2022 Rail and Road Election Supplement

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RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022 Rail & Road Election Supplement

2022 Candidates Information for Members Print Post Approved 25500003-01148

RTBU NATIONAL AND NSW BRANCH ELECTIONS 2022 Contents How to Vote in the RTBU Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

National Election National Offices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

NSW Branch Election Branch Offices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Locomotive Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Administrative, Technical, Supervisory and Professional Division . . . . . . . . . . 24 Rail Operations Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


RTBU NATIONAL AND NSW BRANCH ELECTIONS 2022 From the Branch Secretary This special election issue of the Rail & Road has been printed to provide candidates the opportunity to support their candidacy for the various contested positions in the RTBU 2022 elections. The strength and health of our union relies on its democratic structures and decision-making processes. All members have the opportunity, through democratic elections, to choose the representatives that they believe will best represent their interests and the interests of all RTBU members. Voting in your union’s elections is an important exercise of your democratic rights and responsibilities. Voting has never been more important. With our union increasingly coming under attack by Government’s and management, just like voting in a protected action ballot, the more people that vote, the stronger we are. The union elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission. The postal ballot will open on Monday 14 November 2022. Ballot papers will be mailed to member’s postal address as shown on the union’s records. If you have not supplied current details, you may not receive the ballot papers. If you do not receive your postal ballot papers shortly after 14 November 2022, you should contact Catherine Bernoth of the Australian Electoral Commission on telephone


(02) 9375 6366 who will arrange for the necessary ballot papers to be posted to you. Ballot papers must be received by the Australian Electoral Commission by 5pm on 12 December 2022. An attendance ballot will be held on 17 November 2022 for all offices of the Tram and Bus Division only. Tram and Bus Division members will still need to vote by postal ballot for the National and NSW Branch elected positions. With continued threats to our working conditions by hostile employers and Government, our members, our families and our communities will continue to be faced with some hard times ahead. On top of natural disasters such as the bushfires, flooding, and a global pandemic, we have also seen the NSW Government push ahead with its privatisation agenda across the public transport sector. Our union will continue to fight for strong industrial laws that will protect all worker’s interests, and hostile employers attempting to undermine and erode existing working conditions. The next few years will require our union to continue to be on top of its game to ensure that all of our members and their families are protected and defended against any attacks.

To be able to effectively defend jobs and working conditions in this environment, to be able to negotiate collective agreements that benefit our members, we need the best union representatives available. The union will be as strong and as effective as its leadership and its union representatives in each and every workplace. This makes your vote in these elections an important decision on the future of our industry and our members. I urge all members to consider their vote very carefully to be sure that you choose the very best person/s to represent members. Most importantly, do not waste your democratic rights, be sure to vote by returning your ballot papers in accordance with the instructions provided. I wish all candidates well in their desire to represent RTBU members in the future. Alex Claassens Secretary Postscript: Please note that a number of positions within the union have not been contested. To ensure that the Election Supplement is as streamlined as possible, we have not included candidates material where no other nominations have been received for the position.

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

RTBU NATIONAL AND NSW BRANCH ELECTIONS 2022 The Australian Electoral Commission will be conducting National and NSW Branch Elections for the RTBU for a range of positions within the Union, during November/ December 2022 . The following section of the journal contains candidate information for a range of contested positions within the Union. All candidates were invited to provide information for their candidacy, and what follows is the detail provided by candidates.

How to Vote in the Union Elections Ballot papers will be sent to members at their home address by the Australian Electoral Commission on 14 November 2022. Members should complete the ballot papers and return them in the envelopes provided by 5pm, 12 December 2022.

National Office and NSW Branch Votes use X in a box To vote for candidates for National Offices or New South Wales Offices members must place an X in the box for their preferred candidate/s. Members will be notified of all election results (including candidates elected unopposed) once they are finalised. If Members have inquiries about these elections please contact the Returning Officer, Catherine Bernoth on telephone (02) 9375 6366.

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


RTBU NATIONAL ELECTION 2022 National Offices

To vote for National Offices members must place an X in the box for their preferred candidate/s. Position:

National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women) (1 position)

Candidates for the position of National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women)): • Leanne Holmes • Angela Lardner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – LEANNE HOLMES

Leanne Holmes

Leanne Holmes is a National Vice President of the Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union, and is the Unions Director of Organising. Her role involves negotiating national Enterprise Agreements with companies in the rail sector, and she recently secured the RTBUs first-ever Enterprise Agreement with an aboverail labour hire operator. She has also represented the rail, tram and bus workers at public rallies, at conferences, and in the media. She has proven herself to be a passionate and highly effective advocate for workers rights. Leanne has been a Member of the RTBU for 20 years and began her career as a Bus Driver with the State Transit Authority in Sydney, and then in Newcastle. Leanne has previously served as a Branch Councillor with the RTBU NSW Branch, and as Chair of the RTBU NSW Branch Womens Committee. She is currently the Chair of the Hunter Workers Womens Committee (Hunter Workers was formally Newcastle Trades Hall). Leanne is also on the National WIMDOI (Women in Male Dominated Industries and Organisations) Committee.

