2021 Rail and Road - September Edition

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RTBU urges NSW Government to restore 150 axed regional jobs RTBU urges NSW Government to restore 150 axed regional jobs as part of bungled Country Rail Network maintenance contract. The Rail, Tram and Bus Union National Party, Minister Toole about UGL being in a position (RTBU) NSW Branch is urging the has a duty to support regional to take over the safe running of Berejiklian Government to reverse communities and protect their jobs. the network from the contract a 40% job cut across the Country The RTBU has asked Minister Toole date in January following their Rail Network (CRN), which has left why over a hundred workers across announcement that their network transport workers facing job losses NSW, particularly in the regions, are control centre will not be finalised in and fearing for their livelihoods. facing the prospect of losing their Orange by that date. livelihoods on his watch? 150 regional workers are facing UGL have been given approval from an uncertain future, with fewer Conveniently, the only jobs Minister Transport for NSW to operate the positions available on the network Toole is creating with this new network control out of the current from January 2022 when operations contract are in his own electorate John Holland Mayfield site for 4 and maintenance are transferred of Bathurst and the neighbouring months to allow the construction to from John Holland to UGL. city of Orange. He’s taken a hatchet be finalised. to the rest of the Country Rail RTBU Organisers have been The RTBU is calling on the Network, which will cut 40% of its attending worksites prior to the Berejiklian Government to stand by positions. lockdowns to discuss concerns its commitment that it will not cut around these changes with members Depots in West Wyalong, Dubbo regional jobs, and to provide a job and they have also been present and Tamworth will see significant guarantee to all CRN employees at the Roadshows held by John job losses, while those in Nyngan, to ensure safety standards are Holland and UGL. Parramatta and Mayfield will close maintained across the network. completely. John Holland have been providing Regional communities are doing it regular updates to the RTBU to These workers have no guarantee tougher than ever in this pandemic, enable us to better support members of being offered another job with while transport workers put however it has been much more UGL, especially not one with equal themselves at risk every day to keep difficult to get information from pay and conditions that will ensure our state moving. UGL. In recent weeks, this situation they can continue to support their They deserve better than false words has improved. families. and empty promises. They deserve The union is urging Minister for To maintain the same standards leaders who will actually stand up Regional Transport and Roads Paul of service on our Country Rail for their livelihoods and fight for Toole to make good on his claims in Network, we need to maintain and regional communities. February that the new $1.5 billion increase staffing levels. Any loss of We urge Minister Toole and the contract with UGL would create boots on the ground is a reduction of Berejiklian Government to show new jobs in regional NSW. quality and safety. that leadership and not betray the As a Minister and member of the There have been concerns raised communities they claim to represent.

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tramandbusexpress.com.au RAIL & ROAD September 2021

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