2017 Rail and Road - December Edition

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VOLUME 109 No.4 December 2017



Merry Chistmas to all RTBU Members and their Families Print Post Approved 25500003-01148

NSW Branch Head Office Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel (02) 92642511 Fax (02) 92611342 Email nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Website www.rtbuexpress.com.au

Jervis Bay

Tram and Bus Division 83-89 Renwick Street Redfern NSW 2016 Tel (02) 93197277 Fax (02) 93194341 Email info@rtbu-nswbus.asn.au

Locomotive Division

RTBU Holiday Park Vacancies - Book your holiday now

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For booking enquiries please telephone Head Office on

(02) 9264 2511 Find Us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RTBUNSW AND



Selective advertising is available in Rail & Road at competitive individual issue rates or a discounted annual rate. A design service is also available to have your advertisement professionally designed to your specifications.

Level 4, 321 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel (02) 92643400 Fax (02) 92647679 Email nswloco@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Newcastle Office 33 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton NSW 2303 Tel (02) 4961 4311 Fax (02) 4961 4779 Email newcastle@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Wollongong Office Level 1, 306a Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500 Tel (02) 4227 5798 Email wollongong@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Branch Executive Secretary Alex Claassens President Joanne McCallum Assistant Secretary (Road) David Woollams Assistant Secretary (Rail) Robert Hayden

Elected Full-Time Officials Branch Secretary Alex Claassens Locomotive Divisional Secretary Robert Hayden Tram and Bus Divisional Secretary Chris Preston Tram and Bus Divisional President David Woollams


Director of Organising Alison Rudman Freight Organisers Steve Wright

RAIL & ROAD is the official journal of the NSW Branch of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union and is produced as part of the union’s communication strategy to inform and report on matters of interest to members. All editorial and advertising inquiries should be addressed to Peter O’Connor Telephone: 0430 188 116 e-mail: poconnor@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Printing - Brightset, Banksmeadow, (02) 9316 4800 Art & Design - P Design - proberson@hotmail.com - Phone 0402 032 949

Kevin Pryor

Passenger Organiser Bob Newham Branch Organisers Helen Bellette

Mick Cartwright Graham Fozzard Luke Hayden Trent Hunter Industrial Officers Lizanne Bennett Jessica Epps (Locomotive Division) Communications Officer Peter O’Connor

From the Branch Secretary As another year draws to a close, we can pause briefly and reflect on what has been occurring in our industry. While it is easy to get caught up and distracted in the day to day issues and disputes, it is important to step back and take stock of what we have achieved together through collective will and action over this time. It has been another year of turmoil in many sectors of the industry, with the NSW Transport Minister pushing ahead with his ideological wish list for public transport, and employers stubbornly and often belligerently frustrating attempts to arrive at fair and reasonable enterprise agreements. However, over the course of this year, RTBU members and activists have stood firm in the face of these constant attacks. We have been on the streets and in the media highlighting the dangers of this government’s proposed privatisation of a range of transport services, we have been speaking to members of the public and gaining tens of thousands of signatures and support to prevent wholesale privatisation of Sydney’s buses. We have joined with other unions and community organisations in a range of campaigns to safeguard working families, including changes to penalty rates, new industrial legislation, and raising awareness of domestic violence as a workplace issue. RTBU members across Pacific

National and ARTC have taken a series of industrial actions to ensure that enterprise agreement negotiations do not erode existing working conditions and entitlements. We have continued to argue with Sydney and NSW Trains to ensure a good outcome for members in the current EA negotiations. Station staff have had a number of notable wins in areas such as securing disability allowances where there have been major changes on stations, as well as a new Transfer Policy. Our train guards continue to have invaluable input into the new intercity fleet project, to ensure a range of safety measures are in place, as well as wins on future operations proposals for train guards. The RTBU was also instrumental at this year’s Labor Conference in passing a number of major resolutions to ensure a future Labor government in NSW has transport policies in place to secure the future of these services and public transport workers conditions. This year we commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the Great Strike of 1917, where workers from Randwick Tramways Workshop and Eveleigh Railway Workshop walked off the job, followed by other transport workers, and workers across a number of other major industries, to become one of the most defining moments in our industrial history. While the result of the Great Strike was in some ways a

defeat for working people and their unions, it allows us to reflect on some important lessons. It reminds us that some governments will always have working people and their unions in their sights, and go to extraordinary lengths to break their will and working conditions. The legacy of the Great Strike is a strong and clear message that regardless of what measures are taken against working people, they will stand together and fight for what they believe is right and fair. The fact that we are still here today, 100 years later, fighting some of the same fights, and facing some of the same attacks and threats from enemies of working people, is a testimony to the strength, passion and resilience of a united workforce that will not bow or be broken by these attacks. We are forever indebted to those brave workers who stood firm all those years ago and stood up for the rights and conditions of future generations of transport workers. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Union Executive, officers and staff, to wish all members and their families a Merry Christmas and a restful and enjoyable festive season.

In this Issue Industrial News PN Bulk & Coal Members Take Industrial Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ARTC Industrial Actions Win Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sydney Trains Station Staff Transfer Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 When We Fight We Win . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Industrial Notes More Wins on Disability Allowance on Station Upgrading. . . . . . 8 Train Guards Future Operations Vote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 NIF Project Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 General News Campaign to Protect Ryde Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Station Staff Rights on Work Locations and Rostering . . . . . . . 12 Train Guards Support Wall of Hands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Calls to Axe Dodgy Bankstown Line Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 RTBU National Council – Building on Proud Past. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 First Nations Workers Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Reopening Newcastle Station Waste of Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Gunnedah Members Lend Helping Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ACTU Pushes for ‘Living Wage’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 RTBU Holiday Park News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tribute to Michael Farhat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Buy Your Piece of Union History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Industrial News PN Members Take Industrial Action to Progress EA Negotiations After several months of negotiations for new EAs in Pacific National Coal and Bulk Divisions, members decided to take protected industrial action in an attempt to unlock the stalemate around a number of key issues. Your RTBU Negotiating Team: • Welcomes this step forward in the negotiations and looks forward to continuing to work with the Company in an effort to reach a resolution, and • Continues to focus on members number 1 priority of retaining current conditions and seeking ways to clarify any interpretation issues that have caused problems during the term of your current EA.

