ENJOY WOW GAME WITH G2G.COM World of Warcraft is an internet game where players from around the globe accept the parts of courageous dream characters and investigate a virtual world brimming with riddle, enchantment, and interminable enterprise. In World of Warcraft, you assume the part of a fantasy hero. Through the span of his or her life, your character will overcome a great many journeys, learn new and effective capacities, hoard (and likely spend) inconceivable fortunes of gold, and discover several intense weapons, charmed rings, antiques, suits of protective layer, and more.
As such, your character advances and gets stronger as you pick up experience, new abilities, and all the more capable things and gear. Your character's advancement is saved on the web, which implies that you generally get right where you exited off when you begin the game once more. Actually, your character's information can be put away for whatever length of time that you need, so you can advance at whatever pace you feel most good with. A few players burst through the game's content at record pace to achieve the endgame as fast as could be allowed, while others want to take the time to stop and enjoy the scenery. The decision is completely up to you. Yet, additionally, you are not restricted to only one character. You can keep a list of up to 11 characters, one for each domain, and every character will give you a totally diverse game experience based on what race and class you decide for them.