12 minute read
International deligations centre
Interior of parlour

Interior of bedroom

Structural axonometry
Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead Conceptual Architect, Architect
Sauna house has a look of simple house. It’s has interesting materials. Roof made from dryed reeds. and walls made from Kelo trees (dead pine material)

Interior of sauna house - Bedroom
Exterior sauna house
Exterior sauna house

Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead Conceptual Architect, Architect
Elling for yacht having a silouette of stone or submarine or simply «shell». Covering layer of wooden plates gives architecture fully integrated in ladscape.

Elling for yachts and sauna house in context of landscape

Interior of Elling for yacht (2nd floor)
Facade of Elling
Studio: Role: Yaratam studio (Petr Safiullin) Architect, Architectural proposal, Graphics, Idea, Postproduction, Layout
Fabulous gastrobar situated on vivatious place in Kazan renovated with new interior. Studio used principles of viewing corridors and scenography in design.

Inner enviroument of gastrobar (Photos)

Studio: Role: Crosby Studios Architect, Designer
Developing design of villa mostly relies on detail approach in drafting. Style of interiors is unique and pays hommage to russian traditional style in contemporary view.

Inner enviroument living house

Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead architect. Architectural proposal, Graphics, Idea, Postproduction, Direction for visualisators team
Kaluga is the city witch is associated with Tsialkovsky and space. This is main idea for ice rink design project. clean and minimalistic spaces done with lots of tonal articulation.

Kosmos pixelated - image of digital idustries of Kaluga

Hyperspeed conference hall for buisiness acceleration

Swimming pool - in aesthetic of spaceship

Swimming pool - in aesthetic of spaceship


Studio: Consortium: Role: Speculative architecture and design cource at school START(Kazan) Egor Orlov, Alexander Sokolov, Maria Popovich, Viktoria Balandina Co-tutor, Assistance with lessons, Approbation of methodology, Competitions
Animated fabric We changed scales for our life. It causes modification of scalr our values. New forms of interaction and collective life were produces by alteration of spatial borders. Dynamic rythms of the dancing nature were catched by the new scale of life. We opened ourselves to it’s beauty and we embraced it - we live above it and we live with it. New world changed our collective mindset, and leds us to rethink our place in the world and our impact on it.

Carnival and fair space Intersection of fabrics Highlines and transportational systems
1 2 3 10 11 14 43 44 45 46
7 5
8 6
9 12 13
Communication fabric: The traffic rivers. waterfall streets, animated chewing gum fields
1. Breakwater 2. Waterfall streets 3.Stream 4.Drain 5. Lollipopping canal 6. Clew 7. Toffee 8. Traffic river 9. Explosion 10-13 Mixed spaces 14. Megaspace
15 16 17 24 25 28
21 19
22 20
23 26 27 Experimental labs of an evolving society.
43. Kitchen 44. Production of spaces of flower factory 45. Boquete of open circulating system of blossom 46. Cascade of architecture spaces
32 30
33 31
34 38 39
35 36 37 40 41


Studio: Consortium: Role: Speculative architecture and design cource at school START(Kazan) Egor Orlov, Alexander Sokolov, Maria Popovich, Viktoria Balandina Co-tutor, Assistance with lessons, Approbation of methodology, Competitions
Kaluga is the city witch is associated with Tsialkovsky and space. This is main idea for ice rink design project. clean and minimalistic spaces done with lots of tonal articulation.

Circle of Gods
* Changing the assemblies scale, change the scale of IKEA corporation city dweller thinking. * All spaces arriving through the assembly and disassembly stage as a sign of Great Guidance * All IKEA interconnectedness Space Corporation. Any space can be connected to any other space * General remarks vol.1. Spaces do not have sex. The physiology of love relationships based on movements of mergers and implementations * Amorous advances/sexual union vol 2. The more space, the more habitation
What if we push to the one-off mode in the kingdom of zero cycle? Everything is so cyclical, that everything becomes disposable. Disposable as part of a stable peace. In an ideal world, every element of the zero cycle becomes disposable. Backup memory storage, which is updated with a maximum filling. Nothing is planned and you do not know what awaits you tomorrow. World without intent (tomorrow). The new goal - to save yourself not a static element and dynamic flow restartable relations.
IKEA machine God who evolves IKEAcorp. of the evil
This intelligence IKEA corporation, which parsing everything. He is the main super-object, gathered himself in a dynamic space of IKEA evil corporation. He is the head of the structure. He is a small assembly, which could evolve and begin to subordinate everything else. The era of the battle of the great installation! Space resources: Assembly/ disassembly, Card file of details, Defective items, Unified merger
Principles: Any space of assemblies can be selectively accelerated. Every element - it is a combination. World of total construction of installations Albino Assembling looking for its favorite connection that it will never find. Changing the assemblies scale, change the scale of IKEA corporation city dweller thinking. All spaces arriving through the assembly and disassembly stage as a sign of Great Guidance All IKEA

