.18 Exterior Profile.

Fig.19 Exterior materials. 

for o divisioA  resul o hi experienc i carpentr h wa 'greatl influence b th sensitiv us o rusti material'  whic len itsel t thei effectiv us i relatio t th specifi settin;'Th timbe-constructio chape i tapere t th extrem shap o th sit whic i hig o  nearl vertica meadow' (Fig.18). Thi show  respec fo th landscap b minimizin th impac o it identitI continuatio o th respec fo th place' identit timbe shingle tha ar ' commo materia use fo th loca houses' wer use o th building' exterio t 'spea t tradition i th region' (Fig.19). Th desig choice tha hav bee incorporate int th buildin hav reflecte Zumthor' philosophie hi perception whic i tur hav bee forme b hi pas experience an backgroun transformin th perceptiv construc int  physica construc.

 Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1.  Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016.  Yue, J.T.K, 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1.  Zukowsky, J, 'Peter Zumthor: Swiss architect', 2016, Available,, 5th January 2016.


Anna Heringer Date of Birth: October 13th, 1977 Born in: Rosenheim, Germany Fig.20 Anna Heringer

Heringe spen  yea i he earl adul lif livin iBanglades wher sh 'ha th chanc t lear fro th GDipshikh abou sustainabl developmen work' GDipshikh i  'voluntar organisatio workin i th fiel o childhoo an othe disabilities'Havin th opportunit t wor wit  compan tha put peopl a th forefron o thei operation th company' ethic worke thei wa int he consciousnes Thi serve a  significan componen o he perceptiv construc Helpin ou a  voluntee fo  compan tha 'believ i  hig degre o communit involvement' i woul onl follo tha wha sh too fro thi participatio wa  vie tha architectur i  mediu tha coul 'buil th confidenc o people, th craftsme th loca communit th youth, an t nurtur trus i thei endogenou potentials' Sh addresse th psychologica effect o a interventio realisin tha i th local wer sel assure i th architect' idea an vic vers th plac woul buil o it identifyin feature an develo it potentiaI turnin thi ideolog int  physica for sh considere tha 'th mos successfu developmen strateg i t trus i existin readil availabl resource an t mak th bes ou o it' Recognisin th importanc o usin  place' loca resource arguabl no jus materia resource bu als o th peopl an th culturHeringe applie thi t he wor ethiI basin he architectur aroun thi philosoph attemptin t buil trus amongs th affecte sh understoo th ide o th perceptiv ga.

 Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.  Unknown, 'We are...', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.  Unknown, 'We are...', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.  Unknown, 'Staff Directory', 2016, Available,, 19th March 2016.  Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.


E HO RudrapuBangladesh

ThE Schoo (Fig.21) applie thi elemen o he perceptiv construc int  projec tha aim t 'improv existin buildin technique maintainin sustainabilit utilizin loca potentia an strengthenin regiona identity' Workin wit he develope perceptio o architecture' objectiv an he ow buil u philosophHeringe integrate easil accessibl an lo cos material mu bambo an stra (Fig.22) tha ar use i loca constructio t sho trus i th localitie resourceI maintainin trus i loca asset local wer encourage t tak par i th constructio phas an '3 loca constructor wer traine o ne method t ensur  lon-ter benefi fo th villagers' (Fig.23)Employin thes loca assetHeringe utilize th identit o Rudrapu i  constructiv wa no onl physicall bu i th lon ter t serv th peopl an preserv it individualit  membe oHeringer' tea emphasise th importanc o th user' involvemen i th constructio i strengthenin thei belie i an thei acceptanc o th projec 'ThE-student mus b involve int th buildin constructio proces s tha the c-creat an understan it'I allowin th user t participat i th constructio firs han the wer abl t ente int  dialogu wit th desig tea a th projec develope Thi enable th perception o al involve partie t evolv an henc ha  positiv effec o th perceptiv ga. Followin completio o th constructioHeringe wante th projec t b ' motivatin star an exampl fo a architectur tha serve th peopl  thei entir physica an psychi being'

 Lim C.S., J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', On Site Review Report, (2007), < org/architecture/pdf/3392_Ban.pdf>, pg.17.  Ibid, pg.25.  Ibid, pg.25.  Ibid, pg.25.


Fig.21 METI School.

Fig.22 METI Handmade School. 

Fig.23 Communal Construction.

Fig.24 Local community meetings. 

