Modularity & Sustainable Design A discussion on modular design and how this is interlinked with the idea of sustainable design.
2 5 6
Modular & sustainable Design Industry examples - Car Market Industry examples - Furniture Market
8 - 11
How modularity benefits sustainability
8-9 10 - 11
Modular mobile phones Modular furniture
14 - 17
How modularity does not benefit sustainability
14 15 16 - 17
New York City architecture Shippable modular buildings Unfolding apartment
Personal Practise
Relating the article to my practise
My latest project
Reflection & summary
Definitions Modular Design Sustainable Design
Modularity for Sustainable Design
Phonebloks Shigeru Ban
Sustainable Design not Modularity
Shipping Container MEKA MKCA
Adjustable,Versatile Shelving
Sustainable Design
intention to reduce or completely eliminate negative environmental impacts through thoughtful designs.”
Modular Design
design of components that can be assembled in a variety of ways to meet individual consumer needs.”
The article attempts to address the issue of sustainability and how companies are trying to delve deeper in to the issue by using modular design as a concept. The study will focus on various case studies from recent years which have been analysed and unpacked. As my work mainly focuses on product design the studies have been chosen specifically to do with this field, meaning they are all tangible items.
Introduction Outline of the Topic, Issues and Context
Recent articles have been chosen due to the fact that modularity in design is not a recent discovery, however it has impacted the way we use every day products and has been used by firms as a way of extending product life cycles without impacting the environment. The study will finish off by analysing the concepts throughout against my own personal practise followed by an evaluation of the key issues discussed including my own opinion of modular design and sustainability.
“Modularity arises from the decomposition of a product into sub-assemblies and components. This division facilitates the standardization of components and increased product variety.” Gershenson (2004, quoted in Gershenson and Prasad, 1997a, 1997b). The history of modular design can been examined in a number of different industries. Take the car industry for example, before modularity was introduced each car would have been exactly the same. Henry Ford uses a remark about the Model T (figure 1) “you can have any colour as long as its black” in 1909, which really sums up the car industry of that era. The ability to add components to the car without changing aspects of the ‘basic model’ meant that manufacturers could suit and adapt to customers needs without having to remove any part of the car assembly. This is a widely adopted technique which most, if not all car manufacturers use today. Similarly in the construction industry, high-rise buildings adopt the same technique. Once one level has been built, all they need to do is simply create the same layer again on top. This is easier said than done, however the ideas all circle around the word modular design.
Modular Design
Figure 1: An Advertisement for the Model T (1911)
“Sustainability is commonly defined as the balanced use of social, environmental and economic capital, so as not to compromise the ability of future generations to survive and thrive.” (Sherin, 2013, p.12) There are many current approaches to sustainable design: product life cycle assessment, product longevity, design for disassembly and the use of recycled materials. The way in which we combine these approaches can increase the effects of a sustainable product. Designers have moved from having power over the creative process to a more expansive view of the world. The Eames Lounge Chair (figure 2) was a classic example in the 1950s of how designers had no thought process of what materials went through to becoming a final product. Herman Miller, who now manufacture the Eames Lounge Chair (figure 2.1) changed their source from the endangered rosewood to a more sustainable and responsible cherry & walnut from responsibly managed forests. This is an example where a ‘classic’ design product can be continued in the current day to the same standard, however using sustainable sources and materials.
Sustainable Design
Figure 2: Lounge Chair and Ottoman by Charles Eames (1955)
Figure 2.1: Lounge Chair and Ottoman by Charles Eames. Manufactured by Herman Miller (2014)
Products have to attract customers, this requires a certain amount of aesthetic consideration to be placed in the design. As consumers become more aware of the surface finishes they can choose the appropriate product for their needs. The surface will be produced to withstand a certain amount of wear and tear, however any scratches or bumps may cause more permanent surface defects on the product. As Stuart Walker quotes “this deterioration of surface quality can cause a sense of dissatisfaction in the owner and user” (2006). The owner of the product will probably still be able to actually use the product for its primary function, however when aesthetics are brought in to the picture they may feel that they have completely ruined the product. The product therefore becomes “prematurely aesthetically obsolete” (Walker, 2006, p.87) which renders it ‘unusable’ in the consumers eyes.
