Sep 2016May 2019
Sep 2010Oct 2016
Sep 2011Oct 2015 Aug 2014
ALEXANDER SOKOLOVevent.horizon.wind@gmail.com
Sep 2016May 2019
Sep 2010Oct 2016
Sep 2011Oct 2015 Aug 2014
ALEXANDER SOKOLOVevent.horizon.wind@gmail.com
KSUAE (Kazan University of Architecture and Engineering)
Postgraduate Degree Aspirant position
KSUAE Specialist degree Oct.2016 - Sept. 2019
UEL (University of East London) Bachelor of Architecture Degree
UEL Summer school Global Sustainability
RUSSIAN (native)
ENGLISH - FCE B1 54 (First Certificate of English Cambridge Exam 2014)
WERNER SOBEK AG - Senior Architect
WOWHAUS - Senior Architect
Lead conceptual architect (Competition managing), Urban designer
TOTEMENT / PAPER - Architect
ATRIUM BUREAU - Architect (one project.)
OLD KAZAN - Architect YARATAM STUDIO Architect, Designer
- Concepual Architect, - Large area urban scale visalisation - Kamal DramaTheatre Urban renovation
Start School of Architectural Practice Co-tutor of Speculative Architecture Cource Personal Tutorship Conceptual Architecture and Graphics
Common ruin competition: https://archsovet.msk.ru/article/konkursy/ ai-architects-poluchili-zoloto-za-renovaciyusrednevekovogo-zamka-vo-francii http://architime.ru/activity/2019/stat270619rupor.html
https://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com/ competition/common-ruins
Dream Apartment competition: https://card.weibo.com/article/m/show/ id/2309404329091628169715
Sveta Nedelya competition
Kaluga TOLK rotonda https://archi.ru/news/83425/stend-kaluzhskoi-oblastina-arh-moskve-stal-luchshim-obschestvennymprostranstvom
Hand drawing, Photography, Illustration, Collage, Ink-drawing, Painting, Physical modeling, Woodworking.
Autodesk: Revit, 3DS Max, AutoCad, Inventor Adobe: Photoshop, Illustator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere, Audition,Google SketchUp McNeel: Rhinoceros + Grasshopper, Karamba Kangaroo, Anemone, Graphisoft ArchiCad, Corel,Microsoft Office Processing/ Python, Fl Studio, Abletone, NI - Tracktor, Reaktor
1) - Speculative approach. Conceptual elaboration hand, digital and mixed graphics.
2) - Digital modeling, working in context of difficult systems flatten altogether, 3d digital models, Hacking of new possibilities in software, using common functions in whole variety of its possibilities, searching of unexpected usage.
3) - Graphic and artistic skills, special morphologic and Finding way of manifestation ideas through graphics and image. Info graphic skills.
4) - System thinking, articulating between technological models, rationalization of system, working on stage between advanced and catagenesis
5) - Working with big variety of media content, ability to feel free to make experimentations with such material, because of background of making music and videos.
Now 2021
Spt 2021
Aug 2021 Feb 2021 Feb 2021 Jan 2021 Aug 2020 Oct 2019 Jun 2019 Mar 2019 Mar 2019 Feb 2019 Feb 2019 Jan 2019 Jun 2018 Feb 2017 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Jan 2017 Jan 2017 May 2015 May 2015 Jun 2015 Feb 2015 Oct 2014 Oct 2014 Sep 2014 Apr 2014
2ND PLACE Sochi Harbour masterplan with BIG Architects
EUROPAN 2021, For autors of project CLAB Arqitettura in Graz, Austria
PARTICIPANT EUROPAN 2021, Aalst Belgium ‘Reyard Production’ proposal
3RD PLACE Competition of concepts for the development of the territory on the right bank of the Kazanka River
WINNER Renovation of Degunino district - «Face of Renovation Competition»
PARTICIPANT Renovation of Zuzino district - «Face of Renovation Competition»
BEST UNBULD PROJECTS ARCHIDAILY Metrogorodok district urban renovation proposal Archmoscow participant
WINNER Borovsk Small Cities 2020 Proposal
Sveta Nedelya Squre urban renovation pjoject
ROLE: Project leader,W Managing consortium, Architectural design, Urban design, masterplan and architecture proposal, controlling structure of project.