During October members across the Coal and Bulk Divisions of Pacific National took two 48 hour stoppages, bans on overtime and lift up and lay back,as well as bans on any locomotive where a fault booking had not been rectified within 24 hours. Following these actions and demonstrations of solidarity by RTBU members, the union and Pacific National had a conference with Fair Work Commission, followed by meetings between the RTBU and Pacific National to discuss a way forward for the negotiations. Your RTBU Negotiating Team met with the Company in November to continue negotiations in the agreed format of:

Administrative employees (Part C). • Group B: Exploring the important issues specific to Bulk employees/ members (whilst utilising the current Bulk EA as the starting point for negotiations). • Group C: Exploring the important issues specific to Coal employees/ members (whilst utilising the current Coal EA as the starting point for negotiations). The above process has assisted the parties in simplifying the issues. We have been able to clarify the important issues and work together to make steady progress towards resolving these issues.

If agreement cannot be reached during the upcoming period then members and delegates retain the ability to take action in the future. Should action be required, then the actions available to you will be limited to any actions you have already taken (an overtime ban, a ban on lift-up and lay- back, and 48hour stoppages). Your RTBU negotiating team congratulates all RTBU members and delegates on the hard work, perseverance and solidarity that you have shown throughout the bargaining process – keep it up! For more information or to have your questions answered, please contact your RTBU delegate.

• Group A: Focusing on the outstanding matters to be dealt with in Part A of the EA. Group A will also deal with matters pertaining to

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ARTC Industrial Actions Win Allowances As industrial actions rolled out around the state it is clear, you are strong and united in your fight for fair conditions! Strengthened by your actions, your RTBU negotiating team met with management recently to keep up the fight for annual allowance increases and a fair pay rise that includes back pay – the issues you said matter most to you. After not moving for months on the need for an annual increase to your on-call and living away from home allowances, your solidarity has forced management to agree to annual increases in both allowances.

This win only happened because you voted NO to management’s first dodgy deal and you took action. Management is still not offering back pay or a pay rise above 2%. They have also cut recognition of your union delegates in your Agreement and your right to pay union dues through payroll deduction. Management put this Agreement out for you to vote on. This vote was your chance to tell management

directly if your wins have been enough or if you will keep up the fight. Your NO vote was a clear answer that the proposed agreement is not good enough. Your delegate will talk to you about what protected industrial actions you will continue in your depot. Congratulations on your actions – we are stronger together.

Sydney Trains Station Staff: Changes to Transfer Policy After concerns were raised by members, your RTBU team has been meeting with Sydney Trains management to change the Transfer Policy and Register. This policy applies to Customer Service Attendants (CSA), Station Duty Managers (SDM1, SDM2, SDM3 and SDM4), Station Cleaning Attendants (CA) and turnaround cleaning staff (including Cleaner In Charge). The new policy is that the current CSA transfer register will close at the end of December and the new transfer register will come into effect from 1 January 2018. From then, all classifications and grades of frontline station staff will be eligible to apply for transfers within the same classification and grade after six months in their substantive role. This period will include the completion of their probationary period if required and staff members who have accepted an offer to transfer will not be eligible for another transfer until twelve months later.

Transfer applications will be open from 1 December every year for the following year. Applications received by the 31 December will be ranked on the length of time in that grade. If more than one person has the same length of service in a grade, the ranking will be by alphabetical order of the surname. This ranking process only applies during December. Fixed staff (such as Permanent Full Time and Reducing Time positions) will be able to nominate for five locations. Relief and Part-time positions will be able to nominate for up to twenty locations. Applications received after the 1 January will be ranked on a “first come, first served” basis. The purpose of this is to assist members to gain full time and fixed positions. The Transfer Policy is available online on the Sydney Trains intranet. Members who wish to transfer are encouraged to apply during December.

To all RTBU Members and their families

Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year

When We Fight We Win It has been a busy few months for RTBU members across the state as the fight ramps up for Enterprise Agreements (EAs) that secure good jobs and fair conditions. After two 48 hour stoppages by Pacific National Bulk, Coal and Victoria members, management is now back at the table with a sensible plan to negotiate an Agreement. Although management retaliated against the stoppage with huge deductions in pay for the stoppage period, members can be proud of the unity they have shown to bring the Agreement this far. At ARTC, infrastructure workers have proven the importance of sticking together and taking action. Despite management trying every bit of legal trickery and scare tactics in the book, they implemented work bans and stood strong, even when the company said that they would be stood down. After action started, management agreed to a pay schedule progression of Level 4 within 4 years and annual increases to the Living Away from Home allowance and the On-call allowance for the first time since 2014. This means that members will now be able to accept shifts without worrying if they can afford to camp away. Their actions prove that with strong density, an active delegate structure and members who

are united in their commitment to action; even the most ideological employer can be forced to move – congratulations to all involved. Drivers at Pacific National Intermodal showed that they too were ready to act to win a good Agreement with over 60% of members participating in a protected action ballot. At the 11th hour as preparation for action was beginning, management scrambled to put to an Agreement to your negotiating team, that is worth considering. That Agreement will be explained to members in the coming weeks and then you will have your say on the new Agreement. It was a similar story at Pacific National Outsourced Projects where management raced to put together a final Agreement that included a registration bonus and increases to paid delegates leave as members were preparing for a protected action ballot. Members overwhelmingly voted up the new Agreement. Congratulations are in order for members at Airport Link Corporation who have an offer on the table after

negotiations that includes pay rises of 3.75% per year and paid domestic violence leave. It is now vital that everyone working in this area joins the RTBU and gets active to make sure we have the strength to secure these wins. Members across Sydney Trains and NSW Trains are now preparing for their own protected action ballot. Members have said that cuts to redeployment and redundancy rights coupled with an inadequate pay rise do not address the serious job security concerns across the two organisations. Negotiations are also still ongoing at Voestalpine (Bathurst Workshops), John Holland (Infrastructure), Aurizon Coal, Bowmans Rail, SSR and Rail Train. If there is one thing that the past few months have shown as is that as a union, when we fight we win! So keep up the fight for secure jobs, fair conditions and a strong future in our industry.

Get on the Bus Express! Bus Express is constantly updated with new information from around the depots – including workplace disputes, industry updates and news about RTBU Members. Members who subscribe to the web site get a fortnightly email with links to all the latest scoops. Printed newsletters will also be distributed around depots.

www.busexpress.com.au RAIL & ROAD December 2017

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Industrial Notes New Intercity Station Staff: More Disability Fleet Project Allowance Wins Update Your RTBU project team continues to participate in weekly consultation workshops about the roll out of the New Intercity Fleet with NSW Trains management. These meetings are a chance for your RTBU team to provide critical and constructive feedback on all of NSW Trains' presentations. Importantly, they are also a chance to raise all the limitations of driveronly operation. In addition, they are a chance to explain to management the vital role guards play in; 1. Safe working on trains across our network; 2. Managing the train and platform interface; 3. Identifying, reporting and responding to emergencies; 4. Liaising with emergency services; 5. Delivering first aid;

RTBU Members have had further wins with successful disability allowance assessments at more stations. Disability assessment looks at the additional workplace challenges for members caused by disruptive major works. If an assessment finds disruption above a certain level, members get additional compensation. Management had been delaying and avoiding assessments at many stations but after RTBU members stuck together to insist the assessments were completed, management finally listened. Recently more stations were assessed by the Disability Assessment Team consisting of staff members and management. The following stations were successfully assessed since our last report in Rail & Road and will now receive an additional allowance. Heathcote Narwee Panania Jannali Homebush Harris Park Lidcombe Flemington

Sydney Trains Guards: Future Operations – Vote Results

The Future Operations proposal ballot for Sydney Trains Guards opened at 8:00AM on Friday the 3rd November 2017 and closed at midnight on Wednesday the 8th November 2017. This was your chance to have your say on the proposed changes. The Vote and Ballot was conducted by the Election Consulting Group which is an independent company.

