alexa villanueva design portfolio
contents Resume Studio / Archived projects Art Center for Accessible Living Regrowth: Community Space for Children Aura Fondue Restaurant In Process: My Thesis Studio Project Internship at CollinsWoerman Wayfinding for UO Libraries Furniture Studio UMA Rack Personal Creative Projects Sculpture + Fiber Woodwork Ceramics
Research A ssistant Li nda Zi m m er + Kyuho A hn (February 2017- pres ent) - A s s i s ti ng wi th the P os t Occupancy Eval uti on of the Ed Roberts Cam pus i n Oakl and, CA - Creati ng and tes ti ng behavi oral m aps - A nal yzi ng us er behavi or wi th vari ous di s abi l i ti es
Co n ta c t
UX Design Inter n U ni vers i ty of Oregon Li brari es (Sept. 2015 - present) - Res earchi ng wayfi ndi ng and ways to i m prove the Kni ght Li brary s pati al l y - Conducti ng i ndependent behavi oral + navi gati onal s tudi es - Intervi ewi ng patrons and s takehol ders of the Kni ght Li brary about i s s ues concer ni ng wayfi ndi ng and i nteri or des i gn - Redes i gned s i gnage wi thi n the l i brary to be i ns tal l ed i n S pri ng of 2016
Alexa Villanueva
P/ 253 . 683 . 1726 W/ E/ A/ 236 E 13th Ave #4 Eugene, Oregon 97401
Univ e r sit y of Oregon B a c he lor of I nt e r ior A rchi tecture
2012 - est. June 2017
AFFILIAT IO N + CERT I FI C ATI ON IIDA Student Member since 2015 Enhanced Research Skills Certificate 2016
SKILLS C ompu ter Programs:
R e v it 2014, Adobe Cre a t iv e Suit e, A utoCad H and Media:
Pe nc il/pe n ske t c hing, w a t e rc olo r, charcoal E xc e lle nt t ime ma nagem ent Cle a r c ommuni cati on R e se a rc h a nd da t a ga t he ri ng s ki l l s Commit me nt t o de sign e xcel l ence e xpre sse d in Arc hiv e d st udio proj ects and ot he r des i gn work
Freelance Interior Designer Bel l y Tacqueri a, ( Sept. 2016 - present ) - P rovi di ng cons tructi on drawi ngs and pers pecti ves for i nteri or rem odel - D es i gn cons ul ti ng wi th cl i ent (Brendan Mahaney, owner) Interior Design Inter n Col l i ns Woerm an (June - S ept. 2016 & D ecem ber 2016) - A s s i s ted wi th the devel opm ent of concepts - Revi s ed CD s ets to be s ent to contractors & cl i ents - Created 3D renderi ngs us i ng Revi t, S ketchU p, P hotos hop - Curated m ateri al pal ettes to be pres ented to cl i ents - Worked wi th vari ous m ateri al m anufactorors A rt Mentor Maude Ker ns A rt Center (Sept. 2016 - Dec. 2016) - Created a term -l ong curri cul um for a 9-year-ol d s tudent i nteres ted i n l ear ni ng the art of ceram i cs - Taught weekl y l es s ons on ceram i c techni ques that l ed to a grand art s how for the s tudent i n the end A rt Editor S i ren Magazi ne (Aug. 2014 - June 2016) - Managed s tudent artwork for s ubm i ttal s - Conducted com m uni ty outreach for art s ubm i s s i ons - Curated m agazi ne to fi t the em poweri ng aes theti c - Il l us trated and wrote arti cl es / poetry to be publ i s hed
F or m e , on e of t h e mo s t i mp o r t a n t p a r t s of sta r tin g a n e w p ro j e c t i s d e f i n i n g g o al s a n d “ se t t i n g t h e mood ” . I n th is stu dio, I w a s mo s t i n s p i re d b y t h e m ove m e n t of t h e d a n c e r s i n t h e i ma g e a bove , a n d t h e p a i n t i n g b e l o w i t . I a llowe d th e m t o g u i d e me t h ro u g h t h e proje c t a n d tr a n s l a t e t h e ms e l v e s w i t h i n its c om positio n a n d ma t e r i a l p a l e t t e .