Consortium: AI Architects, CLAB Architettura Yury Sheredega, Dina Dridze, Evgeny Shirinyan
Sveta Nedelya Squre urban renovation pjoject Managing international consortuim for contest, package of submission documentation, portfolio, establishing of team
Consortium: AI Architects, CLAB Architettura Yury Sheredega, Dina Dridze, Evgeny Shirinyan
FINALIST AIM Competition SuHong village renovation
HONORABLE MENTION ArchmoscowMoscow Metro rethinking theme installation
SHORTLISTED Small Cities of Russia urban renovation competition
4ST PLACE: GOLD MENTION YAC Common Ruin Ash Glue proposal
WINNER CAPOL Dream Apartment - «Forest Camp» Co-living housing complex for chineese youth
1ST PLACE Yacht Club Closed competition TOTEMENT / PAPER
24Hours Competition Work - BiG BALANCE
24Hours Competition Work: Dancing nature
ISARCH Competition Work: Dancing nature
Evolo Skyscraper Work: Dancing nature
Design Stories Work: Dancing nature
ISARCH Competition Work: Elemeta VITAE ICDC Complex Urban Renovation
ISARCH Competition Work: VITAE Center Prototype Complex
kRob (Ken Roberts competition)
Work: VITAE Center Prototype Complex
International Architectural Workshop ‘Historic Urban Landscape’
Kamal Drama theatre renovation
FINALIST Archiplatforma drawing competition
Work: Duomo Cathedral 120 Hours
WINNER Reconstruction of noble hotel Social Network Spaces - Workshop
1ST PLACE Teaspoon of painting
HONORABLE MENTION, Work: Landscape ISOVER Multicomfort House
Y-1: Furniture catalogue Y-2: Furniture design (Work internationatially noticedin several exhibitions) Y-3: GreenDogrestaurant summer veranda Y-4: NordOil Officesinteriors Y-5: Restaurant interior Y-6: Innerspacesand reconstruction historical buildingMellowBar SD-1: WonderfullDaysstuding programme SD-2:Dancing naturevisionaryand speculative project (participantof7 competitions SD-3:Big Balance project PT-1:Oldgun powder factory reconstruction-YachtClub F-1:Tubetei restaurant,SkiPark visualistations Small module house–BIM model Dream Apartment Competition(Winner) CommonRuin Competition(Gold Mention) SuHong village Competition (Finalist) Volkusha masterplan concept Yuchnov masterplanandcity branding concept Kaluga squaretent SvNedelya Square Competition (2Parts)-(2nd Placeof Consortium) LotoshinoPark Conception Stadinumin Kaluga interiors reconstruction concept Storage facilityfor several museumsin Communarka (Finalist) Mosque project Masterplanfor mosque Individual house InteriorAnalysisof territoryfor village Village masterplan Carparkingnear KSUAE Entertainment center near KSUAE Masterplanofmicro district Livingmultipleflat house Smalloutside amphitheater-bath Primary schoolin Gaziantep (Competition Honorable mention) Drama Theater (Notedon interviews) Drama Theater–Interior (Notedon interviews) Clinic-Diagnostic Center–Masterplan–urban renovation Clinic-Diagnostic Center–Building (Notedon interviews) UELDiploma–Hotel–prototype (Notedon interviews) Kamal Drama Theater renovation KSUAE DiplomaAntropoactive Amusement Complex–London
T/P1: Individual housein London T/P2:Hotelin Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Closed competition 1stPlace) T/P3: Yacht ClubHidden Location Okariverand Kaluga zoning conception Videoand animation projectfor architecture installation
ARCHOMOSCOW Installation–Rotondafor Kaluga honoredguestfor ARCHOMOSCOW (Winner2 categories) Smalltrading pavilionsNTOfor Kaluga region Urban conceptionfor Teatralnayastreeturbanaxis EthnoMir Conception (Realised) Berezuevsky Ovrag Conception Teatralnaya street, facadesandstreetAR,PZU,RD
* Research was done for clearing personal and profissional path of me. This is can be helpful for knowing me better.
Structure of projects interests and experience
Chapter about overthought academic works with excess of form,functions, processes and architectural dialects, with search of personal balance.
