Tourism Magazine (Vol.3)

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Andalusia DISCOVER ONE OF THE MOST DEMANDED TOURIST SUPPLIES IN THE WORLD Daniela Pérez Aguilera Alexandra Tiganesteanu Laura Arenas Pareja Laura Arroyo Ramos









































Intangibility. Tourism is all about the time spent and the experience made. The products sold by tourism companies both can’t be reproduced or reused. Tourism is a subjective picture planted into the customers’ minds. Perishability, is one of the most important characteristics of the tourism industry. The products/services in the tourism and travel industry are consumed as they are produced. People-oriented. The tourism industry builds entirely upon people. The interaction between the staff and the customer determines the perceived product quality.

Inconsistency. Products of the tourism industry always differ because everything is related with the customer perception of the product (the perceived quality) as it is highly affected by numerous non influenceable aspects such as weather, construction sites, other customers etc. Inseparability, Most travel products are first sold and the produced and consumed at the same time and Tourism products can only be consumed at the supplier’s premise. ImitAbility. Offers and products by tourism companies are generally easy to copy.


SUPPLY : Set of goods and services, resources and infrastructure, structured in a way that are available on the market for be used or consumed by tourists. The offer is composed by:Â - Tourist Resources. - Infrastructures. - Services. - Tourist companies. - Tourist products. DEMAND: Tourism demand is the sum of goods and services requested by consumers or potential consumers.Tourism demand is also understood as the number of actual or expected tourists of a tourist destination or product.When a demand study is carried out, these are taken into account: - Weather - Tourism Income - Prices - Demographic Factors - Cultural Factors - Current Trends - Political situation - Environmental situation..

What is tourism market? The tourism market is defined as the confluence of the supply of tourism products and services and the demand that is interested and motivated to acquire or enjoy them.

GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: Physical base where the conjunction or encounter between demand and supply takes place and where the resident population is located, which, although it is not in itself a tourist element, is considered an important factor of cohesion or disintegration, depending on whether or not it has been taken into account when planning tourist activity.

THE MARKET OPERATORS: These are the companies and organizations whose main function is to facilitate the interaction between supply and demand. Among these are travel agencies, transport companies, and public and private organizations involved in the planning and/or promotion of tourism.


ANDALUSIAN TOURIST MARKET Andalusia is a region with enormous qualities for tourist activity. It has a coastal strip with 1000 km of coastline, Atlantic and Mediterranean, and a very diverse relief in the inland territories. This gives rise to advantageous landscape conditions, as well as historical and monumental resources that are culturally very attractive.

SUPPLY Mai n Tou r i s t R es o ur c es f r o m An d a l u cí a: Cu l t u r e t o u r i s m : G r a na da (N az ar i Ki n g dom ) , J aén (Úb ed a a n d B ae za w e r e d e cl a r ed a UN E SC O He r it a ge S i t e) , Có r d o ba ( The m os q uecat he d r al ) , Sevi l l a (I t á l i ca) y Má l a ga (R o nd a) . Hu el va ( P al os d e l a F r on t er a, Car t ag en a, La Rábi d a an d Mo g u er ) and C ád i z (A r c o s d e l a F r ont er a) . Sun an d Be a ch : A l me r í a, G r an ada, M á l aga, C ád iz y Hu e l v a. Gas t r on o m ic Tour i s m : V al l e d e l G uada l qui vi r , M á l aga, J e r ez, Mon t i l l a (Có r d ob a ) , G r a nad a.

A n da l us ia n t our ist s u pply .

Ecot our is m: Si e r r a de Hor nachuel as y hue r t as pal me ñas . Pa r que de Doña na . C a bo de Ga t a . A dve nt ur e t o ur i s m: C ór do ba, val l e de l G uadal quivi r , Má l aga ( ca mi ni t o de l Re y). 6

Ru r a l t ou r i s m: Mál aga, J aé n , A l me r ía, Si er r a de Ar ac en a, S i e r r a Mo r e na, Ca zo r l a , G r a zal ema, Vej er de l a f r on t e r a ( C ádi z ) , Ca s c ad a d e l a Ci m bar r a (J a é n) .

Responsible Andalusian Tourism

He al t h To u r is m : M ar be l l a . Bus in e s s t o ur i s m : J aén , Má l aga, G r anad a. Mo u nt ai n t o ur i s m : Si er r a Nev ad a. Hun t i ng t ou r is m : J aén , Gr a na d a (A l puj ar r a) y Al m e r í a. As t r o t o u r i s m : Al m e r í a, J aé n , C ó r d o b a, Se vi l l a, Hue l v a, M á l aga y Gr anada . W i ne t o u r i s m : Cád i z, Má l aga, G r anad a. Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography)

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography)


INFRASTRUCTURES The r eg i o n’ s net w or k of m ai n r oa ds a n d m o t o r ways no w c o ver s mor e t h a n 2 4, 00 0 km . T h e r ai l net w o r k a l s o h as t w o h i gh - s p eed l i nes : S e v i l l e - C or d oba- M adr i d, whi ch ha s be e n r un n i n g s i n c e 1 992 , a nd the r ec ent l y i naug u r at e d Mal aga- C or d o b aMad r id l i ne . Ai r t r af f i c in An dal u s i a ha s m o der n , l ar ge ai r po r t s , of f e r i ng an ar r ay o f f l i g h t s t o an d f r om t h e m ai n S pa nis h a n d Eur o pean c i ti es al o ng w i t h m any d es t i n ati o ns ar o un d the wor l d . Anda l us i a’ s s t r at eg i c p o s i t i on at t h e m eeti ng poi nt of At l ant i c and Med it er r a ne a n make i t s p o r ts , es pecia l l y A l ge ci r as , maj o r hub s f or i nt e r n a t i onal maritime t r af f i c . O t h e r por t s s uch as Huel va , Cad i z , M al aga and Al mer í a a r e t h e bas e f or m aj o r t r ans p or t s e r v i ces , w hi l e t he An dal u s i an co a s t i s al s o h om e t o t hi r t y - s e v e n ma r i nas ; Sevi l l e al s o h as v ar i o u s r i v e r por t s . Th ey ar e al l r es p o n s i b l e f or g en er at i ng a gr ea t d e a l o f com m er ci a l and t our i s m ac t i v i t y .

The Year of Infrastructures

TOURIST OPERATORS I n A nda l us ia t he r e ar e s o r ts o f pr of es s iona l dedi c at e d to t ou r is m i nt e r me d iat i o n. C ompanie s de di cat ed to or ga nis ing t our i s t s er v i c es , f i r s tr at e pr o f e s s ional s w ho s e m ai n a i m is t o or ga ni s e t he t r i ps wh en t ou r is t want to visit the C ommuni t y. T he r e ar e some di f f er e nt s t y pe s o f A nd a l u s i a mar ke t ope r a t or , like t he f ol l owings : I nco ming : Andal u ci a T r av el , G r a nada T r a ve l Ce n t e r , So m o s de s t ino Ru r al , I be r os e r v i c e, A t as t e o f S pain , . . . et c Onl ine : Al Andal u s Tr av el A gency, C l ick Vi aj a, S onr í e T r ave l and Smi l e , F l am en co t i cke t s . . . e t c Out bound: I ncr ed i b l es J our ne ys S pa i n, M ar a v i l l a s T r ave l To ur Oper a t o r : V i a j es el C Or t e I ngl é s , Hal c ón V i aj es , C a zo r l a T r a vel . . . e t c T r ave l Ag enci e s : A Lh am b r a T r i p Gr ana da, Na ut a l i a V i aj es S evil l a , Via j e s C api t a n. . e t c.



Andal u s i a i s t h e m eet i ng poi nt o f t wo con t i ne nt s , Af r i ca and E u r op e, a s we l l as t h e At l a nt i c O cean an d Med it e r r a ne an Se a. I t is l oc at e d at t h e s o ut h of t he I b er ian Pe ni ns ul a and i s t h e s o ut h e r n mo s t po i n t o f Eur o pe . Its no r t h er n f r on t i e r i s m ar ked by t h e Si er r a M or e n a M oun t ai n s , wh i ch s e p ar at e the C as t il ia n p l ai n t o t h e n or t h and t he G u ad al qui vi r Ri ve r ba s i n t o t h e s out h. To t h e we s t , t h e G uadi ana Ri ver s e par a t es An dal us i a f r om Po r t ug a l i n t h e pr o vi nc e of H uel v a .

The Andalusian geographical location

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography)

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography)



Ac co r d i n g to s t udie s c a r r i ed out b y I N E , d u r i ng 20 1 9, t h e t o u r i s t dema nd in An dal u s i a w as def i ne d by the f ol l o w ing s t a t is t i cs : 3 2 . 6 % of t he t o u r i s t , we r e An dal u s i a n s , 28 . 5% w er e f r om t he r e s t o f S pai n, 27. 9% w er e f r om t he E U ex cl ud i ng Spa in an d 1 1 . 0 % wer e from the r es t of t he wor l d . Th e f or eig n er s c om e mainl y f r o m t h e t r adi t i on al mar k e t s : Uni t ed Ki ng do m and Ger man y .

Table of own elaboration. (Source: Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography)

Graph source: Hosteltur

Graph source: Exceltur


What makes you different?