VOTE X Leanne Holmes Position:

National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women) (1 position)

Candidates for the position of National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women)): • Leanne Holmes • Angela Lardner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANGELA LARDNER

Angela Lardner

I am running for National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women). I’m a dedicated unionist passionate about gender equality, supporting and advocating for women. I’m a single mum of 3 and fifth generation proud railway worker. A train driver at Metro for nearly 10 years, before that a roster clerk and station officer. I am an experienced unionist - CPSU delegate for 4 years, RTBU delegate for 5 years and recently the RTBU Woman’s Convenor. Currently completing a law degree I can even better support and advocate for members. I have a strong interest in advocating for women in a male dominated industry - pregnancy, maternity leave, domestic violence, sexual harassment and discrimination. I know first-hand the impact this has on our happiness in our jobs and am committed to real change. As a RTBU Delegate I helped get better female facilities, I established a working party of women drivers at Metro & implemented an improved pregnancy policy. I am passionate about improving women’s experiences on and off the job and believe our National Vice President should play a stronger role in supporting RTBU women with the National Women’s campaign committee (per the rules) established! Developing and mentoring women leaders and publically advocate on issues for women, which the current VP has failed to do. As National Vice President (Affirmative Action – Women), I will work tirelessly for all women across our union to improve our experience and ensure the National Women’s Campaign committee actually meets per the Union Rules!

VOTE X Angela Lardner 6

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


National Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of National Secretary • Mark Diamond • Adam Francis CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MARK DIAMOND BA LLB, GAICD.

Mark Diamond

As the National Secretary, I commit to remaining vigilant in my efforts to continually improve the RTBU for our members. As the go-to person for senior union officials when they need strategic, operational, or legal guidance I have developed a depth of expertise about union rules, structures, and operations as well as the industrial and transport legislation relevant to our industries. My introduction of the first and subsequent National Strategic Plans have aligned our behaviours resulting in the RTBU becoming a single, unified political and campaigning force. This alignment has resulting in: • The RTBU’s political influence growing exponentially at both a federal and state level; • The RTBU having direct access to key politicians and their departments responsible for industrial relations, transport, infrastructure, and manufacturing amongst others; • The RTBU now having a seat at the table for all major national decisions which affect our members and our industries; • The RTBU having the ability to flex its political muscle using our aligned behaviours to prevent unfriendly governments from passing laws which are not in members’ interests. For example, our successful fight to prevent in-cab cameras being legislated without protections for workers. Any candidate for National Secretary must have a combination of these political, strategic, legal and operation skills to ensure that the RTBU stays ahead of changes impacting our members and our industries. I hope I can rely on your support.

VOTE X Mark Diamond

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Assistant National Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Assistant National Secretary • Shayne Kummerfield • Glenn Saunders CANDIDATE STATEMENT – SHAYNE KUMMERFELD

Shayne Kummerfeld

I have 42 years in the Rail Industry and the Current Assistant National Secretary of the RTBU, before this I was the National President, National Councillor and Locomotive Divisional Delegate for 20 years and Rail Divisions Organiser with the Queensland Branch for 11 years. I am Train Driver by profession, for which I continue to maintain my competencies and qualifications with Queensland Rail. I was a committee member of the Queensland WHS Industry Standing Committee for Transport and Storage for over a decade and stepped down after taking the full time National role with the RTBU. I currently sit on the ITF Urban Transport Steering Committee and ITF Taskforce on Sustainable and Socially Just Urban Public Transport. I am passionate about seeking public transport improvements and expansion to enhance the liveability, social equality, inclusiveness, and economic benefits that flow from well-planned integrated transport systems for all Australians. I believe the Rail Industry as essential for integrated intermodal freight transport to achieve long term green outcomes for long haul transport in Australia. I seek your support to continue to grow our industry and conditions. Unity is Strength

VOTE X Shayne Kummerfeld Position:

Assistant National Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Assistant National Secretary • Shayne Kummerfield • Glenn Saunders CANDIDATE STATEMENT – GLENN SAUNDERS

Glenn Saunders

Our Union is approaching a time of unparalleled opportunity. With the failed policies of decades of conservative Government’s becoming obvious to the Australian public and workforce. NOW is the time for our National office to lead the fight to restore wages and conditions, roll back privatisation and support and nurture the emerging ground swell of grass roots activism in our union. For the last decade as a delegate and assistant delegate I have been at the fore front of fighting Privatisation in my region. I have had recent success in being part of a team that delivered an award that 97% of our members voted up. These successes are not won individually but with consultation and solidarity, lessons that previous generations of unionist taught us and which are even more relevant today. As Assistant National Secretary I will bring Grass roots principles to the National office, I will take the hard learned lessons of how to scrap and fight for a better fairer outcome for our members and bring them to a national level. While my background is not one of industrial officer, lawyer or political appointee I believe my experience in the day to day fight that is a Delegates training ground would be a significant asset at National level. For your consideration, In unity Glenn Saunders

VOTE X Glenn Saunders


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ranch Delegates to the National Executive B – NSW Branch (3 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Delegates to the National Executive – NSW Branch • David Babineau • Farren Campbell • Michael Marsland • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MICHAEL MARSLAND

Michael Marsland

Dear RTBU Members, It’s time for elections once again. As most of you are aware, voting is a vital part in obtaining the results we require and deserve. For those who don’t know me, my name is Michael Marsland, currently an RTBU delegate for the Salary and Administration Division. I have been active in resolving local issues at stations and assisting all staff that have contacted me for assistance. I have always made myself available to members either in person, phone or email. I am aware that under the current conditions we are significantly short of the required level of staff and have therefore attended two staff reviews one of which was initiated by me and assisted to converting Part time to Full time positions. Over the last few months, it has become clear that I am ready to undertake new challenges to further the cause of all members and to maintain and uphold Union values to the best of my ability. To do so, I will always be transparent in everything I do keeping the members we serve at the forefront. It is my strong belief that consultation with members is of utmost importance to obtain a agreed outcome that we deserve. I sincerely believe some changes need to be made within the Union to better support our member but, this cannot be done without your combined support. I will be nominating for the Branch Presidents position and for the President of the Salary Administration and Technical Division.

