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INDEX Editorial: Animal Abuse 3 Humor: Sometimes is Better to be a Good Friend that a Tattletale 4 Nostalgia: Let the Old Times Come Back! 6 Service: Top 10 Indie Videogames of All Time 8 Essay: Tattoo Taboo 12 Review: Her 13 Historical: The Revolution of Art 14 Service: Top 10 Albums of 2013 You Don’t Want to Miss 16 How To: Marshmallow Cheesecake 20 News: Iraq’s New Draft Law 21 Review: Lone Survivor 22 Interview: Donor Card 24 Essay: Piercings Beauty 26 Survey: High School Students and Parties 28 How To: Make a Straw Star 30 News: Calgary’s Worst Mass Murder 31 Interview: The Security Guy 32 Interview: Cancer 34 Creative: What I Should Have Told You 38 Investigate: Organ Donation 40 Profile: 1D 42 Interview: Learning Spanish 44 Literary Criticism: One Hundred Years of Solitude 48 Personal Experience: The Hardest Fun I’ll Ever Have 49 Interview: Industrial Engineering 50

Animal Abuse By: Alexandra Vasquez

Animal Abuse had been around for hundreds and hundreds of years, but nowadays is stronger than ever. Scientific experimentations, clothes, entertainment, food, and even in the city streets we can see manifestations of animal abuse. No human being deserves to be threatened with such hostility for the profit of someone else. It is a shame that in some countries killing a bull for fun is legal. This is a terrible practice and must be stopped. The most cases reported of Animal Abuse are entertainment ones. Kids and teenagers don’t see shooting a bird or kicking a turtle as abusing an animal, they are many psychological reasons of why they think like that but the work of the majors is to teach them. But what happens in circus, bullfights, cockfights and dogfights? They are made for pleasure and money. Did you know that approximately 10,000 bulls die in bullfights? It is an extremely sad situation. The second most reported case is in livestock, the biggest livestock of the U.S. kicked, beaten and stomped on sheep, pigs, goats and other animals.

On the other hand, sick or injured animals were neglected and left to slowly suffer and die without food, water or veterinary care. This just proves that owners don’t care of the welfare of the animal, only for the money. And it is more tragic when many states specifically exclude livestock or any “common” agricultural practices from their cruelty laws, and even when good laws exist, it can sometimes be difficult to convince law enforcement to make an arrest and/or to seize livestock who are being neglected or abused. What can we do to stop this? Denounce. First you have to know who to call to report animal cruelty, investigate in your city for an organization. Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood, after watching an anomaly rapidly make a call and provide as much as information as possible. And a very important thing is to set the example for others and talk to kids about how to take care of an animal. Clearly this is such a major problem in our times. The killing of animals for the fun of others is just not good or healthy. This and the subhuman condition that those animals live daily in livestock have to be stopped and denounced. The government should take action the fastest possible, because it can grow more and more.


Back in summer of 2013 when I was getting out of fourth semester I thought it would be nice to work at some place so I can make my own money and buy my own personal things. Also I thought it would be a fun experience because that summer I wasn’t going to get out of the city so I wanted to meet new people a“nd learn something new about “the hard life of work”. A friend told me that in the place where he was working, the boss was asking for new employees. That place was Dairy Queen. I asked him how was the ambiance working in there and he told me that all the employees were good people but it was hard to work in there. I accepted the challenge and immediately went to leave my application for employment. I was hired the day the vacations started.

I learned a lot of things working in there besides making blizzards and ice cream cones. Also I met new people and made new friends. The first employee I met was a fun girl named like me, “Luisa”, and we became friends right away. But, there was a problem. When some employee was in charge of the cash register the money in there was his or her responsibility. At the end of the day the boss did all the counting and if there was money missing, it had to be discounted from that employee’s salary. They made him or her sign a paper that allowed the accountants of Dairy Queen to discount him or her that amount of money. It was a very sad thing when the envelope payment arrived every Wednesday and they opened it just to remember it was incomplete (the envelope payment included the paper that the employee signed). This wasn’t a big deal for me because I never did any cheating when selling the ice cream or anything like that. But the problem

started when my envelope payment arrived one Wednesday and it had my money incomplete. I got confused because there was a signed paper and I didn’t remember signing anything. I opened it and I found out it was my friend Luisa’s paper. I laughed and I showed to her. I wasn’t mad because they were like 15 pesos so it wasn’t that big deal, so I didn’t tell her to give me that money, because, you know, she was my friend. It became worse every week. Luisa was very bad at math and her cash register always had money missing. I was getting mad and I started asking her for the money (only when it was more than 50 pesos), but I didn’t tell anything to the boss, so the accountants never stopped confusing us. Karma became a really great friend of mine the day I quitted. I was starting a new semester and I didn’t want to work anymore. It was fun while it lasted and I was very happy working in there, but that happiness can’t be compared to the one I felt the day they gave me my settlement payment. That’s right, the accountants thought the other Luisa was quitting and not me, so they gave me her money and it was a lot compared from what I should be paid. I only worked in there for three months; she had worked in there for more than two years. So, it was a great summer after all.


I’ve lived in this world for seventeen years, and by this time I can say I’m sure about two things: One is that the time where I was the happiest girl was back at the 90s. And the other one is that I know all the teenagers that are my age feel this way too. Everything was easier and so much funnier back then. There wasn’t a lot of technology like nowadays. People read books more often. Kids went outside to play with their neighbors. The cartoons were the best: Cat-Dog, The Powerpuff Girls, Cow and Chicken, Rocko’s Modern Life, Blue’s Clues… Just to name a few. I remember being three years old, living in Mexicali, and I used to play every day with my friends and siblings to hide-and-seek and more games were we didn’t need any technology. Those were the best times; we were running all the time and having fun. Mexicali back then was a city where it was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Nowadays we know Mexicali as a city that is too hot in the summer and actually kind of hot in the winter too. When the 90s ended, my life started to change little by little. I still remember the day when my dad brought what it was going to be “our first computer”. Of course my siblings and I felt really excited but I didn’t realized that my fun afternoons of bonding with my friends and siblings were about to end. I remember we used to say that 2000 would be the year of “the future” and soon we were going to see cars flying and robots everywhere. But all we have is more contamination, less love between people and more between people and their mobile devices. It’s a shame that the new generations are not appreciating the good things in life and there isn’t anything better than spend time with family and friends, going outside, traveling, etc. Maybe you don’t think that way, but if you’re sixteen years old or older than that, I know you know what I mean and you agree with me! For better generations, let the old times come back…




ALL TIME Indie videogames are games created by a person or a small group, without financial aid of publishers. This lack of a controlling corporation, allows the team to make a game for a specific audience and with an innovational audience. Millions of games in this genre are being made each year, but here I’ll try to list what, to my opinion, are the top 10 indie games of all time.


Papers, please.

In this game, you take the role of a border inspector in the communist state of Arstotzka and your job is to control the flow of people entering the country. Among the immigrants and visitors you encounter, there are terrorists, spies, smugglers and secret organization members and you have the choice to arrest them or let them pass. The choices you take will determine one of the twenty possible endings of the game.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

If you like difficult, draining and stressful gaming experiences, you shouldn’t doubt to try Amnesia. This first person survival horror game will let you live through a real nightmare, in which the lack of light, weapons and mental sanity will chill you to the core.



