Intelligent Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities
Šcopyright Norbert van Onna
Lucienne Krosse
Contents • Background and main challenges • Roadmap • Some project examples
European Energy goals
The national and European goals in respect of the built environment can be summarised as: • Realising energy-neutral new building and 20-35% CO2 reduction in the total built environment in 2020 (compared to 1990). • Governmental buildings energy neutral in 2018 • Halving the total energy use in the built environment in 2030. • Aiming towards an energy-neutral built environment by the middle of this century.
The main Challenges in 2011 •
Reduction of energy demand: new energy efficient and cost-effective components and systems need to be developed and integrated into buildings and energy systems (building shell, HVAC, lighting, energy management). Especially focusing on the existing building stock.
To enable an effective and wide implementation of renewable energy sources, new integrated
and compact storage systems are essential for bridging the gap between demand and supply. •
Upgrade of the aging energy infrastructure and integration of the different energy carriers at city level.
To enable an effective and efficient integration of the single components and systems (products and services) developed, test-beds at different scale-levels are needed: component – system – building – network-district – city level. Especially on city level, strong end-user involvement in the concept of living labs is crucial.
Effective business creation in a highly fragmented and local oriented market.
Effectively up to 3% of the installed based is upgraded or renewed annually.
New business models and services are urgently needed to find solutions for the mismatch in the cost benefit model (the investments and benefits are often not allocated with the same stakeholders, for example in the cases of rented buildings).
Enabling the development, demonstration and introduction of new products and services within the thematic field ‘intelligent energy efficient buildings and cities’, through effective implementation of the knowledge triangle.
Roadmap V1 The roadmap of the theme ‘Intelligent Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities’ is structured along four lines / sub-themes that interact strongly:
• Local energy supply, conversion and storage • Energy Efficient Buildings • Local energy networks within the city • Intelligent Energy Efficient Cities
Roadmap per subtheme
Local energy supply, conversion and storage • Objectives: – – – –
Increase Energy efficiency more effective use of renewable energy sources Ease of retrofit Increase comfort level and general user acceptance of EE products
• Functions: – Thermal storage – Heating (incl. heat pumps) – Cooling 10
Energy Efficient Buildings • Objectives – – – – –
Ease of Refurbishment Comply to stricter energy performance legislation Increasing EE and IEQ in existing buildings New buildings: Energy neutral in 2020 User acceptance
• Functions – Climate adaptive facades and building components – Energy efficient lighting and energy management systems – ventilation 11
Urban energy networks • Objectives – Multi energy source / vector situation: heat, cold, electricity, gas need to be managed simultaneously on a dynamic basis – The reliance and safety of energy networks will be increasingly challenged by decentral RES – Energy storage (E, T) will be essential to increase flexibility of the energy networks
• Functions – Thermal networks – Gaseous networks – Electricity networks
Energy in Cities • Objectives – Public spaces will be more and more multifunctional also on the level of energy supply, storage, consumption – New (cross-sectional) business opportunities based on sensor networks, big data and IT
Portfolio •
Local energy supply, conversion and storage – Storage – Heating – Cooling
Energy Efficient Buildings – Climate adaptive façade & building components – Energy efficient lighting & energy management systems – Ventilation
SmartBox, SunRise ESC, BEEST, DCCS, DEAL
Local energy networks within the city – – – –
Storage-geo, E-store, SunRise, Flex2 micro chp Storage-solab, TorsionD
Thermal networks Electrical networks Mobility networks Gaseous networks
KIC -Ass EV city
Intelligent Energy Efficient Cities – Urban energy system transition – Energy data technologies – New urban energy services
FutureLight FutureLight Alive&KICing
Project: Storage Initial situation
Project Description Storage researches techniques to store excess energy and to release it effectively at times of high demand or high generation cost.
Excess energy is produced at times of low demand and low generation cost and from intermittent energy sources such as solar and wind power.