6. Detecting and fixing train faults;


7. Helping people living with disabilities and special needs; and

Aggregated Base Pay (cab

and security allowance)

8. Providing excellent customer service during normal working and network failure.

drives and guard relief ratios)

The message to management is clear – the safest way to run the railway is with guards on trains. This view has been solidly supported by drivers as well! For Information on these discussions, contact our RTBU NIF project team on 9264 2511.

Working on Book Off Day payment (guard practice

Vote Eligible Crew % Yes % No Outcome to vote voted No


725 31.72% 68.28%



725 53.24% 46.76%

The outcome of the ballot means that the cab and security allowance will remain as it is today. The working on a book off day (WOBOD) payment will commence from the 25th February 2018. The changes to on-loan and swapping arrangements negotiated by your delegates will also come into effect from the 25th February 2018. For more information on these changes, contact your delegate or the RTBU office on 9264 2511.

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Where horizontal space contraints apply, the legacy statement may appear in two lines. Leading is set solid (the same as the point size).

General News Campaigning to protect Ryde’s public buses In November representatives of the RTBU gathered with Leader of the Opposition, Luke Foley, and the Mayor of Ryde, Jerome Laxale to call upon Victor Dominello MP to protect Ryde’s public buses.

Jerome Laxale announced at the event that he will be running against Victor Dominello MP for Ryde in the next election, and plans on putting the protection of Ryde’s public buses at the forefront of his election campaign. He knows the community desperately rely on their public services and can’t afford to have them sold off to private operators. A recent poll of Ryde residents found that 76 per cent are concerned about the prospect of their bus services being privatised. We know the NSW Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance, has publicly boasted that his vision is to sell off our entire public transport network in NSW. He’s already started his privatisation scheme in the Inner

West and now it’s feared that Ryde could be next. Commuters in Ryde know that privatising bus services will mean higher fares, the removal of bus routes, cut backs on maintenance and services as private companies seek to profit from public pockets. Leader of the NSW Opposition, Luke Foley told drivers and community members: To the bus drivers across the STA, thanks for the public service you provide. I’m here to stand up for you, stand up for your jobs and the public service you provide. We’re fighting the privatisation of the buses in the inner-west, just across the river. Your employer wrote to you last

year, congratulating you, and congratulating the STA workforce on the job you’ve done, and guaranteed a continuation of the public bus contract. Then months later the Minister comes in and tears up that commitment. To anyone here who has a job here in the Ryde depot, and anyone who relies on these public bus services, you cannot be confident that your bus service will remain. If they’re doing it across the river, they’ll be shaping up to do it to you. So we have to fight this. This is a democracy. But currently the Government is making decisions as if we live under a dictatorship. We need to keep fighting to protect our public services before it’s too late.

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Inner West bus stops on the chopping block ahead of Constance’s sell-off scheme

Documents released by Roads and Maritime Services have indicated that the Government may be about to axe over 30 of Sydney’s Inner-West bus stops in attempt to prime them for an upcoming private operator. 35 stops in Marrickville, Camperdown, Petersham, Stanmore and Dulwich Hill could go, as the submission by RMS only guarantees the safety of a small amount of current stops, and leaves the rest unconfirmed. Chris Preston, RTBU NSW Tram and Bus Divisional Secretary says “this just proves exactly what we’ve been saying for months. The Government is getting ready to chop bus stops to make these routes more profitable for an upcoming operator.” “Children and the elderly in particular will be stranded if these bus stops are axed. They rely on their local bus stops being close to their home and removing these stops will put these people in the community in serious danger. The only reason for this is so that a potential upcoming private operator can rip out more money from the Inner West community.”

“If Andrew Constance and the NSW Government continue the sell off of Inner West buses, we know it will come at a serious cost to commuters. “ReachTel polling conducted in September across various Sydney electorates demonstrates Sydneysiders don’t want their buses privatised, and believe that the

parties who benefit from privatisation are the Government and the private operator – not the commuters. “Over 30,000 people have signed the petition to stop bus privatisation and keep public buses in public hands. Minister Constance needs to listen to the community and stop the sell off immediately.” Mr Preston said.

The Inner West Courier reports that a separate RMS proposal suggests removing stops across Rozelle, Leichhardt, Lilyfield and Camperdown. The RMS also wants to remove dozens of on-street parking spots as part of the proposed changes to five busy bus routes — 412, 422, 423, 426 and 428. “Privatisation will spell a disaster for residents in the Inner West, who will have their bus stops removed and services cut. The next thing will be fare increases.

RAIL & ROAD December 2017

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Station Staff: Your Rights on Work Locations and Rostering RTBU members have raised concerns that their rights to work at specific locations and to certain roster conditions are being ignored by Sydney Trains. It is important that you know your rights. Your rights are dependent upon your classification. Permanent Full Time Fixed (PFT): This classification only works at one location (Home Station). A PFT member cannot be directed to work at another location unless they agree to this change. If you are requested to work at another station because there are no relief staff available or in the event of an emergency, you have the right to sign on at your Home Station and travel to the requested location. You must be allowed to return to your Home Station to sign off at your rostered sign off time.

Permanent Full Time Reducing Time: • Internal (RDT): This classification is on the Master Roster to cover all fixed staff members’ days off at the staff member’s Home Station. This classification can also be utilised as general relief during staff shortages. • External (RDT ): This classification can be rostered to work at a number of locations on the Master Roster on the same day and have Spare Days where they can be utilised by Management as general relief. Permanent Full Time Holiday Relief (PMR): This classification relieves other employees when they are rostered for holidays. PMRs do have a Home Station but are not fixed.