When we speak of "tourist supply", we refer to a grouping of goods, services, infrastructure and resources, organized in such a way as to meet the demand of visitors. The elements must be interwoven to offer the traveler a harmonious vision of the resource to be promoted. There is no doubt that tourism has become one of the sectors that has a high impact on the economic development of a country. It is estimated that it is responsible for 10,4% of the world's GDP and, as such, provides an important contribution to employment. Recent decades have seen the increasing expansion and diversification of this industry. That is why new exotic destinations have emerged, but the most important thing is the integrated vision that is taken of tourism. Nowadays it is necessary to have a platform that tries to cover the needs of the visitor to the maximum, so that he feels the comfort of his home during his stay.

Therefore, there are 4 basic elements that make up the tourist supply: Tourist resources: They are based on the attractions that a certain destination has, they are of natural, historicalmonumental, cultural, folkloric order, and they are the main motivation of the visit. Infrastructures: They are all those physical components necessary for the development of the activity, either public or private. Examples: roads, ports, airports, etc. Tourist companies: They provide direct service to the tourist. Accommodation companies, transport companies, etc. Superstructures: groups of public and private organizations that regulate, promote and coordinate tourist activity. Examples: tourism management offices, regional governments, etc.

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: )


Once the elements that make up the tourist offer have been mentioned, it should be borne in mind that they are structured based on a hierarchical organization that starts from the most important, most basic element, i.e. the element that is presented as the main motivation of tourists to make a trip, to the element of less relevance. Below it is shown the already mentioned structure of the tourist offer:



Among the different Autonomous Communities that perform the Spanish territory, Andalusia is the most populated Autonomous Community in Spain,with 8,426,405 inhabitants at the end of 2019, representing more than 18% of Spain's total population, i.e. the 1st Community of Spain in terms of population. It is also the second largest in terms of size after Castilla-León. It is divided into 778 municipalities grouped into eight provinces: Almería, Granada, Málaga, Cádiz, Huelva, Sevilla, Córdoba, and Jaén. The capital, Sevilla (Seville), is the most populated city in Andalusia with 688.711 inhabitants. Andalusia's coastline has a length of 1,101 km, approximately 17.5% of the Spanish coast, a significant factor in its geography. It Is characterized by a wide variety of landscapes due to its coastal geomorphology and climatic conditions. The coast can be divided into three main regions: the western sector facing the Atlantic Ocean, the Strait of Gibraltar where the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean meet, and the eastern sector, facing the Mediterranean. Currently, 30.4% of the coastline of Andalusia (335 km) is under some designation of of ficial protection, making it the region with the greatest length of protected coastline in Spain (Guisado & Malvárez, 2009).


Due in part to its geographical location and to the relatively mild winter and spring climate, the south of Spain is attractive to overseas visitors, especially tourists from Northern Europe. While inland areas such as Jaén, Córdoba and the hill villages and towns remain relatively untouched by tourism, the coastal areas of Andalusia are visited by high numbers of tourists for much of the year. Nevertheless, together with “sun and beach” tourism, there has also been a substantial increase in nature tourism in the inland, as well as cultural tourism, sport tourism and conventions. One example of sport and nature tourism is the ski resort at Sierra Nevada National Park in Granada. In this context, it should be noted that, today, Andalusia has outstanding urban destinations that can work this trend to improve their competitiveness and sustainability, avoiding problems of tourism flows and cargo. Cities like Málaga, Seville or Córdoba, already have a tourist offer that can be framed as “Orange Tourism”. They are cities that have tourist attractions, cultural and urban offerings... that together with their infrastructure stand out in

Special mention should also be made of the infrastructure that this Autonomous Community has, since, due to its excellent geographical location (located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula), access to Andalusia can be made by plane, by boat, by train or by road. Along with the transport infrastructure, Andalusia also presents a wide range of tourist accommodations, ranging from different and exotic environments to totally classic and conservative styles, thus being able to satisfy even the most demanding traveler. On the other hand, we must not forget to mention the cultural richness that Andalusia presents, as well as the varied gastronomic offer, two elements that go hand in hand and turn this autonomous region into a tourist destination with its own personality.

Promotional Video of Andalusia 15

Main factors to choose the Andalusian destination.

Graph of own elaboration. Year 2017. (Source: SAETA, Public Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia).

Main factors to choose the Andalusian destination.

Graph of own elaboration. Year 2017. (Source: SAETA, Public Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia).


Therefore, it is a region with significant tourism potential, which still has ample room to achieve the optimum degree of exploitation of its tourism resources in a responsible manner. As we have mentioned before, the tourism industry (along with exportation) is the most important industry in Andalusia and that’s why the Government, the tourism agents and the locals have been working so hard during the last few years to improve the tourist supply and to overcome seasonality, as well. The document of reference for this development it’s the “strategic marketing plan: Andalucía vente.20 Horizonte 2020”, which is also coordinated with Spain and the EU. The keys of this plan are the following ones: Alliance for an innovative and competitive tourism in Andalusia. General plan of sustainable tourism 2020. Strategies of innovation intelligent specialization 2020.


European financial framework 20142020.


In the following link you can find more information about the mentioned strategic marketing plan: h2020/data/descarga/PEMTH2020.pdf

Andalusia is a land of welcome; many visitors come here every year. That is why it is one of the top destinations in Spain, and every year more and more are repeating; excellence, quality and innovation are at the forefront of its tourist commitment, but, which are the elements that make this region so attractive? We will now set out all the elements that characterise the wide range of tourism supply in this Autonomous Community:

HISTORICAL-CULTURAL RESOURCES Monuments such as the Alhambra in Granada, the Mosque of Cordoba or the Giralda in Seville, monumental landmarks of Humanity inherited from a millennial history, are evidence of the rich cultural heritage of Andalusia. A heritage that has the worldwide recognition of UNESCO with its inclusion in the World Heritage Lists. It is also worth visiting cities like Úbeda and Baeza in Jaén, both also World Heritage Sites, or towns like Arcos de la Frontera in Cádiz, Ronda in Málaga or Moguer in Huelva. Just take a look to the videos shown next to give you an idea of what Andalusia has to offer.

Andalusian Cultural Tourism

Your best "cultural" you

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: SAETA, Public


Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia.

NATURAL RESOURCES The diversity, extension and ecological richness of the Andalusian territories brings together the highest peaks of the Iberian Peninsula in the Sierra Nevada, extensive wetlands, thick and shady forests, volcanic deserts and stretches of coast with hardly any human trace. Andalusia has a vast network of Natural Areas, which account for approximately 18% of its territory, characterized as Parks or Reserves, which places it at the head of the Spanish communities in the defense of their environmental heritage. Most of this area is occupied by Natural Parks, to which we must add the emblematic Doñana National Park, declared a "Biosphere Reserve" by UNESCO. The Natural Parks correspond to mountainous and wooded areas, and coastal areas, such as Cabo de Gata in Almería.

Map of the protected natural areas of Andalusia.

Map source: Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: SAETA, Public Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia)

Your best "rural and natural" you

https://www.surave In the Natural Parks of Grazalema, Sierra de las Nieves and Sierra Bermeja there are unique Spanish fir forests in the world. The socalled Nature Reserves are mostly wetlands, smaller than the parks, but of enormous importance for the flora and fauna, especially birds. Other less extensive protected areas, but of singular importance, are the natural landscapes, whose interesting variety takes us from the fabulous karstic rock formations of Torcal de Antequera, to Tabernas, in Almería, the only desert on the European continent. The coasts constitute the other Andalusian natural environment with its own personality, which extend over more than eight hundred kilometres with numerous stretches of beaches. 19

GASTRONOMY As in the rest of the Spanish regions, it is not difficult to find a place to eat well in Andalusia. The gastronomy of this autonomous region is as wide and varied as its territory; thanks to the excellent quality raw materials obtained from its crops, its coasts and its livestock, we can enjoy a whole repertoire of dishes and products whose excellence is celebrated all over the world. Beginning, for example, with two of the indisputable jewels of Andalusian production: Iberian ham and olive oil, internationally recognized and renowned, and whose flavor is impossible to match or repeat. But there are many other gastronomic treasures in the lands of Andalusia, either in the form of charcuterie, wine or pastries, or in terms of recipes and preparations.

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Hosteltur).

Your best "oenological and gastronomical" you

Andalusian International Fine Food Exhibition Image source:




Over the years Andalusia has experienced a remarkable development of communication routes, public facilities and buildings, means of transport... that today serve to enable the population to enjoy the benefits that are guaranteed by the welfare state. These infrastructures are also the basic pillar on which the productive, economic and tourist models are supported and developed. Airports: Andalusian airports transport more than 20 million passengers a year. Thus, they become the gateway for many travellers who choose Andalusia for its attractiveness for tourism, as a business focus or as a work or holiday destination.

Aerial connection of Andalusia

Image source:

Roads: The Andalusian road network has evolved to form a complete communication infrastructure that places Andalusia among the autonomous communities with the largest number of roads in the country. Today, Andalusia has more than 24,000 km of roads, motorways and highways, which form the backbone of more than 87,000 square kilometres of the autonomous territory. Thus, the road is the mean of communication chosen by 80% of passenger traffic and 70% of goods.

Andalusia's road network

Image source:


Cycling paths: In recent years, the development of cycle paths has enabled the implementation of a new mode of communication that goes beyond leisure. The use of this transport option is beginning to change the physiognomy of some of the main Andalusian cities, which offer one more option for both citizens and tourists to move around. Railway: Andalusia enjoys a leading position as the Autonomous Community with the most kilometres of railway network in the whole of Spain. The railway network, which also includes the underground and tram systems, is an essential element for the development of communications and mobility, contributing to territorial cohesion and the sustainability of the production model.

