Address: 5871 WHITEGATE COURT,
Phone: +1 513 226 0843
01 Urban Planning
Introduction| 02
Footprint | 03
Writing Sample
Cincinnati Metropolitian Housing Authority
Project Narrative The Anderson Rehabilitation – 101HAH consists of 15 units across 10 buildings that are owned by CMHA. The buildings are situated in Anderson Township, a suburban community with a median household income of $103,774, significantly higher than the citywide median income of $45,235. The current residents of the property represent a mix of individuals with extremely low income and those with low to moderate income. The majority of residents fall at or below 60% AMI. This project aims to provide these residents with safe, comfortable, and affordable places to live by rehabilitating the building and addressing their various maintenance and repair needs.
Common Tasks
Assist with research, analysis and development projects in the Cincinnati Area.
These properties were acquired by CMHA to provide access to affordable housing in communities where it was not currently available. The demand for affordable housing is rapidly increasing while supply cannot meet the current needs so it is important to preserve the current supply of affordable housing. With the increased cost of construction and labor, it is also imperative that developers of affordable housing use creative solutions like the Economic development initiative to maintain our local supply of affordable housing. The EDI program gives CMHA the funding to continue to maintain much-needed affordable housing in Hamilton County without taking funding from the development of new affordable housing.
Summary Appointed to lead the 2 million dollar Anderson development project. Collaborated with co-workers on various projects like Bennett Point, Logan Commons,
The Anderson Rehabilitation – 101HAH consists of 15 units across 10 buildings that are owned by CMHA. The buildings are situated in Anderson Township, a suburban community with a median household income of 100,000, significant higher than the citywide median income of $45,235. The current residents of the property represent a mx of individuals with extremely low income and those with low to moderate income. The majority of residents fall at or below 60% AMI. This project aims to provide these residents with safe comfortable. And affordable=le places to live
Riverview, etc by creating various maps and documents. Applied and got chosen for an RFP for CMHA to work with LCMHA. Attended The Department of Housing and Urban Development meetings. Learned how housing Choice Vouchers, LIHTC and Section 8 vouchers work.
All properties within 101HAH need rehabilitation: • Structural repairs: In addition to foundation and grading repairs, some buildings or units within 101HAH may require structural repairs due to wear and tear or damages caused by weathering. These repairs may include fixing cracks in walls, reinforcing or replacing beams/columns • HVAC Upgrades: While the HVAC equipment needs replacement, it’s also an opportunity to upgrade to newer, more efficient systems that will not only save money in the long run but also be more environmentally friendly • Water Systems: The plumbing system needs replacement, and upgrades may also be necessary to comply with modern standards and regulations • Electrical Upgrades: The electrical systems may need to be upgraded to meet current building codes and safety standards. Upgrades may include replacing outdated wiring, adding new outlets, or installing new lighting fixtures. • Exterior renovations: The roofing systems may need replacement or repair, and exterior painting or siding may need an update to improve curb appeal and attract future tenants • Landscaping: Driveways may need replacement or repair • Unit Improvements: Updating kitchens and bathrooms are in need, it can also improve the marketability of units. Renovations may include replacing countertops, cabinets, and appliances or installing new fixtures and finishes. The interior stairs and flooring also need repaired.
Researched and applied to various grants (Langsman Grant). Worked on the West End Choice Neighborhoods project. Gained a firm understanding of Affordable housing.
Wade W a l k
Jon e s St
Be tton S t
Lowe Dr
Lau r e l Park Dr
C l aye r s Ln
C l ayer s Ln
L i nn S t
Lau re l Park Dr
Lau re l P ark
Pin econe Ln
Peru Dr
Lau re l P ark
Jones St
Linn S t
w Ave
B a r t on D r
De rrick Turnbo
w Ave
L owe D r
Betton St
Betto n St
510 ft Lau re l Par k Dr
Gene va v i ew St
510 ft
L au re l Par k Dr
Genes see St Ce nt ra
Gene va view St
Be tton S t
P er u Dr
D e rr i ck Turnbo
bow Ave
Joh n
bow Ave
Derri ck Turn
Luke Dr Joh n
Baymi ll er Walk
David St
Luke Dr
Barto n Dr
Laurel Park
Gene ssee St
Joh n
Ez z a rd Ch a r le
l A ve
Near Dr
l A ve
Near D r
Ce nt ra
Laurel Park
s Dr
E z zar d
Joh n
Ezzard Char l es
Ez z ard
Ch ar l
CMHA | 04
Burglary/Breaking & Entering
Unauthorized Use Hopki ns St
Aggravated Assaults
World Hillshade
Crime Type
0.09 mi
0.14 km
Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of Cincinnati, LINK-GIS/PDS, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph,
Ch arl
es Dr
es Dr
Crime Type
Hulse Dr
David St
Baymi l l er Wal k
Hulse Dr
David St
Wa de
530 ft
Bent Dr
Wade Walk Baseball Field
P in econe Ln