Project goal
Customers Addressed Residential market, Airco Non-residential building owners ESCo
Improve the integration, optimisation and life-time of borehole thermal energy storage, coupled with heat pumps (resulting in a better business case) More effective use of district heating networks during summer
Products ESCO based on a new management and optimisation system for borehole thermal energy storage SolabCool: a waste heat (or district heat ) driven adsorption airconditioner for dwellings
Value for the customer Lower energy bill, lower maintenance cost, increased lifetime system due to more effective use borehole thermal storage system Effective use of district heating networks during summer Lower electrical peak loads in summer, due to air conditioning
Project: KIC-ASS - Active Substations Project Description Active substations provide more information on the operational state of the distribution grid, thus allowing for faster diagnostics, faster resolution of faults and in general greater control of said grid
Initial situation
Customers Addressed Distribution system operators (DSO) representing different types of grids in Europe
Deliver a range of solutions for grid operators to upgrade their existing substations to a level of intelligence that allows the growth of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) without large investments or loss of power quality and reliability
substations: convert MV to LV, protect against overload and short-circuits on MV and LV current substations are extremely reliable, highly efficient, safe and self-contained but not designed for the additional loads and bi-directional energy flows
Project goal
Products Contact-less MV-sensor, Auto-calibration, Acoustic PD detection, Fault Passage Indication, Reconfigurable measurement and control RTU equipped with sophisticated PQ-software
Value for the customer Provide a cheaper and more scalable alternative to the current solution which is installing additional/thicker cables and bigger transformers
MTT - Micro Turbine CHP Project Description MTT’s Micro Chp system is built out of commercial off the shelve components that are widely used in the automotive industry, thus allowing for relative low purchase price and low maintenance costs.
Initial situation
Customers Addressed Top-end residential market SMEs
to develop a micro CHP system at a relatively low cost,, suited to be implemented in existing buildings.
A typical “chicken-egg” problem is obstructing massive introduction of micro CHP (Combined Heat and Power) at residential level: a large volume is needed to achieve a low cost price, whereas a low cost price is needed to achieve large scale market introduction
Project goal
Products A small size, low weight and flexible micro CHP system based on micro-turbine technology.
Value for the customer 25% lower energy bill
ESC - Energy Supply Cooperative Initial situation
Project Description ESC develops technology for a maximal self-usage of RES in energy-autarkic residential quarters, including the potential for load reduction and shifting Customers Addressed Buyers of new built houses that are independent from fossil energy for low to mid incomes
passive housing addresses the need for lower energy use, but is not power autarkic current power autarkic projects don’t take energy fluctuations into account or use costly batteries
Project goal developing energy-autarkic, environmentally friendly residential quarters for low to mid incomes: maximal self-usage of PV energy (in combination with passive housing and new heat pumps) Efficient use, cost-effective energy storage load shifting possibilities within the quarter
product New districts that are independent from fossil energy for low to mid incomes: Components and management technology for affordable energy-autarkic residential area’s
Value for the customer a reliable, foreseeable and affordable supply of energy: lower total energy cost and increased independency
Estore - Electrical Energy Storage Device for Cold Stores Initial situation Effective use of renewable energy sources are hampered by the mismatch between demand and supply. Especially during the night, wind energy is available but demand is low. Consequently electricity prices are lower during the night, and higher during the day. Normally Cold stores are cooled down to storage temperatures 24/7.
Project Description EStore develops a controller for refrigeration systems (cold stores), enabling an optimum reaction to electricity market pricing, refrigeration system dynamics and product quality: a fast demand-response system.
Project goal
Customers Addressed Owners of coldstores
to control the electrical energy demand of a refrigeration system based on electricity market inputs, while respecting the cooling limits required by the refrigerated products
Products hardware with embedded software, enabling to cool down the cold stores deeper at lowest energy prices and still guaranteed product quality.
Value for the customer lower energy bill for the warehouse owner useful exploitation of excess electricity for the TSO
DCCS - Dwelling Climate Control System Initial situation
Project Description Nowadays, almost every component is equipped with Energy Saving controls. Still occupants are facing comfort problems and unnecessary high energy bills. Promises are made to tenants that lower energy bills will compensate increased rent. To monitor if taken measures are effective, feedback and insight in the system performance is prerequisite. This monitoring information, optimisation and integral controll will be offered by the DCCS service. Customers Addressed • Holiday parks • Social housing associations • Home owners
• Modern houses are equipped with increasing amount of technical installations. In addition to central heating systems other systems like heat recovery units, cooling, electrical solar shading and smart meters are applied. Every system is applied with its own set of sensors and control systems, but there is no overall integration or optimisation.
Project goal Development of an affordable, easy to use and implement, integral dwelling climate control system. Among the functionalities should be a i) cost effective monitoring, ii) benchmarking, iii) an intelligent energy optimisation function, and iv) smart control function. The system enables energy consumption reduction and improves comfort level at the same time.