VOTE X Michael Marsland Position:

ranch Delegates to the National Executive B – NSW Branch (3 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Delegates to the National Executive – NSW Branch • David Babineau • Farren Campbell • Michael Marsland • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – CRAIG TURNER

Craig Turner

My name is Craig Turner. I began my railway career as a CSA at Strathfield in 2006. In 2007 I became a suburban Train Guard, firstly at Central and later transferred to Hornsby. In 2008 I became a delegate. Since then, I have been elected to, and acted in, various roles including President, Train Guards Sub Division; Secretary Rail Operations; Senior Vice President RTBU (NSW Branch): and as a NSW delegate on the National Executive. I am currently the Organiser for Guards and On Boarders. I believew it is essential that this Union continues to push hard to keep jobs and retain our hardfought conditions. Since 2016 I have been working hard to fight Driver Only (NIF). I believe the roles of Train Guards and Station Staff are critical to the safe operation of our rail network. I will continue to work with our honest and experienced railway team at the RTBU to achieve the best outcomes for our members.

VOTE X Craig Turner RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division • David Hauser • Terry Johnson • Damien Kuan • Joanne McCallum • Christopher Salisbury • Andrew Sloan • Michael Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVID HAUSER

David Hauser

Hi members, I am running for the RTBU NSW Operations Division President position because I am ready to step up from Vice President. For the last 4 years I have been frustrated by attempts from within our Union to stifle dissent and I have looked on as Station Staff have been let down by the incumbent administration with two major disputes over part time workers and travelling time not being progressed to the Fair Work Commission for 8 years. This situation is untenable and all Operations Members deserve better, as your new President I will make sure that every member gets a fair shake and that systematic wage theft is not ignored but is vigorously prosecuted and justice for those affected is delivered. I will be the President for all Operations Members; I will continue to argue for the retention of the Guards role on the NIF and any other new rolling stock and in addition the retention of all station staff positions too. I am a founding member of Rank and File First and we have been instrumental in holding RTBU Officials to account on many issues and we will continue to do so as we believe in transparency and accountability of all Union activities. I look forward to meeting as many members as I can during the campaign and live by our motto: TOUCH ONE-FIGHT ALL!

VOTE X David Hauser


ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division • David Hauser • Terry Johnson • Damien Kuan • Joanne McCallum • Christopher Salisbury • Andrew Sloan • Michael Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – CHRISTOPHER SALISBURY

Christopher Salisbury

I am standing as a delegate for national council as a proud member of Rank and File First. Some of you would already know me. I have represented hundreds of guards and station staff in the Illawarra and Sydney for over 12 years. I have fought and won major bullying cases. I have played a significant role in retaining fully qualified safe working guard with full door controls. And I have attempted to return every phone call and text message from all members. Now, I am setting myself up for a new challenge in an old role, namely, to make the NSW branch of the RTBU fully transparent, down to the most minute detail. If elected, I will oppose changes to union rules that disenfranchise members. I will oppose pay rises for the NSW union executive by “independent” reviews. I will support better training for delegates and insist on the very best legal support for delegates who are having a crack. I cannot do any of this on my own. If you want better leadership, you really do have to vote for it. I urge everyone who voted for me last time (and especially those who didn’t vote) to support Dave Hauser as NSW branch secretary and the entire Rank and File First ticket in all positions at these elections. This is your best opportunity - perhaps also your last opportunityto vote for the most momentous change in the history of this union.

VOTE X Christopher Salisbury 10

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division • David Hauser • Terry Johnson • Damien Kuan • Joanne McCallum • Christopher Salisbury • Andrew Sloan • Michael Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW SLOAN

Andrew Sloan

My Name is Andrew “Drew” Sloan. I have been a Guard for more than 15 years. Since the opening of the Auburn Stabling Yard, I have acted as the Guards Depot Secretary. For the past 2 years I have acted in the role of Guards Sub Division Secretary. At various times I have also acted as Guards Relief Organiser. I was a member of the RTBU Delegates team that negotiated the payment of the WOBOD allowance for Sydney Trains Guards. I consider the Guard's role as vital to the safe operation of trains within the Sydney and Regional network and have been involved in the fight to maintain the Guards role on the NIF. As your representative I have always sought to protect Guard's pay and conditions. If I'm elected, I will continue to represent my workmates, and defend your rights, a role in which I have always taken great pride.

VOTE X Andrew Sloan Position:

ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division • David Hauser • Terry Johnson • Damien Kuan • Joanne McCallum • Christopher Salisbury • Andrew Sloan • Michael Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MICHAEL SULLIVAN

Michael Sullivan

My name is Mick Sullivan, and I am asking for your support in the RTBU elections. I have been a Guard at Mortdale for over 16 years. In this time I have become an active Union member and delegate both locally in my depot of Mortdale and across the Rail Operations Division, striving to protect and improve members' rights and conditions in the workplace. I’ve done my best to help members in my time as a delegate to help protect their workplace rights and conditions, and if elected, will continue to work passionately to support members. In my time as a delegate, I have been elected on Branch and National Council, along with being President of the Train Guards Sub Division and Secretary of the Rail Operations Division. I have edited the Blue Light Guards newsletter for the last 10 years, as I believe communication is vital in order to keep members informed on significant issues. I am committed to standing up for and fighting to protect members' hard fought rights and conditions in the workplace. My aim is to improve the organisation and communication within the Rail Operations Division, so members and delegates are better prepared to face the coming challenges. I also want to encourage members to become more involved as activists and delegates to build power in the workplace. Good luck to all members taking part in the election, and remember, to remain STRONG, we need to remain UNITED.