In the event that no staff members are on leave, PMR staff can be utilised as general relief. Permanent Full Time Augmented Relief (PAR): This classification is general relief. This means they can be asked to complete relief duties at different locations which can include more than one location per day however it is the RTBU’s position that you have the right to sign on and off at one location. If a shift needs to be covered, PAR Staff are utilised as PFT staff. All staff classifications explained above have a Home Station. If you have any further questions please contact your local delegate or the RTBU office.

Train Guards Support Indigenous Children’s Education The Train Guards Sub-Division held a BBQ to celebrate NAIDOC week outside TCAC as previously reported in Rail and Road. This was done in conjunction with NSW TrainLink. As part of the BBQ there was a Gold Coin donation for a nominated charity. The charity selected was the Wall of Hands for the 2nd year running. The Wall of Hands is a not for profit organisation that delivers specialised literacy programs to children of indigenous communities (predominately rural) to overcome the many health, developmental and social hurdles faced by children in these communities. The aim is to make education engaging, giving parents and community members the tools they need to introduce meaningful home literacy practices and to break the cycle of transgenerational illiteracy. The Train Guards Sub-Division would like to thank all members who either volunteered for BBQ duty or purchased some gourmet food on the day. The total sum raised was $2397.35 which was handed over to the Wall of Hands for their use. In the photo is Train Guards Damien Kuan, Craig Turner and Kim Kelly – Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation (Wall of Hands).

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Workers call for dodgy Bankstown line plans to be axed Transport workers are calling on the NSW Transport Minister to admit his planned changes to the line are unnecessary and to cancel them immediately. Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW Secretary Alex Claassens said the NSW Government’s plans to close down the current line and replace it with a privately-run, driverless, single-deck, inferior service are ridiculous and will cause unprecedented chaos for residents and commuters. It has been revealed that 23 bridges and underpasses along the line will now also need to be upgraded as part of the plans. “It’s not too late for the NSW Transport Minister to admit this whole thing is a terrible idea and to axe the plans,” Mr Claassens said. “The plans for the Bankstown line are completely illogical and are going to cause complete chaos for residents along the line. “The current rail service works well. The line doesn’t suffer from the overcrowding some other lines do, and there is plenty of scope to increase the current services available.

Big banks can’t be trusted with workers’ money. They’ve been forced to refund or compensate their customers $480 million in the past two years. But instead of tightening the reins on the “Big Four” retail bank superannuation funds, the Turnbull Government is rewarding them for their shameful behaviour. Turnbull is trying to change superannuation rules to benefit banks and knock workers’ retirement savings. And he’s protecting banks from the scrutiny of a royal commission despite a string of scandals.

“But the Government is intent on putting profits ahead of public needs”. Mr Claassens said a desire to introduce the metro clearly stems from the NSW Government’s desire to privatise our essential services. “This is a classic example of the NSW Government’s fixation with privatising everything it can get its hands on with no regard for the impact it will have on NSW residents. “The only people set to benefit from these changes to the Bankstown rail line are the overseas- based private operators who are set to run it. There’s no benefit whatsoever to commuters. “The Transport Minister should put his pride aside and axe this disastrous plan.”

Profit-to-members Industry Super funds consistently outperform the profit-to-the-banks funds. And sixty four per cent of infrastructure investment in Australia is from Industry Super funds – compared with a paltry five per cent from bankowned for-profit funds. This means Industry Super doesn’t just do better with its members’ money – it creates Australian jobs. In 2015 alone, Industry Super created 46,000 jobs by investing $2.8 billion in infrastructure. Industry Super funds don’t need to change – big banks do. But Turnbull’s superannuation law

RAIL & ROAD December 2017

changes are designed to make Industry Super funds become more like banks. He’s trying to change the way the better-performing funds run and leaving his mates in the disgraceridden bank-run funds alone. Kelly O’Dwyer believes these laws “will lift superannuation funds to at least the same standard as other financial services organisations like banks and life insurance companies.” It’s clear your money’s safer in an Industry Fund, when the banks have a rap sheet like this. We need you to tell the crossbench Senators to keep the banks out of super. Hit them up on social media.

Page 13

RTBU National Council - Building on Our Proud Past This year’s RTBU National Council saw 80 elected Delegates meet for 2 ½ days to discuss the big issues facing rail, tram and bus workers across Australia.

Divisional meetings were held on Tuesday 31 October, followed by the National Council proper on Wednesday 1 November and Thursday 2 November. The agenda was jam-packed with reports from all Branches and Divisions, along with important discussions about the future of our industries and the direction of the Union. An impressive list of guest speakers addressed the National Council, including • Hon Brendan O’Connor MP – Shadow Minister for Workplace Relations; • Paddy Crumlin – National Secretary of the MUA and President of the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF); • Dr Jim Stanford – Executive Director of the Centre for Future Work; • Thomas Costa – Assistant Secretary of Unions NSW; • Hon Tony Burke MP – Federal Member for Watson;

• Senator Sam Dastyari; • Sophie Cotsis MP – NSW Member for Canterbury; • Phil Cleary – football coach and social justice campaigner, and former Federal MP; • Akinori Yanaga – General Secretary of the Japan Confederation of Railway Unions (JRU); and • Ged Kearney – ACTU President INITIATIVES A number of important motions were passed – and delivering on these motions will now form an important part of the National Office’s work program for the coming two years. Some of the major issues discussed included: Automation, Privatisation and New Models of Work A motion was passed calling on the National Office to use the ITF Congress in October 2018 to take a lead role in developing an international and industry-wide approach to the issues of

automation, privatisation and new models of work. The National Office will continue research into the changes in work in our industries. Register of Industrial Disputes and Agreements A motion was passed instructing the National Office to establish a Register of Industrial Disputes and Agreements to collate and store information about all industrial and legal issues the union is dealing with or has dealt with in the past. This system should also function as a central agreements database for all RTBU enterprise agreements. Mentoring Network A motion was passed instructing National Office to supplement the work of Branches and Divisions by developing an RTBU Mentoring Program, with an initial focus on industry specific practical skills such as bargaining, campaigning and understanding the importance of industry classifications and competencies.

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Preventing Violence Against Women A motion was passed regarding the inclusion of domestic violence prevention training in national training syllabus for both Delegates and Officials – to equip them with practical skills for recognising and responding to situations where domestic violence may be taking place. This will further the RTBU’s position as a community leader in the campaign to stop violence against women. Backing Civil Society A motion was passed endorsing the provision of up to $25,000 to civil society groups to assist them to advocate for fairness, justice and equality.

Fighting Back Against the Federal Government’s Building Code A motion was passed instructing National Office to continue to campaign for the abolition of the Federal Government’s so-called “Building Code”, which is undermining the rights and working conditions of workers in the rail infrastructure sector. In the meantime, National Office will also investigate a public campaign to declare rail transport an “essential service” for the purposes of the Building Code. Public Transport Safety Campaign A motion was passed instructing the National Office to continue work on a national campaign to develop a safer and more respectful public transport culture, and to continue holding an annual National Day of Respect of Public Transport Workers.

