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MARKET ANALYSIS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y & S W I M W E A R M A R K E T:
• The global market for swimwear and beachwear is projected to reach 2.4 billion units worth approximately US$24.3 billion by 2024, driven by the growing affinity for active and healthy lifestyle activities such as swimming, and the strong preference for beachside vacations. Also poised to benefit growth in the market is the launch of multifunctional cover-up swimwear and beachwear designed to double up as semi-casual wear for pool parties and outfoor venues (Global Industry Analysts, 2019)
• “The three main barriers preventing consum-
ers from purchasing sustainable fashion according to the report were: lack of knowledge and visibility of sustainable clothing, the high price attached to sustainable fashion and ‘limited’ style.” (Nini, 2018)
(Statista, 2018)
• The fashion industry is also one of the most polluting industries in the world (Perry, 2018).
• “Sustainability is gaining traction in the fashion world. Consumers, particularly Millennials and Generation Zs, are becoming increasingly aware of the challenges of sustainability, leading to changes in shopping habits and expectations for better, more sustainable products and new ways of consuming fashion.” (Nini, 2018)
• The widespread adoption of Econyl and Repreve by Unifi fibres represents market desire for sustainable alternatives (Seafoam, 2016)
• To the right are a few indie swimwear brands that are gaining traction from providing sustainable swimwear (Redemption Market, 2019)

S U S T A I N A B L E S W I M M A T E R I A L S:

MOST COMMON= Econyl: is an Italian-made nylon crafted from pre-and-post-consumer waste including carpets, plastic scraps and recycled fishing nets (peppermint magazine, 2018). ECONYL® goes after waste containing a high percentage of Nylon 6. Econyl® creates the yarn which Carvico weaves into the softest eco swimwear fabric available offering excellent UV protection. Both Econyl® and Carvico utilize top of the line environmentally certified and accredited technology to manufacture their products. transformed into luxuriously soft lycra (Econyl, n.d.). AKA Recycled Polyamide, Regenerated Nylon Yarn & Vita Lycra

REPREVE Polyester AKA Recycled polyester: is produced with recycled plastic bottles. Using this source, we reduce the plastic waste by giving it a new life (Unifi, n.d.).
Sustainable Swim Textiles:
- Refrains from using PVC which is non-biodegradable - Which prevents: Micro Fibers & Micro Plastics- caused by plastic/oil based textiles entering the water and polluting it as it does not decompose - Are produced ethically - Ideally uses recycled products to up-cycle