VOTE X Michael Sullivan RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Rail Operations Division • David Hauser • Terry Johnson • Damien Kuan • Joanne McCallum • Christopher Salisbury • Andrew Sloan • Michael Sullivan • David Weblin


David Weblin

My name is David Weblin. I Have been a Train Guard at Sydney Trains for 11 years, briefly at Central. Then Liverpool, until moving to LSY when Liverpool shut. During my time I have held numerous roles in the RTBU, and am currently the President of Guards at LSY, the Guards Delegate on the Rail Operations Divisional Council, and also a National Councillor. I was also a HSR for 3 years and was briefly the Chairperson of the Sydney Trains Guards WHS Committee. During my time holding various Union/WHS roles, I have proven that I can assertively hold management to account whilst keeping a level head. Some of my achievements in the recent past have included getting Sydney Trains guards training on ATP, something which our counterparts at NSW TrainsLink didn’t receive, and I also played a part in getting Sydney Trains to scrap their plans to drastically alter the guards compartment on K Sets in order to install ATP. I believe that the RTBU is facing unprecedented challenges going forward, as is currently being seen in our Enterprise Agreement fight with the NSW Government. Now is a time to ensure that the people leading this union have the ability not only to fight, but to be intelligent about the way we fight these challenges, and I believe I have a proven track record of doing this, whether that is in broader meetings affecting multiple members, or supporting members who have come to the attention of management for whatever reason.

VOTE X David Weblin


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Tram & Bus Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Tram & Bus Division • Bruce Eddy • Nicholas Fieldsend • Brett Peters • Ashish Sarker • Ivan Suarez CANDIDATE STATEMENT – NICHOLAS FIELDSEND Committed campaigner for BETTER PAY BETTER CONDITIONS IMPROVED WORKERS RIGHTS

Nicholas Fieldsend

VOTE X Nicholas Fieldsend


ational Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: N NSW Branch – Tram & Bus Division (4 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Tram & Bus Division • Bruce Eddy • Nicholas Fieldsend • Brett Peters • Ashish Sarker • Ivan Suarez CANDIDATE STATEMENT – BRETT PETERS

I have been a bus operator for over 21 years and have been the Divisional Vice President within the RTBU NSW Tram and Bus Division over the past 10 years. I am seeking your support to be one of your representatives on National Council. I will continue to fight for the rights of workers within the Bus and the Light Rail workplaces and ensure that OUR UNION continues to evolve and service its members the way that you expect. Working in the industry I have a first hand understanding of the challenges we face both on the road and with employers.

Brett Peters

VOTE X Brett Peters

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Stephen Priestley


I started my career in the Railways over 32 years ago as a Fitter at DELEC Enfield maintaining the diesel locomotives after serving 10 years in the Royal Australian Navy. I have been working in a salaried position now for 27 years within the various rail organisations created in that time and have experienced personally how that change can affect people. My goal is to keep the rights of workers in the forefront of any change that the rail organisations what to implement in consultation with all the affected members.

Anthony Chase

VOTE X Anthony Chase Position:

National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Stephen Priestley


Usufono Filipo

Like many before me, I have stumbled and fumbled into unionism as clueless as the next person, until I was faced with unexpected trouble & tribulation many years ago. An organiser and delegate represented me at the time, where I was vulnerable and needed help. To return the favour I made a decision to give back by looking out for other members in similar situations. I’m not your typical delegate screaming from the rooftops nor a fan of the limelight, but I will stand my ground and can, have & will bear the brunt in the fight for procedural fairness and advocate for the many reasons that make Australia and being an Australian a wonderful gift. The history and legacy of the union is a great example of hope, courage and resilience. Something my children are witnessing as they have seen me joining in on the EA bargaining table this year, advocating for our members and seeing my attempts to contribute to the mighty RTBU in a positive and respectful manner. I firmly believe everyone deserves a voice and respect, just beware it’s to be reciprocated and I’ve tolerated nothing less. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.—Thomas Paine Your valuable vote would enable me to continue the fight and ensure the next generation gets a chance to get up and persevere. In true solidarity, Usufono Filipo PS. I still love chocolate. K, bye.

VOTE X Usufono Filipo


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of National Divisional Delegates from Branch to National Council: NSW Branch – Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Stephen Priestley


Stephen Priestley

My Name is Stephen Priestley. I have been involved within the union movement for over 47 years now. I am currently The Division Branch President of Administrative, supervisory, technical & Professional Division. I started my Railway career as a junior Station assistance Parramatta – Wentworthville in 1975. Then as a Senior Station assistance I worked through out the Metropolitan area working in Parcel and Goods Sheds. I then around 1978 worked as a shunter in Sydney Terminal shunting for e period. I then moved into Train Crewing late 1980 working Freight Trains from various yard to Broadmeadow, Bomaderry, Goulbourn, Port Kembla, Lithgow, Passenger Trains from Sydney Terminal to Bomaderry and Goulbourn, Lithgow. Then as of 1996 I have worked within Train Control section I am today. My current place of work is the Rail Operations Centre this is a multiple functional area of the Salary Admin section of the RTBU. I have been involved in three EA for my division and I am currently involved in the current EA Negotiations between Sydney Trains and NSW Train Link. I have given a commitment to rebuild my division because of some internal division and to ensure that we communicate better in the future. We currently have new Organiser Amanda Perkins who has experience within the union move will be heavily involved in the future of the Salary Division. Helen Bellette will the be Organiser for the ROC as well to help build a better and brighter future for the Salary Division.