Your best "cruises and sailing" you

Pullmantur Cruises

CroisiEurope Cruises

Ports: Andalusia has excellent sea and river ports, the main shipping companies in the world have set their sights on the strategic Andalusian coasts, with a thousand kilometres of coastline where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean, modern port facilities and a huge cultural and artistic heritage to amaze cruise passengers.

Network of Andalusian ports

Image source:

The main commercial ports are Huelva, Seville and Cádiz, on the Atlantic coast; and Algeciras (the first in total traffic in Spain), Málaga (the second in number of cruises in the Peninsula), Motril and Almería, in the Mediterranean coast. All of them are holiday destinations of international relevance, with a multitude of proposals and activities focused on cruise tourism. Such is the magnitude of the importance that the ports of Andalusia have reached, that Málaga will be a base port for MSC Cruceros in 2020. This is what Hosteltur has declared:

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Ministry of Development).

Relevant News About the Port of Malaga



Andalusia is the first autonomous region of the country in terms of the number of tourism companies, concentrating 16% of the firms in the sector located in the national territory, while it is the second region by number of workers affiliated in the sector. According to the sub sector of activity, the majority of Andalusian tourism companies (77%) are dedicated to catering, a sub sector that includes the activities of restaurants and food stands, the provision of prepared foods for events and other services or the establishment of drinks. It is followed by those dedicated to tourism (17%), a sub sector that includes the activities of travel agencies and tour operators, organization of conventions and trade fairs, creative, artistic and entertainment activities, or recreational and entertainment activities, among others. The third sub sector in number of tourist companies is accommodation, which brings together five percent of companies In terms of the distribution of companies in the sector by size, in Andalusian tourism microenterprises predominate (55 %) and entrepreneurs without salaried workers (42 %), followed by small businesses (3 %). Andalusia also has numerous guided activity companies directed by qualified monitors with wide experience, with options and activities for everyone, the activities are aimed at anyone wishing to be shown the destination by real experts in the field.(hotels and tourist accommodation or campsites).

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: INE,

Table of own elaboration. (Source: INE, National Institute of Statistics).


National Institute of Statistics).


The sun, the gastronomy or the nature are the main attractions for any foreigner who wants to travel and get to know Andalusia. However, in the last few years, "idiomatic tourism" has been gaining strength and generating very positive figures for the sector, managing to position Andalusia as one of the main Erasmus destinations desired by students all over the world, from America to Asia.

Your best "idiomatic" you

This great interest in learning Spanish in this region is due both to its magnificent characteristics as well as to the fact that Spanish is the second native language in the world, the third most used on the Internet and the fourth most powerful worldwide.

Graph of own elaboration. (Sources: and

(*) Footnote: the decline in the percentage predicted for 2100 is mainly due to the decrease in the population of Spanish-


speaking countries.



The definition for distribution channel says that “it is a series of independent organizations that participate in a process which aims to make a tourist product or service available for the consumers or for the companies�. Distribution channels can be formed by:

Indirect distribution channels

those which are formed by intermediaries, which are foreign to the tourism company that provides the services. Types of indirect distribution channels: Travel agencies Reservation centers and tourist consortium CRS (Computerized Reservation System) and GDS (S Global Distribution System) Wholesalers Metasearch engines

Direct distribution channels

the one made by the borrower of services directly to the end user, without needing to depend of intermediaries. Types of direct distribution channels: Tourist establishment itself.

Reservation center. Phone. Fax. Own website.


What are the intermediary distribution channels in Andalusia ?

Travel Agencies

We can say that Travel Agencies are intermediaries through various means. Therefore we point out that in Andalusia they can be: Wholesalers travel agencies

They are responsible for organizing, developing and offering all kinds of services and package tours for sale to retailers. Generally they do not offer their products directly to the user or consumer, but they do so through retail agencies. In Andalusia we find a total of 404 wholesalers distributed in the different provinces, where the greatest concentration of these are in Seville with 66, Granada with 78 and Malaga with 118 wholesalers. However, the rest of the provinces do not have wholesalers in the capital, but they do have them distributed, in less quantity, in the different municipalities.

Some examples of wholesalers we can find are: Mรกlaga: They are dedicated to manufacturing exclusive tourism products and avoid nonprofessional intermediaries to get the best prices for their customers

. Sevilla: Specialized in offering unique moments in Andalusia in connection with other destinations in Spain. They create and design unforgettable trips for each of our guests offering them exclusive experiences.


Granada: He prepares trips for tourist groups around Spain, the European continent and Morocco.

Almería: Roquetas de Mar. It markets all kinds of tourist products and services: hotels, transfers, excursions, etc.

Cádiz: Puerto de Santa María. Production company of tourist and leisure experiences, dynamizing services in the tourist and cultural field

Retail Travel Agencies

They market the product from wholesalers by selling it directly to the tourist user. In this case, Andalusia has 1036 retail travel agencies distributed both in the provincial capitals and in the various municipalities. We can see that Malaga city has 282, is the province that has more retail agencies, followed by Seville with 176 and Granada with 100. It is remarkable how the city of Marbella has a total of 61 agencies, being the fourth place with more retail agencies in Andalusia. This way we can know which the most interesting tourist places are in the whole Andalusian province.

Córdoba: Rute

Huelva: We found several, typical and well known travel agencies all over Spain.

Jaén: Alcalá la Real It offers already designed programs that can be adapted and personalized; as well as several tourist services: transport, guided visits, rural lodgings, hotels and thematic experiences, such as oleotourism, wine tourism, religious and theatrical routes, etc.









Also, these wholesalers and retail agencies mentioned above can be: o Outgoing: focus on sending travellers to geographic areas other than the agency's own location. o Incoming: are in charge of attending or attracting tourists from other geographical areas to the place where the agency is located.


On the other hand, we can say that all of them have their own web page so the client can request information about the trip and destination, can book from there or simply can contact the agency through email or telephone.


Metasearch Engines

They are intermediaries that facilitate the search of hotels, flights, car rent or tours, activities and trips to the end customer, making multiple searches on different providers, fundamentally online agencies, and carrying out a price comparison. His fundamental objective is to attract potential customers and then redirect them to the website of the provider. In Andalusia, as in the rest of Spain, we can find:





Online Reservation centers

They can generate confusion with metasearchers, since they are very similar in theory. However, the only difference is that you can book directly through them.




Tourism Consortium They are many independent small hotels join in order to combine expenses in tourism promotion and distribution. On the other hand, consortiums usually use a common logo, so they can use a same brand that gives them greater competitiveness in the market. At a national level we can find the GSM Hotels consortium, where all the provinces of Andalusia are located together with their respective hotels that are part of this consortium.


On the other hand we find that the provinces of Cordoba, Granada and Seville have tourist consortiums: Granada: Consortium "Tourism of Granada" better known as TURISGRAN. It is made up of: Granada City Council Junta de Andalucía through the Consejerías de Cultura y Turismo y Deportes The Patronage of the Alhambra and the Generalife The Archbishopric of Granada (arzobispado) The Science Park Consortium Caja General de Granada Its aim is to ensure that the objectives of promoting and encouraging tourism in the city of Granada are met as fully as possible.

Cordoba: "Cordoba Tourism Consortium" or Tourism of Cordoba. It is made up of: The City Council of Cordoba The Chamber of Commerce Confederation of Businessmen of Cordoba Córdoba Convention Bureau Its aim is to ensure that the objectives of promoting and encouraging tourism in the city of Cordoba are met as fully as possible. Sevilla: “Turismo de Sevilla”

Seville City Council The Provincial Council of Seville The Seville Provincial Delegation of the Andalusian Ministry of Tourism and Sports The Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation of Seville The Seville Business Confederation The essential function of "Turismo de Sevilla" is to ensure that the objective of promoting and encouraging tourism, and especially congresses in the city of Seville, is fulfilled to the greatest possible extent. 32

Wholesalers They are intermediary companies specialized in big events. It can be said that they offer a service similar to that of a "wholesale department store" where a large number of tourist products can be found. Thus, they try to anticipate and buy a large amount of tourist products, especially hotel rooms and air tickets, and then negotiate with other intermediaries, mainly tour operators or wholesalers. In the case of Andalusia we find different wholesalers, such as Opentours (Torremolinos, MĂĄlaga) and Pepetours (Roquetas de Mar, AlmerĂ­a).

GDS (Global Distribution System) It is the information system that makes it possible for retail agencies as well as the final consumer to have online access to large databases of tourism service providers, airlines, hotels, car rental companies, (the latter can have access to such systems as long as they are connected to the Internet). The most used GDS in Spain is Amadeus. Within the regional distribution systems, we find the International Centre of Tourist Reserves of Andalusia, known as Seneca. At present, the offer of this regional reservation centre is integrated into the Amadeus product portfolio. Independently, Seneca has evolved thanks to the Internet, expanding to a new concept "Telematic Office of Tourist Services of Andalusia", which can be accessed directly through . This page complements the reservation centre with other services such as a virtual information office. 33

New systems of distribution for the torurism of Andalusia

1. Digital tools as bets for the future. They intend to turn the web platform into the epicentre of the whole digital strategy of Andalusia as a tourist destination. Also use instant messaging as indispensable channels for marketing, as applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram are part of the daily life of the population.