Modularity for sustainable design
These products either get recycled, reused or sent to landfill. This is the underlying message of sustainability, to reduce this from happening or at least slow it down. Modularity can be a simple, yet effective solution to the problem of surface or part defects. This case study will analyse a recent product which is being developed to handle such a solution, based primarily on smartphones.
Phonebloks is a concept idea created by founder of, Dave Hakken. Mobile phones only last a couple of years before they start to break or parts become obsolete. This is due to the fact that manufacturers want you to upgrade to the latest model, therefore paying more money and because of this your old phone becomes worthless.
Case Study Phonebloks
The opportunity that Phonebloks have created is the ability to replace and customise key ‘bloks’ (figure 3.1) of the phone so they are easy to repair, upgrade and maintain. The simple ‘bloks’ can removed with ease and the phone can be upgraded to the individual, therefore creating a smartphone that can last (figure 3). Through this, product longevity can be achieved. The fact that each blok can be replaced, reused and disassembled ticks all boxes for the whole design being sustainable. Although the parts are made out of some form of plastic they can be traded between people which means that the bloks could last for decades if treated right.
Figure 3: Phonebloks (2013)
Phonebloks has attracted attention from Motorola, the mobile phone manufacturer, who are interested in the idea of switching out handset components (figure 3.2). Acquiring this kind of companies backing means that the idea can expand and actually become a reality. The whole experience gives the user complete control over which handset they have, and using modularity as the key word they can adjust their phones to suit different: months of the year, holiday plans, new jobs, the possibilities are infact, endless. Walker (2006) talks about local manufacturing and says “an important but little explored aspect of sustainable design is a reassessment of our scale of production so that products and parts can be made, repaired and reused within an industry ecology of cyclic recourse use at the local or regional level”. He suggests that sustainable design should integrate scales, “using locally and regionally produced parts”. Phonebloks can utilise this by creating the mass manufactured ‘bloks’ which could then be assembled together at a local level.
Figure 3.1: Phoneblok parts (2013)
Figure 3.2: Project Ara (2013)
Sustainable resources are meant to last, examples of this include the worldwide tackle on the environment and how we can replace fossil fuels with more sustainable replacements. Modularity offers a product the ability to change its configuration, easily and often. This creates easy customisation for the user as they may need it for different circumstances or in different interior spaces. As there are “increasing commonalities within components” (Gershenson, 1997, p.2) this provides enough flexibility for the user to continue using the product. For example if it were a storage unit that was used in one interior space and then the user moved house or needed it in a different space, they could quickly adapt the modular components to suit the new environment without having to Shigeru Ban is a japanese and international architect who is famous for using sustainable materials in his products. Most of his work has used paper and recycled cardboard tubing to create architectural structures, famously creating quick and efficient housing for disaster victims (figure 4).
Case Study Shigeru Ban ‘10 unit system’
These houses use the same modular parts (in this case recycled cardboard tubing) and its strength to crate disaster relief victims houses in a few hours, for little under $2000. Sustainability not only looks towards the future and what will happen in a few decades, but it also looks at what is happening in the world now and how we can solve simple issues with limited resources and know-how. The simple idea of using recycled cardboard tubing can be placed in a number of different situations, third world countries can use this to their benefit and Shigeru has commissioned bridges, schools, studios and exhibition patios which have gone out to a wide range of countries.
Figure 4: Paper housing (2013)
Shigeru Bans 10 unit system was first unveiled for a company called Artek at the Milan Furniture Fair 2009. The modular furniture is based on ‘L’ shaped units which can be manipulated in to seating and tables of various sizes and heights (figure 4.1). As discussed earlier the ease of changing the parts and configuration of the product is very important in the 10-unit system. The fact that every single ‘L’ shaped piece is the same means that manufacturing costs can be kept to a minimum, which therefore means less resources are being used to create the initial ‘jig’.
Figure 4.1: 10-Unit Chair (2009)
The ‘L’ shapes can be removed from the two rods and made in to several different items of furniture (figure 4.2). The design can be easily maintained and repaired as their is only 1 key component, which means this attracts customers to buying the product and dis-encourages them of buying a less sustainable product which they may throw away. The system of reconfiguration and regular components is not the only reason why this design is considered to be sustainable. The whole piece is made from an environmentally friendly composite of both paper and plastic, which is non-toxic. The composite can either be incinerated or recycled back in to the production process of the next 10-Unit System. The modularity of components in this way creates a near unlimited reusable product which is also highly aesthetically pleasing.