VOTE X Stephen Priestley

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



To vote for NSW Branch Offices members must place an X in the box for their preferred candidate/s. Position:

Branch President

Candidates for the position of Branch President (1 position) • Michael Marsland • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MICHAEL MARSLAND

Michael Marsland

Dear RTBU Members, It’s time for elections once again. As most of you are aware, voting is a vital part in obtaining the results we require and deserve. For those who don’t know me, my name is Michael Marsland, currently an RTBU delegate for the Salary and Administration Division. I have been active in resolving local issues at stations and assisting all staff that have contacted me for assistance. I have always made myself available to members either in person, phone or email. I am aware that under the current conditions we are significantly short of the required level of staff and have therefore attended two staff reviews one of which was initiated by me and assisted to converting Part time to Full time positions. Over the last few months, it has become clear that I am ready to undertake new challenges to further the cause of all members and to maintain and uphold Union values to the best of my ability. To do so, I will always be transparent in everything I do keeping the members we serve at the forefront. It is my strong belief that consultation with members is of utmost importance to obtain a agreed outcome that we deserve. I sincerely believe some changes need to be made within the Union to better support our member but, this cannot be done without your combined support. I will be nominating for the Branch Presidents position and for the President of the Salary Administration and Technical Division.

VOTE X Michael Marsland Position:

Branch President

Candidates for the position of Branch President (1 position) • Michael Marsland • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – CRAIG TURNER

Craig Turner

My name is Craig Turner. I began my railway career as a CSA at Strathfield in 2006. In 2007 I became a suburban Train Guard, firstly at Central and later transferred to Hornsby. In 2008 I became a delegate. Since then, I have been elected to, and acted in, various roles including President, Train Guards Sub Division; Secretary Rail Operations; Senior Vice President RTBU (NSW Branch): and as a NSW delegate on the National Executive. I am currently the Organiser for Guards and On Boarders. I believe it is essential that this Union continues to push hard to keep jobs and retain our hardfought conditions. Since 2016 I have been working hard to fight Driver Only (NIF). I believe the roles of Train Guards and Station Staff are critical to the safe operation of our rail network. I will continue to work with our honest and experienced railway team at the RTBU to achieve the best outcomes for our members.

VOTE X Craig Turner 16

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Branch Secretary

Candidates for the position of Branch Secretary (1 position) • Alex Claassens • Dave Hauser CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ALEX CLAASSENS

Alex Claassens

I’ve served as your Branch Secretary since 2010, working for the members of our union in all of our divisions with incredible delegates and activists through some incredibly difficult times. Difficult times, like when we have safety incidents, the government privatizing our bus services and freight operators who continue to try and drive down our conditions. We’re currently in the middle of one of the more challenging periods our union has faced. Together, members have stood strong and united in the face of government ministers and bureaucrats more interested in playing politics than in delivering the safe and reliable transport NSW deserves, and we will continue to fight for safety, better conditions and a fair wage outcome. Together, we’ve pushed further and achieved more than many thought possible. But there’s still a long way to go. It’s now incredibly important that we have an experienced team that know how to navigate through this period and into the next phase. We will need to continue to work through the local and state-based challenges, as well as advocating for what we need at a federal level. RTBU members have a long history of standing up for our rights and meeting every challenge thrown at us – and you deserve an elected team with a proven track record of meeting those challenges. I hope you’ll continue to support me as Branch Secretary and the RTBU United Team.

VOTE X Alex Claassens


Branch Secretary

Candidates for the position of Branch Secretary (1 position) • Alex Claassens • Dave Hauser CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVID HAUSER

David Hauser

Hi members, I am running for the RTBU NSW Branch Secretary position because I am sick of seeing jobs lost. Since I have joined the RTBU in 2007 we have seen 650 Transit Officers, 400 Ticket sellers, 400 Station Managers, 50 GRLM CCTV Officers, 300 Salaried and Admin Positions in Transport NSW and 300 CSA1 and ancillary jobs lost without any action taken to prevent it. Conversely, we have seen a massive growth in contractors and private operators in infrastructure and cleaning, Newcastle Buses Privatised and Sydney Buses all but gone. This needs to stop and the only way we can achieve that is by changing out the current Leadership. 12 years we have had wage stagnation and we have had to give away conditions to get meagre .5% above the Government wage cap. I am committed to getting better outcomes by NOT CANCELLING INDUSTRIAL ACTION by text a day before it looks like the members will take decisive action, I will not entertain Good Cop/ Bad Cop routines by various Ministers all vying for career advancement, they are all my enemy if they are stopping YOU from getting a fair wage outcome. I will call upon UNIONS NSW to coordinate all 400,000 government workers in an industrial campaign to get a better outcome because UNITY is not a buzz word, IT IS OUR UNDENIABLE STRENGTH! I look forward to serving all members of OUR Union uniting all divisions and I will NOT SIGN MOU's!

