A. Oakley

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Research evidence, knowledge management and educational practice: early lessons from a systematic approach

London Review of Education

Ann Oakley was born in London in 1944. Professor and Founder-Director of the Social Science Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London

Whether education is an art or a science? describing the international sector

The methods used to generate the ideas Educational research uses the degree of chaotical and methodological tools Experimental studies Social Interventions Form of practice Evidence-base

What is the evidence? replicates

the use of educational research

the establishment of research evidence validity

high quality relevance

practical relevance


significant questions

research as a relevant theory

logical methods types of research

chain of reasoning



Literature review Range Diversity Selective, opportunistic, discursive approach Clear audit Conclusions Comparing

NON-systematic review

The EPPI-centre Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre

Supports groups of researchers, practitioners and users Quality of studies

Systematic reviews Developing the tools, procedures Training needs Improve and create DB IT

Definition about what kind of literature can be used Research questions Criteries of selecting the information

First review What is the impact of networked ICT on literacy learning in English for pupils aged 5 to 16? What is the impact of summative assessment on pupilsmotivation for learning? What is the impact f school leadership and management on student/pupil outcomes? What kind of strategies improve equal opportunities in gender for pupils in mixed gender primary school? What is the impact of the financial circumstances of learners on their engagement with learning? What evidence is there that mainstream school can act in ways which enable them to respond to diversity so as to facilitate participation by all students in the cultures, curricula and communities of those schools?

Challenges How is it possible to improve managing knowledge about educational practices?

Political Technical Conceptual/Intellectual

Political How is it possible to improve managing knowledge about educational practices? Hierarchy of evidence. What works? Procedural objectivity. Research synthesis methods as a tool for assessing social intervensions

Technical Relation between skills ant training Time and cost implications DB Resources

Lack experience of the skills and procedures Primary studies based on the “undeveloped” electronic DB Productivity of strategies Less effectivness of usable studies (title and abstract) The duration of the systematic/algoritmic reviews Real cost of producing review

Conceptual/Intellectual challenges Methodological quality of research (how?) The role of “user involvement” Clear thinking about key terms in research questions Depth of review Accents in the studies (achievements of intended goals as a factor) Criteria of identifying good quality studies Weight of evidence Operationalising user involvement Research evidence = practical research knowledge Users Producers

Exsercise Write about your research: significant questions

research as a relevant theory logical methods (types of research) chain of reasoning replicates

Critique by others including four parametres: assessment, quality, inclusion, sound

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