LIMBO Limbo is a black and white puzzle-plataforming adventure, in which the players are put in the role of a young boy traveling through a dark world in an attempt to discover the fate of his sister. The game is a real piece of art, which its only flaw is the short length of it.

FTL: Faster than Light In this space, roguelike-like game, you manage the Krestel space ship and its crew, traveling through the galaxy, escaping from the rebel float while carrying important documents for the federation army. In your way through space, you’ll encounter rebels, pirates, and a wide range of friendly and hostile aliens and you have to protect the documents at all cost.

7 Bastion


Bastion is one of the most aesthetic games in this list, from the charming graphics to the smooth vibes of the narrator perfectly blended with a nice soundtrack and 10-12 hours of exploration and combat. A must-play for lovers of art and storytelling.


Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy is a platformer like the ones from the “good-ol days”, and, exactly as those games, SMB is hard as hell. But this game is as beautiful as it is hard. You’ll love it and hate it at the same time, but ultimately walk away satisfied.

FEZ If there is a game that can compete with the graphical polish of Bastion, FEZ is that game. You play as Gomez, a 2D creature living in what he believes is a 2D world. Unitl a strange and powerful fez reveals the existence of a mysterious third dimension. This masterpiece will leave you with a smile across your face for the duration of your play.



The Stanley Parable

This is a first play exploration game. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will follow a story, you will not follow a story. You will have a choice, you will have no choice. The game will end, the game will never end. This game explores the nature of choice in videogames of a manner which can’t be described. Be prepared for something very special.




Braid is a puzzle-platformer, where the player manipulates the flow of time in unusual ways with the objective of rescuing the princess. In this game you’ll never die and you’ll never loose, but the game mechanics will combine perfectly with the puzzles to ensure this game won’t be easy.


A list of indie games wouldn’t be finished without Minecraft, one of the most successful of all time. In this open-world sandbox, the players can create and destroy various types of blocks in a 3D environment, building strong forts to be safe of the monsters of the night or complex electronical devices to show in YouTube. This masterpiece is the king of a genre and will be played and studied for years.

TATTOO TABOO by: alexandra vasquez

Tattoos have been all over the world since ancient times but nowadays they’re seen in a different way. Rather than being a manner of culture or a worship to some deity they are excluded to some sectors of society. Tattoos are a taboo that should be eradicated. They are not a fad of criminals, the conception of them changes through time. Even though all the critics they receive they’re still a very prevalent trend on the XXI century. When it comes to getting a tattoo it’s common to hear some phrases. A very famous line “you’ll regret them when you’re older” is a parents favorite, and perhaps it will prove true for some, but not for all. Know yourself. If a person tends to regret decisions on a daily basis it’s very likely he will regret a permanent mark. Henna tattoos are always a good alternative to try first. One of the greatest taboos when it comes to tattoos is work. Sadly even when 1 out of 5 people has at least one tattoo they are still conceived as unprofessional. Most of the average office worker have to get tattoos in not so visible areas because they fear of not being accepted in their job fields. The problem lies in the intolerance, people should respect others decisions of what they make with their bodies. The greatest tattoo taboo goes to “you will be stuck with them”. Technology is the answer for most of our daily problems. Tattoos are made with a safe procedure nowadays, infections and other complications are nearly null because of the sterile and professional modern conditions at tattoo shops. Technology has improve and it enabled a possible way to remove body art. With a simple procedure anyone can delete this so called permanent marks from their skin, it might be painful and costly but there’s a way to have the pristine skin.

Tolerance it’s the key to eradicate this taboo.

Perhaps understanding their own resistance to tattoos is a way to understand other people’s acceptance for them. It’s just a boundary affair between the old fashion moral and the necessity of a change. This world it’s in constant renovations not only with technology but also in culture. Make a change and show forbearance to other’s decisions.

by : Celso Gasca

A futuristic movie that finally portraits a believable destiny to the human being. Her is a film written and directed by Spike Jonze is an outstanding movie, in part because of its originality, but also because of its execution. A surrealist comedy that will make you laugh at the unconventional love story that portraits, while also will constantly remind you that the realization of this scenario isn’t too far from the present reality. An original screenplay praised by de Academy and other awards, describes the life of Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), a lonely man in the final stages of his divorce. He dedicates his life to write and composes letters of every type for other people, when he is not doing that, in his free time he plays very cool videogames or occasionally hangs out with her best friend Amy (Amy Adams), a lovely and intelligent person. One day, he decides to purchase a revolutionary Operating System that claims to be the world’s first artificially intelligent OS. This is when he discovers “Samantha” (Scarlett Johansson), the voice behind the OS. As they start spending lot of time together they attach to each other and eventually find themselves in love; the rest is story.

The awesomeness of this film is that the story gets you and you certainly believe in the love between Theodore and the OS, first you start to feel kind of awkward but it totally gets you. Joaquin Phoenix did an excellent job carrying this movie, after all there where only like 4 or 5 important characters and they don’t really get to much screenplay, almost everything is between Phoenix and Johansson, and the second is only the voice. The shots are beautifully taken, there are a lot of close ups that get you to see Theodore’s emotions. The photography and tone are simply stunning. You could predict the end of this movie after the first 30 min, but the dialog, performances and the way they carry the movie is a total win, so if you would like to see beautiful shots and a non-conventional love story handled with a nice sense of humor but also with total seriousness, I highly recommend you this movie.

THE REVOLUTION OF ARt by: alexandra vasquez

Art nowadays has various forms apart from the traditional pen and paper, digital art has become a huge deal in the industry and galleries, we see this kind of art in simple things like a commercial with special effects, comics, cartoons, videogames and digital drawings, but even when we live around all this we don’t perceive how it is made because when its digital it’s not that simple to know which tools they utilize. Digital art became easy and somewhat renowned with the birth of graphic tablets, this are a computer input device that lets the user to hand-draw images in a similar way a person draws images with pencil and paper, the first electronic handwriting tablet was the telautograph, then in 1957 the first graphic tablet was born used for handwriting recognition by a computer, in 1979 Apple released a more user friendly tablet that was publicly advertised as a drawing tablet with a wired stylus pen and it was capable of transferring creations made with the tablet to the computer.

History with graphic tablets took an important spin to be what we know in this century, in 1989 The Grid Pad was put out to the market being the first portable tablet, this kind of models continued to be enhanced by other companies during years after that, Microsoft and Apple re-created their own models and the drawing tablet whit its own color touch screen was invented by 1998. Today’s best drawing tablets are the Wacom’s company ones, the top sales leader, Cintiq line of tablets is the cream to digital art , it has models that vary from professional use (Pixar-top-notch-cool-effects-and-drawings-type) up to super user friendly(and limited budged) with a considerable work space available, some of their new models have features like 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity on its 1920X1080 HD LED 13-inch display with a price ranging around $1000 for their most sophisticated models and down to $200 for their house artists. Digital art has come a long way to get where it is now, today we can all be digital artist by just having a computer and a graphic tablet which is easier than it sounds, in the present we can appreciate this kind of art in websites like deviantart that have their own section for digital graphics, this new way of art enriches the variety of creative expression an individual can have and it has certainly revolutionized art.




By: Celso Gasca

2013 was a great year for music, there was a little of everything. Comebacks, debuts and good music, not all but the highs were really high. This list is the 2013 albums you don’t have to skip, so take a rest, and before the time runs out listen to these masterpieces.