Havin du regar fo th user an encouragin loca understandin throug direc involvemen (Fig.24) sh ha recognize thei perceptionB respectin thes an i combinatio wit he ow perceptio o th fina produc sh ha bot acknowledge th perceptiv ga an ha sough ou  wa t reduc i


3. Engaging the Percept

Examinin th ide o perceptio it relationshi wit th architectura desig proces an ho eac architec interpret th perceptiv ga th architec the engage wit th percep 'somethin tha i perceived th objec o perception 'A th subjec o perceptio plac identit become a idiosyncrati concep t thos wh ente i

. Perceivin th Identity

Wit th powe tha architect hav withi thes potentiall ne surrounding an th perceptiv influence tha forme thei perceive worl thei interpretatio o th plac definin element coul 'recas th identit o plac b restructurin foreig o existin element i accordanc wit thei particularize view' Thi vie i influence b th perceptiv construc creatin  perceive worl wit whic t engag O achievin  sens o plac whe intervenin architec RicJo expresse hi opinio o ho th architec shoul attemp t for  vie o tha plac b identifyin th definin point tha differentiat i 't becom intimatel immerse i it particula natura characteristic tha mak i uniqu a  broa rang o scales'  Unknown, 'Percept', 2015, Available:, 31st December 2015  Kingston, H.Wm 'Assessing Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K., (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg. 80  Joy, R, 'Identity through the grounding of experience in place', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012), pg.41


H suggest tha architect explor 'th huma cultur o  specifi plac wit it ritual memorie an.wisdo o th establishe buildin culture'I doin s th architect' respons t th environmen shoul allo the t discove th individualit tha come wit specifi place rathe tha viewin sit contex broadl an assignin characteristic base upo  limite understandin I th cas oAnnHeringe a previousl discusse thi immersio occurre A th ag o  whe 'sh live iBanglades fo almos  year'I taugh he t adop  styl o architectur tha allowe he t perceiv a effectiv respons t th loca requirementA th outside i thi cas th architec build u thei perceptio o th plac th inhabitant o th plac buil u  correspondin perceptio o th architec

. Perceivin th Architect

Fro th user' viewpoin perceptio shoul b  considere elemen withi th dialogu wit th architec Th perceptio o th use ca b tha th architec wh i see a th professiona ha  considerabl amoun o powe an responsibilit t influenc th resultin outcom whils havin th leas persona attachmen t th localitAwar o th powe tha th architec ha o  localit Zumtho reflect o th imag architectur portray sayin eithe  a reall gla t b situate o thi squar O a th mos beautifu buildin her yo lo al loo ugly' Thi coul hav a effec o ho th architec i perceive wit regar t thei appreciatio o plac identit (Fig.25)

 Joy, R, 'Identity through the grounding of experience in place', Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity 82.6, (2012), pg.41  Unknown, 'CV', 2016, Available,, 6th January 2016.  Zumthor, P, 'Atmospheres', (Basel, Birkhuser, 2006), pg.49.


DIAGRAM_ Architecture image.

Fig.25 Perceiving architecture.


Thi vie o architectura authorit coul lea t th en user adoptin  mor defensiv attitud t potentia chang 'Onc th percep i take a wha i seem t b the th perceive canno ad much' Thi implie tha onc th percep th plac ha establishe  perceive identit the othe perceiver hav littl influenc ove i Th concer fro whic thi typ o respons i produce i tha th architect' powe wil lea no t  gradua evolutio o identit bu  sudde chang reflecte solel i  singula perceptio th architect' I th instanc o thE Schoo Projec th informa brie provide wa reinterprete bHeringe 'Th plannin th architectur an th fina resul bea testimon t he ideals' A exampl o thi include th adaptatio o loca buildin technique an material i conjunctio wit limite moder element wit th ai o sustainabilit (Fig.26 and Fig.27). Respondin t th fina outcom  larg proportio o th local wh worke o th buildin wa o th opinio tha 'th projec wa a interestin experienc bu on the wil b unabl t repea du t  lac o equipmen an resources' Thi opinio suggest tha th local deeme th projec  succes althoug th gradua evolutio o identit coul no b maintaine withou furthe externa assistancI a articl publishe o th rol o regiona identit durin period o chang thi statemen wa mad 'i  buildin projec withi  particula local i limite t  persona gestur o  statemen o persona belie the th en produc i a ac o idiosyncras an no  vernacula impulse'I architectur become purel th architect' individua statemen an neithe engagin part i  'constitutin consciousnes whe the ar abou t communicat an discove  commo worl the th questio i wh communicate an fo who doe thi worl exist    Gendlin, E.T, 'The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception: How the body knows the situation and philosophy', in Unknown, Man and World, (Chicago, University of Chicago, 1992), pg.1  Lim C.S, J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', (Bangladesh, Aga Khan, 2007), pg.2  Lim C.S, J., 'Hand-Made School: Rudrapur, Bangladesh', (Bangladesh, Aga Khan, 2007), pg.4  Kingston, H.Wm 'Assessing Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K., (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.78  Merleau-Ponty, M, 'Phenomenology of Perception', (London and New York, Routledge, 1962), pg.416


Fig.26 Steel dowel and nylon rope construction technique.