CONCEPT: In redesigning the Key Sytem Building located in Oakland, California, it was important to only historically preserve the Beaux-Arts facade. This provided me with the freedom to install a more stable structure and change the way the building was experienced in terms of visibility and materiality.
Process: In what ways could there be a balance between universal design and dignified & artistic living? My concept was formed and simplified into two simple words: movement & translucency. Movement exemplifies the constant motion of artists and their creative process and the possibilites for interaction between users and their various forms of art, while transparences accomadate these users by allowing themselves and their work be celebated in different forms throughout the space.
Because this space will be used to support people with disabilities who are seeking visual and performing arts education and professional services, it is important for the space to overall feel dignified, welcoming, and inspiring for its users. With the mission to celebrate movement and inspiration through encouraging interaction with each other and the art, there are multiple ways of offering transparency and opportunities for gathering. Major circulation is located along the south faรงade, with the main circulation path positioned parallel to it. This makes locating circulation zones memorable for users, and allows more opportunities for activities to fill the rest of the building. Because this center is driven by universal design, it offers easy access and use for all types of users. In this proposed design, wheelchairbound users are accommodated by having every level can be accessed with elevators and ramps.
awareness of environment
columns for wayfidning
Public vs. Private
The grand entry lobby main hall The grand entry lobby where community members can find where + community in artmovement and movement are celebrated
quiet zone
info desk
A informal stage
quiet zone
ground floor B
theatre vestibule to bART
Box office
tech room
coat room
Waiting area
Private Dressing
Dressing room
PRactice room
BAckStage / Storage
Private Dressing
material palette
Location of perspective above
Location of perspective on the right
Section A
Section B
C re a tin g co n cep t u a l mode l s i s o n e o f m y f a vor ite pa r ts o f t h e d e s i g n p ro c e s s . Th e se m ode ls in p a r t i c u l a r g a v e me i d e a s a bou t h ow I wa n t s p a c e s o f my c h i l d re n ’s c e n te r to la ye r, o v e r l a p , a n d c o n n e c t , a s we ll a s h ow n a tu re c a n b e e mp h a s i z e d .
Process: The concept of growth was the driving force behind this creation of a childrens center. With a healthy and sustainable future in mind, i decided to use this studio to learn how to create an environment where children and teens can continually be inspired and learn about the how to care for the environment around us, as well as taking care of one another .
Inclusive design is about serving access with dignity, controlled flexibility, and offering choices that fit all. Every child and teen deserves a comfortable space away from home and school, and this serene community center embodies this notion. The Boys & Girls Club of Springfield, Oregon offers a nurturing environment that teaches occupants the importance of cherishing life & growth. It is a place to be inspired, to feel safe, and learn the value of health. With a teaching kitchen and space to grow food, this center becomes a program that helps to teach community members of all ages the importance of healthy eating and cooking, this Boys & Girls club becomes the stepping stone to more positive generations to come. additions
The play room where children can safely explore, create, + learn
teaching kitchen
the inviting main entry
AURA FONDUE LOUNGE + BAR SPRING 2015 M y in spir a tion f or t h i s s t u d i o p ro j e c t w a s dr ive n by Gu sta v Kl i mt ’s p a i n t i n g , Th e K i s s. A n a lyzin g th e p a i n t i n g a n d f i g u r i n g ou t h ow it c a n b e t r a n s l a t e d i n t o t h e in te r ior s f or a re s t a u r a n t w a s e x t re me l y f u n f or m e , c on n e c t i n g t h e t h re e l o v e s of m y lif e : ar t, in t e r i or a rc h i t e c t u re , an d f o o d ! N ote : L o t s o f “ re s e a rc h ” in f on du e re sta u r a n t s w a s c o n d u c t e d du r in g th e c re a ti o n o f t h i s p ro j e c t : )
The dining room an immersive experience where one can indulge,themselves and admire the artistic ambiance in the company of loved ones Parti
Concept: On Franklin Boulevard, near the University of Oregon, quietly sits a unique and historical landmark - the Romania building. My goal for this project was to create an inclusive environment that embodies the work of Gustav Klimt by giving it a cozy and naturalistic vibe that sooths its visitors. Using “The Kiss� as inspiration, the restaurant is ecclectic in spirit and echoes the rustic atmosphere of Gustav’s work. Dreamy canopies within the dining hall mark movement, but also reflect the gold cloaks that envolope the lovers in this paintings.
fon lou
the main entry
(WE)AVE is a community center for the preservation and production of contemporary fiber art. It is located in the historic Colman Automotive Row building in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, WA. The mission of this center is to be a place for people of all ages, abilities and experience levels to be exposed to, and to participate in the production of fiber arts. W hat I am ex cit ed to exp lore and research in m y final y e a r o f s ch oo l is h ow to d esign a center that p rom otes c o mmu n it y, art , an d fem ale em p ower m ent from a histor ic lens.