Figure 4.2: 10-Unit System (2013)
“Functional products tend to become less important and are defined in very basic ways” (Walker, 2006). The statements creates argument against using functional, modular products as the functions are there and are working correctly, however the aesthetic appeal for the product is stripped meaning is less customer desire to purchase the product. As architecture is looking at possible living through sustainable resources a mass of articles show how modular homes can be made from these such materials, however would the consumer want to buy these? A recent example of this idea being applied to the ‘real world’ is this prefabricated shipping container home (figure 5) in New York City which currently sits at the corner of Charles and Washington Street in the West Village. This design for a modular home means that it can simply be ‘shipped’ to the desired location and dropped in place. The simple idea of using a container has been adapted in to a home space with decking outside.
Sustainable design not modularity Case Study Shipping Container Home
Would the consumer want to live in housing which has been converted from a shipping container or would they not like the idea of living in house formally used to transport goods over seas. The materials inside the house may look pleasing, however you have to look at the bigger picture of the outside decor. Would the product attract attention due to the up-cycled container or would the buyer just look at the whole aesthetics and be turned off completely. The possibilities of stacking the house is where modularity comes in to the equation. Would this be safe for the user? Would it just mean that people’s houses would look like a container ship that has been converted? How would people feel?
Figure 5: Shipping container home in NYC (2012)
MEKA was founded in 2009 by a group of architects and engineers aiming to create modular live and work spaces that could be shipped to customers worldwide. Months of research revealed that no such company existed. The idea was adapted from the shipping container in New York City which was developed and refined in to aesthetically pleasing housing. MEKA invested the time, money and human resources to create such shippable modular buildings which had to conform to three main design criteria: • Each modular unit needs to fit the same parameters as an ISO shipping Container so that it can be transported globally via truck, ship or rail. • Each building design has to be contemporary and allow maximum functionality for the space provided. • Each building has to be able to meet the local building code so that these buildings can be permanently installed. An example of their current products is one of the residential houses (figure 5.1) which shows how the Western Red Cedar gives the house a much more pleasing look to an actual shipping container. In this way the design meets the sustainable requirements because it is manufactured locally and then because it fits the parameters for a shipping container there is already the transport set up to carry them to their new location (figure 5.2). This company shows how an idea (figure 5) can be adapted to an actual target audience and therefore modularity can be targeted for future sustainable homes.
Figure 5.1 : Residential HELA 1280 (2014)
Figure 5.2 : Shipping MEKA container houses (2013)
“Modular design requires a significant restructuring of processes and can increase product development complexity if companies do not assign clear ownership and responsibilities in a well-planned implementation process” (CEB, 2010). Similarly (Schilling, 2000 quoted in Terlouw, n.d) suggests that “It can be difficult to assemble (integrate) the modules”. Modular design can be seen as a complex task that has short term costs but long term benefits. The quote above suggests that developing a product to enhance modularity is complex and time consuming. MKCA is an architecture practice producing both built commissioned work and design research. They integrate diverse thinking about architecture, interiors, products, infrastructure, and urbanism to produce work that embodies an enduring fascination with intricacy and the interactions of multiple systems and elements.
Case Study Unfolding Apartment
The ‘Unfolding Apartment’ (figure 6) is made by using a custom built oversized cabinet which unfolds in to different living spaces (figure 6.1) These spaces can adapt to suit different situations throughout the day by using modular components. Creating modular components however may prove more complicated that is first thought. The complexity of the design as shown on the right means if this were to go to mass market as a functional, modular product then users may get parts confused and would have to keep looking back at the instruction manual to refer to how each room layout works. As a sustainable product the setup decreases the amount of materials used and means there is no need in having separate rooms for individual needs. However as the user would have to be constantly changing their apartment and adapting for guests and different times of the day, would the system prove to be exhausting, not to mention an
Figure 6: Unfolding Apartment in Manhattan (2013)
older audience who may have problems lifting or moving heavy parts. The complexity in any modular system similar to MKCAs Unfolding Apartment means that developing a product for the market could take years of testing until the final product is released to the public. However as each part can be manufactured on a mass scale and similar parts will use the same process, the whole modular design can benefit both sustainable development and modularity. The commonalities between parts and assemblies in the cabinet means costs are lowered so that each part uses less time and therefore meaning less harm to the environment and local surroundings. “Local production that employs local materials and produces products for local use allows reduction in transportation and packaging, facilitates recycling, reverse manufacture and the cyclic use of materials and parts, and local maintenance and repair” (Walker, 2006). As the design interprets commonly used parts and assemblies this means that the idea of local production can be achieved. The parts can be mass manufactured and sourced in to local communities which can then be assembled and completed using local parts and techniques. The idea of a ‘closed-loop manufacturing system’ (figure 6.2) can benefit sustainable design and the local community.