2. Social Media

Andalusia launches its Social Media plans composed of several networks that it already used to date (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube).




3. Andalusia as an intelligent destination The objective is to have an interoperability between the Andalusian tourist websites (websites of city councils, provincial councils, the Andalusian Ministry of Tourism and Sport...), with the aim that all of them provide the same information to the tourist. Also, providing Wi-Fi in the main tourist enclaves, so that also promotes the possibility that tourists share their experiences and experiences.

4. The content is the king It means the creation and distribution of relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire and draw the attention of a welldefined target audience, so that they become future customers. The content can be diverse, from creating emotional connections with the audience through stories (storytelling) or simply with interactive content: 360ยบ, 3D, augmented reality, virtual reality, use of drones...etc.

5. Communication based on emotions/experiences. Communication in Andalusia will be based on feelings, personal development and the possibility of sharing unique experiences, together with all the communication channels available: TV, radio, advertisements, social medias or magazines.

6. Trade fairs Andalusia participates in the main generic tourism fairs in each of the most important markets 35

7. Tourist Offices in Andalusia. Although there are tourists who are perfectly prepared for their trip, there are others who continue to rely on the support offered by tourist offices. Being a direct distribution channel, Andalusia has modernized them, promoting the use of new technologies both in the offices and when providing information to tourists.

On an international level, we find: 1. Destination training As Andalusia is such a vast destination and its offer is so varied, it is difficult to know everything the region has to offer. For this reason, it is necessary to periodically review the tourist offer in order to inform the intermediaries of all the new offers that arise. In this way, digital training workshops or seminars are set up for tourism intermediaries who sell Andalusia abroad. 2. Trade fairs The aim of these fairs is to make way for other markets and to publicise new tourist offers, as in the case of the participation of the Ministry of Tourism in the fairs of BIT (Milan) and the Salon des Vacances (Brussels). The main interest in placing the stand at these two fairs is because they are two of the main markets that send tourists to the region. 36

7. Inverse shares: Famtrips, Presstrips and Influencertrips. The aim of these actions is to attract different tourist actors from all over the world, to show them in situ the Andalusian tourist offer. In this way, to familiarise people with the destination, they are offered courtesy trips so that they can later recommend the destination in person. They can be invited to these trips: Famtrips: travel agents In Andalusia, for example, a Famtrip was made to British travel agents to boost the British market due to the Brexit.

Presstrips: mass media At the same time, we met the Presstrips. In this case, it has happened in Costa del Sol (Malaga), as they consider it a good tool as a promotion channel, because in this way they achieve a good reputation and obtain a positive evaluation from the main opinion leaders at international level about Malaga.

Influencertrips: bloggers, twitters, instagrammers In Andalusia we have the website AndalucĂ­a Travel Bloggers whose objective is to invite the most famous faces of social networks to get to know the province so that they can promote it and share the most charming corners with their followers.


8. Cooperative projects with other entities. Andalusia is trying to carry out collaborative campaigns with other tourist destinations. For example, to involve Tourism and Sport of Andalusia in joint promotional actions of European destinations through the European Travel Commission.




All hotel establishments are classified by groups, categories, kinds, and as the case may be specialties. The classification by group, category and kind is obligatory due to the law:

Hotel occupation in February 2020 (INE)

By group and category

Hotels Those




requirements Decree,




regulated well



that in













requirements of hotel establishments, belong in this group. These








three, two and one stars. The qualification “Great Luxury� shall only be used by hotels classified in the five-star


character when

















Sports in


installations, equipment and services.


Hostels These






lodging services that comply with the specific requirements






in a

Attachment with





minimum requirements of hotel establishments, belong in this group. Hostels may occupy only a part of a building. Hostels must have toilets in all lodging units. This map shows the occupancy of hostels per

They are classified in one and two stars.




! R E

Autonomous Community (INE)

Hotel establishment categories shall be determined taking into account the quality of the installations and services, in conformity with the requirements and conditions listed in this Decree.

Pensions These


lodging specific












Attachment 3 of this Decree, as well a with the





hotel establishments, belong in this group. Pensions,







occupy only a part of a building, may have their






lodging unit. Classified in a single category.


Hotel-apartments Those







services that, besides satisfying the minimum requirements of








keeping, preparing and consuming food and drink in each lodging unit belong in this group. Hotel-apartments








minimum specific requirements of Attachments 1 and 4 of this Decree. Hotel-apartments, except in the cases foreseen in Article 7, shall








or of










manner, and shall have their own entrances and, as the case may be, lifts and stairs for their exclusive use. Classified in categories of five, four, three, two and one stars.

Apart-hotel Marinada in Salou


By kinds Hotel establishments, depending on their location, are classified as the following kinds:












Article 32 of the Decree (Beach


Hotel Establishments), it shall be obliged to belong to the beach kind classification. In the case of the other kinds, if it fulfills the requirements of more than one kind, the business shall choose


which to belong to and indicate this




registration. In








hotel promote

itself as any of the kinds whose requirements the





under in




By specialties Hotel establishments may obtain from the Council of Tourism and Sports recognition











architectural characteristics, to the characteristics of the services offered and to the type of market.

Sportive hotel in Lanzarote

The declaration of a specialty shall offer the right to be included in the specific relevant tourism program referred to in Article 18 of the Law Tourism.




The word displacement is as a basic reference

It was created in 2010 as a state mercantile for












factor in tourism since it is the necessary means

assets from the public entity Spanish Airports of travel to reach the destination. In this part we

and will








transports that are used in tourism. Andalusia has a modern transportation infrastructure with a total of 6 airports, one national (Cordoba) and five international, 24000 kilometers of road, two high












Málaga Airport

is of








south 10

the of

most Spain



passengers per year.

Sevilla Airport is located approximately 10 km far from the city of Seville

big number of tourists visitors, for Andalusia is

Jerez Airport

country and Europe.



harbors. Because of its geographic location and

crucial the communication with the rest of the


is located 8 km northwest of Jerez

de la Frontera. It has flights to the main cities in Spain and western Europe.

Granada Airport,






flight companies and It is 18 km from the city

Air travel Aena, SME S. A. is a Spanish public company that manages airports of general interest in Spain. In Andalusia we can find six airports, which of them five are international.

Almería Airport,





and Barcelona and with London. Several low-cost

companies operate at this airport Córdoba Airport is located 6 kilometers from the city of Córdoba, it is classified as a third category airport and it is an aerodrome open to national and international traffic


In the next graphic we can see the number of passengers that Andalusia

received in 2019:

Road transportation Road Network: The Andalusian Road Network

than 70 stations and stops. There are a significant has a length of 26,991 km, which represents

number of coach companies that operate in 16.5% of the National Road Network (nearly a

Andalusia. It is a good idea to contact them before fifth of Spain). There are 1,959 km of

starting your trip to find out about schedules, routes motorways or expressways built, 18.8% of the

and reservations. national ones. The density of the network,

expressed in km / km2, reaches the same

values in Andalusia as in the Spanish average,

0.31 and 0.02 for single carriageway network

and double carriageway network.

The development of the road network in

Andalusia, of motorways, dual carriageways

and highways, has facilitated the extension of

National Andalusian National Andalusian

the bus network, which today has more

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: Aena)


Rail travel Railway: Seville, Córdoba, Antequera

three largest urban agglomerations in the

community: the Seville commuter train, made

and Málaga are connected by high-

up of five existing lines; Malaga commuter

speed rail in both Madrid and Barcelona.

train, with two lines; and nearby Cádiz also

Future high-speed connections are

with two lines

planned with the cities of Huelva, Cádiz,

Sea transportation

Algeciras, Granada and Jaén. There is

Ports: The strategic place that Andalusia

also a local or suburban train network in

occupies, between the Mediterranean and the

the provinces of Seville, Cádiz and

Atlantic, has turned its ports into important


hubs of world maritime traffic. The ports of

Public metropolitan transport in

Andalusia give, in the western part towards the

Andalusia depends on different

Atlantic and in its eastern part towards the

committees that combine bus transport and metropolitan train services. The bus service is served by companies that carry out a public service to the community.

Mediterranean, being an autonomous

community with access to both.The ports are in

the five coastal provinces of the region

(Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almería)

The metropolitan trains are operated by and in Seville, since it has the Guadalquivir

Renfe in the nuclei of Cádiz, Seville, river, which flows into San Lúcar de

Malaga and Córdoba. Trams and Barrameda, in the province of Cádiz. There is a

subways are operated by the Board, total amount of 58 ports in the Andalusian

through public companies coastal: 2 in Seville, 2 in Granada, 15 in

Urban railway: Regarding suburban rail Almería, 15 in Malaga, 22 in Cadiz, and 17 in transport, Andalusia has three commuter

Huelva. hubs operated by Renfe that serve the


Services related to the


touristic transportation

Cars Tanks to the car as way of transport the tourists has the ability to organize and develop their

itineraries and activity patterns without being dependent upon existing transportation provision


An itinerary is a method of

analyzing how a tourist travels from an origin to a destination, including the routes they travel along, the stopping points, and

activity patterns. The major international car rental companies have offices in most Andalusian cities and at the major airports

such as Málaga Airport. However, the smaller local car rental companies tend to be less expensive. It's advisable to reserve a

rental car online before arriving, particularly during peak periods.