VOTE X David Hauser

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Assistant Branch Secretary (Rail)

Candidates for the position of Assistant Branch Secretary (Rail) (1 position) • Bob Hayden • Peter Vrettos


Bob Hayden

To All Rail Division Members I seek your support for the honorary Position of NSW Assistant Branch Secretary – Rail in the current RTBU Elections, a position I currently hold. I have always made myself available to any Division and or their Executive Delegates to provide support, including all RTBU Rules, Policies, Finances, Resolutions, day to day issues and or anything else I could assist with. I am fiercely protective of the RTBU Rules, Financial Governance, transparency, and the democratic processes that independent Delegate Governing bodies have a responsibility to enforce/uphold within the Union even when such may make others uncomfortable. You will never hear me talk about “my union” or “my members” as these are terms which people use when they believe their own self-importance is superior to the Unions or yours and they are more important than the collective. I have supported and mentored many in my 28 years and have as should be expected of all your leaders looked for the next generation of leaders to take over as recently occurred in the NSW Locomotive Division when I announced I was stepping down as Divisional Secretary to allow the next generation of leaders to step up and lead. This needs/must occur within all senior fulltime positions within the Union. SUPPORT BOB HAYDEN AS PART OF A MEMBERSHIP DRIVEN TEAM.

VOTE X Bob Hayden


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ranch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) B – Rail Divisions

Candidates for the position of Branch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) – Rail Divisions ( 1 position) • Giovanna Bonelli • Erin Dunn • Marina McMaugh • Julie Puttock CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ERIN DUNN

Erin Dunn

I am currently a Leppington Driver with 17 years railway experience. As an Aboriginal person and as a woman in a male dominated industry, I know all too well how important representation is. I am not seeking to represent only train crew, I am seeking to acknowledge in nominating for Branch Council Delegate Affirmative Action, the specific contributions that women have made across Rail Divisions and to provide a voice for us at the table. In this position, I want to work to see women empowered, so that they understand their rights, can ask for assistance and can feel confident to step up and be active within our union. I will be a strong advocate for equal opportunity in the workplace, and will work hard to hold those that need it to account. I am currently an active member of LSYs Depot Organising Committee, have experience in representing members at the depot, and have a passion and commitment to do what's right for people. I aim to be active in encouraging and achieving positive change. I will be strong in standing up for women, and for all. We know we can all stand together, with the power to be powerful, believing we can make it better. Thank you for your support.

VOTE X Erin Dunn Position:

ranch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) B – Rail Divisions

Candidates for the position of Branch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) – Rail Divisions ( 1 position) • Giovanna Bonelli • Erin Dunn • Marina McMaugh • Julie Puttock CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MARINA MCMAUGH

Marina McMaugh

My name is Marina McMaugh. I first started my railway career as a Customer Service Attendant in 2003, my home station was Burwood. In the 9 years that I was a CSA, I worked at many stations right across the network. In 2012 I started the next phase in my railway career as a Suburban Train Guard. I worked at Central Depot for just over 12 months before transferring to Campbelltown Depot. While I have been a member of the RTBU since my first day back in 2003, I didn't get involved in the Union until 2018 when I became the Guards Sub-Division Secretary at Campbelltown Depot. I have enjoyed every moment of being a Delegate and I believe it is essential that this Union, the RTBU continues to push hard to keep jobs and to also retain the hard fought conditions that Delegates and members before me had achieved.

VOTE X Marina McMaugh

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ranch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) B – Rail Divisions

Candidates for the position of Branch Council Delegate Affirmative Action (Woman) – Rail Divisions ( 1 position) • Giovanna Bonelli • Erin Dunn • Marina McMaugh • Julie Puttock CANDIDATE STATEMENT – JULIE PUTTOCK

I've been a member of the RTBU for the past 23 years. I have been Central ETR, Sydney Intercity where I was a delegate for 8 years and now at Sydney Regional.

Julie Puttock

VOTE X Julie Puttock


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee S – Sydney Trains / ETR Group 2 (1 position)

Candidates for the position Sub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee (1 position) • Andrew Clark • Jeff King CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW CLARK

Andrew Clark

G’day members, I am running for Divisional Councillor for Region 2 and am asking for your support. I DO THE WORK Over the past 4 years, I have submitted no fewer that 212 reports from meetings I have had the honour in attending, inexorably advocating for members of the Locomotive Division. Through the role of Divisional Councillor, I have had the privilege to be involved in a number of significant projects which will affect the way we continue to work into the future, though none of these are of greater importance than helping your local delegates achieve positive results when fighting on your behalf at a higher level. During my term as Region 2 Divisional Councillor, I have put myself through university (at my expense, because you shouldn’t pay for my qualifications) to ensure I have the skillset to take an educated and informed fight to management as your Delegate. I mention this only to illustrate my moral and ethical principles and values towards the members I’ve been entrusted to represent and to the RTBU Locomotive Division. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who voted for me in the last election and to those who didn’t, I hope I have let my actions convince you to vote for me this time around. I DO THIS TO DRIVE POSITIVE OUTCOMES FOR MEMBERS. NOT FOR A POSITION TITLE

VOTE X Andrew Clark

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee S – NSW Trains / Countrylink Group (1 position)

Candidates for the position Sub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – NSW Trains / Countrylink Group (1 position) • Jarryd Dayes • Steve Elsmore CANDIDATE STATEMENT – STEVE ELSMORE