Fig.27 Plate iron sheet roofing. 

Therefor th mor limite th communicatio become th user perceptio i les recognise an th ga i perception wil b greateConsequentl th communa ide o plac identit wil b los i thi approac continue whic 'weaken th dept o meanin attachmen an diversit o plac experience' Thi i tur affect th continue individualit o plac whic coul graduall erod th user' sens o belongin.

. Th Legac o Identity

Whe discussin th ide o plac experienc i i noteworth tha th experienc i no onl registere b th architec bu als 'i somethin on ha i commo o share wit otherI unite  grou o peopl givin the  commo identity' tha form  basi fo  representativ collectiv opinioI i thi representatio tha serve a a embodimen o th identit bu wit thi come  rang o personalitie resultin i th differin o opinion bu stil unde th canop o  place' identit (Fig.28) 'I i  paradoxica bu commo experienc tha differen person a th sam tim hav  simila an differen experienc o th sam environment' Th aforementione SainBenedictChape projec encountere thi for o parado wher communa bodie withi th sam environmen expresse varyin request fo th constructio thereb offerin  differen perceptio o th outcomI briefin th projec th villag authoritie 'ha issue th buildin permi wit th commen(withou convictio)'

 Ujang, N, 'Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity', in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010), pg.62  Van Nes, A,'The Heaven, the Earth and the Optic Array: Norberg-Schulz's Place Phenomenology and its Degree of Operationability', in O' Byrne, B. Healy, P. (eds), Architecture and Phenomenology, (The Netherlands, Delft University of Technology Press, 2007), pg.116  Schulz-Norberg, C., 'Intentions in architecture', (Cambridge ,MIT Press, 1965), pg.30  Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1


DIAGRAM- Place identity paradoxical thing

Fig.28 Different experiences within the same environment.


Thi no-restrictiv approac t th brie lef th architec fre t interpre i possibl oversigh i maintainin th ide o identit withi th communitHoweve i respons t thi broa guidanc give b th authoritie th member o th loca monasterDisenti 'wante th ne chape t embod somethin fres an moder element fo th futur generation' Attemptin t satisf everyon woul b a impractica targe satisfyin  representativ numbe withi th communit wa  mor realisti targe 'Zumthor' desig answere th villag priest' reques o buildin somethin ne an contemporary'Appealin t 'representativ number withi  region'  wh wil eventuall us th buildin th monk i th cas o Zumtho woul allo  unifor perceptio t b forme o th outcomAcceptin  buildin i  collectiv an consisten manne produce somethin tha i n longe idiosyncrati bu culturall syncreti an vernacular' I relatio t architectur vernacula i commonl referre t a 'Architecture concerne wit domesti an functional rathe tha monumental buildings' Thi woul sho thos wh ar affecte b th developmen tha th interventio bein propose i no  symboli statemen mad b th architec bu a attemp a integratio t benefi an contribut t thei identitI acceptanc o thi scal ca occu withi th desig proces combinin  multitud o expectation o  buildin the th perception o tha buildin ar brough close togethe decreasin th perceptiv gaI closin thi ga th typ o architectur tha result the start t becom  unifie developmen whic i tur i mutuall beneficia t a architect' reputatio an th preservatio o plac identit  Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.1  Yue, J.T.K 'Assignment 1: Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor', (Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya, 2012/13), pg.5  Heath, K.Wm, 'Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K. (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.80  Heath, K.Wm, 'Regional Identity Amidst Change: The Role of Vernacular Studies', in Breisch, Kenneth A., Hoagland, Alison K. (ed), Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, (Tennessee, University of Tennessee Press, 2006), pg.80  Unknown, 'Vernacular', 2016, Available, vernacular, 1st January 2016


Thi als help t maintai plac meanin an individualit whic 'i importan becaus the contribut t sel identit sens o communit an sens o place' rathe tha succumbin t th ide o powe whic architect o thi calibr hav Thi powe coul b use t mak bol interjection int landscape wher th contex ha no bee sufficientl considere potentiall detractin fro iI i importan tha communitie maintai  leve o identit evolutio wit whic the ca associat Thi coul i tur avoi  futur i whic identitie merg an los distinctivenes therefor th ide o th stereotypin ' simplifie an standardize conception' o plac ma becom mor tangibl Thi possibl futur wa touche upo i  publicatio o buildin identit an plac wher authoHarrie Wennber declare tha plac identit serve 'a  solutio t th destabilisin effect o moder globalise societies' Plac identit aim 't connec peopl wit thei environmen an increas th sens o attachmen an belongin i architectura spaces' Sh convey tha plac identit doe no onl benefi th plac an it peopl bu als provide furthe connectio wit architecturA  resul thi shoul furthe encourag architect t wor wit identit t produc architectur tha become importan t peopl