NATIONAL COUNCIL DINNER The RTBU National Council Dinner is always an important opportunity for our Union to engage with leaders from across the labour movement. This year the dinner celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Great Strike, which started in the Randwick Tram Workshops and Eveleigh Carriageworks. The MC for the night was writer, historian and former Wallaby Peter FitzSimons, and our guest speaker was Deputy Leader of the Opposition Tanya Plibersek. National Secretary Bob Nanva also gave a stirring address about the legacy of the 1917 strikers. The National Council and Dinner showed that our Union is strong, determined and focussed. We are building on our proud past to forge a better future for our members.

When Turnbull attacks unions, working people are the victims


Authorised by S. McManus, ACTU Secretary, 365 Queen St, Melbourne 3000. ACTU D No. 130/2017


RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Page 15

First Nations Workers Alliance

All Australians deserve the opportunity to have a good, steady job and the dignity of work. The Turnbull Government’s Community Development Program (CDP) is depriving tens of thousands of people of that opportunity. It’s punitive, heavy-handed and racially discriminatory and the Union movement is determined to see it removed. The Problem CDP workers are not actually classified as workers. They get well below the minimum wage (the dole pays $11.60/hour or $290/week) for working for 25 hours a week for non-profit and now for-profit businesses. They are not covered by the Fair Work Act, they don’t have Federal OHS protections or workers compensation and they can’t take annual leave, sick leave or carer’s leave. Those under the CDP are forced to work up to three times longer than city-based jobseekers to receive welfare payments.Since July 2015, less than 3,500 Indigenous participants found full-time or part-time work lasting six months or more. CDP workers have 70 times the financial penalties imposed upon them than non-remote dole workers. Fines for missing activities under CDP – which covers a tiny fraction of the population – account for more than half the total penalties across the entire welfare system. The (CDP) Community Development Program Facts: The Community Development Programme (CDP) covers over 33,000 unpaid workers. The Community Development Programme (CDP) commenced on 1 July 2015. Of the 33,000 people on the CDP, 31,000, or 94%, are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. What the union movement is doing about it? We are working with CDP workers and the community to give a voice to these workers who are being exploited.

The First Nations Workers’ Alliance is a new organisation which will campaign to end the CDP and replace it with a program that works for Indigenous people rather than oppressing them. The Alliance was launched on Friday 9 June, 2017 at the Indigenous Workers Conference in Townsville with ACTU Secretary Sally McManus and Indigenous Officer Lara Watson. CDP workers join for free, Indigenous union members can get a $26 per annum membership and nonIndigenous people can become a supporter for $52 per year.

Page 16 RAIL & ROAD December 2017

What A Waste: Minister Celebrates Spending Millions To Reopen Newcastle Train Station

The Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, is wasting millions of taxpayer dollars to essentially reopen a Newcastle train station his government closed just a few years ago. Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) Secretary, Alex Claassens said the Minister’s re-opening of the Wickham Train Station in Newcastle in November is nothing but a reminder of the Minister’s incompetence and his government’s bungling of Newcastle transport. “How ridiculous to think that we’re actually expected to celebrate this monumental government stuff up,” Mr Claassens said. “There’s nothing ‘glorious’ about this at all. The amount of taxpayer money this government has wasted on this project is obscene. “The Minister is here in Newcastle making a song and dance about wasting millions of dollars on a project that has inconvenienced commuters and caused pain for local businesses and workers. “We know the government rushed through the initial closure of the

rail line without any proper consultation or planning, and that the cost blow outs have been out of this world. “The Minister might claim this is a win for Newcastle commuters, but we know he doesn’t give two hoots about commuters or workers. All he cares about is making sure the property developers are happy.

RAIL & ROAD December 2017

“The Minister can roll out all the glossy brochures he wants and point to the Gold Coast inspired palm trees all day – nothing will change the fact that this is just the reopening of a train station his government closed a few years ago. “The fact that the Minister is in town celebrating this complete disaster of a project is offensive to the people of Newcastle.”

Page 17

Proud to Be RTBU

National Secretary Bob Nanva edited address to National Council Dinner – Carriageworks Eveleigh We’ve had a great day at our National Council – discussing some big issues … the rise of robots, the rise of labour hire, tackling domestic violence in our community. These are big issues, but our Union has always thought big … and played hard. In fact, comrades, 100 years ago this venue was the centre of trade unionism in Australia. It was ground zero in an industrial battle this country had not seen before. The truth is that the Government won the battle – on that day. But, as Sally McManus said earlier, the values our Comrades were fighting for - fairness, democracy, and justice burned more brightly than ever because of it. Thus the ultimate victory was ours. And it’s a victory we must remember and be inspired by. Because the forces of privilege don’t stop. They will punish every generation of unionists...so that we forget where we come from. What we stand for. Who we represent. Over and over and over again. Whether it be on the railways of 1917. The wharves of 1998. In the Royal Commission of 2015. They keep trying to beat us into submission, and they keep failing. They’ve failed to silence: The AWU, AMWU, MUA, CFMEU, PSA. ...to intimidate the The TWU, ASU, NUW, CPSU ...or to weaken the resolve of: The SDA, ETU, United Voice, Police Association, Unions NSW, Unions ACT and the mighty RTBU. We know they’ve failed. Because 100 years later WE ARE ALL HERE. All of those unions are with us tonight. HERE. Reclaiming this space. Reclaiming this space for the 1917 strikers who refused to be bowed. Reclaiming the Eveleigh Carriageworks for working men and women everywhere. Friends, comrades, tonight the

Eveleigh Carriageworks is once again PROUD TO BE UNION. Comrades, what I have learned during my time as Secretary is this. We know something the Tories don’t. It’s a universal truth beyond their comprehension. ... Life isn’t about what aggressive, selfish people get out of it. ... Life is about what decent people put into it. In 1917 our predecessors demands were not immediately met ... but they stuck to the courage of their convictions. The media and government ruthlessly attacked them; vilified them; blacklisted them from ever working again; and deregistered unions including ours. ...yet their resilience shone through the fog of fear and smear. I couldn’t be prouder than to stand atop the shoulders of those giants of 1917. ... and to stand beside you all today... ... because the strategies, tactics, and language of the NSW Government in 1917, and the Federal Government of 2017, are remarkably similar. For years the conservatives have been pushing employers to go harder, to take on the unions, to go after workers. And now they are abusing the authority of government, and misusing government agencies, to come after us as well. Comrades, I refer of course to the instantly infamous Federal Police raids on our mates at the Australian Workers Union. ...using the powers of the state and the dollars of the taxpayer to come after us in a grotesque abuse of executive power. An Australian Federal Police raid into an openly declared donation from a member based organisation to a progressive civil society group. When Ministers and bureaucrats get down and dirty like this, they prove they are no longer fit for office…… And that’s why, our National Council made a historic decision, to provide the RTBU’s largest-ever grant to civil society.

