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Liverpool FC
“The Visitor Economy, worth £4.9bn and supporting over 55,500 jobs (2019 figures), continues to develop as a major growth sector bringing both economic benefits and reputational advantage to the City Region. ” [6]
● Social. To stabilise national pride and make public holidays are the good strategy for being intelligent in representing Liverpool’s achievements. ● Technology. Navigation into the city, public wi-fi zones, applications and media tools are good for making the comfortable emotions for the cities and they will recommend this city to anyone else. ● Legal. Visa processes should not be difficult. I,,igrations centers are welcome to visitors to stay longer and being safety in UK. ● Environment [6].
● “Seen as best practice example in terms of its significant heritage value and the catalytic effect the emergence of the Albert Dock has had on the wider regeneration of Liverpool’s waterfront;”
● “It is a high profileAtlantic cultural city and has been transformed since it was designated European Capital of Culture in 2008;”
● UNESCO World Heritage areas;
● The City planning and organisation.
2.2. Microenvironment analysis.
Microenvironment analysis includes the next components:
● Customers - tourists and visitors. Tourist income is £4.93bn per year. 5% increase in the number of visitors comparing with the previous year. The interests are related to the musical and cultural heritage [7]; ● Employees - citizens. Citizens have a good situation in their work. For right now Liverpool suggests no lease than 50, 000 job openings.
Liverpool is open for the work permissions and international students;