 Ujang, N, ‘ Place attachment and continuity of urban place Identity’ , in Universiti Teknologi MARA, (eds), Asian Journal of environment-behaviour studies, (Shah Alam, Penerbit Press, 2010), pg.62  Unknown, ‘Stereotype’, 2016, Available:, 20th March 2016.  Wennberg, H, ‘ In Place: A study of building and identity’ , (London, INTBAU, 2015), pg.14 98 Wennberg, H, ‘In Place: A study of building and identity’, (London, INTBAU, 2015), pg.14



To create architecture that encapsulates all the desires, the built perceptions, of everyone within an environment is a near impossible task, due to the perceptive gap created by the multitude of perceptions that would need to be accommodated. However it is important to minimise this gap in order to produce a cohesive result. Approaching the concept of perception in a phenomenological way opens up the idea of the conscious thought process, that perception is commonly taken to be, and begins to apply it into the physical world, based upon our experiences, allowing the formation of a perceptive construct. This construct allows the development of a personal perceived world, in which the existences of other identities are included. In re-appropriating a world to suit an individual's perception of these identities, the idea of a singular definitive place identity then becomes a questionable assertion. It is clear that, having followed each architect's approach to an appropriation of an identity within their architecture, they have considered the potential perceptions held by the engaging participants, thus recognizing the potential perceptive gap. In bridging the perceptive gap in their own individual ways, based on their perceptive constructs, they have enabled the final response to become increasingly positive and appreciated amongst a collective of inhabitants. This then allows the identity of place to become a unified idea that can be discussed between the resident and the intervener , rather than a topic that disproportionally divides influence over the resulting outcome amongst these groups. An intervention can then start to become exclusive to the place in question but also inclusive of the people within it.


The investigation has analysed the work of three notable architects from across the world. Carrying out a similar analysis at a local level would allow the contrasts to be identified reflecting the different scale and scope of projects and their environments. If the way of maintaining place identity, by acknowledging and addressing the perceptive gap, can be implemented through the mechanisms of the design process, then places can continue to have an identity, the communities within it can continue to contribute to and the individual can still maintain their personal connection with that identity.



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Images Cited

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Page 32: Fig.20 'Anna Heringer ', Unknown, Anna Heringer, 2015, Photograph, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Switzerland, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Web, 27th February 2016. Page 35: Fig.21 'METI School', Hoerbst, Kurt, METI-School, 2010, Photograph, The Architects Newspaper, Bangladesh, Archpaper, Web, 27th February 2016. Fig.22 'METI Handmade School ', Stephens, Samuels, METI Handmade School, 2012, Photograph, SGStephens, Bangladesh,SGStephens, Web, 28th March 2016. Page 36: Fig.23 'Communal Construction', Hoerbst, Kurt, Unknown, 2005, Photograph, Kurt Hoerbst, Bangladesh, Arkitektur: Kurt Hoerbst, Web, 28th March 2016. Fig.24 'Local community meetings', Hoerbst, Kurt,Unknown, 2005, Photograph, Kurt Hoerbst, Bangladesh, Arkitektur: Kurt Hoerbst, Web, 28th March 2016. Page 41: Fig.25 'Perceiving architetcure', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing. Page 43: Fig.26 'Steel dowel and nylon rope construction technique', Unknown, Unknown, 2007, Photograph, Award Cycle, Bangladesh, LaFargeHolcim Foundation, Web, 28th February 2016. Fig.27 'Plate iron sheet roofing ', Unknown, Unknown, 2007, Photograph, Aga Khan Development Network, Ban gladesh, Aga Khan Development Network, Web, 28th February 2016. Page 45: Fig.28 'Different experiences within the same environment', (Author's own image), Pencil drawing.


Further Reading Derakhshani ,Farrokh, 'Appropriating, Reclaiming and Inventing Identity Through Architecture',   Godfrey, Walter.H, 'Our building inheritance: Are we to use or lose it?', (London, Faber and Faber limited, 1944). ivenGunila and Larkham, Peter J., 'Sense of Place, Authenticity and Character: A Commentary'Journal of Urban Design 1,03,67-81 Lehman, Maria Lorena, 'How Emotion Impacts the Perception of Architecture', [Online],, [29th March 2016]. Perren, Claudia, and Mlecek, Miriam, 'Perception in Architecture: Here and Now', (Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015) Rawes, Peg, 'Relational Architectural Ecologies: Architecture, nature and subjectivity', (USA and Canada, Routledge, 2013). VanderarkSensory perception through architecture2.



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