Noise control and hearing protectors - Dr. Samir N.Y. Gerges

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Curso tutorial INGEACUS 2017 “Noise control and hearing protectors” PhD. Samir N.Y. Gerges. Cupos: 30 personas. Requisitos: Idioma inglés o portugués. Horario: miércoles 22 de noviembre desde las 14:20 hrs. Lugar: Edificio 9000, pabellón docente, Auditorio INGEACUS 2017. Contenidos: •

Acoustic parameters and sound propagation. • Effects of noise and vibration on humans. • Noise measurement equipment. • Sound radiation from vibrating structures. • Sound Isolation. • Materials for sound absorption. • Sound propagation in rooms and open air.

Noise Control technology and Machinery Noise control. • Noise control strategies. • Noise control at the source, path or trajectory, and workers or receivers. • Enclosures calculation. • Noise control for fans and exhaust systems, motors, pumps, compressed air, values, cooling towers, etc.

Hearing protectors. • Types of performance of hearing protectors. • Noise attenuation characteristics measured at the laboratory, and real world attenuation. • Double protection. • Effect of hearing protector usage time over total daily dose reduction. • Selection of hearing protectors.

Maestro: Samir N.Y. Gerges obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Cairo University in 1964 and his MSc in 1970. Obtained his PhD from ISVR, Southampton University, UK in 1974. Post-­doctoral research fellow from

1974 to 1978 at ISVR, Southampton University and Sussex University in the UK. Five years of experience in the aeronautical industry from 1964 to 1969. Professor of the noise and vibration since 1978 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Acoustics and Vibration, Brazil, where he teaches acoustics, noise control and signal processing for undergraduate and postgraduate students. His current interests include aircraft noise and vibration, hearing protectors, experimental and numerical vibro-­acoustics analysis for aircraft, vehicle and industrial applications and general room acoustics. Founder of the Industrial Noise laboratory (LARI) at UFSC and supervisor of LARI. Technical Projects coordinator with FORD, GM, EMBRAER, FIAT, and other for NVH and Sound Quality. He has published a book “Noise: Fundamental and Control” in the Portuguese (1st edition in 1992 and 2nd edition in 2000 – 700 pages) and in Spanish languages in1998. Also a 700 A4 page book on Automotive Noise and Vibration 2000. Founder member of the Brazilian Acoustical Society (SOBRAC) in 1983. He was President from 1994 to 1997 and again from 2000-­2002. Editor of the SOBRAC Journal. Founder member and currently Vice President of the Ibero-­american Federation of Acoustics -­ FIA (A joint 7 acoustical societies: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Portugal and Spain). He is a member of IIAV board director (Fellow member 1999), INCE-­USA (Professional recognition) and ASA. “Non-­Tenured Faculty Awards” from 3M. Annual award from CIPA Brazilian journal for safety in 1999. Member of World Health Organization (WHO) -­ Geneva working group for elaborating a book on “Evaluation and Control of Noise Exposure in the Work Environment” and author of two chapters – 2001 edition. Fellow’s member of ASA and Ad-­Hoc committee for 144 ASA meeting, 9th IMA and 3rd FIA congress which will be held in CANCUN in December 2002 and 2010. Member of the editorial board of the Noise Control Engineering Journal and International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. Vice president of International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-­INCE) and Past President of International Commission of Acoustics (ICA), 1997-­2000. Member of the International advisory committee for Internoise congress since 2000. Organizer of Internoise 2005. Organizer of Society of Automotive Engineering Brazil NVH congress in 2012, 2010 and 2008. Author of more than 415 papers in journals and congreses.

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