10 OLD- Danny Brown Detroit rapper Danny Brown offered manic and mighty hype tracks along with deeper, more meaningful tales of the hood. Old is a concept album about existential confusion. The album is divided into a "Side A" and a "Side B". Side A contains the heaviest, most harrowing material, while Side B is smoother. Brown delivered a cohesive, relatable album with great lyrics and production.

9 m b v- My Bloody Valentine MBV’s third LP echoed their landmark Loveless with new shapes and colors, but the same deceptive tunefulness; it feels like an album in part about love, but it approaches the grandest of human emotions from an unusual angle.

8 AM- Artic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys have stayed close to the spirit of their debut’s title while minimizing its excess at the same time. AM is a record that sounds fresh that doesn’t seem to be stopped by a genre; instead it combines many of them, creating the most appealing album of Arctic Monkeys. AM goes beyond the sweaty clubs and furtive flirts into the hotel rooms, after parties, and bad decisions that can follow, it goes further, and sings deeply love-sex songs. “R U Mine?” can resume the record in one line: “R U mine tomorrow, or just mine tonight?”.

7 Settle- Disclousure The debut album of two incredibly young English brothers, Guy and Howard Lawrence the first of 21 and the other of 18, is a magnificent attempt to bring great dance music back. Settle contains heavy R&B, pop, UKG influences. Is a bass oriented soundtrack for all the highs and lows of a night out in the city. They delivered a great dance record that surely will influence other artist’s works.

6 Random Access Memories- Daft Punk The French duo made a magnificent comeback with their chart-topping fourth album; Random Access Memories, heavily influenced by the sounds, styles, and production techniques of the 1970s and early 80, making a fusion with their characteristic EDM. The record will remain something that channels the past but sounds like little else right now. The most amazing thing of this record is the detail of each song; they used the best musicians and added choirs and orchestras when they felt like it. RAM is one of the best engineered records in many years.

5 Pure Heroine- Lorde Deep bass rumbles, lilting loops and programmed beats, are all over the record, the minimal and simple production shines by being accompanied by clever and relatable lyrics. Ella Yelich-O’Connor, the teenage singer-songwriter known as Lorde, brought to the table a record that challenged the music of the time. “Royals” made the statement and became a smash sized hit, making the name Lorde known around the world. Her songs capture the drama and debauched regality of being a teenager: their subjects include online gossip, obsession with violence, love, growing up, and disillusionment with modern pop music. This 16-year-old’s first album is so smart that it begins with the line “Don’t you think that it’s boring how people talk?” and ends with the statement, “Let them talk.”

4 Reflektor- Arcade Fire The best summary of modern music in two quite different discs. Various feelings are going to come while listening to this record. Reflektor is designed to be an homage to the many ways music is transmitted, discovered, and incorporated into people’s lives. It is a travel, since the first disc, that is more groove and up-tempo, to the second disc that is a bit slowed down. The rock-band wasn’t afraid to make something different and made a more dance record filled with brittle-fuzz guitar licks, grunting bass, mock-grand piano, ballooning synth chords across deep reverb like frantic instrumental argument and heavy dance grooves, but never loses their band identity.

3 BEYONCE- Beyonce Dropping an album at the middle of the night with no previous announcement made the whole world lose their minds and even more when they heard the music. With the surprise “visual album” – 14 new songs, 17 videos, dropped via iTunes with no warning, selling 80k in 3 hours worldwide, Beyonce made a statement; she can do whatever she wants. The album is brassy but elegant, a moodily futuristic R&B, strongest when it goes for full-grown electro soul. Definitely, her most explicit and sonically experimental music to date, exploring sounds and ideas at the grittier margins of popular music. Though there are a few songs with traditional pop structures, many of the tracks are more experimental, half-rapped/half-sung songs with suites and interludes that pack more ideas (and more sexually explicit dialogue) than radio-friendly hooks at times.

2 Yeezus- Kanye West

Yeezus is the darkest, most extreme music Kanye has ever cooked up, an extravagantly abrasive album full of new wave, punk, rock, and of course hip-hop. He trades out smooth soul and anthemic choruses for jarring electro, acid house, and industrial grind while delivering some of his most lewd and heart-crushing tales yet. For ones the hype was worth it, while others were simply disappointed. The truth is that it takes time to get into it if you aren’t used to loud music or you were expecting something similar to his past albums, but is incredible once you are in to. Like Lou Reed said, “Such an enormous amount of work went into making this album. Each track is like making a movie.”

1 Modern Vampires Of The City- Vampires Weekend

The best album of 2013 goes to the indie-rock band “Vampires Weekend” is a record that you must hear, before 2014 ends. The album is a piece of art, each song has something special, the details of each one are something to be amazed of. On “Modern Vampires,” there’s no reaching for the elusive crossover hit, no beating listeners over the head with overdone choruses -- just quality music. Unlike their past albums, there is more air in these songs, more spontaneity, and more dynamics. The overarching themes-death and a dubious sense of faith-- are certainly serious. But you never feel like you’re being preached at while listening to this album. It is a fun ride with some dark stretches, that doesn’t really marry with a genre and makes a indie-rock-pop album with strange melodies and interesting hooks.

Marshmallow Cheesecake by : Katia Valdez

The cheesecake is a popular dessert around world. Now the original recipe has several variations with different fruits and flavors. This recipe is a variation of the common cheesecake, but this time the marshmallow replaces some ingredients of the original recipe.

Ingredients: 1 Large white marshmallow bag 1 package of cream cheese 1 Pie crust Juice of 1 lemon Âź Cup of butter 1 Cup of strawberries

Directions: In a pan start melting the butter and then add a portion of the marshmallow bag, when the marshmallow are melting add the rest of the bag, with a spoon steer the mixture until no lumps. In the blender put the cream cheese with the lemon juice, and then add the mixture of the butter with the marshmallow. Finally put the content of the blender into the pie crust .Refrigerate for 3 hours. Cut the strawberries in half and place them on top of the pay.

Iraq’s new draft law allows the marriage with girls of only 9 years by: katia Valdez (Baghdad) The Iraq government has come with a new draft law that legalizes the marriage of men with girls of 9 years and in the case of boys the minimum age is 15. This one is called the Jaafari Personal Status Law, is based on the principles of the Jaafari school of Shia religious jurisprudence, founded by Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq, the sixth Shia imam. Iraq has been a country were the growing child marriage problems increase every year, in 2013 the Population Reference Bureau reported that 25 percent of girls marry before age 18 and 6 percent before age 15. Also this draft law includes new provisions that prohibit Muslim men from marrying non-Muslims, legalizes the marital rape by stating that the husband is entitle to have sex with his wife regardless of her consent, the women’s will not be allowed to leave their house without their husbands permission, the law would automatically grant custody over any child to the father in the divorce case and it will allow girls younger than nine to be married with a parents approval.

This new draft law is going to be put on hold until April 30 that are the parliamentary elections, the controversy hasn’t stop since it came out the draft people from different associations had spoken about the situation for example the Middle East director Joe Stork said that “Passage of the Jaafari law would be a disastrous and discriminatory step backward for Iraq’s women and girls”, also the Human Rights Watch said that The draft law ignores article 2 of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women by legalizing marital rape. Opinions from all over the world are coming forward but the only thing that is left is waiting for the rejection or approval of the new law.

LONE SURVIVOR by: Javier Rizzo

In this game, our hero is not an expert managing weapons, nor a prodigious mind, nor an ex-soldier with great abilities. No, he's an ordinary person that could be our neighbor or even us. He is lone in a world claimed by scary creatures that came after an infection and his greatest concern is to hold what little sanity he has left. He got nothing apart from his apartment and a red lantern, the situation is not very optimistic.

