Intertwining. places
Current site.
resources habitat for humanity restore the indianapolis project school Morris mold machine cunningham quality painting duplicast metal works g&G metal spinners griffin & son’s auto repair arsenal technical high school
CNC milling prefabricated pieces steel/aluminium lumber
Circulation potentials + the risks
implied paths direction and form
Bicycle oriented space
Bike ramp >> upper level bike/skate board ramp >> continuation
bike racks + sitting area
<<Upper level << sittable deck << bike racks
Pedestrian oriented space
multi use covered space >> lower level
The Cyclist experience Geared towards bike traffic this space allows for the cyclist to view not only the parks but the neighbourhood from a vantage point normally reserved for tree canopies.
The Pedestrian experience the sequence of bike rack to sittable space slow down traffic for pedestrians and also give them a vantage point to both other bikes on the trail and eventually the green line.
The Panels The roofing panels will all be prefabricated off site. by keeping them to a module volume that never exceeds a 8’x 6’ x 8’ theses pieces can be transported on sight by an average sized trailor
Vbeams the sequence of bike rack to sittable space these beams joints provide a flexibility of different angles in 15* increments. the use of nominal wood sizes of lenght 6’ 8’ 10’ or 12’ allows for the flexibility in its post occupancy use.