During the summer of 2016, I had the incredible opportunity to be t h e on e an d on ly inter ior d esign inter n at C ollinsWoer m an, locat ed in Seat t le , WA. What I lov ed m ost ab out m y experience at this firm was getting to dive into and be involved in mu lt iple pro jec ts at v ar ious stages, from concep tual developmen t to red lining constr uction d ocum ents. Aft er t h is memora b le sum m er, I had caught the wor king bu g; I kn ew t h at I wanted to sp end m y winter b reak wo rkin g fo r Co llinsWoer m an again, and so natur ally I was t h rilled when I was invited to com e b ack!
MY R ES PONSIB ILITIES INCLUDED: - Develo pin g m ood b oard s / concep t p resentations for clients - G en erat in g m ater ial p alettes for v ar ious p rojects an d con t acting m ater ial rep resentatives - Wo rkin g in Revit, AutoC ad , Photoshop , and SketchUp - At t end ing client / team m eetings - R ed lin in g constr uction d ocum ents for sub m ittals - Cre ating inter ior p er sp ectives An d fin ally, I was resp onsib le for hosting a “Lunch and L ear n � in Decem b er where I had the chance to pre se nt my t h es is p ro je c t proposa l to the entire fir m over lu n ch . T h e crit iq ue I was given was extrem ely help ful an d t h is als o allowed m e to p r actice p resenting in front o f a larg e au dience- ner vewr acking to say the least, bu t defin it ely a p ositiv e highlight of m y inter nship !
The Lobby where patients can sit and wait for their appointments in a fun atmosphere
“why is finding books in this library so difficult? why does everyone seem to get lost in the maze? what defines the unique identity of each library? how can the environment be improved to solve these issues?” These are the mysteries it was my job to solve as the wayfinding designer at my school’s most popular library, the Knight Library. This job has awaken my passion for researching spatial issues from a human perspective, so I was thrilled when I was asked to work again for a second year, but this time focusing on our other library branches on campus, such as the Arts & Allied Arts Library and Law Library.
MY R ESP ONSIB ILITIES INCLUDE: - Con du c ting navigational stud ies - Behavior al m ap p ing - I n t erview in g s t a kehold er s and stud ents on their ex periences in the UO Lib r ar ies - Pro du cing cam p us wid e sur veys - Des ig n in g pro t otyp e signage to b e rev iewed b y s t ak ehold er s and tested - I mplemen t in g new signage in each lib r ar y after successful testing - Wo rkin g wit h a fixed b ud get for sp atial changes
signage i designed to attract participants of my studies
new knight library signage
new knight library signage
Concept: My goal was to create a light and minimalist piece that can be used to express oneself. I used rough sawn ash for this design, and use the leftover material to create a hanger with leather. For someone who has never had ANY sort of wood working experience before, this project was a challenge to design and build but also such an eye opening experience that helped me realize just how fun + addicting using wood as a medium can be.
“i care i care i care” “Carry that weight” Creating sculpture allows me to process my emotions and ideas about what is going on around me. This piece was produced shortly after the 2016 election, a confusing period of time that shifted our nation. I felt deflated and lifeless, to say the least. Creating this sculpture was calming and allowed me to see my feelings put into physical form, and opened up discussion about emotional responses to political events. Materials: Wood, paint, hand dyed indigo fabric, string
Installation art is where I believe interior architecture and art collides. I have always wanted to create a suggestive “room within a room”, and was able to do just that by welding steel and sewing on “walls” made of vellum and string. Each piece of vellum has embroidered words on them that help to empower viewers of the space. Once you go inside, you are immersed in a new experience where secret and positive words are stitched for only viewers to read.This element of surprise and playfulness is what I strive for in many of my artistic endeavors. Materials: welded steel, string, velum