Pixel art and 2D side-scrolling? This styles doesn't seem to combine with the survival horror genre ruled by the Silent Hill and Resident Evil classics, but Jasper Byrne's objective –the developer of this indie adventure– was to create a unique experience. The success of this game reveals that there are many gamers that are interested more in the content of the game rather than the graphics. The game mechanics are simple but varied, in one hand it offers some pixelted images with low definition, and in the other an oppressive ambient that reflects the anxiety of the character's psyche. Our hero wants to survive, but has lost all hope to do so. We take the control of the adventure when our protagonist start to loose the track of time. Each time it is more difficult to discern between the real world and the world of nightmares, due to the prolonged stay in bed, where he is oblivious to the external reality. He doesn't want to fight the outside monsters, but he has no choice but to leave his room to get some food and search for other survivors or for his inevitable death lurking just around the corner. The scenery detail is limited, but outstanding. The artistic technique resembles the 16Bits style of the PSP games of some years ago and results effective in producing a feeling of anxiety at what can be hidden in each new stage we discover, and this feeling is enhanced thanks to the magnificent use of lighting. The game lead us to explore different scenarios in order to find new items to survive, but the biggest obstacle is the presence of pesky creatures that, at the first sign of movement, will try to end our lives. Because of this, it is crucial to have baits that allow us to change their route or draw their attention as we move by. While mislead them is very simple, is not as comforting as picking up a gun and kill them, but the bullets are scarce in this adventure. The core mechanics of the game are not so different from the generic survival horror, if we find a closed door, we can assume in a certain location we can find a key; but being a survival, we can be almost certain that we’ll find a creature warding the place. Throughout the adventure we will discover weapons, secondary objects, journal pages, newspapers, mirrors that allow us to teleport from one place to another, creatures screaming and chasing us, some food, ammunition, and more creatures that haunt us... The oppressive atmosphere tends to get the creeps with situations that push the limits of our hero’s mind, with disastrous consequences for both him and us. Often we’ll contemplate truly surreal scenes, part of his past and of his imagination activated by just drinking a cup of coffee. Enjoying the most inexplicable scenes involves a loss of sanity that will determine access to an ending or another, so we must be careful. This is a very complete piece of art that, with a touch of the classic games of survival and a rich and profound mechanic, offers a well-worked, different and original argument. I won’t end this review without recommending the purchase of this game that’s just $15 bucks and can be enjoyed in Windows, Mac, Linux, PS Vita and PS3.

Organ Donation by: Alexandra Vasquez

T ere Gastelum is psychologist at CETYS Universidad, she talks about the physiological repercussions of organ donation on patients, during the following interview we can see a point of view about the topic. Do you considered that the opinion of the family of the person influences the individual decision to donate organs or not? I don’t think so, it's personal , it’s about the person that its involved in the decision but I think and I have we don’t have a culture of organ donation , I do believe that if a person is interested in donating he must leave all well stipulated for the family so that they can respect his decision. Then do you consider important to create a bigger culture of organ donation? Yes, there are many people who need an organ to live and there are many others who die young and could help others but we need to make society see this problem of donation at death.

Could you comment on the implications of post-operative effect psychologically in organ donation? I believe there are psychological implications though the process because your body reacts to an external and foreign organ, then sometimes the person says he feels fine and all, but in fact the person depending on the organ begins to question many things about their situation and their future. Then, do you think the quality of life itself will be affected? Unfortunately yes, a person suffering such an intense episode in his life is marked in some way, you can work with him or her to get over it and can get back their normal life, but the aftermath of the events will be for a lifetime.

Which do you think is a good way to manage the stress about the operation? The person has to continue taking care and his life will have to change, a person who receives a donated organ has to make a life change in diet, sleep, how to handle stress and especially medical checkups. Besides the physical change of life, psychologically are there major changes? Depends mostly on the patient, but like the body the mind must also process the changes and adapt to them, a transplanted organ is foreign to the body and therefore the mind, so yes behavioral changes arise from the person.

Is frankly talk to a patient about their situation better? Yes, definitely and I think today sometimes sounds very hard to physicians and sometimes family cannot understand it, but I do believe that the patient has to be aware of what is happening and what can happen what are you going to feel, is very important, the risks, and consequences. The patient has to know the pros and cons of future operations will be conducted or what will happen now with their quality of life . Why do you think that people don’t want to donate organs?

A family that supports the patient will result with a better patient recovery ? The Health wont have a major change, but psychologically I think having the support of the family is essential for the treatment to evolve in a positive way and especially the recovery of the same patient, I think any disease if your you are on a favorable environment , harmony , peace and acceptance is much faster the recovery.

Lack of information and because unfortunately there are still people who do not necessarily have an academic background not to be ignorant, but around the theme of the giving there is a large cloud of ignorance more than anything. Then are you in favor of organ donation? Yeah, I totally, I have my little card in my bag that I put there that do want to donate my organs if you die.


Body piercing is a hot topic right now. It is seen as a dangerous, problematic, sexual and as many other manias in human psychology. The truth is that many found piercings as a beautiful adornment. Cool, chic, cutting, edgy, trendy, are some of the words that are being used to describe the art of body piercing, which has become so popular in the past few years and no part of the body has exempt this trend. From teenagers, businessmen, celebrities to moms are among the wide range of people who are exhibiting piercings. (Herriford, C. (2008, 42.) Although piercings have been part of various cultures since ancient times, they have generally increased in popularity in recent years, and researchers indicate that more people have visible piercings than before. (Martino, S., & Lester, D. (2011), 755-758). Piercings are generally more accepted in some points of history. Cultures change and people perceive body modifications in different ways. Now a day piercings are a huge thing. More than a cultural requirement or a ritual they are a beauty complement. Body modifications are widely accepted between people. The majority of men and women in a study of college students were attracted to other sex pierced partners. Women may feel that they are more beautiful with a piercing and be much less likely to fear future disapproval. (Horne, J., Knox, D., Zusman, J., & Zusman, M. E. (2007), 1011-1020.) .Even thought a wide range of people accept piercings there is still a large amount of people that don’t. Harsh critics have been made about body modifications such as piercings. Piercings have been around for thousands of years. While the popularity and acceptance of body art has waxed and waned, many laws and regulations have been implemented. (Armstrong, M. L. (2005), 38-43.). People go hard with body changes, some piercings are not legal, like intimate ones. The laws made for the practice of body modifications are made to secure people. It’s very important that all the process is made by a professional and under sanitary regulations.

High School students and Parties by: Luisa MarĂ­nez



How old are you?


How often do you go to parties?

Do you drink alcohol in parties? 4. ty?

What kind of music do you like to listen at a par-


What is the most usual thing you do at parties?

7. What clothes do you usually wear when you go to a party?


At what time do you usually arrive to parties?

6. Have you ever thrown a party at your own house?

How to… Make a straw star. By: Yenna Chen You can make stars straws to give to someone or decorations, it’s very easy to do, you will need two types of materials; select the colors of the straws to your liking, usually, people choose several colors, but if it is for Valentine’s I recommend you to choose the color pink, red or white.


Scissors. A straw (50 – 70 cm) or two straws (25 – 35 cm). Glass bottle (optional).