Work in KSUAE (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan) prof. Agisheva Inga
Role: Student, Specialist Diploma Honours
Having presented with geological forms: strata, cavities, the expression of the phenomena of the city, material and nonmaterial continuum: culture, history, located between, media objects, our perception of the city in the process of active changes. The polyphony of technology amplifies the change in our perception of the city. Interpenetrating processes arise and disappear, and the nature of cities becomes complex.
Questions of this work -what is the fundamental principle in the life of a person and society, its variability; -what are the ways of human development, in his personal, psychological and biological spheres;
-what is the role of architecture in solving the issue of the formation of the individual. - how it is possible to create an evolutionary shift in a positive direction with the help of an architectural object or an urban environment.
2016 acad. year.
Academic data: KSUAE - Graduation project (prof. Agisheva Inga)
Human nature have a plasticity. We use our minds to change our values, expectations, and definition of who we are. We have changed our character from our hominid ancestors, and once changed, we will continue to change even more. Our inventions, such as language, writing, law, and science, have created a level of progress that is fundamental and now taken for granted, so that society now expects to see similar shifts
like shifts in the past. In technical, in particular, in information sciences, ontology is understood as an explicit, that is, explicit, specification of conceptualization, where a description of a set of objects and relationships between them acts as a conceptualization. The difference of this work is not in belonging to the dichotomy “technology and nature”, which is now widespread, although
it takes its place, but in the appeal to anthropology, to the hidden biological and psychological mechanisms in which the frozen evolutionary movements of man awaken, some primitive mechanisms are rediscovered.
The link technology - human in the thought forms of transhumanists was and developed throughout the 20th century.But only now there is a tendency to turn specifically to man and his evolution Cognitive, physical states Necropolitics takes control for life of a human, this project is device for returning control in hands of human being.
Architecture is accelerated, active, it’s awakens hidden evolutinary mechanisms for biological struture of human Also mission is to resist from necropolitics human is technologically adwanced outside and bioloically and psychologically on the inside.
Building is a process, process of making environment for human beings. Drawing explains model of urban structure with special micro-climate. It can be warm and wet, because building established in water cycle. Climate elements is also part of drawing making.
We have processes of condensation, vaporisation, rains, and soil inner waters. All components of water cycle can make water more clean, and this is completely natural process.
Whole urban structure (V.I.T.A.E. Center, Big social spaces, and some of living houses) work as cleaner of water by diferent tactiques
There is a problem - it’s life cycle, the city does not change the location and do not die like a living organism thousands of years, they grow. It raises the question of rethinking the concept of the city.
This work is a good example of searching hybrid solutions through a drawing process Firstly I had done morphological research. Experiments with polymer glue was very helpful for me. It reveals new adaptable green morphology for infiltration and allocation of water from roof surfaces, also this is engineer supplies plasma. Snow exploitation is a big problem for cities of Russia. That’s why urban complex works as melting pot for snow.
Complex of robotised main sqare is a starting point ro renovation of whole district. Drived by artistic communities
In any case, habitat questions will be actual for the future, so such subjects as: “a sustainable development”, “landscape understanding as architectural structure”, “the micro climate and a macro climate”, “architecture of extreme conditions” in any case should receive and, at a due approach, will have worthy development.
Vesuvius Theater has a lot of volcanic image symbols, for example dust, magma, big rocks, round and centric structure, texture and caves. Mountains has also big opportunity of observation, from mountain you can observe surroundings in 360 degree panoramas.
In this theater all people would see a big social space with many unexpected “accidents”. New public space in Kazan will be made with synthesis of arts and artificial and natural beauty.
It is possible to tell, that is a parametric approach can provide achievement of a certain spatial manifesto. The morphology helps theater to create a media image which will involve the audience.
Steps of formation of a form based of vibration of Earth In park area at the crossroads of four city scale axes are growing up unexpected landscaping architectural structure.
Building as the Unexpected Performer would attract visitors. There is one good example of positive feedback from people to improvement of Gorky Park, in this case we can establish to developing area of Admiralteiskaya Sloboda some improvement of public services on bigger scale with one influential node.
This theatrical phenomenon has a new type of public spaces.
Structure of building is a park urban architecture but also a big and comfortable public space. Similarity to art pavilion give to environment atmosphere of art. There is a small, cosy places for rest and a big majestic foyer for guests of theater Steps of formation of a form based of vibration of Earth In p
Chapter about fundamental paramenters of architecture, such as form light mass continuity and discontinuity, sincerity of language.
