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Attractions ● Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral; ● Sefton Park; ● Freshfield Squirrel Reserve; ● John Lennon’s House; ● World Museum.
● Suppliers. Mostly, everything is produced in UK. Italy and China can be found on shelves; ● Shareholders; ● Competitors. In this case Liverpool is considered as a touristic place.
The other cities in UK can be more popular like London, Cambridge and Nottingham. Because of the popularisation. If in London tourists will stay 1 week, in Liverpool for 1-2 days going for the exact places; ● Media. Liverpool has the commercial social media accounts for guiding the tourists.
3. Objectives
3.1. Segmentation, targeting, positioning
Segmentation will be considered by the side of concentrated marketing [8]. Segmentation has a specific parameter by what the ma market will be researched and analysed. In the case of tourism market segmentation is much concrete in psychographic segmentation because tourism makes sense to the emotional behaviour and personal development. Liverpool is interesting for the young auditory because of the culture and musical history. Previous analysis gave the data about the gender and age groups in Liverpool what can be successfully used in marketing strategy. Lifestyle of the city creates the atmosphere and entertainment. It’s possible to observe the city in 5 days. But the economics of the city is interested to invite for a long-term living.
Targeting has a few steps [8]:
A. To describe the niche and product. The niche is tourism in Liverpool; B. Consumers for this nich. People are from the different countries. Why do they want to come to Liverpool? Students are for studying, tourists are for visiting the John Lennon's house, Beatles's places and historical important areas of Liverpool. What is the age of the tourists? Young talents in the age of 18-24; the music aesthetes, 25-30; professionals and experts, 31-35; C. Target Market Perspectives. Individuals and Mass Customisation. Liverpool is comfortable for the individuals and groups;
D. Strategy builds on the next definitions: description, objectives, requirements, expected results. In the next chapter a few strategies will be created.
3.2. Strategies.
StrategyA. Description: the possibility to increase the number of tourists each year. Objectives: to serve the selected areas for the tourists; organise the tenders in organising the events for the tourists. Requirements: state's departments who will control and confirm the activity of the companies; to prepare the survey for the tourists; to realise the maps and posm for the tourists. Expected results: to increase the number of tourists to more than 10% comparing with 2021; the quality of tourists and spending budget has to be more than 8% comparing with 2021.
Strategy B. Description: to improve the prestige of Liverpool in the tourist's rating. Objectives: to select and realise the factors what can improve the prestige. Requirements: to organise the department what will control the city's life and create a plan of developing the city's appearance and confirmed by the Ministry of culture in Liverpool. To create the price policy for the exact areas of Liverpool. Expected results: To take the top place in the rating of most Popular cities for tourists.
Strategy C. Description: to optimise the life of tourists in Liverpool giving them the quality. Objectives: to apply UX (user experience) to all of the consumer way situations from arriving to Liverpool to staying and leaving. Requirements: to create the IT (information technologies) department, what will design the mobile applications and guided programs for the tourists. Expected results: created mobile applications what will guide tourists and recommend the ways of spending their time. For example, "two days of being happy in Liverpool" . Tourists will install the applications and have the timetable and tracks of visiting the places. It will be possible to invite the tourists by the
mobile application, it will optimise the way to collect the statistical data and the form of suggestion them the good quality with a lot of benefits. Tourists will be happy to get “all included” service without any additional expenses on it.
3.3. SWOT analysis Marketing strategy
SWOT has to be after the targeting, because, firstly the niche has to be described and just after that it will be possible to evaluate the system. Researching one strategy C:
● Strengths; ○ To optimise the pathway of tourists in Liverpool; ○ To guarantee the possibility to be safety to the tourists because of control; ○ To improve the quality of the city's service; ○ To increase the sales of mobile provider. ● Weaknesses ○ Internet connection; ○ Buying the city's sim cards. ● Opportunities ○ To create the new mobile internet system and increase the sales; ○ To optimise the city's service processes and finding the way ● Threats ○ Permission for the personal tourist's data; ○ Stabilise the network.
3.3. Marketing mix(es) Implementation/Action programs
This chapter has a gain to create the strategic marketing programme.
Definition. Digital and Creative boards have to be included into the strategy C. The main problem that:
1. Not all people know the reason of coming to Liverpool; 2. Tourists don't know how to spend their time in Liverpool;
3. No statistical data about the tourists; 4. The guarantee in Pandemic time the security.
Active program.
1. Connect with STFC Hartree Center and SciTech Daresbury about the next actions:
● Writing the technical task about tourist's needs. Resources: UX and
User Studies specialists; ● Analyse the way of the consumer; ● Using design thinking find the solutions on the main problems; ● Create the mobile prototype.
2. Connect with Sensor city and my the plan about:
○ Collecting the data of Studios all of the services: food, entrainments and public events; ○ Create the agreement with them; ○ Take the data about past events and analyse; ○ Create a plan about possible festivals and Conferences for professionals in Liverpool.
3. Ask Film Studios in UK, to organise the international festivals in Liverpool.
The task is to find and create needed department.
In 2020 £50 million was invested into the largest film Studio in UK. It's very perspective to Liverpool to collaborate with them.
Sensor City received the investments in £15 million. This organisation had the responsibilities with IT technologies.
Accelerator LCRActivate (£5 million investments) can be very helpful department in managing the project.
[1] Liverpool City Council [https://liverpool.gov.uk/] [2] The History of Liverpool [https://www.historic-uk.com/] [3] John Penrose MP (2011). Government Tourism Policy. [4] Dilif (2017). Policy Guide.An introduction to Policy in the UK. British Ecological Society. [5] Deloitte (2010). The Economic Contribution of the Visitor Economy: UK and the nations. [6] Liverpool City Region Local Entrprise Partnership [https://www.liverpoollep.org/] [7] Culture Liverpool [https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/] [8] Moutinho L. (2000). Strategic Management in Tourism. London: CABI Publishing.