Color me Smart brain puzzles coloring book

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Color me Smart Brain puzzles coloring book

____________________ 2016

Copyright Š 2016 by Arts On / Alexandru Ciobanu All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or the publisher. Printed by Amazon. First Printing, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-1530772087 ISBN-10: 1530772087


How to use this book

Test your perspicacity! For each design you have to identify the fragment that does not belong to the main picture. Choose one of the three squares below the main design and then check the correct answer at the end of the book. When you start coloring pages in this book, please drop any thoughts and relax! Think about the drawing process, the colors, the designs and nothing else. The drawings in this book are printed on side of the page to avoid bleed trough. Nevertheless, it is a good practice to put a few sheets of paper between pages especially if you are using markers. You may use colored pencils or markers to color the designs. If you are not sure about a certain color, use the Colors Test Page found at the end of the book. For best results, do not press to hard with your coloring tools; instead try to build up color gradually. For small details and tight places always use a well-sharpened pencil. If you plan to use colored pens, try to find the ones with a fine nib and avoid alcohol-based and heavy ink flow pens because they bleed more. Use any colors you want for the designs. You should know that the colors can literally affect your mood. Here are some general guidelines: bright colors are believed to increase your energy; warm colors (yellow, red, orange) can be used to bring you up from a bad mood; cool colors (green, blue, purple) can calm you down; dark colors can be relaxing; light colors and pastels transmit softness and can be soothing. All of the above are general guidelines but if you are not comfortable with them feel free to do whatever feels good to you!






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ht t ps : / / ar t s onmedi a. wor dpr es s . c om/












Thi si saprevi ew ofthebook ColormeSmart Brai n puzzlescolori ng book somepageshavebeen removed from thi ssample. To gettheenti rebookpleasevi si tthefollowi ng li nk: ht t p: / / www. amaz on. c om/ Col or Smar t puz z l es c ol or i ngCol or i ng/ dp/ 1530772087

Thi st i t l ei st he3t hv ol umef r om t hes er i es Ar t sOnCol or i ngBooks

ht t p: / / al ex andr uc i obanu. c om/

ht t ps : / / ar t s onmedi a. wor dpr es s . c om/




Answers Design 1: right

Design 2: left

Design 3: left

Design 4: middle

Design 5: right

Design 6: left

Design 7: right

Design 8: middle

Design 9: right

Design 10: left

Design 11: right

Design 12: left

Design 19: middle

Design 22: left

Design 15: right

Design 16: middle

Design 18: left

Design 21: middle

Design 14: middle

Design 17: middle

Design 20: middle

Design 13: right

Color test page

Color me sm art Brain puzzles coloring book

Concept and Layout: Alexandru Ciobanu

Designs by artists: Ratselmeister; Visnezh; Anna Vynohradova; Shvaista;

First Edition ISBN-13: 978-1530772087 ISBN-10: 1530772087

Copyright Š 2015 by Arts On / ALEXANDRU CIOBANU All rights reserved.

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