Steve Elsmore

Members, I am seeking your support for the position of Divisional Councilor, NSW TrainLink (formerly CountryLink). I began my career with SRA in 1978 as a Station Assistant in Lithgow, progressing through the ranks to Driver Trainer. During this time, I was very active with the AFULE from 1979. With my long and diverse history in Rail, both Passenger and Freight, and with a passion for standing up for my mates, I believe I am the ideal candidate. During the last 20 years in Dubbo, I have held the positions of Depot Vice President, HSR Representative, acting Divisional Councilor and Depot Organiser. Some of my key achievements include a secure car park for Dubbo Depot, facilities at Parkes and Broken Hill, and I was instrumental in gaining hotel accommodation in Sydney for crews who book off there. Currently, I represent TrainLink in the 2021 EA negotiations which has resulted in the cab allowance being incorporated into our base rate and the WOBOD payment, as well as other allowances and conditions With longevity in the rail industry and a proud history of activism, I possess the attributes necessary to confidently continue representing all NSW TrainLink depots with integrity, honesty, and most of all, results. With your continued support, I look forward to the challenges which lay ahead in our everchanging industry. As a proud and loyal member of the RTBU Locomotive Division, I would be honored if you chose me to represent you.

VOTE X Steve Elsmore


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ub-Divisional Representatives (Depot Organisers) – ETR / S Sydney Trains Groups - Central (1 position)

Candidates for the position Sub-Divisional Representatives (Depot Organiser) Central • Sandra Kittlety • Damian Ridgwell CANDIDATE STATEMENT – SANDRA KITTLETY

Sandra Kittlety

My name is Sandra Kittlety. I’ve nominated myself for the position of Depot Organiser for Central. My 8 years with Sydney Trains has instilled in me a passion for ensuring that all crew are heard, respected, and supported during both good and bad. . If elected, I promise to build a strong team made up of both new and senior drivers. I want everyone at Central to feel confident that they have a voice and to know that the elected union team will put the Depot’s voice and opinions first. I want Central to know that there is a line of communication that is always open. I envision Central’s Union as a group of dedicated drivers who represent all shifts across the day/night so that there’s always someone around for support. Currently I try to give the new drivers small welcome packs that help with induction and introductions to our depot, as it can be intimidating to enter such a large Depot. I plan to continue this in a hopes to ease the transition and make sure they know who to turn to for help I also want to make sure that the senior drivers who are at Central for the long haul have a voice. Central by nature is a transitional depot but it can still be a great place to call home for those wanting to stay. Central is the networks largest depot and deserves to have nothing short of the best union team. Regards Sandra

VOTE X Sandra Kittlety Position:

ub-Divisional Representatives (Depot Organisers) – ETR / S Sydney Trains Groups - Central (1 position)

Candidates for the position Sub-Divisional Representatives (Depot Organiser) Central • Sandra Kittley • Damian Ridgwell CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAMIAN RIDGWELL

Damian Ridgwell

Railway workers are in one of the greatest fights in the history of our union. The Perrottet government is hell-bent on workers bearing the brunt of the inflation crisis and attacking our job security, safety and conditions. All workers deserve a decent wage. It's our strikes and industrial action that have pressured the government to give us the claims that we’ve secured so far. But we still have a lot to win: a pay rise that keeps up with inflation and all our outstanding claims, including safety upgrades to the NIF. The only way to win these is to show the government that either they deliver, or the railway won’t run. Collective actions, especially strikes, are our power to win our fight. As the Central Locomotive Division Organiser I have consistently fought for the rights of drivers. I’ve fought for better amenities and demanded that management give us clean and modern facilities. I’ve represented over 50 drivers in safe working investigations and secured unpaid entitlements for members. I believe that the union is only strong when the members are strong. We need a membership that is actively involved in democratic discussions and debates about our own union. As Organiser, I have put this into practice by hosting regular depot meetings where train crew could discuss the demands, strategy and tactics of the current EA campaign. A vote for me is a vote for an organiser who stands for a fighting union, democracy and defending workers’ rights.

VOTE X Damian Ridgwell RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Branch Divisional President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional President • Usufono Filipo • Michael Marsland • Stephen Priestley CANDIDATE STATEMENT – USUFONO FILIPO

Usufono Filipo

Like many before me, I have stumbled and fumbled into unionism as clueless as the next person, until I was faced with unexpected trouble & tribulation many years ago. An organiser and delegate represented me at the time, where I was vulnerable and needed help. To return the favour I made a decision to give back by looking out for other members in similar situations. I’m not your typical delegate screaming from the rooftops nor a fan of the limelight, but I will stand my ground and can, have & will bear the brunt in the fight for procedural fairness and advocate for the many reasons that make Australia and being an Australian a wonderful gift. The history and legacy of the union is a great example of hope, courage and resilience. Something my children are witnessing as they have seen me joining in on the EA bargaining table this year, advocating for our members and seeing my attempts to contribute to the mighty RTBU in a positive and respectful manner. I firmly believe everyone deserves a voice and respect, just beware it’s to be reciprocated and I’ve tolerated nothing less. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.—Thomas Paine Your valuable vote would enable me to continue the fight and ensure the next generation gets a chance to get up and persevere. In true solidarity, Usufono Filipo PS. I still love chocolate. K, bye.