1. You will need to join two 25 to 30 cm straws (if it is not a straw of 50 – 70 cm). 2. Fold the straw from the center to a 90 degree angle, forming a “V”. 3. Hold the “V” upside-down. Fold the left side toward the center. Fold the right toward the center, as well, overlapping the left side. 4. Fold the two corners downward on top on the folded triangle. Fold the left side on top of the triangle, then the right side. Fold the right side downward again, then the left side, as well. Fold the right side once more. 5. Fold the side downward again, starting from right, left, then right (continue step five until you form 5 triangles). 6. Fold all the 5 triangles that was formed together to form a 3D star. Fold the left side to the right side, so they can overlap each other. 7. Wrap the overlapping straws on each corner of the straw. Continue doing so until you cannot do so. 8. Fold the rest of the straw into one of the gaps to tighten the star. 9. Lastly, enter the stars to the glass bottle and decorate to your liking.

On Tuesday April 15, 2014 occurred the worst mass murder in Calgary history. It was 1:20 am when the police received a call from a girl saying that there were severely stabbed teenagers. It was a house party from the Calgary University students that the neighbors described the party as quiet and low-key, and what result more bizarre is that there were only around 30 people and the suspect murder was invited. There were 5 fatally stabbed teens, 4 boys and 1 girl. 3 of them died in the house, while the other guy and the girl died in the hospital. The officers said that they had never seen five people killed by an individual at one scene. The most horrific scene they had seen. The murder has been identified as Mathew De Grood of 22 years, he was charged with five counts of first-degree murder. He graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree majoring in psychology and a minor in law and society. The police officers say that the attack began shortly after his arrival to the party. The suspect had a weapon that supposedly was an “instrument” from work, but the officers think that the murder weapon came from inside the house. They say that he grabbed a large knife from the kitchen and he started targeting his victims, there were no signs that he consumed any type of drug or excessive alcohol. The suspect's father, Inspector Douglas de Grood, a 33-year veteran of the police service, is absolutely devastated. E veryone was taken off guard; friends and neighbors describe the murdered teenagers as good and talented people. Two of them where getting ready to release their debut album. They were premiering it in a Calgary’s bar, where Mathew de Grood was invited too. Nobody understands the motive of this horrible situation. No one had police problems and the police say that they had never been any disturbances in that house, they were hoping for intoxication or a teen that partied too hard but nothing like this. The University is totally supporting the hurt families “Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families of those who have lost their loved ones in this unimaginable and senseless tragedy.” said university President Elizabeth Cannon.

Calgary’s worst mass murder. by: Celso Gasca

The security guy by: Celso Gasca

Rafael Contreras Diaz is a 55 year old man that dedicates his life to the community, he is the security guard of “Veredas Del Sol” residency, he has worked there for 1 year and 6 months. He had worked in several places, he started working as production supervisor in “Su Karne” for fourteen long years, and then he moved to the security guard profession. Rafael started in Obregon then he moved to CAS, the company in charge of the already mentioned residency. This interview will serve important information of this underrated profession such as the experiences and thoughts, to make the lector understand the importance and difficulty of this amazing job. 5) How are your working hours? They are extremely tiring, twelve hours, from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. all followed.

1) How did you get the job? I got informed about a vacant in CAS in my local newspaper. I already worked in a guard security company so I applied for the job. 2) What do you consider that a good security guard needs to have? Attitude, Service and Discipline are the essentials of a security guard. 3) What passionate you the most of this occupation? The service I make to the people is what I appreciate the most. I love to be aware of weak points of the place I’m working, but what I love the most is when my people tell me that they are okay. 4) The most dangerous situation you had experienced in you laboring time Hmm, let’s say that in the night patrols I have to get away from the base stand and make the walk in the rear part of the residential where he lot wasteland is, it is very dark and creepy, many gangs tend to be there so that’s why I have to go there . I make this walks around four to five times per night, thankfully I haven’t been in a life and death situation.

6) What you consider the most difficult thing of this job? Hmm the most difficult thing could be the situation when a person says that they are going to a specific household and he camouflages himself to enter to another that doesn’t corresponds to him, so that could lead a commitment of an unlawful act 7) It is a pretty demanding job, had you considered quitting it? Why? Well maybe hmm, I don’t want to dedicate my entire life working in this kind of job, I mean, you are gaining experience over time and you can still aspire to something better, something more. But would you to still working as a security guard? Well, maybe in a second level position or even security guard supervisor. I would like to search for a job alternative were you don’t have to work at night but in the morning.

8) Do you have defensive objects? Which? Yes we have, we got a baton, umm and a gas shooter. We don’t count with any firearm because it isn’t allowed but we sure have… hmm let’s call it technical support from either the supervisor or public safety. 9) Can you tell us the secret that makes you keep active for such a long time? Well keep in constant movement is essential; it is also good to set up the activities that you will do all over your working hours also be disciplined in what you had planned. Eating healthy is very important too. 10) How do you feel knowing that you are protecting hundreds of lives? Well you got lot of satisfaction, the best is when you come the next day of your turn and you ask your coworker if they were any bad news or something and he tells you that everything was perfect. The detail is that you can’t be 100% sure with yourself that everything was okay during your turn until you get feedback from your partner and he tells you that everything was excellent. It has happened that I ask “Hey how was the night, any disturbances or bad experiences?” and we start to talk about what we did so we can get to know in which turn the disturbance happened.

Interview to a doctor about Cancer By: Luisa Martínez

Everybody knows cancer as a very dangerous and mysterious disease. Dr. Gabriela Valenzuela, who is 35 years old, accepted to answer some questions about this sickness which is killing more people through the years. She is a very dedicated lady who works as a doctor since she graduated from medical school, and loves helping people out. She’s also a great mother who has three adorable kids. Let’s see what information about cancer she gave us.

1. What is cancer? Cancer is a process of growth, development and dissemination of the body's cells. Cancer can arise from any part of the body, and once it’s given, it can spread to all organs, all body parts. Malignant cells are produced. 2. What is the most common cancer suffered by inhabitants of Mexicali? I think it's the breast cancer and cervical cancer here in Mexicali. Although it is also very common in the adult the prostate cancer, and then follows the digestive tract cancer, according to Dr. Diego Ballesteros who is in charge of health here in Mexicali. Leukemia is also very common, but in children, there is so much attention to this type of cancer, raining here in town. 3. What are the options available for cancer treatment and which are they? First of all, there is always the option to remove the tumor, do surgery. And then is the chemotherapy that involves the application of drugs that will kill all the bad cells, but as you kill bad cells you also kill the good cells which leads to weakened defenses and so there are many complications with chemotherapy because you’re left without any defense, then you get sick of anything. And radiation, applying radiation directly to the tumor. Just as well as you destroy the tumor, you also destroy the organs or cells you have around the tumor. So, chemo, radio and surgery are the treatments.