If (Employment Minister) Michaelia Cash thought she could shut us up, she has only made our voices louder. Comrades, I conclude tonight by pointing to a very silver lining on this sinister cloud. Because when a Government lowers the bar so low, only to crawl under it, that Government is finished. Their Prime Minister stands before us exposed with no plan, no vision, nothing to say and increasingly fewer people to say it to. So even though it might seem like a David and Goliath battle: On one hand, the wealthy elite, with all the trappings of power. And on the other hand ordinary working people. Just doing their best to get from one end of the day to the next. But we’ve got two secret weapons, and they lie within us. We have the passion and the resolve. The passion and the resolve of the Lily Whites. It’s that resolve – and our commitment to our cause – that makes us so powerful. And it’s also what makes our movement, so beautiful. I am so proud of the RTBU, our great Union. I am so proud of what we’re achieving. And on behalf of all our RTBU National Councillors, we are proud to call you our friends and Comrades. Thank you for being here tonight. Solidarity now and forever. Conclusion So our message tonight. From all of us in this room, this historic hall. To the Tories, the conservatives, the plutocrats... you can attack us, you can vilify us, you bug our phones, criminalise industrial action, try to deligitimse us. You can even deploy the AFP and raid us. But you can never, ever defeat us. Because we are proud to be Union. We are proud to be the RTBU.

Page 18 RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Gunnedah Members Lend a Helping Hand After a workplace incident left a worker from Railtrain with a severe injury, the members at Gunnedah rallied around her in support. Last week our members got together and held a working bee to help out at her property. They’ve shown us exactly what being in a Union is all about – chipping in for each other, standing together to help each other, especially when times are tough. #RTBUPROUD

To all RTBU Members and their families

Merry Christmas RAIL & ROAD December 2017

and a

Happy New Year Page 19

ACTU pushes for "living wage" ACTU leader Sally McManus in calling for a "living wage" is reviving the name the peak body gave its minimum wage claims after the Howard Coalition Government came to power 21 years ago, while invoking a principle enunciated in Justice HB Higgins' landmark 1907 Harvester judgment. McManus in a recent speech said that Australia has "gone from being a pacesetter in protecting the low paid worker to being a nation where poverty is the norm for anyone on the minimum wage". She said that "the rules determining the minimum wage need to change" because too much weight is given to employer concerns and too little to workers' income and living standards. The ACTU is demanding "no more, and no less, than what was considered fair and reasonable in 1907", when Justice Henry Bourne Higgins defined "what constitutes a 'fair and reasonable wage' needed to meet a family's 'normal needs when living in a civilised community'". Such a minimum wage "might rightly be called a living wage," she said in the second annual Harvester Oration. In Australia, "as in most countries, the basic rule is that minimum wage should balance the interests of business and the wider economy on the one hand, and the interests of the worker on the other hand," according to McManus. But in practice the two sides of the coin are not given equal weight. "It turns out in practice that our coin is rigged.

"It may have two sides but when flipped it always comes up on the cost side and never on the income side," she said. What is missing from the process is a proper process to "define and measure what income the worker needs to have decent standard of living," she said. She said that once the "rules of the game" are changed, then "the next step is to develop a detailed methodology and get agreement on the data required to measure the income required for a family to meet their 'normal needs in a civilized society'." 60% of median wage a "very reasonable benchmark" In a background paper released to coincide with the speech, the ACTU says a "very reasonable benchmark" for Australian's minimum wage is 60% of the median wage . This target "turns out to be a relatively modest sum" that is needed to provide a living wage, it says. The "sorry" recent history of income and wealth redistribution, demonstrated by the Turnbull Government's focus on company tax cuts that will make taxation more regressive, "shows that governments can't be trusted to lift low-paid workers above the poverty line", it says.

Merry Christmas

and a

"It is therefore essential that we use what tools are available to raise the primary income of the low paid. "For that we need a Living Wage." The paper says that adopting the living wage model could be achieved "by adjusting the way the Fair Work Commission implements the existing criteria they are legally required to consider when adjusting the minimum wage". It says balance could be "restored by focusing more on assessing the income that a working family requires to purchase the basic commodities and services that they require for a civilised existence in contemporary Australian cities". The FWC minimum wage panel in this year's minimum wage review ruling found that in the middle of last year, the minimum wage was sitting at about 53.8% of the median wage. It found that it "fell from a high" of 58.4% of median adult full-time earnings in mid-2004. The panel said the minimum wage "bite" – the minimum wage relative to the median - is "an important indicator of relative living standards and wage inequality".

Happy New Year

To all RTBU Members and their families

Page 20 RAIL & ROAD December 2017

NEWS The sun is out and people have been taking advantage of the waters and national park around the RTBU Holiday Park. Improvements at the Park

Cabin Face-Lift

In addition to some of the improvements to the grounds and external work on cabins, reported in previous issues of Rail & Road, a number of smaller changes have been made recently to improve the comfort and enjoyment of guests.

In addition to building work to replace timberwork around the cabins which will be completed early next year. Inspections have been conducted, and quotes sought to freshen up the cabins internally with a new coat of paint, internal repairs to cabins, repairs to a number of rooves, and individual clothes lines for each cabin.

Most cabins now have new curtains in the sleepouts, as well new cutlery in each cabin. While we are still waiting on a new waste management system to be introduced in collaboration with Booderee National Park, with the installation of two skip bins for general and recycled waste, these should be in place for the Summer holidays. This will allow us to reduce waste costs and more effectively recycle waste, reducing the impact of waste generated at the Park on landfill and the environment generally.

RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Follow what is happening at the Holiday Park and encourage family and friends to Like Us on Facebook RTBU Holiday Park Jervis Bay

Page 21

Tribute to Michael Farhat In his speech to the RTBU National Conference dinner in November, RTBU National Secretary Bob Nanva singled out and paid tribute to recently retired NSW Branch Organiser, Michael Farhat, as an example of the passion and commitment that has kept the RTBU strong over many years. “Comrades, what I have learned during my time as Secretary is this. We know something the Tories don’t. It’s a universal truth beyond their comprehension. Life isn’t about what aggressive, selfish people get out of it. Life is about what decent people put into it. To this point, I share a short story about one of these decent people who’s here tonight. It’s about a man called Michael Farhat. Michael arrived in Australia from Lebanon in 1979. He got his start in the railways cleaning train carriages. It didn’t take long for his skill as an organiser to be revealed. He made his name organising disparate and at times bitterly divided groups. Indeed, he became

an RTBU delegate when there were real divisions between muslims, christians, PLO sympathisers, communists, Trots and Capitalists on the railways. It was one of the most diverse workplaces you would find anywhere. Yet, even in this environment, he unified the workplace. He understood the simple act of getting working people to stick together. He understood that there’s always more to unite us than divide us. He scrapped in an environment where spills and fills were the rage - the torture of workers routinely subjected to the roulette of redundancies. He debated and he argued. He obfuscated when he needed to. And he rabble-roused. He did everything he could to save jobs. These were his friends….his extended family. Michael singledhandedly saved close to a thousand jobs. He also signed up thousands of new members to join our movement.” Nick Lewocki tells the story of Michael coming back to the office one afternoon with only 29 membership applications from a possible 30 new recruits.

Mayor of Central Station, Michael Farhat.” “Michael would have been well placed at the vanguard of the Great Strike. When 100 years ago, in this very room, people just like Michael did their duty for their friends and their families.”

“For Michael, this was a fail. So what did he do - he cajoled his way into finding the home address of the one person who didn’t sign. He made a house call – GP-style and got this man to sign up for 12 months in advance. That, there, is the reason why the railways are still one of the most highly unionised places to work in the country. Michael, please stand up.” “Friends can you please acknowledge a hero of the Trade Union Movement, the unofficial

Page 22 RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Festive Season Office Hours The Rail, Tram and Bus Union, Pitt Street Office, will be attended as follows:Friday, 22nd December 2017

08.00 - 13.00

Saturday, 23rd December 2017


Sunday, 24th December 2017


Monday, 25th December 2017


Tuesday, 26th December 2017


Wednesday, 27th December 2017

08.00 - 16.30

Thursday, 28th December 2017

08.00 - 16.30

Friday, 29th December 2017

08.00 - 16.30

Saturday, 30th December 2017


Sunday, 31st December 2017


Monday, 1st January 2018


Normal Office Hours of 8.00 till 16.30 will resume on 2nd January 2018 Please note the National Office will be closed from Friday 22nd December 2017 and will reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2018

The RTBU Executive, Officers and Staff wish all members and their families

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Page 23

We’ve got your back Proudly supporting the NSW Branch of Rail, Tram and Bus Union and their members.

RTBU Members are entitled to a free, initial consultation and discounted rates when referred by their union.

GET IN TOUCH Contact the RTBU on 02 9264 2511 for a referral to Slater and Gordon Lawyers

RTBU Holiday Park at Jervis Bay RTBU Members can also take advantage of the United Services Union’s Aquatic Resort at Port Macquarie The RTBU and USU have a reciprocal arrangement where members of each union can book holidays at the two locations, at member discounted rates. The USU owns the Aquatic holiday resort, in a glorious location on the Hastings River at Port Macquarie on the north coast of New South Wales. The resort consists of a Motel and a Caravan Park. Stay in comfort at the holiday resort and enjoy great discounts and great style while relaxing in what many say is the best climate in Australia. No matter what type of holiday you are after your needs are covered. Lots to do any time of the year! There are a lot of attractions in the area for you and your family – have a great game of Putt-Putt golf or try Jet boating, Parra Sailing, Waterslides, Wave Bowling & Lawn Bowls which are all within walking distance. And don’t forget the fishing!Please note – there are no tent sites at the Port Macquarie Caravan Park. You can contact the motel or caravan park by calling the Comfort Inn Aquatic Motel on 02 6583 7388 or the Aquatic Palms Caravan Park on 02 6584 9155 or check the website at www.aquaticinport.com.au You can also call the United Services Union’s Head Office on 02 9265 8211 for more information. Members must provide proof of identity plus their RTBU membership card at the time of arrival at Jervis Bay or Port Macquarie United Services Union or full rates will apply.

Located in the Booderee National Park, the RTBU Holiday Park at Jervis Bay, is just a 3 hour drive south from Sydney, but a world away… Each of the 14 self-contained cabins sleep up to a maximum of 6 people. Cabins have a queen sized bed, two single beds and a set of double bunks. You will need to bring your own sheets as only mattress protectors, quilts and pillows are supplied. The cabins contain a digital television, an oven, microwave, fridge, crockery, cutlery, glassware, pots and pans as well as basic cooking utensils. Make sure you come prepared as the closest grocery shop is in Vincentia, a 30 minute drive away. The RTBU Holiday Park facilities available to all guests include a Boat Ramp, Undercover Bar-B-Q area with seating, Tennis Court and a Coin Operated Laundry. There are various swimming spots to enjoy and natural areas to explore, suitable for all the family. Kangaroos, possums, wallabies, kookaburras, bandicoots, echidnas and rosellas visit the grounds of the Holiday Park daily. Enjoy fishing for whiting, flathead and bream from the calm shores or take a quick walk to experience beach fishing for tailor and salmon on the pristine Bherwerre Beach. Bookings can be made by telephoning the RTBU Office on (02) 9264 2511.

Booderee National Park & Bherwerre Beach

Like Us on Facebook at

www.facebook. com/RTBUNSW

RAIL & ROAD December 2017

In the Dhurga language, Booderee means “Bay of Plenty” and the area is the home to the people of Wreck Bay. The Booderee National Park has the only Aboriginal owned Botanic Garden in Australia. The gardens are well known for providing a centre for interpreting plants used by the local aboriginal people. The Park is also home to 200 species of birds, over 30 different native mammals including 10 species of bats, 37 reptiles, 17 amphibians and at least 180 species of fish. The White-Bellied Sea Eagle is a special bird at Booderee as it is the guardian of the Koori people of Wreck Bay and features on the Booderee National Park logo. Within the Booderee National Park you will find beautiful white sandy beaches at Green Patch, Murrays, Steamers, Caves and Bherwerre. Bherwerre is home to some of the Boderee National Parks rarer seabirds. Pods of bottle-nose dolphins are often spotted playing in the waves at the Sussex Inlet Entrance and Humpback whales have been known to enter the protected areas close to shore.

Like Us on Facebook RTBU Holiday Park Jervis Bay Page 25


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Employee Number

Occupation: Eg Train Driver

RTBU Member Number

Work Location/ Depot

Date Commenced

Employment Status Fulltime

CHANGE IN BANKING DETAILS IMPORTANT Members need to specify the date of their next pay so that when the membership fee debit occurs on a Friday there is sufficient money in the account to ensure the transaction is not dishonoured which results in you then being charged an additional fee by your bank.