More visitors rent cars in Spain than in any other European

country and a hefty percentage of these are in Andalusia. Car rental in southern Spain is the most economic in Europe due to

the volume and strong competition. Some rental car companies in Andalusia are: Keddy by Eurocar ABIS THRIFTY CAR RENTALE

nterprise rent a car SixtFirefly car rentalKayakHertzsTui car AlamoMaggioreDollar

Taxis The significant economic contribution made by the taxi industry to tourism is widely acknowledged since taxis

comprise an element of the transport component of the tourism system. Taxis play an important role in urban

tourism because they provide a means of access between major facilities, attractions and accommodation. In

Andalusia there are 190 taxi companies: 12 in Almería, 10 in Cordoba, 9 in Huelva, 77 in Malaga, 13 in Cadiz, 28

in Granada, 6 in Jaen and 35 in Seville. In the next graphic we can see the number of taxis in each of the

provinces of Andalusia.


List of Bus companies in Andalusia Alsina Graells Sur Auto Transportes San Sebastián Bacoma Autedia - Maestra Autocares Bonal Linebus/Auro Granadina Autedia Automóviles M. Muñoz Automobiles Portillo Contreras Comes Rafesa Amarillos Casal Linesur Automóviles Casado S.L.


Los Amarillos S.L.

It is one of the best ways to travel in southern Spain since there is a frequent service between the main towns in Andalucia and also day and overnight services to and from Madrid. Buses are the best way to get into the surrounding villages of the andalusian towns. The bus and coach services are operated by different private bus companies that we will mention below. The cities of Andalusia have different busses. The network of buses in each city are basically composed by:

City Buses: Those which itineraries are only inside the city Busses serving the different monuments of the cities (i.e The Mezquita in Cordoba, - The Alhambra in Granada, …). They follow touristic bus routes City-Airport Busses Metropolitan Busses: They offer the service from the main city (i.e. Almeria, Granada, Cádiz) to to metropolitan areas (Santa fe in Granada, La Puebla de calla in Sevilla) Intercity buses: These buses connect one city to another (in or outside Andalusia) Busses serving closer touristic villages (The Alpujarra in Granada Ssome of the services that buses offer are: Transportation, Wifi acces, Snacks and Drinks, luggage compartment, electrical outlet and toilet


TRAIN TRASNPORTANTION International Trains to France and Portugal: International trains from France terminate at either Barcelona or Madrid. The

overnight sleeper trains from France were discontinued in December 2013 and

replaced by high speed day trai.

AVE premium high-speed trains: AVE stands for Alta Velocidad Española and literally means ‘Spanish High

Speed’. And fittingly for a super speedy rail service that sees itself as a strong competitor for air travel. You

may notice a bird as part of the AVE logo! AVE trains can reach an impressive speed of up to 310kms/hour.

The AVE also operates between some of the major cities in Andalucia, passing through stations including:

Seville, Cordoba, Malaga, Granada and Antequera. There are three classes are available: Preferente, Turista

Plus and Turi

Fast long-distance and medium-distance trains Alvia is the name of high-speed services which connect the major cities of Andalucia with the Spanish

capital, Madrid. The trains are made up from the RENFE Class 130 units. The convention track from then

on, cleverly changing over the train's gauge, and offering passengers a more comfortable journey and

shorter travelling times. The main difference with the AVE is the speed it is a lil bit lower in speed.

Altaria is the name of high-speed services (though not as fast as the AVE or Alvia) which connect

Algeciras with the Spanish capital, Madrid. The trains are made up from a RENFE locomotive pulling

Talgo passenger carriages. (Talgo Class IV, VI, VII.) The Madrid to Algeciras route, use AVE track as far as

Antequera Santa Ana, and then the convention track from then on to Algeciras, cleverly changing over the


train's gauge, and offering passengers a more comfortable journey and shorter travelling times.Talgo is the

name of high-speed services (though not as fast as the AVE or Alvia or Altaria) which connects Almeria with

Madrid. The trains are made up from RENFE locomotive pulling Talgo passenger carriages.

Avant trains are fast (250 km/h) medium-distance trains which run on the AVE track. In Andalucia, they

circulate between Seville, Cรณrdoba and Mรกlaga and in late 2019 hopefully Granada. Regional stopping

medium distance (MD) less expensive trains also serve these cities on the older iberian gauge lines.

Avant services in Andalusia Ordinary medium-distance cross country trains Medium Distance (MD) regional trains offer a network of routes between major cities and smaller provincial

towns in Andalucia. The medium-distance services go under various names, the main services between cities

being Intercity (IC), TER and the faster AVANT (on the standard gauge AVE tracks). They may also be called

Regional Express or Rapido (not entirely accurately).

Local trains in Andalusi These trains, which travel at about 75 km/h. offer services into the cities Seville, Malaga

and Cadiz from their suburbs and towns

Some of the services tha trains offer are: on-

board personnel, assisting you in various

languages and to whom you can ask your

questions and request their service throughout

the trip. Cafeteria, menus, mobile bar service,

wifi, entertainment such as TV or radio and

Assistance Service for People with Reduced Mob


METRO SYSTEM They operate in Seville and Malaga. Trams operate in Seville, and used to operate in other cities. There are several modern metro systems in Andalucia in the cities of Sevilla, Malaga, Granada. The Tramvia link from Chiclana to Puerto Real and Cadiz is completed but not yet inaugurated.

The Seville Metro opened in 2008, and is used by an estimated 20 million passengers a year. It is small-scale, using just three passenger coaches, with 22 stations. But it's clean, efficient and regular and has proved a success. It is especially useful, and busy, during Semana Santa and Feria when parking near these events is both scarce and pricey. Line 1 runs east-west, from Ciudad Expo in the Aljarafe (suburbs on the hill beyond Triana) to Montequinto, passing through Los Remedios (Parque los Principes, Plaza Cuba), south of the centre (Puerta Jerez, departure point for many buses lines, and Prado, where you catch the tram), and on to San Bernardo, which offers Cercania (suburban) train services. Its next station is Nervion, where the Sevilla FC, Sanchez Pijuan, is located. It then continues east into residential areas, including Pablo Olavide university. The Line is 18 km long. It runs from 6.30am (7.30am Saturdays and holidays) to 11pm (2am on Friday and holidays). Semana Santa and Feria have special schedules.

The Malaga Metro is a light railway network with two lines which opened in 2014. They cover the areas to the west and south-west of the city. The lines currently terminate at the main line train station and the extension to bring the metro right into the city centre is under construction. Another four lines are planned long-term, for an eventual metro network with a total of six lines. The grey lines shown on the map below are already existing RENFE local train lines called Cercanias which also serve Malaga Airport.

The Granada Metro is a Light Metro or Trams, because only three stops are underground. The average speed, that includes stops at metro stations, is approximately 20 kilometers per hour, with a 20 second stop. Each train will have air conditioning, video surveillance cameras and capacity for 200 people. The Granada 16km-line crosses Granada from north to south and also connects the towns of Albolote and Maracena (north-east), and Armilla (south-east). The line serves 26 stations in total, of which just three - Méndez Núñez, Recogidas, and Alcázar del Genil - are located underground in central Granada, close to the River Genil. Among- the service metro offers are: Transportation, interactive map of the transport network, the zones enabled in the stations and turn on the 'bluetooth' of your mobile phone, the download on the mobile phone of information on fares and schedules of Metro and exclusive machines for bank recharge in the subway statio



Cruises The cruise product can take many forms, as tour operators have expanded the

Cruises in Andalusian tourism

market for these products to a mass market, a budget product has emerged where new luxury ships have a higher capacity and so, for people choose to cruise means boarding luxurious thousand-passenger vessels with swimming pools and other sports facilities and activities, a wide variety of bars and restaurants, and live entertainment, to take them in five-star comfort to fascinating, exotic destinations. The product base for cruising comprises both transportation and accommodation and it is nowadays a trend in Andalusia.

Companies which operate cruises departing from Andalusia are: Royal Caribbean, Star Clippers and Pullmantur, P&P, Fred Olsen, Crystal, Thomson, Princess, Phoenix Reisen, Saga, Kristina, Silversea, Royal Caribbean, Voyages of Discovery,

From Andalusia, you can take cruises to: Morocco the Canary Islands

Oceana, Cunard, Azmara, Star Clippers, Disney Cruise Line, and MSC.

Madeira Portugal France Italy

Some of the services ferries offer: Accommodation, transportation, food,


leisure activities, laundry, reception


service 24 hours a day, room service,


bars, restaurants, spa, and childca


Ferries Ferries are used to cross water where it constitutes a barrier to travel. Ferries tend to operate on strategic trade routes with a mix of passenger and freight.

Some of the services ferries can offer: Depending on the type of ferry and the duration of the trip, ferries can count on multiple services that allow you to enjoy a comfortable journey. Passengers can be

Ferries in Andalusia coastal:

accommodated in cabins or in different armchair lounges. Many of our ferries have a restaurant, cafeteria bar and



→ →



shop. The shipping company's ferries can also offer different gastronomic options


on board depending on the ship and the










→ →






The success or failure of a tourist area depends to a large extent on the ancillary services available to it. In times when the demand for tourism changes and is much more demanding, the role played by ancillary services is considered to be of extraordinary importance, where the climate is a determining factor in the use and enjoyment of open spaces and the outdoors. However, there are also many other motivations other than passive leisure, rest for the sake of rest, which induce and at the same time attract tourists to undertake a journey, or are conceived as a complement and alternative for the hours when they are away from their holiday routine. The ancillary services of a certain place are composed by all those attractions that we can find in the area and that motivate the visit of the tourists, such as: Restaurants Bars Theatres Sports facilities Practicing a sport, shopping, visiting a museum, watching a show, enjoying a good meal, having a few drinks, going on an excursion, dancing until dawn, playing a few euros at roulette or simply sitting down among friends for a good chat, are activities that require good ancillary services.


