AIC Member's Guide

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The Automation Integration Centre Members Guide // Humans


Robotics within the Automation Integration Centre (AIC) are recycled from the Robotics and Automation Centre at the nearby AMRC where they were used to train apprentices and pave the way for automated manufacturing and reconfigurable factories. These robot members are divided into two broad groups: Home robot members are based full time at the AIC within the main building and divide their time between the Home Workshops. These members are available full time for human members to work with on art and production projects. Guest robot members are more time sensitive. Acquired from the AMRC and other corporate partners once research projects and training are finished, guest robots are a special case. Beginning in the theatre, the new member is introduced and displays its capabilities in a cocooning performance. Once this is completed, the member takes a tour of external host bodies on a booking basis. The robot integrates within these communities for short periods of time before returning to the AIC. Once home, the robot is welcomed with a short schedule of workshops and training sessions for human members. The robot and cocoon is then moved to the Waverley Wildlife Park just outside the main Centre and opened for intimate working sessions with members of the Centre. After the period of donation expires, guest members are given a farewell and returned to the parent manufacturer for recycling and industry jobs.


External interest groups

Robot Manufacturers

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Waverley Community


External interest members

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Guest robot members acquired from the AMRC facility. Home robot members based full time at the AIC. Guest robot members eventually returned to manufacturer... ...but not before they tour external host interest groups.


Robot members of the AIC must abide by the following laws of ethics: 1 A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. 2 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 3 A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the Second Law. 4 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Second or Third Laws. 5 All robots endowed with comparable human reason and conscience should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 6 A robot given membership within the Home Workshops should actively collaborate with members on all projects, except where such projects would conflict with the First to Fifth Laws.

The Law of Ethics

Please note the schedule is subject to change. Refer to the AIC server for latest timetabling and software updates Mon Loading begins, Kuka KR360 will coccoon itself prior 1300 to leaving the AIC. Interested parties are welcome to watch Construction Theatre Tickets ÂŁfree Tues Guest Workshops occuring all day on location with 1030 members of the local community. FabLab Doncaster Tickets refer to host website. Wed Guest Workshops occuring all day on location with 1030 members of the local community. Manchester University Tickets refer to host website. Thurs Return to the AIC. 0900 Factory Floor Starts The Cocoon opens for project work alongside members. Sat Available to book through the AIC server. Waverley Wildlife Park Prices ÂŁ60/half day (members only). For 1 month prior to recycling


Reception Toilets Construction Theatre



The Spine

Factory Floor Design Room

Repair & Assembly Shop G r o u n d Floor

We are located between Rotherham and Sheffield, just off Sheffield Parkway. Follow signs for the AMRC/AMP. For public transport, the nearest train station is Woodhouse, and regular bueses run past the nearby development.

Finding Us

Please note the schedule is subject to change. Refer to the AIC server for latest timetabling and software updates Mon Professor Jim Davies of the AMRC will introduce the 1000 Kuka KR360 and hold a discussion as to its uses and capabilities to the member group and wider industry. Factory Floor Tickets £10/£5 (members and concessions). Includes light refreshments. Thurs Julia Adams and David Abraham give a hands on 1030 workshop with the Kuka KR360 including laser welding and assembly tutorials. Buy early, tickets are limited. Factory Floor Tickets £6/free (members and concessions). Includes light refreshments. Fri Kuka KR360. Day hands on session with members 1000 exploring individual projects and goals. Factory Floor Tickets £40/day (members only). Including lunch. Starts The Cocoon opens for project work alongside members. Sat Available to book through the AIC server. Waverley Wildlife Park Prices £60/half day (members only). For 1 month prior to recycling.


Render: Giving talk to the crowd.

These laws of ethics have been established to ensure a healthy, collaborative experience for both human and robotic workers within the AIC and should be abided at all times. Failure to follow these laws will result in expulsion from membership and repeated offences will result in banning. 1 Human members of the AIC must abide by the following laws of ethics: 2 A human being may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A human being may not harm robotics, or, by inaction, 3 allow robotics to come to harm, except where such would conflict with the First Law. A human being may not injure a robot member or, through 4 inaction, allow a robot member to come to harm, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First Law. 5 A human being must ensure the orders given to robotic members do not conflict with the law of ethics for robotics. 6 All human beings should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 7 A human given membership within the AIC should actively collaborate with members with the intention that projects do not conflict with the Laws of Ethics for both human and robotic members.

The Law of Ethics

Robot Manufacturers

External interest groups



Waverley Community


1 External interest members


Members are welcome from both within the Waverley Residential Community and from elsewhere, both to physically contribute and to join the online AIC Server sharing community.


Human members of the Automation Integration Centre (AIC) are welcome from the surrounding community and all walks of life. Members can come from high levels of research and manufacturing looking to work more intimately with advanced machines. They also come from the manufacturing lines looking to become entrepreneurs. With robotics now commonplace within the workplace, unemployment is rising and continuing to rise, and is expected to hit 47% within the next few years. The furniture making industry has been hit amongst the hardest, with unemployment rates nearing 87%. With this new economic landscape, members are encouraged to become entrepreneurs and develop an immersive integrated relationship with robotic members. By buying into the membership programme, members can apply to development grants from the AIC for startup businesses. Members are also wlecome and encourage to work within the research and design studios within the Centre, and can additionally rent out private Studios as incubation centres. Members can also work in the large and well equiped Home Workshops alongside our robot members in production projects, whether business or art based. A busy and constantly updated schedule of guest robots (within the Waverley Wildlife Park) and speakers keep members updated to the latest in research and application. Please read this members guide carefully, and abide by the laws of ethics to ensure a peaceful integrated environement for all.


The Automation Integration Centre Members Guide // Robots

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