God of forgotten HoudiniIllusion fake identity
It ends with us. Finally we have reimagined everything in the world. And now we would to reimagine the Big End and come to the postface world where the lands become sustainable again. There is a ministry of personal development. The need for an intense and varied life. True freedom of choice, the natural self-organization and prosperity based on individualism. People are free from all differences. Education humane, creative, harmoniously developed person. The harmonious development of the new sustainable world. Resourses: Human lifestyle, Identity Creation.
Principles: Human development, in accordance with his wishes Create a personal picture of the world under the personal order Pilgrimage to the Buddha’s supermarket of opportunities
Super-power: Presents new opportunities for free Extra-superpower in the moment before recycling: Full conversion of the human personality Reabilitation under endless routine spaces of corruption. You have to pass the standard algorithm, moving the test of expectation, full inventory of yourself, punctuality by tuning the time and space. You should be carefully evaluated with a full report. The world of new orderliness utopia.
Resourses: Information. Human Algorithms of actions Psychological traps Wellness. List of necessary checkpoints
Principles: All people, at least twice a year to go through official circumlocution in order to remain a full member of the new society 8:21 a.m. The Great turn Adventure tuned to 5:20 a.m by time corruption 8:43 a.m. Any creative potential space can be opened and rediscover through red tape
9:30 a.m Who past full survey - will be sent to the clipboard for further study and the complexity of the system. 9:30 -18:00 time of receipt 10:50 a.m. Full report, (available) upon request
Super-power: An analysis of the psychological state of patients Identifying creative features Creating individual recommendations Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: Mass distruction by hypnotic boredom. White noise has become so thick that the city began to choke. But we are pretty sure that inside it someone lives. We hear him breathing. His name is Unto. He structures, simplifyes, shares white noise and declares it as an element of the new recycling system. Resources: White noise Principles: -White noise is the nutrient medium -Unto entirely permeated with white noise for the purpose of analysis -He puts all Content in the simplified system - Dispels New White Noise, in which the semantic load is more understandable
Super-power: zero become the basic element of the resource system
Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: zero-cycle in The Big Balance Love is. What if architectures could be lovers? Last conversation was completed. All stories were told. Conversation by LOVE, in the language of extasy weaving architectures, instead of any language known to us. Architectural love of spaces creates new communication vocabulary between people and city. It stimulates a person to save himself and activates the memory. Awakens humanity. How’s it coming with the new Kama sutra novel? Resourses: The dynamic changes of the spaces; Space based language Space amorous interactions Principles: General remarks vol.1. Spaces do not have sex. The physiology of love relationships based on movements of mergers and implementations; Amorous advances/sexual union vol 2. The more space, the more habitation;
Occult practices vol.3.
The possibilities of spaces copulations are endless. The wisdom of the Kama Sutra is such, it teaches us not to rush.
And «Kamasutra» massage will inspire you; Super-power: Searching of the new types of space relationships Extra-superpower in the moment before recycling: Forget about what is happening, and stand in previously unseen positions, thus inventing new legends. DOSSIER: Name: BugMan Age: endlessly prolonged triennium Gender: male Power: to do small harmful changes secretly on a universal scale Hobby: to find weaknesses, to stabilize system of evil EVIL system wants to come in stability. But when the system of evil comes in full stability system is broken. Therefore, it was concluded Big Treaty. Thus was born the Great Balance Alliance. The agreement, which both sides undertook to respect. But the system of Good constantly breaks it and to for salvation of EVIL system super hero came. He- is one mind all the errors and glitches. He is BugMan! Pecypcbi All elements of the system of the Good ripnHuunbi Stable evil- harmless evil Any weakness in sistem- chance to keep balance Only minor bugs can shake a giant system Anyone who violates the foundations of the system of evil error becomes viscous matter Shaker
The keeper of lost items Bureau of lost things. Here things get lost and found again. It would be as difficult as finding a space in a spacestack. The history of Great Things. He is looking for lost items. I find all that can awaken the memory of heritage preservation. People attending clinics of Happiness and pays to rewrite his memoirs. He was unpopular and bullied in high school, so he decides that he wants to replace his memory, and to be an important and popular on campus and a talented athlete. Due to a clerical error, he remembers a memory, which is the main cheerleader and prom queen. Resourses: the forgotten and lost elements garbage memoirs Super-power: finds who was lost and loses who was found; Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: heritage preservation of the future in The Big Balance.
What if we recycle Gods? What if the Gods was adaptive? What if we create self-sustainable mythology? What if we turn everything into zero-cycle? Once upon a time the world was under excess. And only way was to recycle everything.
The Gods condescended from Olympus to help mankind. They implemented themselves to The Big Balance. The Gods become the elements of this marvelous wonder which you might may assume. The mythology has lost inviolability and the new city of the future was revealed for tourists and mankind.happiness to inhabitants! The cartoon wood and cotton candy park. Groves pollinate the city by migration of resources, people and inspiration through skyscraper arteries. The traffic place where inhabitants and guests gain knowledge and additional education about the city of dancing nature by different methods of dwelling in these spaces. Movement of people, nature and architecture is a education process which produces collective efficiency.
* Each member has the right to overobjectivity. Each element has a right to use. * Each member has the right to find itself. Each member has the right to build and clustering - find a mate. * Each member has the right to independence or asceticism. Each member has the right to adapt, training and retraining * 9:30 a.m Who past full survey - will be sent to the clipboard for further study and the complexity of the system * 10:50 a.m. Full report about The Big Balance, (available) upon request
In this categoty I added mediums in what I mostly inteested for now. Such as: Scenography, media art design, lighting, event design, illustration.

Concept: Using of Innoconcrete material and making nature-like form Signal installation competition 2022 - Fluid Castle - Interior

Concept: Overflooded space made from stiff and soft carpets Signal installation competition 2021 - Ruxury (Russkosh) Main view Axonomertry of proposal

Axonomertry of proposal

Illustrative Identity for city Nerekhta Using coat with Seashell and shoving all main symbols of city