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Friday, November 6, 2009


Postal strike is called off

So what did Bill say to the Queen?

CHRISTMAS cards and gifts will be delivered in time for December 25 after postal strikes were called off. An agreement between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers’ Union will now see a “period of calm”. A series of 24-hour national stoppages were called off last night after an ‘interim’ deal was agreed to end a longrunning row over jobs, pay and pensions. See Page 4

Rogue taxi credit scam

Read the story on Page 6 or watch Bill Bratt receive his MBE online at www.thisis

Dad says sorry after stealing cash from church collection

‘Forgive me for I have sinned...’ BY ALEX CAMPBELL

A REGULAR churchgoer is begging for forgiveness after pinching £15 from the collection plate at the end of Sunday Mass. Gary Caldwell swiped the cash from the plate at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, in Ford Green Road, Norton, last month and ran off. But he was seen by fellow churchgoers and later arrested. The 42-year-old this week admitted stealing from the church on Sunday, October 18 and was given a 12-month conditional discharge by magistrates. Now the unemployed father-of-two has paid back the £15 from his benefits and is apologising for his sins. Mr Caldwell, of Barks Drive, Norton,


DESPERATE: Right, Gary Caldwell and, above, St Mary’s Church. who had drunk seven litres of cider the night before the theft, said: “I want to apologise to the church from the bottom of my heart for my sins, I’m desperate for them to forgive me. “I’m a good bloke. I was drunk out of

my mind on the morning and didn’t know what I was doing.” Former kitchen porter Mr Caldwell said he turned to drink after splitting with his partner and losing contact with his young children. He said: “I paid the church back as soon as I could and everyone is happy with it, including the police. I’d like to go back to the church if they’ll let me. “I didn’t go to the church to steal, and it wasn’t money for booze, I just lost the plot.” Now Mr Caldwell, who has a previous conviction for stealing wine from a supermarket, is

seeing a counsellor to help him kick the booze for good. Church officials today confirmed Mr Caldwell was welcome back at St Mary’s. Paul Mayland, a deacon at the church, said: “If anybody says they are sorry for what they have done then they are always welcome to come back. “There will be one or two people who are unsure, but if he has apologised then he is fine to return. “As far as the Catholic church is concerned, throughout the Gospel of Jesus is the forgiveness of sins.”

Should Mr Caldwell be welcomed back? Email us at




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TAXI drivers today issued a warning not to use unlicensed cabs after a passenger claimed he was ripped off. Police are investigating after teenager Matt Beard claimed a taxi driver stole his credit card after taking him home to Burslem from Hanley. He said he got into the taxi even though he hadn’t booked it. Stoke-on-Trent City Council has also launched an inquiry. See Page 5

Cold weather cash boost DATA from a North Staffordshire weather station will now be used to calculate cold weather payments to vulnerable residents. The move means thousands will be more likely to receive payments, but only if they live in certain parts of the region. It comes after politicians called for a more accurate assessment of conditions in relation to the payments. See Page 7

ONLINE TODAY Leone’s Olympic dream

Take a trip around the Olympic Park by going to www.thisisstaffordshire

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