Hybrid typologie
Old buildings on the site and voids between them are used as a resource for future development of the site. All the buildings that exist on the site are left in their current condition «As they are». Voids between old production buildings and warehouses are filled with new development. New development complete existing structures on the site and organize urban blocks of a scale similar to traditional Aalst quarters. Current buildings are used as a «the production
core» and are surrounded by the new development «the public shell». The «shell» complete the existing structures in 6 quarters of traditional Aalst city scale. As the city Aalst develops, the core of the quarter can be demolished and replaced by new more dense structures of different functions.
Potentials for densification New development that filled in the void between old buildings act as a new public facade of a quarter. «Public shell» consist of a small showrooms,
cafes, workshops, art galleries. An old building a center of a quarter act as a density reserve and can be redeveloped in numerous ways later. Flexible system of new buildings allows demolishing existing building and replacing it by different special, structural, density typologies in the future. Replacement can be done by a new housing blocks, a garden, a tower etc.
Consortium of project: AI Architects LLD, CLAB Architettura, Yuri Sheredega, Dina Dridze, Evgeniy Shirinyan
Role: Lead Architect, Management of cosortium, Establishing a team, Development of 3d model and masterplan, conception
Competion in 2 phases:
1st phase - admition of team, managing docments, developing team of consortium
2nd phase - developing cityscale project - founding principle of form and cityscale links and diagram of logistis.
Archeology is the civilizational basis of modern Bulgaria, in which late antiquity and early Christianity intertwined. At the same time, Sofia is a recognized European center of competence in IT.
Our main tool is an evolutionary tree, where the rather radical project that we propose is only one of the options for progressive development. As part of this method, we used 4
stages: test - super-test - implementation for pilot sites and then the transition to mass implementation. Such an approach of tactical urbanism and evolutionary, being reevaluated at each stage of the development of the project will allow finding optimal solutions for such a complex problem of this place. What is the most difficult thing about this project? Active transit of private cars through Sq. Independence as a limiting
factor in the development of public space. Todor Alexandrov Boulevard and the intersections at Sq. Independence is the concentration of the transit function, where there is no place for a pedestrian, modern development and contemplation of architecture and archeology.
Phase I - Orangery - Temporary greenery
Phase II - Orangery Archaeology AR/VR informational museum
Phase III - Complex greenery with benches
Archeology is the civilizational basis of modern Bulgaria, in which late antiquity and early Christianity intertwined. At the same time, Sofia is a recognized European center of competence in IT.
Our main tool is an evolutionary tree, where the rather radical project that we propose is only one of the options for progressive development. As part of this method, we used 4
stages: test - super-test - implementation for pilot sites and then the transition to mass implementation. Such an approach of tactical urbanism and evolutionary, being reevaluated at each stage of the development of the project will allow finding optimal solutions for such a complex problem of this place. What is the most difficult thing about this project? Active transit of private cars through Sq. Independence as a limiting
Phase III - Amphitheater
factor in the development of public space. Todor Alexandrov Boulevard and the intersections at Sq. Independence is the concentration of the transit function, where there is no place for a pedestrian, modern development and contemplation of architecture and archeology.
Role: Architect, Lead Conceptual Architect
At this moment Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers represented as ruin of walls and towers, proposal pro-vides ways to occupy remaining structure of castle in soft way. Architectural intervention is continuous route of total form with communication and flatten functional blocks. Castle
context already morpholog-ically complex and it contains from elemental abstract forms, such as: square, circle, hexagon, octagon it’s can be extracted and materialized in architecture. Burnt matter is monument for catastrophic event of destruction Mothe-Chandeniers castle in fire accident, this matter is base for “Ash Glue”. Structure has liquid logic of spreading but made from simple, abstract and adapted
elements. Continuous stream of ar-chitecture started as road then bridge, on the way it becomes an amphitheater, museum and dinner table alcoves or blocks. If building of castle is destructed and full of cracks it needs to be glued together but mostly without contact with walls of castle. It important for making decision as gentle as possible.