David St
Derri ck Turn
l Av e
Bent Dr
Wade Walk Baseball Field
Wa de
530 ft
C en tra
Wad e St
Wade Walk
Wad e St
l Av e
Wade Walk
City West: Crime 2023
Wade Walk
C en tra
City West: Crime 2019 - 2022 Wade Walk
Burglary/Breaking & Entering World Hillshade
Hopki ns St
1:3,434 0.04
0.09 mi
0.14 km
Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of Cincinnati, LINK-GIS/PDS, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph,
CMHA | 05
Nomadic Lifestyle Project Goal
Ecovillage 1
Community Spaces
The goal of the “Nomadic Lifestyle” is to allow for more opportunities for personal mobility and more opportunities with occupations. Summary The Urban Ecovillage incorporates the “Nomadic Lifestyle” by allowing for more freedom in everyday life. 1. Shared spaces would include common areas seen in a typical single-family
3 1
Food Production
Seperate Living Spaces
home. 2. The village will focus on cultivating food, with a percentage of the crop to be donated to benefit those living in food deserts. 3. Residents will also have separate private living spaces. 4. The ecovillages will host free educational events for residents and the surrouding population. Year: Fall Semester, 2022
MADE WITH Sketchup
4 4 Ecovillage | 06
Ecovillage | 07
Bringing in Local Businesses
Spring Grove Spring GroveLand Land Use Use Legend Name: Alexander Costa & Adnan Alfadhali Class PLAN1012
Project Goal
Spring Grove Linkage Class PLAN101
Starting point
Land Use
0.25 miles
Major Intersection
To identify an opportunity area in the Spring Grove neighborhood and develop a site plan to attract outside communities.
Minor Intersection
Artieral Road
Main Road
Secondary Road
Publicly owned 0
Public utilities 0
0.3 Miles
Summary In Spring Grove Village there is a great amount of unused land as seen in the Google Earth image. In this town, they are lacking a great number of local businesses. The main objective of this plan is to create a space for a business to come in and thrive which was done by creating analysis maps of linkages and land use. By bringing in a local business Spring Grove will see more economic growth and attraction to live in or near the village.
m Made with
ARCgis, Sketchup, Illustrator
Spring Semester, 2019
Spring Grove | 08
Spring Grove | 09
0.3 Miles
Equity In Mill Creek Project Goal
To identify areas within the Mill Creek corridor that are facing inequity and to propose a plan to give communities more access and mobility.
Summary The Cincinnati Public Schools district is currently a low-performing school. This affects students by not being able to graduate on time or at all, causing students to lack in common core areas, affecting mental health, ending education early, and leaving them without skills to succeed in the workplace. A solution to help students’ outcomes would be the implementation of an area-focused vocational school. The vocational school will provide an equitable education while giving students district-based skills for direct employment. Districtbased skills would be skills directly related to the industry and environment around for example heavy equipment operators or environmental analyzers. The two largest strategies for implementation would be funding which can be from the creation of a tax levy and holding community partnerships. Once funding is secured a site will be chosen and the phasing process will begin.
MADE WITH Adobe Illustrator
Year: Summer 2020
Mill Creek | 11 Mill Creek | 10
English Woods Project Goal
To create a sustainable neighborhood for low - mediumincome residents. Sammary This plan features a large area of residential homes. These homes are single-family, duplex, and multi-family affordable housing. A new roadway will also be implemented to create more connectivity and accessibility throughout the neighborhood. Parking facilities for the Multi-Family homes will feature green spaces between them. A park will also be implemented into the neighborhood near the single-family homes and commercial strip. Year: Spring Semester, 2020
APPLIED SKILLS ArcGis, Skechup, Adobe Illustrator
English Woods | 12
English Woods | 13
ArcGIS land analyses ran on English Woods to understand where development would work best. Viewsheds
Soil Samples
Englishwoods | 14
English Woods | 15
Sketchup models showing a 3D view of the site plan.
English Woods | 16
English Woods | 17
Cross Sections illustrating the neighborhood.
English Woods | 18
English Woods | 19
Personal Work
Our Story
Adobe Illustrator
Personal Work | 20
Transformative Ideas
Adobe Illustrator
Acrylic on canvas
Personal Work | 21
Hello, I'm Alexander Costa. As an Urban Planning major, I am passionate about creating sustainable, livable, and equitable communities. Through my coursework, internships, and extracurricular activities, I have gained hands-on experience in a range of urban planning areas, including transportation, housing, land use, and environmental sustainability. I have honed my skills in data analysis, GIS mapping, and community engagement, and I am eager to apply these skills to realworld projects that make a positive impact on people’s lives. I have currently Interned with the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority for three semesters.
Alexander Costa
Address: 5871 WHITEGATE COURT,
Phone: +1 513-226-0843