On the other hand, the ancillary services can be very varied and even new modalities can arise with the course of time, according to the new demands of the tourist. At the moment, the following division is in use: Sports offer:

- Ski resorts: since the beginning of this sport in Norway, all ski resorts have hosted a lot of tourist activity due to the number of athletes who move to these areas to practice this discipline. - Marinas: the practice of water sports continues to be a growing trend throughout the developed world, with the consequent rise of marinas. - Golf courses: golf tourism is acquiring great importance in recent years, both because of the growth in the number of golfers and because of the wealth it generates.


Theme parks: they are tourist attractions that are established on the animated basis of one or two specific themes; this animation consists of the more active participation of the visitor by means of movable installations, and the themes can be very diverse. These are really new leisure centres where we can find cinemas, restaurants and children's attractions, along with shopping centres and hotels. We try to offer the visitor different types of entertainment and amusements.

Natural parks: natural parks are little transformed by human exploitation or occupation. In these parks, entry is facilitated with the necessary limitations to ensure the protection of both tourists and the parks themselves. Companies specialized in the cultural and congresses, conventions and fairs offer:

- Cultural offer: theatres and museums. - Gastronomic offer: restaurants and bars. A certain segment of tourists travel mainly motivated by cultural enrichment; these clients make short stays and are very flexible in combining culture with other motivations. Examples: Visits to museums and exhibitions. - Cultural events such as music festivals, movies, theaters, concerts. - Participation in courses and seminars (outside the usual residence). - Gastronomic events. - Visits for professional reasons (congresses and conventions).


In this way, the main characteristic of the ancillary services in Andalusia is determined by its great diversity and by the growth in recent years. From a descriptive point of view, it is difficult to identify each and every one of the activities that could be included within it. In fact, it is easier to define them as they are not: "those companies that are preferably oriented to provide a specific service to tourists to satisfy their motivations and that, therefore, are neither accommodation, nor hotel or travel agency". The important growth that the rest of the Andalusian tourist supply has had can be appreciated both from the quantitative and qualitative point of view, also producing a greater diversification of the sector. The offer of shows, amusement parks (in its most diverse forms), museums and exhibitions, nature activities (horse riding, 4x4, hiking), entertainment companies, marketing support, tourist services, etc. has grown.


The relative youth of this offer, by responding to the new demands of the tourist demand, congregates an eminently dynamic and local sector, which offers unbeatable expectations of growth and diversification for the coming years.


Andalusia is a privileged destination for the practice of all kinds of sports; the magnificent climate conditions and the quality of the sports facilities available, make the Andalusian region a preferred place for the celebration of sports activities and events. There is no other Spanish region with more days of sunshine all year round, with the largest number of golf courses, where you can practice sports in the mountains, at sea, in urban areas, etc., and whose sports facilities are the envy of the nation, both in terms of quality and number. The Andalusian Community is a perfect destination for the tourism-sports binomial.All these sports will be practiced with the maximum security measures, specialized monitors, adequate luggage, and always respecting nature. In addition, there are many active tourism companies that provide complete holiday packages that include accommodation, the start or practice of these sports, the corresponding insurance, the necessary equipment and transport to the places of practice.


Sierra Nevada Ski Station

Your best "sportive" you

We must not forget to mention the Sierra Nevada resort; it is the most southern ski resort in Europe, which houses the highest peaks of the Iberian Peninsula, only 100 km from the Mediterranean Sea. This environmental paradise has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, and also has the status of a Natural Park. Sierra Nevada is an ideal destination for family skiing, but it also offers a sports scene for young people and new snow disciplines such as snowboarding and freestyle. Below, we show you the websites of some of the companies mentioned above for more information:




Andalusia is well known all over the world for its golf courses: it is the leader in Europe with over 100 golf courses ; most of them are located in the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz. The two best golf courses in Spain are also in Andalusia: R.C.G. Valderrama, in Sotogrande (Cádiz), considered the “best 18 holes golf course” in Spain; and Finca Cortesín Golf Club, located in Casares (Costa del Sol, Málaga). Due to the high quality of its golf courses, Costa del Sol is also known as “Costa del Golf”.

Graph of own elaboration. (Source:

Your best "golf" you

Graph of own elaboration. (Source: SAETA, Public Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia).


BUSINESS AND CONGRESSES Andalusia is among the top three MICE destinations in Spain; each province has at least one Palace or Congress Centre and stands out in the organisation of International Events of the main MICE, SITE, EMEC, MPI Associations. The Autonomous Community offers the highest number ant the best quality related to infrastructures and buildings for these kind of tourism. Once again, the good climate is a bonus for it as well.

Graph of own elaboration. (Source:

Your best "congresses and meetings" you


Graph of own elaboration. (Source:


Graph of own elaboration. (Source: SAETA, Public Company Tourism and Sport of Andalusia).

Among the wide variety of natural landscapes we can also find natural thermal waters, spas, arabic baths, mud treatments‌ More than 90% of Andalusian 5-star hotels offer health and wellness services, a figure that reaches 46% in the case of four-star hotels. The rest of the non-hotel offer (23%) corresponds mainly to the Andalusian infrastructure of spas, thermal stations or other facilities.

Your best "health and wellness" you

Health Resorts Graph of own elaboration. (Source: SAETA, Public Company


Tourism and Sport of Andalusia).

FLAMENCO SHOWS AND FESTIVALS Flamenco is considered an art with more than two centuries of history, a history linked to singing, thus contributing to the essence of flamenco, incorporating the magic of the tablaos along with the guitar and dance. Granada, Jerez de la Frontera and Seville form the points of origin of flamenco. Southern Spain is characterized as the cradle of flamenco. Its stages have been responsible for launching the great cast of artists, creating the flamenco spirit. There are very good flamenco shows all around Andalusia as well as flamenco schools and festivals where people can get to know this aspect of the Andalusian culture and also learn from it. There are even studies of flamencology, such as the Professorship at the University of Seville, which aims to strengthen the Andalusian identity with all its elements, including flamenco. Two very good examples of the festivals mentioned above are: Jerez (de la Frontera) Flamenco Festival and Seville Biennial.

Such is the magnitude that flamenco has achieved, that it has been declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. For more information, you can visit the following link:

More Information About Flamenco

Flamenco map of Andalusia. Main styles of singing (“cantes�) by province.

Map of own elaboration. (Source:


SHOPPING: LUXURY TOURISM Andalusia has numerous craft workshops, shopping centres full of exclusive shops and street markets, mobile stands of all kinds that are set up once a week in all the municipalities of Andalusia, where you can find everything from seasonal fruit and vegetables to antiques, crafts and jewellery, one of the best options to take away with you those products that identify the way of being and living so peculiar to this region. As an example of it, in Granada we can find the biggest shopping centre in Europe, lots of craft workshops among the municipalities of this province and street markets as well. However, the main exponents of the craft workshops can be found in Seville, located in the popular districts of Triana and Santa Cruz.

Nevada Shopping Center (Granada)

Ceramic Stand (Purullena, Granada)

Market Street (Guadix, Granada)

McArthurGlen Official Website

As a result of the growing boom of this type of tourism and an increasingly demanding tourist segment, on 13 February 2020 the "Designer Outlet Malaga" shopping centre opened its doors in Mรกlaga. This complex was developed by the McArthurGlen group, one of the largest specialists in the management and development of outlet spaces in Europe. It has become the main outlet in southern Spain and one of the largest national outlets, where you can find luxury stores recognized internationally, such as Birkenstock, Hawkers, Hugo Boss, Karl Lagerfeld, Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren, Sandro and Scalpers. 66

LEISURE AND NIGHTLIFE Andalusia's wide range of tourist attractions also includes various leisure parks as an important point of interest for visitors. Water parks to enjoy with the family during the summer season; amusement and theme parks, where you can enjoy like a child feeling the emotions and getting to know the culture and customs in a theatrical way; and zoological and botanical parks, where you can share space with all kinds of animals and get to know the flora and fauna of Andalusia.Some examples of these tourist attractions are:

Isla Mágica (Magic Island) in Seville TivoliWorld in Malaga

If after spending a long day in an amusement park you are looking for more fun, Andalusia also has a wide range of bars, pubs and large discos where you can enjoy both live music shows and monologues offered by great artists.

