The article analysis

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Article analysis

Alexandra Chudinova (Miracle) artist, designer, researcher, art director

American Psychological Association

Introduction Decision strategy Feeling-focused choice Feeling concentration

Structure Abstract Description of the concepts meaning Study cases Results and discussion Conclusion References

Research questions Is the choice based on the feelings or not? Does the true self make the choice meaningful and decision strategy? What is the point of approval the decision?

Aim To define the decision making strategy in designating the choice. Evaluate the chosen options. Build a system of choice based on the feelings.

+ The explanation of meaning: feelings and choice, the true self, attitude certainty, the present investigation. Representing the study cases in the visual format: description, method, results and discussion. Clear and summarised conclusion

Article needs the link on the video how the experiments were made. The results in the preliminary, primary and secondary analysis are better to represent in the comparing graphics than based on the function formula. Conclusion could explain how the findings apply for the life using or business or product design.

Study 1

True self choice is more active than deliberated. The rational based participants are more confident in their choice and taking the role of feeling choice they will be skeptical. Study 2

The manipulation of decision strategy is based on the feeling causing choice and making the critical choice in the form of experimental thinking through instructions and evocation of the true self. Stu]dy 3

The attitude certainty in making a choice based on the control is higher in the feeling interaction than deliberated but deliberation works before feeling in the true self attribution.


What and how people choose

Choice is based on the feelings (feeling-focused choice), the cause of action, true self, personal certain attitudes, compromise, beyond. The personal association (reflection) in deciding to chose the product (vis-a-vis) the true self.

Methods Preliminary analysis Primary analysis Secondary analysis Questionnaire Brief online research posted on Facebook Lab-based study

References The sources are relevant to the described research. The task for experiments are built according to the analysed literature like Mikels, J. A. (2011), Spencer, Zanna (2005). The resources are not just about psychology, social psychology psychotherapy, decision making, marketing.


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