4. What are the side effects of these treatments? As side effects, as I mentioned earlier, the application of these treatments kill the patient’s defenses, kill their good cells that are defending them, you kill them, then they stay very sensitive and defenseless and they get sick of every little thing, a cold and flu and simply with this you can even die. Dehydration also happens so much, poor little dehydrated. 5. How will these treatments affect the patient's daily life? Same thing. They become very weak, sometimes they can’t even eat, can’t even move because of their weakness. They have no defense. They can’t work, they can’t leave the house, can’t be exposed to anywhere because they can get sick. 6. What are your recommendations to help people prevent cancer? Go to the doctor to take general tests. For example, we are seeing that here in Mexicali the most common is the prostate cancer, then all men over forty years are recommended to get tested for detection of prostate cancer with blood tests. In women Pap smears to prevent cervical cancer and mammography for preventing breast cancer. Those are the three most frequent are screening tests that everyone has to take at forty. 7. What are the factors that make a person as a potential candidate for cancer in the future? Smoking can cause cancer in the future, anywhere in the body not just lung cancer, also stomach cancer, colon, prostate, cervical, etc. Smoking can make you prone to develop cancer in the future. And also to have family members who have had some type of cancer makes all relative as potential carriers of this. 8. Once the treatment is completed, what is the plan for follow-up care? Once you complete treatment and you realize you do not have cancer anymore, you have to be watched with constant exams every six months, of general examinations. And in fact there are many that last five years taking a daily pill to prevent cancer again. And they’re only discharged when they had already completed five years of general examinations every six months.

9. Are there in Mexicali enough resources to deal with any type of cancer? Yeah definitely, all cancers are treated here. We have what is the oncology clinic where all patients receive their treatments attend and there is also another facility for minors. Just in general hospitals they’re diagnosed, there are specialists like gynecologists and cardiologists depending on the part of the body where the tumor is developing. 10. Would you believe that in the future the cure for cancer will be known? No. Experts were recently saying that injecting stem cells to patients achieved a cure, they said it would work but it did not work. In fact in my hospital we did a meeting to discuss that but apparently it isn’t possible, and we haven’t got a lot of investigations about that, at least not here in Mexico.

What I should By: Katia Valdez

I was sitting watching the basketball game when my niece came running with tears in her eyes I asked her what was going on <<ok well I like this boy but I never told him how i really felt and today he told me he is dating a new girl, did you ever felt something like this?>> In my mind the name Melissa came up immediately, she was my first love she was 16 and me 17, I always had a crush on her, she had a perfect skin, long hair and her eyes were like honey, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I was at a party of one of my Friends but I was new at school so I didn’t knew a lot of people, I went for something to drink when i saw her, she was talking to her friends and laughing, I just stand there like a zombie watching her and I think she felt that I was looking because she turned and looked at me like for five seconds. I took the courage to go and talk to her but when I was walking her friends saw me and started laughing but she smiled at me, I panic and I decided to leave the party. I was angry with myself that I couldn’t talk to her so I went to my car and when I was opening the door I heard someone screaming my name, it was her just standing there looking at me, she came close and asked me <<could you give me a ride home?>> I just move my head saying yes, she got into the car and started talking a lot, I was so nervous that I couldn’t say anything. I turn on the radio to make less awkward the situation a Britney Spears song was on so she started singing like for 3 minutes, for me it sounded like an angel then she told me << have anyone told you that you are very serious? I will stop speaking so you could say something like what’s going on in your life?>> and she started laughing, I just told her that I just move into the city and I didn’t have a lot of friend so I was very bored at the party. A few minutes later she told me <<here turn left >> i just saw a park I stop and I asked her if she lived here, she laugh and run to the swings, we started talking like we have known us for years. She took the car keys and said to me << Come on lets go for something to eat>, we drove around the city and when it was time for her to get home I took her to her house she looked at me and smiled she said <<I had a very good time today, call me here is my number>>

have told you she gave me her number and got into her house. Days passed and she found me a day on coffee shop, she sat down at my table and started talking. As always she looked beautiful, we sat for hours, threw paper balls at people at the other tables and laughed at how they reacted and angry, the truth is that she made me feel myself, something that only she could do in my life. After that, we talked every day, but I never told her my feelings for her, I knew she also had feelings for me but she never told me. One day I decided to take her to a party, before going I plan and practice what I was going to say to her finally that I liked her and could even be in love with her. I stood in front of the mirror and practice, I repeated a hundred times until I was sure what I was going to say. More confident than ever, I got in the car and I pass by her. when we were in the car I was more nervous than the day I met her , I could not even drive well , so when we arrive to party I took a deep breathe and said << Melissa I want to tell you something very important >>, she knew she was going to say, I remain serious and when I was about to open my mouth, someone shouted Melissa in the distance, both turned around and was a tall, strong boy , he came running into me << Hi, I'm Gustavo , you are Emilio , right? , she told me a few things about you >> Melissa and him just laughed they said they were friends from long ago , but they had not seen in almost a year. Gustavo was excited and I could not tell what I felt for her. All night she was with him and barely spoke to me, I felt defeated and it seemed to be having more fun with him. Disappointed I decided to go to my home better, then talk to her . I didn’t hear from her in days, I called her but she did not answer and when I left messages she didn’t returned my calls. One day I saw in the cinema with Gustavo, but only saw her from afar I did not dare to approach. Time passed I've seen a few times over the past 12 years but I think I will never speak to her again. Then I met Karina and I would marry her, but honestly I can’t forget Melissa, it was the first time I fell in love with someone. There were days when I just wanted to be with her but could not, she made me laugh like no one I enjoyed more with her than with my closest friends, now I realize that if I had said before what I felt for she had not lost, because it truly was the love of my life. Now I know that everything happens for a reason, but I've also heard many times, that fate is not alone, you have to do what I never did. Then I advise you not to let it happen the same thing to me, go tell this guy how you feel about him, and maybe realize that really wants you. << Thanks, uncle, right now I go and tell. Hey, I think that you should look for Melissa, just to know if she really had feelings for you. >> She walked out the door. I went to search my computer, I went into Facebook, look for her name and leave her a message saying: “Melissa, remember me ? Can we meet I want to say something to you”. I waited hours and I resigned that she wasn’t going to answer, she would not remember me, I was already lying on my bed when I came hear a message on my phone saying:” Of course yes! Tomorrow, we have to catch up, in the morning I'll call you “. I could not believe it, I closed my eyes and I just thought I was finally going to know what happened to my dear Melissa.

Organ Donation by: yenna Chen

1. Transplants in Mexico For a hospital to perform transplants must have a permit from the Ministry of Health, in addition trained medical personnel. The nation held a variety of organ transplantation in various approved institutions, most of them are in the capitals of the states "There are over 400 hospitals located throughout the health sector (social, public and private ) that perform different types of transplants " (Carre単o , 2012 , para. 1). Government reports over the third quarter of 2013 , in corneal transplants performed 972 Mexico City many more second only performed 242 kidney transplants in Mexico City again scored first with 443 , again the DF will be made more than 54 liver transplants and 23 heart transplants were performed again in the DF so it can be concluded according to the data presented CENATRA where people often turn to the Federal District and other major cities in Mexico and Nuevo Leon and Jalisco. 2. Bioethics Bioethics is a relatively new term, which was formally used for the first time in 1971 by the American cancer specialist Van Rensselaer Potter, and proposes the following definition: "A new discipline that combines biological knowledge with an understanding of human value system" (Potter appointment Gafo, 2003, p.18). Several authors such as Hippocrates writings drafted the ethics involving medicine. Thomas Percival is considered the father of medical ethics, attributed with its extensive book titled "Medical Ethics" which explains in detail the situations and crucial decisions physicians have to make. Transplantation is a delicate process that involves the lives of more than one person, it is extremely crucial and risky.