Premier Garden Cocktail Bar (Sevilla)

Styles Music Bar (Torremolinos)

Oasis MiniHollywood in Almería Bioparc Fuengirola in Malaga Selwo Marina Benalmádena in Malaga

Tablao Flamenco “La Alboreá” (Granada) 67


There is no doubt that Spain is the best country in Europe to see the sky; many of the places from which to enjoy a starry sky are in Andalusia, as a good night sky requires low humidity and altitude conditions, conditions that are found in this region and which also has state-of-the-art facilities in the Sierra de los Filabres and Sierra Nevada. In San Fernando (Cádiz) there is the Royal Navy Observatory, a pioneer in the introduction of astronomy in Spain. In Málaga, there is the observatory of the Principia Centre and the Torcal de Antequera Observatory. In Jaén, the planetarium located in the emblematic Hospital de Santiago de Úbeda, the Fresnedilla de la Sierra de Cazorla observatory, the Observatorio Andaluz de Astronomía (Andalusian Astronomy Observatory), in Alcalá la Real, and the Cosmolarium del Castillo de Hornos. In Seville, the Planetarium of the Casa de la Ciencia. And in Granada, in addition to the Sierra Nevada observatory, the inescapable Parque de las Ciencias and the La Sagra observatory, in

Discover the best sky in Europe

Quality map of the Andalusian night sky.

Image source: Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Planning.

Bortle scale levels to measure the quality of the night sky.


Image source: Sky Glow Project


The cinema constitutes a first class resource for the tourist promotion of Andalusia, since both the capture of films and the attraction of visitors based on these motivations behave as a complement to the traditional offer of the destination, by providing a plus of quality and differentiation, offering the traveller who visits the community new and unique experiences.

Film Destination

Such is the magnitude reached by this tourist resource that in 2017 the number and importance of film shoots increased and the "Great Route of Cinema" was launched, which allows visitors to tour the specific locations of the films shot in the community. From international shoots such as “Game of Thrones”, “Terminator” or “The Crown”, to national shoots such as “The Plague (La Peste)” or “Between two waters (Entre dos aguas)”; there are countless successful audiovisual productions that during the last year (2018) have taken place in Andalusia. In fact, the community has become the leader in national fiction filming, which is the gateway to other higher level productions.

Official Website: Andalusia, a film destination


Graph of own elaboration. (Source:


"Andalusia, your roots" has three main aspects: the tourism 'Halal', which in Cรณrdoba is advancing in the last years, the Sephardic tourism and the Ibero-American linking. The attractions of these packages are focused on the return to the land of the ascendants, through the heritage that these roots have left. This project ranges from guided routes to workshops on Andalusian cuisine, as well as visits to craftsmanship and Halal spaces, tours of Andalusian Jewish quarters and stops at Kosher and Israeli restaurants. You can find more information about this project in the following links:

Jewish Quarter (Lucena, Cรณrdoba)

"Halal" Food (Granaada)

Discover your roots in Andalusia

Official Websitwe: Andalusia, Your Roots 70


In Andalusia there are 34 ports for sports use, as well as other minor complementary facilities such as shelters, marinas and jetties, distributed along the coastline and river and lake shores. The greatest concentration is on the Mediterranean coast, which is more developed for tourism.

The special characteristics of the Andalusian territory, the existence of an extensive network of trails, forest roads and publicly owned cattle trails for the realization of routes, and the long equestrian tradition of the Autonomous Community converge to provide this specific tourism with an undoubted growth potential. From a strictly business tourism point of view and the need to regulate these activities, the use of horses in tourist packages has not yet reached the dimension that the sector expects, and there is a certain lack of definition when it comes to establishing the relationship between these activities and the tourism sector.

Jerez de la Frontera, equestrian historical tour

Nautical Tourism in Malaga



SUMMARY Given its geographical location and cultural richness, it is not surprising that Andalusia has become one of the most complete and attractive destinations in the world. The region has always been one of the most emblematic places in Spain and today it is claimed to be one of the most popular for tourism. The open and welcoming character of its people, the rich historical, artistic and cultural heritage, the climate, its many beaches, the gastronomy, the cities and towns, are all points of attraction for tourism. The brilliant Islamic, Renaissance and, above all, Baroque architecture of its most important buildings, its castles, fortresses and monasteries, scattered throughout its surface, complete a heritage of enormous importance. The homeland of Velázquez, Murillo and Picasso has canvases, sculptures, jewellery, images and archaeological remains that are scattered throughout cathedrals, museums, churches, convents and palaces as guardians of a powerful artistic development. The variety of “fiestas” (festivals) and celebrations in Andalusia is as wide as its geography, and its calendar is a veritable encyclopaedia where the arts and customs of its peoples are summarised. The carnivals start the series noisily, subverting the daily roles with humour and irony. At Easter, the temples take their most valuable treasures out in procession to accompany the images of the Passion, following an itinerary that is faithfully repeated every year. The festivity of Corpus Christi is the reason for a brilliant parade. The May Crosses spectacularly combine the religious and the profane. The “Fiesta de los Toros” (Bullfights Festivals) is of fundamental importance in Andalusia because of its deep roots, and for three quarters of the year bullfights are held in its many squares, coinciding with the local fairs, where people dance and sing to the sound of guitars. Flamenco is the most genuine expression of Andalusian folklore. Their ceramics and pottery, artistic metalwork and jewellery, leather work for shoes or saddlery, handcrafted textile production, ranging from blankets to embroidery and shawls, and a whole range of skills including furniture, vegetable fibres, bookbinding, stone and marble work and musical instruments, among others, have achieved great renown. The diversification of the offer and its segmentation is working well for Andalusia. Another key point is the attendance of the Autonomous Community to the national and international tourism fairs and congresses as it’s essential for the growth of this market, and to build up relationships and deals with other 72



WHAT IS A TOURIST ATTRACTION? To define this concept, which is so important in the Tourism Industry, we will use the following definition given by the World Tourism Organization: "A physical or cultural feature of a particular place that individual travellers or tourists perceive as capable of meeting one or more of their specific leisure-related needs. Such features may be ambient in nature (eg. climate, culture, vegetation or scenery), or they may be specific to a location, such as a theatre performance, a museum or a waterfall".

The tourism industry generates substantial economic benefits to both host countries and tourists home countries. Especially in developing countries, one of the primary motivations for a region to promote itself as a tourism destination is the expected economic improvement. Tourist attractions can: Contribute to government revenues, direct contributions are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism. Employment and tourism businesses, and by direct levies on tourists such as departure taxes. Provide employment. Stimulate infrastructure investment. Contribute to local economies. Provide foreign exchange earnings.


SOME EXAMPLES OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS ARE: Natural Beauty Tourist Attractions: beaches, tropical island resorts with coral reefs, hiking and camping in national parks, mountains, deserts and forests. Cultural tourist attractions: Historical places, monuments, ancient temples, zoos, aquaria, museums and art galleries, botanical gardens, buildings and structures (e.g., castles, libraries, former prisons, skyscrapers, bridges), theme parks and carnivals, living history museums, signs, ethnic enclave communities, historic trains and cultural events. Factory tours, industrial heritage, creative art and crafts workshops.


SEVILLE Located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, Seville is heir to a rich Arab legacy and a prosperous past with its commercial port with the Americas. The Andalusian capital exudes joy and hustle and bustle in each of the streets and squares that make up its historic centre, which is home to an interesting collection of World Heritage buildings and very traditional neighbourhoods. Seville has a wide range of hotel rooms distributed throughout the city centre, which will allow you to discover the countless attractions that the city has to offer. Museums and art centres, theme parks, cinemas, theatres and party halls are just some of the endless leisure possibilities that a great city like Seville has to offer. Not to mention the numerous terraces, tascas and bars where you can practice one of the most deeply rooted and delicious customs of the city: "tapeo". Another great tourist attraction of the city are its festivals. Declared of International Tourist Interest, Easter and the April Fair reflect the devotion and folklore of the people of Seville, who are always open and friendly to visitors.Â

Let's see more deeply what are the characteristics that make the Andalusian capital, one of the major tourist attractions of the country:


Official Webpage: Visit Seville

GOOD INFRAESTRUCTURES: Seville has its own international airport, Seville-San Pablo Airport, which is located 10 km northwest of the city centre.A large majority of airlines, both cheap and conventional flights, have Seville as their destination. The city has the SevilleSanta Justa Station, located in the city of Seville, which is reached by the high-speed train or AVE.Seville also has an excellent network of roads and highways connected to the other capitals of Andalusia, Spain and Portugal.On the other hand, you can also travel by coach with some of the most popular companies in Spain and Europe, such as Alsa, Eurolines, Unionbus, Condama or Socibús, among others.Finally, there are a good number of tourist cruises that travel along the Guadalquivir River to the port of Seville, the latter being considered first class.

GASTRONOMY: Sevillian gastronomy is characterized by a strong presence of Spanish tapas, the simplicity of cooking and the seasoning that is added to its dishes. Some of the star dishes of the Sevillian cuisine are: the famous huevos a la flamenca, the Andalusian gazpacho or the pescaito frito. As for the typical sweets and desserts of Seville, first of all the popular "torrijas" at Easter, "polvorones", "mantecados" and "alfajores" from Estepa, province of Seville, are never missing in Spanish homes during Christmas As for the typical sweets and desserts of Seville, first of all the popular "torrijas" at Easter, "polvorones", "mantecados" and "alfajores" from Estepa, province of Seville, are never missing in Spanish homes during Christmas.

TRANSPORTATION ON THE CITY: To move around Seville we can choose from five different options: bus, car, taxi, metro or bicycle. However, moving around the city on foot is very easy and pleasant, and it is also an excellent way to visualize the beautiful landscape it offers to the tourist.