Figure 6.1: Unfolding Apartment in Manhattan (2013)
Figure 6.2: Closed-Loop Manufacturing (2011)
Throughout this article I have looked at modularity and sustainability closely and how they can each positively or negatively benefit each other, now I shall apply this to my own design work. My recent project ‘Adjustable, Versatile Shelving’ (figure 7) uses modularity to its full capabilities. The similar components of the design allow key credentials of sustainability to be enhanced. Components of similar nature can be produced on the same production line, which means little or no changes need to be made to produce more of the same product. Similarly the ability to move parts in to over 2500 unique positions (figure 7.1) moves the idea of modularity and adapts this towards consumer needs. The consumer is an important part of sustainable products, if they do not enjoy aesthetics then they will not want to purchase the product. A simple hollow MDF frame with a veneered hardwood finish can provide similar, if not identical, visual effect as solid hardwood. However what this does is drastically reduce the material used and means less resources are being consumed. As quoted earlier by Walker “Functional products tend to become less important and are defined in very basic ways” (2006). The very basic way the shelving has been created means that there is no confusion between what goes where and how each piece fits in to each other. The precise measurements and research placed in to the dimensions and positions creates the ability for functionality to be achievable by anyone.
Personal Practise Adjustable, Versatile Shelving
Figure 7: Adjustable, Versatile Shelving (2013)
The crucial points throughout this article about contemporary modular designs has really driven my design work. As well as the fact that sustainability has become an ever increasing factor when designing products. Figure 7.1: Adjustable, Versatile Shelving. 10 out of 2500 positions. (2013)
In conclusion modularity can help a firms long term efforts to include sustainability in their business model, however there are many short term costs they will have to pass before doing so. Modular design and sustainability can both benefit each other. At one end modular components can be duplicated “increasing commonalities within components� (Gershenson, 1997, p.2) which saves on manufacturing costs and time developing new components.
Does modular design benefit sustainability and how does modular design benefit a firms choice to encorporate sustainable design?
Similarly sustainability reduces the amount of resources used in a product, as modular components can fit in to one another there is less need to create more parts, therefore modularity accepts the use of sustainability. The short term costs that a business may have to undertake are: high initial investment in reconfiguring existing systems, coordination of product development complexity, collaborating with new suppliers who may not be as cooperative and even intellectual property risk as other companies could mimic modules while you are in the development stage. However the long term advantages of a product becoming modular are: as there are standardisation in modules there can be a huge cost saving due to economies of scale, this helps to standardise product assembly lines which therefore creates quicker output. As the recent case studies in this article suggest, modularity and sustainability have been looked at in a vast number of industries in recent years. The interlinking of both can enhance product design especially and they can determine whether or not the design is feasible.
Bibliography & References Articles
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An advertisement for the Model T (1911) [Online image]. Available from: <> [Accessed 16 April 2014].
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Richard Sharp (PACE) - Trend Research Anne Schifer - Murmel
Websites & E-Books
Corporate Executive Board, 2010, Modular Design Playbook [Online]. Available from: < http://modularmanagement. com/sites/default/files/modular-design-playbook.pdf> [Accessed 11 April 2014]. Phonebloks, 2014, Phonebloks A Phone Worth Keeping [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 16 April 2014]. EngadgetUK, 2013, Motorola’s ‘Project Ara’ modular smartphone setup switches out hardware like apps [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 16 April 2014]. Wikipedia, 2014, Shigeru Ban [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 17 April 2014]. Linda Terlouw, n.d, Advantages and Disadvantages of Modularity [Online]. Available from: < whitepapersdir/Advantages%20and%20Disadvantages%20of%20Modularity.pdf> [Accessed 16 April 2014]. MEKA, 2014, Modular Buildings Worldwide [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 22 April 2014]. MKCA, 2013, Unfolding Apartment [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 22 April 2014].