Axonometry of new structure
Mothe Chandeniers Castle reconstruction for 6000 co-ownersDramatic sights of chateau and close relation of chapel give an idea of functional program of castle. According to unique ownership situation it seems to impossible to use castle by
all of shareholders and visitors at the same time. Program of project focuses on key dramatic moments of visitor’s life, such as: first date with loved ones, starting of honeymoon, picnic with children or grandparents, even period of mourning. Castle can give platform for experiencing life moments in close and cozy family of friends groups in boxes or zones
with tables in unexpected places in castle. Contrasts of cozy, warm places and ruin itself have interesting eloquence in dialogue of situations. Also key thing in project is different ways of contemplation, it gives functions of amphitheater, museum, viewing balconies and panorama points on towers, picturesque sights of castle frames visitor’s contemplation. Section
Level of houses.
Delay of civilizational life take a huge part of lives of every person, problem of psychological crisis and destabilization of self. This issues can be answered architecturally. Unique context of Suhong village is perfect place for function of deep retreat spaces and full reset of tension every person who is visited “Selfatorium” and hotels. Key architectural unique point is making introverted, detached and escapist space.
Houses have adaptive planning for the deepest resting, it contains massage room meditation. All sanitary functions and kitchen are concentrated in one box. The courtyard varies, there is a functional zone to the discretion of the inhabitant, and a zone of the semi-indoor pool – an introversion kernel which is also an entrance zone of the house, it is a baptistery of a privacy and a contemplate state.
Level of city fabric.
Houses have structure with fluctuation turning of houses, nevertheless there are created streets, between them emergence of one main line of a promenade which extends and narrowed from the situation consisting of square blocks, and-level personal entrances to houses at the edges of streets is possible.
Introversion of the settlement is expressed functionally and architecturally, the ruin part of the city is sealed in new material which flows to squares and walking streets. Throughout the street there is always an introspective box on one it is possible to disappear and pass into a contemplate state, houses use ratios of the elementary architectural principles: the weight, volume, light, air, for creation of deep rest of the person, a privacy with preservation of views of terraces and the village.
Masterplan and processes.
First of all, this village has to be adapted for needs of locals, planning is suitable both for them, and for visitors of tourists. Honey and tourists quietly adjoin without very active interaction, in some places the khan it is possible to visit as the guest, living in immersive theater of the life of people, in some places there are spaces of crafts and traditional activities for the tourist, on busier street there pass all streams being divided instantly and dispersing in the introspective spaces of different character, pass through
wellness with a viewing tower and continue the way through terrace with a wonderful view.
Reconstruction level.
Reconstruction of houses the Hani uses existing framework of houses and average value of the coloristic scheme of the village, for creation of mono-color composition in the form of the connected urbanistic archipelago.
Work with studio AI ARCHITECTS with Yuri Sheredega
Role: Architect, Conceptual Architect, Visualisation, Post Producion Transformative
A project called Dream Apartment, proposed by Russian architects, will unite under its roof related spaces for coworking, leisure and housing. In total, more than 400 teams from around the world participated in the competition. The organizer was a company from Shenzhen CAPOL International & Associates Group, which provides services in the field of architectural design and engineering. Co-organizer is the Shenzhen Furniture Association (SZFA) furniture manufacturer.
The 21,000 m2 complex is divided into private and public spaces. Users are offered two options for living: apartments of 24 m2 for one or two people or a «family» format of 48 m2. In living rooms only a sleeping place and storage systems for the most necessary things are placed; all other amenities are in the public part.
Functioning zones of coliving are built on the principle of rings with different access levels.
For example, each floor has its own kitchen, dining room, living room, sports and children’s games - only residents of the floor have access to it. At the same time, all inhabitants of coliving can use the services of an atelier and shoe repair located near stairwells and elevator halls.
And the first and last floors are open and completely for everyone: shops, cafes, workshops and coworking will be located here.
Work in Totement/Paper
Role: Architect, Architectural proposal, Graphics, Idea, Postproduction, Layout
Yacht club disigned with inticate morphology of sail form, waves and baroque elements. All this forms made the constructor patchwork. This making main form of new iconic building structure.
