2020 Annual Report Partnerships Do u g la s C oun t y C OVI D Commun i t y Pa rt n e rsh i p City of Alexandria, Douglas County, Alomere Health, Horizon Public Health
Do u g la s C oun t y C om m un i t y Ma rk e t i n g Pa rt n e r ship City of Alexandria, Chamber of Commerce, Alexandria Technical & Community College, Explore Alexandria Tourism, Alexandria Public Schools
A Webinar Series
COVID-19: Advancing Our Community Together
People Reached
part series
find all webinar recordings on our website
$3.35 Million CARES Grant Dollars Allocated
2 020 P roj ec ts
T otal P roj ec t C ost
J obs Cr e at e d
Bello Cucina/ Goodneighbor
Douglas Machine
Erickson Plumbing of Minnesota
Alexandria Airport – Bellanca Building
Sale of Industrial Land
Hang Loose MN, LLC
CRT Machining
McCarten Design
F u t u re P la n s
l ivingal exare a.org
1 2 3
Increase Retention & Success of Alexandria Area Businesses Increase the pipeline of workforce talent, provide in-demand business workshops, and increase the use of business loan programs.
Recruit Businesses to Locate Here Create an incentive package, promote the area to prospects, and assist with site selection and financing.
Enhance Our Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Assist 4-6 start-ups each year and assess feasibility of creating business incubator.
Al exand ria Are a E con omi c De ve lopme n t Co m m ission | livinga lexa rea .org | 32 0.76 .4545 | a a edc @ a lex mn .o r g
About us
A l e x a n d r i a a r e a e c o n o m i c develo pm ent Co m m issio n The mission of the AAEDC is promoting prosperity and optimizing opportunity in the Alexandria region. We do this with support from the Lakes Area Economic Development Authority (LAEDA) by providing fair and equitable resources. Through joint strategic planning processes between the AAEDC and the LAEDA, core initiatives and strategies are defined to develop a shared vision of the future and to identify goals and objectives against which progress toward achieving that vision can be measured.
The vision of the AAEDC is that the greater Alexandria Area is known as the premier place to call home, build a career, and grow a business. It is a place with leading-edge technology, infrastructure, and unparalleled talent, set within a geographic area of immense natural beauty.
2020 Board of directors
To ensure long-term vitality for economic development efforts in the Alexandria Area, the AAEDC sought legislative authority and received approval in 2003, to create the Lakes Area Economic Development Authority (LAEDA). The LAEDA model is the first of its kind in Minnesota to bring together communities and townships under a formal structure with designated EDA powers.
Joa n i N ie l s o n
J ulie C ritz
N ic ole Klime k
Vick i Jo ds aas
City of Alexandria
Hudson Township
Alexandria Township
Lake Mary Township
Vice President
J e f f Pat ie n c e
E dd ie Re if
Matth e w Fisc h e r
Todd Po wers
City of Alexandria
LaGrand Township
City of Alexandria
Carlos Township
Lakes area economic d ev elopment a ut hor ity
P OW ERS OF EDA’S • Tax abatement • Ability to enter into contracts • Sale of bonds
The AAEDC works in partnership with the Lakes Area Economic Development Authority to meet their overall goals. The LAEDA was organized in 2004 through special state legislation with approval of the State of MN and the organization’s founding members to formalize and stabilize the funding process of economic development efforts in Douglas County, MN. Because of the long-term nature of many initiatives and investments needed to continue to grow our community, stable funding is crucial to the success of economic development efforts.
• Economic Development
The mission of the LAEDA is to support the mission of the AAEDC by providing fair and equitable resources.
• Participation in limited
Districts • Levying of taxes • Creation of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts • Acquisition and sale of real estate and personal property partnerships
Al exand r ia Are a E con omi c De ve lopme n t Co m m ission | liv inga lexa rea .org | 32 0.76 .4545 | a a edc @ a lex mn .o r g