Alexandra Chudinova PhD
Steven J. Kachelmeier, Bernhard E. Reichert, and Michael G. Williamson Steven J. Kachelmeier, Chair in Accounting, received his B.B.A. from the University of New Mexico and his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. His research and teaching interests include financial accounting, auditing, and experimental economics. Bernhard Reichert Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University Greater Philadelphia AreaAccounting Virginia Commonwealth University Drexel University, KPMG Deutschland, Bundeswehr The University of Texas at Austin Michael Williamson Professor of Accountancy and Associate Head Educational Background Ph.D., Accounting, Indiana University, 2005 Master of Business, Indiana University, 2003
1. To measure how the quantity and creativity can influence on productivity
2. Compare the values of effectiveness in the quantity incentives and creativity-weighted significations basing on the “rebus puzzles�
RESEARCH DESIGN Introduction + Explanation of the main aim + References + The correlation between creativity, innovation, energy and motivation as the necessary components of success. + Method of getting the results about the role of creativity. Research questions + The questions are clear
RESEARCH DESIGN Methods and design Experiments, conclusions + Explanation the focus group + Description of the task Actuality
QUESTION 1: WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES ON QUANTITY? Literature review > quantity incentives have a positive effect on the quantity produced QUESTION 2: WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF CREATIVITY INCENTIVES ON QUANTITY? When the quantity incentives exert a positive effect, creativity incentives can reduce the quantity as an opposite element in the balance.
QUESTION 2.1: WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PERFOMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES ON AVERAGE CREATIVITY? If the motivation is the quantity, the results will have the low range of creativity. QUESTION 3: WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES ON THE WEIGHTED PRODUCTIVITY OF QUANTITY X AVERAGE CREATIVITY? Replace the pattern of creative values on the quantity if high-creativity ideas are unavailable. It’s better to produce the high-creativity puzzles.
METHODS AND DESIGN TA 80 volunteers undergraduate business class Experiment Independently 1 1 examples of rebus puzzles 3 x 5 inch index cards 20 minutes to design the puzzles Conditions: volunteers should complete the tasks getting the information before for the each session differently: 1. participants will receive 25$ after 2 weeks 2. participants will receive 5$ after 2 weeks 3. participants will receive from 5$ to 41$ if the answers will be more creative
Gain Covariates to control for self-perceptions, creative ability, effect of quantity and creativity incentives on quantity. Tools for the analyses The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) The various analyses of covariance (ANCOVA)
RESULTS Q1. Question addresses the effect of incentives on quantity. Quantity is highest among participants with quantity incentives only.
Q2. Indicate a significant negative main effect of quantity incentives on average creativity ratings, a significant positive main effect of creativity incentives on average creativity, and no discernable interaction.
Q3. A statistically significant positive main effect of quantity incentives on weighted productivity, a statistically significant negative effect of creativity incentives, and a significant interaction.