2.1. Reasons why people donate In today’s society there are a number of taboos that make living donation a less common but existing act, the reasons why living donors decide to grant any other person tissue varies, “found that 91.7 Natenson % of living donors decide to donate voluntarily for love. 66.7% did so for the sake of him and 58.3% better person feels after being donated, while 50% donated by altruism “(quoted in universia Natenson, 2006, para. 11). In most of the arguments that are observed living donors are based on moral and experiences, according to a study CENATRA in 2008, some drivers formalize the decision to donate organs are receiving good information through publicity campaigns about the process, recent experiences on the need of an organ, an act of altruism with its rational part of what should be, the fact of giving for the future, empathy and even a driving motive is the feeling of debt society after having suffered illness. The cadaveric organ donation comes as the result of a personal or medical decision, it is reported that most of the people who choose to donate consult this resolution with their families and then leave with their doctors to set that at the time of his death all their tissues are donated, while there is a possibility that the patient is in a critical brain and doctors ask the family to decide disconnect and donate their organs, if the proposal is accepted equally tissues will be removed and donated. 2.2. Why do people choose not to donate? In Mexico the General Health Law establishes that all Mexicans are organ donors. However, it also recognizes that all citizens have the right not to be donors and take either of these two decisions, however people in need of a transplant form a large enough group to make an impact on society, but also the number of donors brings calmness thanks to its steady rise. “The culture of organ donation has grown considerably in the last 10 years, which led in 2003 by presidential decree declared” National Day of Organ Donation and Transplantation” on September 26 (...)” (Writing LaCronica , 2011, para. 2). While over the years the number of donors has increased, the population requiring a transplant increases doubly faster than the speed of the donor. Diseases such as leukemia create a high need for bone marrow transplants in the country, the main problem with this kind of processes is the difficulty of finding a donor with the characteristics necessary to be compatible with the patient post operatively there are big risks as a possible infection arising from the lack of defenses or possible rejection, all these problems can arise equally with any kind of tissue transplantation.

Profile 1D by : Yenna Chen Members: • Harry Styles • Liam Payne • Louis Tomlinson • Niall Horan • Zayn Malik Formed in The X Factor finalistis 2010 on July 23, 2010, 8:22 p.m. Origin: London, England. Genres: Pop. Movie: This Is Us (2013). Album: Up All Night (2011), Take Me Home (2012), Midnight Memories (2013) Fans: Directioners.

Harry Styles

Full name: Harry Edward Styles Cox. From: Holmes, Chapel, England. Birthday: February 1, 1994. Horoscope: Aquarius. Status: Single. Favorite color: Orange. Afriad of: The band is going to break up. Food: Sweet corn and tacos. Favorite song: Free falling (John Mayer) Facts: • Before auditioning for The X Factor, Harry was the vocalists in a band called White Eskimo. • “When I did something wrong my mother used to tell me: "A bird has told me", I used to be all day waiting for that bird just to enclose it.” –Harry.

Liam Payne

Full name: Liam James Payne Smith. From: Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. Birthday: August 29, 1993. Horoscope: Virgo. Status: Dating with Sophia Smith. Favorite color: Purple. Afriad of: Spoons. Food: Chocolate. Favorite song: Happy Birthday. Facts: • When he was younger, Liam had to split his turtles up as they were turning to cannibalism. He said: “I came home and my turtle was missing a foot. Splitting them is sad, but it’s best.” • “Now if I were not in One Direction I think right now would be firefighter” –Liam.

Louis Tomlinson

Full name: Louis William Tomlinson Lewis. From: Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. Birthday: December 24, 1991. Horoscope: Capricorn. Status: Dating with Eleanor Calder. Favorite color: Red. Afraid of: grow up. Food: Carrots. Favorite song: Look after you (The flay). Facts: • He played football for charity • “I have dropped Niall’s pants in a service station. It was fun” –Louis.

Niall Horan

Full name: Niall James Horan Gallagher From: Mullingar, Country Westmeath, Ireland Birthday: September 13, 1993. Horoscope: Virgo. Status: Single. Favorite color: Blue. Afraid of: Pigeons. Food: Nando’s, he really love food (Chinese, Japanese, Italian, etc.). Favorite song: Fly me to the moon boy of summer (Don Henley). Facts: • Once… A fan asked Niall on Twitter if he knows Spanish and he answered: “Pocito”, instead of “poquito”. • “When I was 5, I sat in the pie the wedding of my uncle” –Niall. • He has now declared his fans #CrazyMofos.

Zayn Malik

Full name: Zain Javadd Malik Army. From: Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Birthday: January 12, 1993. Horoscope: Capricorn. Status: Endangered with Perrie Edward. Favorite color: Red. Afraid of: Water and heights. Food: Chicken. Favorite song: Thriller (Michael Jackson). Facts: • When Zayn was younger he had two cats called Lily and Lolo. • “If I had to choose a roommate, I would choose Liam, because we are sorted. And never with Harry, because he hoarse” –Zayn.

我要的不是 By: Yenna Chen

Wu Yipan is a 22 year old chinese man that has been living in Mexicali for the last 12 years and it took him 2 years to learn spanish thanks to the practice every day. 4. What experience have you had during your college? What did you like more? Experience... well, not many, what I liked most was the coexistence of living in the woods of the city, where we organize ourselves around and it had fun. 5. What high school did you study? In CETYS high school. 6. Currently in which university do you study? Is it private or public? Currently and later, in CETYS University and is private. 7. Do you have any particular scholarship? Why? Yes, 60%, 50 pro- engineering, and 10 graduated from high school. 8. Why did you choose this career? What was the reason? Well, first of all the race is Mechanical Engineering, and as the name says, it’s going to be about machines, cars etc. The reason is that I love cars. 9. Which were the previous races do you thought to study? And how do you can be sure your chose? I was thinking to mechatronics, but for the simple pleasure of machines and cars, I was very sure. 10. Did you, has repented of the chosen career? Why? Yes, because it doesn’t teach that I expected, about machinery and cars. And the teachers don’t explain anything good. 11. How much long are you going to finish the race? With luck and success, a year and a month and fair. 12. Any member of your family studied something similar as engineering? So far, no. 13. How much do you think to earn a month? I think, win as much as possible, if possible. 14. How much do you think that you can earn a month according to the job you will have? Between 8000-15000 depending on the position according to what they tell me. 15. What would you do if you don’t have a job when you finish your career? Continue to study or work on that really interests me, even earn less, and then create my own business.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) • Water sign • Personality: Scorpios are very emotional, intuitive and possessive. Occasionally they can be very sentimental and romantic. • Compatible Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio & Pisces. • Incompatible sign: Leo. • Lucky numbers: 8, 17, 21, 26, 35, 37, 44, 53, 99 Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) • Fire sign • Personality: They are very outgoing and active. They are born leaders and quite impulsive. • Compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo & Aquarius. • Incompatible signs: Virgo, Capricorn & Pisces. • Lucky numbers: 9, 18 , 20, 27, 36, 41, 45 , 54, 97 Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) • Earth sign • Personality: They are very tenacious & persevering people. Capricorns are very consistent, hardworking and are very responsible people on their work. • Compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn & Pisces. • Incompatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra & Sagittarius. • Lucky numbers: 2, 10, 28, 37, 43, 46, 55, 77 Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) • Air sign. • Personality: They are unstable people and they don’t want to be tied anywhere or to anyone. They tend to be intelligent, creative, and love to ponder. • Compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra & Aquarius. • Incompatible signs: Taurus & Virgo.