CULTURAL TOURIST ATTRACTIONS: The history and culture of Seville is undoubtedly the greatest tourist attraction of this province. Some of them are : the Giralda, the Cathedral, Reales Alcázares (Arabic Palace), the Torre del Oro, the Patio de los Naranjos, the Maestranza (bull-ring), the Casa de Pilatos, the Plaza de España, the María Luisa Park, the Maestranza theatre, the Saint Telmo Palace, the Archivo de las Indias (Indian Archives), the Barrio de Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz district in the city centre), the Lonja, the Palacio Arzobispal (Archbishop's Palace), the Fábrica de Tabacos (Tobacco Factory), Town Hall, the Dueñas Palace, the Don Fadrique tower, the City Walls, the Macarena Basilica, the Fine Art Museum, the Contemporary Art museum, the Alameda de Hércules, the Barrio de Triana (Triana district), the bridges over the Guadalquivir, the Cartuja and monastery and the site of Expo 92, the buildings from the Universal exhibition in 1929, the Casa de Luca de Tena, the patios of its traditional houses, the balconies and railings, as well as an endless number of churches, convents and other details which convert the ancient city centre into an open-air museum.

BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES: The province of Seville is a mosaic of cultures whose roots are buried in the remote past. The great river basin of the Guadalquivir, the Sierra Morena mountains and the marshes of the Doñana Nature Reserve offer visitors a scenic map of extensive wetlands, and a sanctuary for a variety of birdlife; you can explore mountain paths among lush Mediterranean vegetation, contemplate the fighting bulls grazing in pastures dotted with ancient holm oaks, or lose yourself in gently sloping lands with inviting villages and monumental cities which are living testimony to a historic past of unparalleled splendour.

TRADITIONAL AND CULTURAL CELEBRATIONS April Fair: The “Feria de Abril”, also known as “Feria de Sevilla”, is a local festival in Seville that consists of a series of booths and attractions set up on a fairground site. It is the most important fair in the autonomous community of Andalusia and one of the most attractive for tourism in Spain. The Feria de Abril is one of the best opportunities to enjoy two of Spain's typical dances: flamenco and sevillanas.

Seville April Fair Easter Holy Week is a religious festival that commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Christ and takes place between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday in March or April.During the Sevillian Holy Week, up to sixty brotherhoods parade in procession to the Cathedral of Seville. It is one of the great spring festivals in the city and has been declared of International Tourist Interest, as well as being the most important celebration of Holy Week in all of Spain.

Seville Holy Week




Seville has always attracted tourists because of the fact that it is a city rich in history, with a wide mix of palaces, horsedrawn carriages and tapas bars; but tourism has not always been considered important by its citizens, despite the fact that currently the 15% of the city's economy comes from tourism. As a consequence of the crisis in 2011, a series of measures and strategies were taken to improve the tourism sector. Some of these measures were specific to the tourism sector, others were more extensive to improve the city, both for visitors and residents. Some of the strategies were:




Collect and analyze data: Different agencies collected data on tourism, but there was no central control point where macro-trends could be discovered and monitored. This was crucial for understanding demand and for future planning. The result was the Centre for Integrated Tourism Data Management, which is responsible for identifying trends and proposing ways to quickly capitalize on them. Working with airlines: As the airline industry contracted after the financial crisis, tourist arrivals also suffered a major downturn. Seville airport embarked on a major program to attract airlines and passengers. In 2014, a quality plan was launched with more than 4.4 million euros invested in more than 100 initiatives, including: a new lounge, automatic boarding card readers and the renovation of boarding halls. The number of passengers has increased steadily and the airport is looking for new routes from as far away as China.

Graphs Source: IECA


Seville is the only inland destination in Spain that hosts cruise ships due to the width of the Guadalquivir River, but the passenger port lacked facilities. A new and innovative terminal was built to create a multipurpose space that could be used to host exhibitions when the cruise ships were not in port. Since the financial crisis, cruise ship arrivals have increased almost every year to more than once a week. Other major infrastructure projects have also benefited the tourism sector: key sections of the old town have been pedestrianised and a new tram line has been built to connect the main attractions with the bus terminal. Significant investment was made in new bicycle lanes to allow fast and safe car-free travel through the city.


The old town of Seville is full of streets and squares with a lot of atmosphere, but it is easy to get crowded. Therefore, measures were taken to improve the flow and distribution of tourists. Seville was one of the first to adopt the new bicycle lanes and city bikes. At first, the Sevici city bike program was only available to residents, but soon after its launch it was opened to visitors. Cycling has been very popular and local tourist companies offer a large number of bicycle tours. New businesses have also emerged to support bicycle use. Bicycle lanes make it easier for tourists to access less visited areas of the city. Another way to encourage tourists to continue exploring is to create themed trails with free maps. Trails are being created for lovers of gastronomy and history and an application has been created for visitors to Seville that includes tours and descriptions of key sites in several languages. 81


Developing tourist sites beyond borders: Scattering tourists outside the historical centre will only work if there are tourist attractions. Several projects have been conceived, some of which are intended to encourage restoration for residents. Metropol Parasol, a spectacular high level footbridge over an underground museum, was built in the area of Plaza de la Encarnación. It's certainly one of the best views for visitors today. And in the Triana neighborhood across the river, which attracted relatively few visitors, two new museums were created. The Centro Cerámica Triana celebrates the craftsmanship of the city's ceramic industry, while the Inquisición Española museum delves into the macabre history of one of Spain's most feared institutions.


Stimulating global demand: Raising Seville's profile around the world was a significant way of driving growth. Thematic events were presented such as the Seville Tourism Week, a year that celebrates the 400th anniversary of the birth of the artist Murillo and the week of the Sevillian tapas. Working with regional cities such as Cordoba and Granada is a key part of the plan, under the slogan "Alma Andaluza". As well as, business visitors also represent a great importance towards the economy. In 2018 Seville hosted the ABTA Travel Conference, one of the UK's largest events for the tourism sector, and the city hosts over 40 events each year at its FIBES conference centre.


CONCLUSION Tanks to those strategies, nowadays Seville is considered a city in which new hotels of big firms are constantly appearing and also there are a big amount of tourist apartments, which are concentrated in the center and Triana. In Seville, the socioeconomic impact of tourism is increasing and, moreover, it is concentrated in few hands and in the same place. One of the most impressive recent awards for Seville was to be named "Lonely Planet's most visited city" in 2018. The number of visitors continues to increase, representing almost 35% between 2014 and 2018. This is promoting an increasing number of jobs. The number of rooms available in the city's tourist accommodations increased by more than 18% in 2018, which has led to a significant increase in employment. Currently there are more than 30% jobs in the accommodation sector and almost 20% more in the food and beverage sector. As we can see below in the next graphic, last year Seville was the third city most visited in Andalusia. Furthermore in 2019 the number of visitors in Seville suffered an increase of 10% over the previous year. This made it position itself as the leader in terms of the increase of visitors in relation to the rest of the provinces and above the average of the community.

(Graph of own elaboration)


How will Covid-19 affect the tourism of Seville?


Nowadays, with a continuous growth on the visitors number and hotel occupation in Seville on the last months, waiting happily the "Semana Santa" and April Fair, COVID-19 has destroyed a sector which represents the 17% of the GDP of the capital. The hotel occupation in April 2019 was about 87%, three points bigger than 2018, figures larger than the Andalusian average (66%) and national (65%). Tourist apartments also grew on similar percentages, placing themselves on almost the 80% (Seville Tourism Data Center). Although the exact numbers about the lost are unknown, a tough impact is predicted. In fact, there are a lot of companies which have invoked the ERTE (around 50000 affected people on the entire province) in order to face the expenses that this exceptional situation is causing; other companies have given the opportunity to their employees to have holidays.

Due to the renting payment, suppliers and the possibility on the prolongation of the quarantine, restaurants as well as bars are rethinking their reopening. For the hospitality sector, the celebration of the events mentioned before involve between the 30% and 40% on the annual income, as well as the generation of 15% of the direct employment. This fact shows the huge importance this sector has on this city and how fundamental is it for the tourist sector.


Taking advantage of this new situation, the city council and the business sector are settling a new strategy of intervention on the Seville’s brand which may allows them to recover themselves after this health crisis. From the Consistorio, a postponement on the "Feria de Abril" (April Fair) to the second fortnight of September has been proposed, which would involve a great relief for a big amount of companies. Apart from this, they have rescheduled the other fairs, congresses and cultural agenda, as well as a will on recuperating the lost flight connections, one of the key elements of the Tourism on Nervión. In addition, the Consistorio has pointed the interest to convert the city into a smart tourist destination, to renew it, in order to keep up with the expectations of the new times.

Undoubtedly, this is not the only solution: construction projects of hotels and apartments which were performed have been stopped, awaiting for positive developments.

To sum up, this recent health crisis does not affect just one or another sector; it is a problem which affects all the population. 86


87 O%20TURISTICO.pdf m anjeros_2018.pdf df rismo.pdf


89 sequence=1&isAllowed=y


Decree 47/2004, of 10 February, on Hotel Establishments: s/.galleries/descargas-normativas/Texto_consolidado_Decreto_472004_10_febrero_23_11_2016.pdf client=safari&rls=en&q=diferentes+medios+de+transporte+de+car%C3%A1cter+tur%C3%ADs tico+y+los+servicios+ligados+a+ellos.&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 client=safari&rls=en&q=diferentes+tipos+de+medios+de+transporte+de+car%C3%A1cter+tur %C3%ADstico+que+operan+en+Andaluc%C3%ADa.&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 CodOper=b3_6&idNode=6098




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