Part time


Next Pay Week

DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT TO BE DEBITED Name of Financial Institution (Bank)

Branch where account is held

Account in the name(s) of Bank/State Branch Number: (BSB Six Digits)

Account Number (Maximum of 9 digits)


Credit Card Number

Credit card in the name of

Expiry Date

I/We authorise and request the Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union, until further notice in writing to arrange for my/our account described in this direct debit authority, to be debited with any amounts which the debit user may properly debit or charge me/us through the direct debit system. I/We authorise and request this direct debit authority to remain in force until cancelled, deferred or otherwise altered in accordance with this service agreement. SIGNATURE


DATE Please Email your completed form to nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au by using the submit button Post: Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 or Fax: 02 9261 1342 • Tel: 02 9264 2511

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Shouldn’t your health fund be focused on serving you —not making a profit from you?

Buy Your Piece of Union History Limited numbers of the commemorative badge of the 1917 Great Strike are available for purchase from the RTBU office for $10.

1917 Great Strike CDs available at cost price! Celebrate the stories and songs from one of Australia’s greatest class stuggles with a copy of the 1917 Great Strike Centenary CD! We’ve purchased 50 Great Strike CDs which we’re offering to members at cost price ($20.00 each). Get your copy at the RTBU Pitt St reception desk!

Have You Left the Industry? Retired? If you have left the industry, permanently or for a period, have retired, or are off work due to illness, you must resign, or suspend your union membership, in writing. Our union rules provide that members leaving the union for whatever reason, must do so in writing. If you do not resign in writing, you will continue to be included on our union membership and liable for the dues owing for that time. Please note: Regardless of whether your union dues were paid by direct debit or through payroll deductions, the employer is not authorised to change your membership details after resignation or leaving the union. You must do this personally.

Please contact the membership office at the union on 02 9264 2511 for more information. Page 28 RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Join the RTBU Retired Members Association Many retired members continue to receive copies of the journal Rail & Road, and take an interest in the life of the union. Many have also said that they would like to maintain a closer connection and involvement with the work of the union. The RTBU Retired Members Association was established to provide a forum for former members to meet, work on campaigns, address issues of particular relevance for retirees and to identify ways of assisting, supporting and contributing to the work of the union. It is expected that the Retired Members Association will function independently and pursue issues that it identifies as priorities. If you are a retired member of our union, we would like you to consider joining the Retired Members Association. Membership forms are available from the RTBU Head Office, Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney or on the union website: www.rtbu-nsw.asn.au

For more information, contact Peter O’Connor at the union office on (02) 9264 2511 For more information, contact Don McKechnie on 0409 813 643 or the union office on (02) 9264 2511

Page 14

raIL & rOaD June 2010

RTBU Express Website

www.rtbuexpress.com.au RAIL & ROAD December 2017

Page 29


Given Name(s)

Gender Male Female

Street Address


Post Code

Home Telephone Number

Work Telephone Number

Date Of Birth

Mobile Number

Email (work) Email (home)


Employee Number

Date Commenced

Occupation: Eg Train Driver

Work Location/Depot

Employment Status Fulltime

Part time


the undersigned, hereby apply to become a member of the I, Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, an Organisation of employees registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 as amended, and hereby undertake to comply with the Rules and By-Laws for the time being of the Union. Signature of Applicant


I, the undersigned, hereby apply to become a member of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales, an Organisation registered under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) as amended, and hereby undertake to comply with the Rules and By-Laws for the time being of the Union. Signature of Applicant


via DIRECT DEBIT fortnightly OR 1. I agree to pay $ CREDIT CARD fortnightly. or any other amounts as may be determined from time to time in accordance with the Rules of the Union. I certify that I have received a copy of Rule 14, Notification of Resignation From Membership. 2. I/We authorise and request the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, until further notice in writing to arrange for my/ our account described in this direct debit authority, to be debited with any amounts which the debit user may properly debit or charge me/us through the direct debit system. 3. I/We authorise my employer to notify the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union of any change of address during my employment. 4. I/We authorise and request this direct debit authority to remain in force until cancelled, deferred or otherwise altered in accordance with this service agreement. Signature of Applicant



Account Name OR Name on Credit Card Financial Institution Branch

Date of next pay

IMPORTANT Members need to specify the date of their next pay so that when the membership fee debit occurs on a Friday there is sufficient money in the account to ensure the transaction is not dishonoured which results in you then being charged an additional fee by your bank.

Bank/State Branch No. (BSB)

Card Type

Account No./If Credit Union Membership No.



Expiry Date


Credit Card Number


Please Email your completed form to nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au by using the submit button Post: Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 or Fax: 02 9261 1342 • Tel: 02 9264 2511


4. A notice delivered to the Branch Secretary shall be deemed to have been received by when it was delivered.


5. A notice of resignation that has been received by the Union is not invalid because it was not addressed and delivered the Branch Secretary.

2. A notice of resignation from membership of the Union takes effect:– (a) where the member ceases to be eligible to become or remain a member of the Union (i) on the day on which the notice is received by the Union or (ii) on the day specified in the notice, which is a day not earlier than the day when the member ceases to be eligible to become a member, whichever is later; or (b) In any other case:– (i) at the end of two weeks; or (ii) on the day specified in the notice: whichever is later. 3. Any subscriptions, fees, fines and levies owing but not paid by a former member of the Union in relation to a period before the member’s resignation took effect, may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Union in a Court of competent jurisdiction, as a debt due to the Union.

What happens if I get pregnant, sick for an extended period or take leave without pay? If you are on unpaid maternity leave, sick or are off work for a substantial period of time you can seek to have your membership fees suspended until you return to work by giving written notice addressed and delivered to the Secretary of his/her Branch under Clause 11 (8): (8) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Rule, should any member during any financial year be without pay owing to ill health or to other causes which a Branch Executive regards as warranting special consideration, then the Branch Executive may grant the member exemption from payment of all or any contributions imposed in accordance with the Rules for all or part of the period during which he/ she is without pay. During the period of the exemption, the member shall be deemed to be financial.

The Rail, Tram & Bus Union is bound by the Privacy Act and your information can only used for RTBU processes and cannot be used for any other purposes.



Level 4, 321 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000


1. A member may resign from membership of the Union by written notice addressed and delivered to the Secretary of his/her Branch.

6. Resignation from membership of the Union is valid even if it is not affected in accordance with this Rule, if the member is informed in writing by or on behalf of the Union that the resignation has been accepted.



Tel (02) 9264 2511 Fax (02) 9264 1342 E-mail nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Website www.rtbu-nsw.asn.au



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