Horoscope by: Yenna Chen

Pisces (February 21 - March 20) • Water sign. • Personality: They are very emotional, imaginative and intuitive. They love to share their things, and they are prudent, thoughtful and very diplomatic. • Compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio & Capricorn. • Incompatible signs: Sagittarius & Pisces. • Lucky numbers: 2, 12, 21, 39, 42, 48, 57, 87 Aries (March 21 - April 20) • Fire sign • Personality: Arrogant, proud, very strong when the occasion requires it, sometimes pretentious, somewhat belligerent, and, above all, very vitalists. • Compatible signs: Leo, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius. • Incompatible signs: Cancer & Capricorn. • Lucky numbers: 1, 7, 10, 19, 28, 31,37, 46, 55 Taurus (April 21 - May 21) • Earth sign • Personality: They are very cautious, tenacious and quite practical sense. They are hardworking people, methodical and responsible. • Compatible signs: Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces. • Incompatible signs: Leo, Aquarius & Libra. • Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 29, 29, 37, 47, 56, 80 Gemini (May 22 - June 21) • Air sign • Personality: They are Intelligent and daring people. They are sincere, diplomatic and fairly social life. • Compatible signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius. • Incompatible sign: Capricorn. • Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 35, 40, 48, 57, 98

Leo (July 24 and August 23) • Fire Sign • Personality: They are Impulsive, aggressive when they make decisions. • Compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra & Sagittarius. • Incompatible signs: Taurus, Scorpio & Aquarius. • Lucky numbers: 5, 13, 14, 32, 46, 50, 91 Virgo (August 24 - September 23) • Earth sign. • Personality: They are very tenacious, consistent, and responsible. • Compatible signs: Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces. • Incompatible signs: Sagittarius & Aquarius. • Lucky numbers: 6, 15, 21, 24, 33, 42, 51, 70 Libra (September 24 - October 23) • Air sign. • Personality: Very intelligent and thoughtful people. • Compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio & Aquarius. • Incompatible signs: Taurus, Cancer & Capricorn. • Lucky numbers: 7, 16, 19, 25, 27, 38, 43, 75

ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE by: Javier Rizzo “Many years later as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice”, the recently passed author, Gabriel García Márquez starts his masterpiece with this phrase.


This is not realistic, is not intended to analyze or portray psychologically. Do not focus on a specific point of time, a character observed in its daily life, or sneaks in the memory of one who remembers as his previous works did. The phrase refers to the distant past and an ambiguous future that will not take place, as the colonel's brother will save him from death. We are reading a metaphor with multiples interpretations that is nothing more than the whole, accurate and truthful chronicle of a tropical

The story centers around the Buendia family, where all men are named Jose Arcadio or Aureliano (irritating and encouraging the confusion of readers). There we'll find the conqueror, the scientist, the warrior, the poet, the adventurer, the vicious, and an endless gallery of characters that represent a realistic humanity. Macondo, the hometown of the family, is a village of twenty mud houses, where nobody has died and where nobody has more than thirty years. “The world was so recent that many things lacked names and had to bring them by finger”. All foreign knowledge comes from the hand of Melquiades, a gypsy that will be the first dead person in Macondo. This book is filled with a great collection of stories, legends, jokes, sayings and historical and anthropological facts García Márquez heard and read since his childhood. I read this book last year, for the literature class that centered in Latin-American literature and choose it because was one of the most prestigious classics and a Nobel Prize winner. It was the first novel I read with the so-called “magic realism”, in which life is represented completely, including its myths and exaggerations, and is one of the few genres that grew from America.

THE HARDEST FUN I'LL EVER HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE by: Javier Rizzo This semester, I had the chance to compete for second time in the FIRST Robotics Competition, an international robotics competition organized by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). My team was Solar Engineering, formed by students of CETYS Preparatoria and CBTis 21. We started the “build season� on January of this year and I was selected to be the leader of the Programming and Control area, which is in charge of all the programming, electronics, sensors, and other devices used with the purpose to manipulate the robot and to get and send data between the robot and the computer. This year's competition was named Aerial Assist, and the robot needed to be able to grab a ball of 12ft of diameter and throw it to a goal almost 7ft above the ground, both in autonomous and teleoperated mode. Taking this into account, we decided to make the robot with two metal arms capable of grabbing the ball and a catapult that could throw it to the desired height. The name of our robot was Jorge. We worked hard through 6 weeks, all day long, to achieve our objective and our robot was finished just in time. We shipped it to Mexico City for the regional and, while we waited for the competition date, all the team was working with the business part of the team to get money to pay the flight tickets, hotel, food, and other expenses. The date had come, and we took the plane to Mexico City the Wednesday 12th of march. That day we only rested and visited the city, but the next day we built the robot's pit and worked on some modifications on Jorge. We started competing on Friday, and a mentor told me I should drive the robot. I was very nervous, but on my first match I scored 2 goals. By the end of the day we were on 6th place. On Saturday, we had some good and some bad matches, but we ended still in 6th place for the finals (only 8 teams are qualified for the finals). The bad thing was that our first opponent in the quarter finals was the team that was in 1st place. We loosed against them (and they ended winning the tournament). Last year we won the Rookie All Star award, so we qualified for the international Championship in St. Louis, MO. This year we couldn't make it to the Championship, but we got to the regional finals, so I'm very happy with our performance. Next year I'll be back to the team, but this time as a mentor.

iNTERVIEW BY: Katia Valdez Jose Guadalupe Valdez Quintero is 51 years and he es a businessman that studied industrial engineering at the Tecnologico de Culiacan in Sinaloa, Mexico, he has been working in his business for 26 years. This interview is about the carrier of industrial engineering. 1.-What does an industrial engineer do? A: the industrial engineering has a lot of areas you work in, you can go to quality, production, manufacture and administration. If you have a specialty then you can dedicate to and specific area like me in mechanics, this engineering is very extensive and covers many job opportunities for the people that study this career. 2.-What do you think of the saying “Industrial engineering is the same as a degree in business administration with a helmet”? A: I hadn’t hear that and I don’t think so , I think is a saying for students, but I think that it depends if you are only an industrial engineer that could be true, I am a industrial engineer with a specialty in mechanics so I am a mixture of the administration part and the mechanic. 3.-Which project have you enjoyed working the most? A: I have work in many projects, in my business we dedicate to install the air conditioner and the electric system, I enjoyed everyone but If I have to say one that I really like it would be when we installed the air conditioner in the CUT museum also we have worked in many company’s like Ford and Volkswagen here in Mexico. 4.-How often and where do you travel because of your work? A: I travel like one or two times per month here in Mexico, primarily to the center of Mexico like Mexico City, Puebla, Saltillo and Guanajuato, also I travel to another countries like USA and Canada. 5.-What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your job? A: Like in every profession the biggest challenge is make the work on time, with a better price and quality. And always do what you have to do. 6.-Why did you choose studying industrial engineering? A: I always liked and engineering, and in my case I have and specialty in mechanics because I always liked the mechanic part. 7.-What kind of professional people do you work with? A:I work with architects, civil engineers, some economistic, other engineers, basically that’s all. 8.-What is your favorite part of your work? A:My favorite part is when we accomplish the challenges that we were working on. 9.-Which skills do you think are necessary to be an engineer? A: Basically liking the mathematics and physics and being able to accomplish challenges 10.-What would you say to a teenager that is thinking in becoming an industrial engineer? A: Go for it, take the challenge, this carrier has a lot of job opportunities.

Programmers jokes By: Javier Rizzo

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