Chapter about work on more prosaic projects with focus on professional qualities of architect (in wide sence)
Studio: Role: Werner Sobek Architect, Design Architect
Complex witch is cosists of 7 towers and delicate terraced stilobate part. Task was correctly make facades of massive towers. Developing friendly visual and structural enrounment
the urgent need — as a principle to extend to all existing buildings — to rethink the several lives it could have. Because the project had matured, in particular after client’s feedback on the meanings of contrasts and colors in Uzbekistan, it became obvious that the final maquette had to reflect the
Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead Conceptual Architect, Architect
Main house of complex morpologically is mulihouse. Total roof divided with boolean terraces. House is linear witch is more fuctionally convenient in structure.
Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead Conceptual Architect, Architect
Sauna house has a look of simple house. It’s has interesting materials. Roof made from dryed reeds. and walls made from Kelo trees (dead pine material)
Studio: Role: AI Architects Lead Conceptual Architect, Architect
Studio: Role: Yaratam studio (Petr Safiullin) Architect, Architectural proposal, Graphics, Idea, Postproduction, Layout
Fabulous gastrobar situated on vivatious place in Kazan renovated with new interior. Studio used principles of viewing corridors and scenography in design.
enviroument of gastrobar
Developing design of villa mostly relies on detail approach in drafting. Style of interiors is unique and pays hommage to russian traditional style in contemporary view.
Swimming pool - in aesthetic of spaceship
Swimming pool - in aesthetic of spaceship
Chapter of works between areas of speculative architecture, visionary art. Pulsar of thinking process and fourthought.
Studio: Consortium: Role:
Speculative architecture and design cource at school START(Kazan) Egor Orlov, Alexander Sokolov, Maria Popovich, Viktoria Balandina Co-tutor, Assistance with lessons, Approbation of methodology, Competitions
Kaluga is the city witch is associated with Tsialkovsky and space. This is main idea for ice rink design project. clean and minimalistic spaces done with lots of tonal articulation.
* Changing the assemblies scale, change the scale of IKEA corporation city dweller thinking.
* All spaces arriving through the assembly and disassembly stage as a sign of Great Guidance
Circle of Gods
* All IKEA interconnectedness Space Corporation. Any space can be connected to any other space
* General remarks vol.1. Spaces do not have sex. The physiology of love relationships based on movements of mergers and implementations
* Amorous advances/sexual union vol 2. The more space, the more habitation
What if we push to the one-off mode in the kingdom of zero cycle? Everything is so cyclical, that everything becomes disposable. Disposable as part of a stable peace. In an ideal world, every element of the zero cycle becomes disposable.
Backup memory storage, which is updated with a maximum filling. Nothing is planned and you do not know what awaits you tomorrow. World without intent (tomorrow). The new goal - to save yourself not a static element and dynamic flow restartable relations.
Doctor Ordernariothe God of marvelous tedious bureaucracy.
Reabilitation under endless routine spaces of corruption. You have to pass the standard algorithm, moving the test of expectation, full inventory of yourself, punctuality by tuning the time and space. You should be carefully evaluated with a full report. The world of new orderliness utopia.
Resourses: Information. Human Algorithms of actions Psychological traps Wellness. List of necessary checkpoints
Principles: All people, at least twice a year to go through official circumlocution in order to remain a full member of
UNTO the God in the womb of nothing
White noise has become so thick that the city began to choke. But we are pretty sure that inside it someone lives. We hear him breathing. His name is Unto. He structures, simplifyes, shares white noise and declares it as an element of the new recycling system. Resources: White noise Principles: -White noise is the nutrient medium -Unto entirely permeated with white noise for the purpose of analysis -He puts all Content in the simplified system - Dispels New White Noise, in which the semantic load is more understandable
Architecture loversGod of space love.
Love is. What if architectures could be lovers? Last conversation was completed. All stories were told. Conversation by LOVE, in the language of extasy weaving architectures, instead of any language known to us. Architectural love of spaces creates new communication vocabulary between people and city. It stimulates a person to save himself and activates the memory. Awakens humanity.
How’s it coming with the new Kama sutra novel?
Resourses: The dynamic changes of the spaces; Space based language Space amorous interactions Principles: General remarks vol.1.
BugManOh my God! He is coming back!!!