Products Automation and control system for existing and new dwellings, that controls different building and energy systems (heat recovery, solar shading and ground based cooling) to optimize the complete energy system.
Value for the customer Energy savings, lower energy bill Higher comfort level
BEEST - Building Energy Efficiency Management Initial situation
Project Description Smart buildings with a holistic approach on (renewable) energy, total cost of operations, customer comfort and sustainability are the future. The proposed products can contribute significantly towards that overall belief and bring something new with more value to the market. Customer addressed • Hotels • Office buildings
• Hotels and office buildings biggest operating cost (after salaries) is energy. During the period between 2005-2013 energy costs have suffered a significant increase (+5,7% according Eurostat) and will be increasing in the years to come. Moreover, managing energy in many tertiary buildings is still mostly based on operator‘s own insights/experience.
Project goal Developing applications (APPs) for the already existing energy management software from Dexmatech and sell them via the Dexmatech APP store
Products APPs: Forecasting and Assessment, Demand Side Management, Energy market,
Value for the customer Energy cost saving Easy to use energy and cost optimisation software
FLEX² -Tailor-made flexible thermal storage systems Initial situation
Project Description The product will be offered through system integrators/engineering companies who will customize it to the precise specifications of a particular setting. Their size/volume and shape can be easily adapted to make optimal use of the available space in or around existing buildings (flexible containers that can have all kinds of (complex) shapes).
Today large thermal energy storage tanks are mostly constructed of reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete or steel. The latter results in low flexibility and high installation costs, thus preventing a widespread break-through in hospitals, office buildings, green houses, schools, apartment blocks etc.
Project goal To make a low cost and flexible thermal energy storage system
Customer addressed • Owners of all kinds of buildings Products A flexible thermal buffer made of vessels of coated textiles, insulation material and an integrated control system.
Value for the customer Energy saving Cost saving Flexitanks for Agricultural application
sun-RISE - Ridge Integrated Solar Energy system, tap water production Initial situation
Project Description The sun-RISE product makes it possible to apply solar domestic hot water systems at dwellings where the orientation and/or the slope of the roof is not suited for solar collectors, by using the ridge of a dwelling as mounting area. Moreover, by integrating the hot water tank in the solar system no extra space in the building is needed for storing the heat.
Solar heated tap water systems need south oriented roof. Moreover, many people don‘t want such a system due to the poor aesthetics.
Project goal To develop a solar domestic hot water system that can be mounted on the ridge of the roof in a modular way, with a high energy performance, robust (no overheating or freezing risk), easy to install, and also suited for the renovation sector..
Customer addressed • Building owners of dwellings with a ridge
Modular roof mounted solar collector with integrated storage capacity, for hot tap water production.
Value for the customer
Reduced energy bills Cost effective solution Easy to install Aesthetics: almost doesn‘t show from street level
TORSION DRIVE - Torsion drive Compressor Development Initial situation
Project Description Development of a small capacity compressor with a significantly higher efficiency. This will enable large energy savings in small refrigeration and heat pump applications (beter energy efficiency and energy label). Customer addressed • Manufacturers of refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioners and heat pumps.
Current small capacity compressors are approaching the theoretical energy efficiency limits. Increasing COP is getting harder and harder, although legislation is asking for it.
Project goal To achieve a working prototype of the torsion drive compressor assembly, a demonstration in a refrigerator adapted for this compressor and to draw guidelines for the production line for this compressor.
Products A Torsion Drive compressor which will have a significantly higher energy efficiency.
Value for the customer Energy savings Legislation / energy label Components of the Torsion Drive compressor
Šcopyright Norbert van Onna
KIC InnoEnergy receives funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Update roadmap 3 Scenario’s: • Electrification and Heat Networks – assumes virtually all homes use either electric heating (heat pumps, direct electric) or heat networks, fed-by zero carbon heat. There is no role for gas. • Balanced transition – has an approximately even split across three heating types: 1) heat networks (dense urban areas & new build), 2) low carbon gas appliances (suburbia), 3) electric heating (some suburbia, rural and new build). • Predominantly RES
Update roadmap • Choice effected by current infrastructure, legislation, customer drivers (comfort/health, cost, user-acceptance, ease of retrofit, etc.) • No one-fits all solution, country specific