DOSSIER: Name: BugMan Age: endlessly prolonged triennium Gender: male Power: to do small harmful changes secretly on a universal scale Hobby: to find weaknesses, to stabilize system of evil EVIL system wants to come in stability. But when the system of evil comes in full stability system is broken. Therefore, it was concluded Big Treaty. Thus was born the Great Balance Alliance. The agreement, which both sides undertook to respect. But the system of Good constantly breaks it and to for salvation of EVIL system super hero came. He- is one mind all the errors and glitches. He is BugMan!
This intelligence IKEA corporation, which parsing everything. He is the main super-object, gathered himself in a dynamic space of IKEA evil corporation. He is the head of the structure. He is a small assembly, which could evolve and begin to subordinate everything else. The era of the battle of the great installation!
Space resources: Assembly/ disassembly, Card file of details, Defective items, Unified merger
Principles: Any space of assemblies can be selectively accelerated.
Every element - it is a combination.
World of total construction of installations
Albino Assembling looking for its favorite connection that it will never find. Changing the assemblies scale, change the scale of IKEA corporation city dweller thinking.
All spaces arriving through the assembly and disassembly stage as a sign of Great Guidance All IKEA
It ends with us. Finally we have reimagined everything in the world. And now we would to reimagine the Big End and come to the postface world where the lands become sustainable again.
There is a ministry of personal development. The need for an intense and varied life.
True freedom of choice, the natural self-organization and prosperity based on individualism. People are free from all differences. Education
humane, creative, harmoniously developed person. The harmonious development of the new sustainable world.
Resourses: Human lifestyle, Identity Creation.
Principles: Human development, in accordance with his wishes Create a personal picture of the world under the personal order Pilgrimage to the Buddha’s supermarket of opportunities
Super-power: Presents new opportunities for free Extra-superpower in the moment before recycling: Full conversion of the human personality
9:30 -18:00 time of receipt 10:50 a.m. Full report, (available) upon request
Super-power: An analysis of the psychological state of patients Identifying creative features Creating individual recommendations Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: Mass distruction by hypnotic boredom.
Super-power: zero become the basic element of the resource system
Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: zero-cycle in The Big Balance
it teaches us not to rush.
And «Kamasutra» massage will inspire you; Super-power: Searching of the new types of space relationships Extra-superpower in the moment before recycling: Forget about what is happening, and stand in previously unseen positions, thus inventing new legends.
All elements of the system of the Good ripnHuunbi Stable evil- harmless evil
Any weakness in sistem- chance to keep balance
Only minor bugs can shake a giant
Anyone who violates the foundations of the system of evilerror becomes viscous matter Shaker
The keeper of lost items
Bureau of lost things. Here things get lost and found again. It would be as difficult as finding a space in a spacestack. The history of Great Things. He is looking for lost items. I find all that can awaken the memory of heritage preservation. People attending clinics of Happiness and pays to rewrite his memoirs. He was unpopular and bullied in high school, so he decides that he wants to replace his memory, and to be an important and popular on campus and a talented athlete. Due to a clerical error, he remembers a memory, which is the main cheerleader and prom queen.
Resourses: the forgotten and lost elements garbage memoirs
Super-power: finds who was lost and loses who was found; Extra-super-power in the moment before recycling: heritage preservation of the future in The Big Balance.
What if we recycle Gods? What if the Gods was adaptive? What if we create self-sustainable mythology? What if we turn everything into zero-cycle? Once upon a time the world was under excess. And only way was to recycle everything. The Gods condescended from Olympus to help mankind. They implemented themselves to The Big Balance. The Gods become the elements of this marvelous wonder which you might may assume. The mythology has lost inviolability and the new city of the future was revealed for tourists and mankind.happiness to inhabitants! The cartoon wood and cotton candy park. Groves pollinate the city by migration of resources, people and inspiration through skyscraper arteries. The traffic place where inhabitants and guests gain knowledge and additional education about the city of dancing nature by different methods of dwelling in these spaces. Movement of people, nature and architecture is a education process which produces collective efficiency.
* Each member has the right to overobjectivity. Each element has a right to use.
* Each member has the right to find itself. Each member has the right to build and clustering - find a mate.
* Each member has the right to independence or asceticism. Each member has the right to adapt, training and retraining
* 9:30 a.m Who past full survey - will be sent to the clipboard for further study and the complexity of the system
* 10:50 a.m. Full report about The Big Balance, (available) upon request
IKEA machineGod who evolves IKEAcorp. of the evil