VOTE X Usufono Filipo Position:

Branch Divisional President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional President • Usufono Filipo • Michael Marsland • Stephen Priestley CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MICHAEL MARSLAND

Michael Marsland

For those who don’t know me, my name is Michael Marsland, currently an RTBU delegate for the Salary and Administration Division. I have been active in advocating and resolving local issues at stations, assisting all staff that have contacted me for assistance. I have always made myself available to members either in person, phone or email. Over the last few months, it has become clear that I am ready to undertake new challenges to further the cause of all members and to maintain and uphold Union values to the best of my ability. To do so, I will always be transparent in everything I do keeping the members we serve at the forefront. It is my strong belief that consultation with members is of utmost importance to obtain an agreed outcome that we all deserve. Positive Member representation is a major concern in all areas, with future protections for members, delegates and Health and Safety Representatives. My aim will be to support any new RTBU Union elected leadership team. I do believe major changes need to be made within the Union itself to better support our members, and some serious negotiations undertaken in relation to our conditions at work. But this cannot be done without your combined support. I will be nominating for the Branch Presidents position and for the President of the Salaried and Admin Division. As most of you are aware, voting is a vital part in obtaining the results we require and deserve.

VOTE X Michael Marsland 24

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Branch Divisional President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional President • Usufono Filipo • Michael Marsland • Stephen Priestley CANDIDATE STATEMENT – STEPHEN PRIESTLEY No Image Supplied

Stephen Priestley

My Name is Stephen Priestley. I have been involved within the union movement for over 47 years now. I am currently The Division Branch President of Administrative, supervisory, technical & Professional Division. I started my Railway career as a junior Station assistance Parramatta – Wentworthville in 1975. Then as a Senior Station assistance I worked through out the Metropolitan area working in Parcel and Goods Sheds. I then around 1978 worked as a shunter in Sydney Terminal shunting for e period. I then moved into Train Crewing late 1980 working Freight Trains from various yard to Broadmeadow, Bomaderry, Goulbourn, Port Kembla, Lithgow, Passenger Trains from Sydney Terminal to Bomaderry and Goulbourn, Lithgow. Then as of 1996 I have worked within Train Control section I am today. My current place of work is the Rail Operations Centre this is a multiple functional area of the Salary Admin section of the RTBU. I have been involved in three EA for my division and I am currently involved in the current EA Negotiations between Sydney Trains and NSW Train Link. I have given a commitment to rebuild my division because of some internal division and to ensure that we communicate better in the future. We currently have new Organiser Amanda Perkins who has experience within the union move will be heavily involved in the future of the Salary Division. Helen Bellette will the be Organiser for the ROC as well to help build a better and brighter future for the Salary Division.

VOTE X Stephen Priestley

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Branch Divisional Vice-President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Vice-President • Gaye Adams • Andrew Bent CANDIDATE STATEMENT – GAYE ADAMS No Image Supplied

Gaye Adams

Who am I you ask? I am a Crew Support Officer at Leppington Stabling Yard, I have been in my current role since Leppington was commissioned in 2015. I joined the railway and the RTBU way back in August 1989 as a Junior Station Assistant – Campbelltown, Station Assistant – Liverpool followed by Station Support Officer / Duty Manager 1 – Campbelltown prior to my current role. During my 33 years many employees have reached out to me for advice and support owing to my experience, knowledge and understanding of our EA working conditions along with workplace policies & procedures. My involvement with the union goes back to my wages positions prior to becoming a Salary Division Delegate in the early 2000’s. I have found it extremely rewarding acquiring positive resolutions for members and with my additional training as a Mental Health First Aider this has been of great assistance in my role providing support to members. A recent highlight for me was gaining a successful outcome representing a member in resolving a denied request for a tailored return to work plan with reasonable adjustments for disability. I am currently a Salary division representative on the EA negotiating team, during this time I have been dedicated & committed to providing ongoing support for the Salary Division to build confidence, communications & strength, I aim to achieve this by continually working with members in unity.

VOTE X Gaye Adams Position:

Branch Divisional Vice-President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Vice-President • Gaye Adams • Andrew Bent CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW BENT

Andrew Bent

Once again time has come for members to cast their vote to determine who will lead the RTBU forward. You pay for your membership and therefore deserve the best. For background, I have been a delegate for the Salary Division for the last four years. As a delegate, I have helped many of our members from across various divisions of the RTBU and have always been available to lend a helping hand. My philosophy of Unionism is simple, I've always looked out for our members and have their best interest at heart. With the support of my colleagues from the Rank and File First off the RTBU , we are looking to support and represent our members to ensure they get the best outcomes for all issues raised. I encourage all members to cast their vote, make a statement and show support for the ones from the past that paved the way for us. It is not the time for complacency and to settle - the easy option is to do nothing. Fighting for our rights and entitlements will ensure a better future for the generations to come. We are a union and are only as strong as our members and collective power. I need your support by way of your vote so that we can improve our current workplace conditions while sealing our future and the future of generations to come. As a delegate, I am responsible for defending our membership and cannot do it without your support.

VOTE X Andrew Bent 26

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Branch Divisional Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Secretary • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Nerida Mullally CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANTHONY CHASE

I started my career in the Railways over 32 years ago as a Fitter at DELEC Enfield maintaining the diesel locomotives after serving 10 years in the Royal Australian Navy. I have been working in a salaried position now for 27 years within the various rail organisations created in that time and have experienced personally how that change can affect people. My goal is to keep the rights of workers in the forefront of any change that the rail organisations what to implement in consultation with all the affected members.

Anthony Chase

VOTE X Anthony Chase


Branch Divisional Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Secretary • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Nerida Mullally CANDIDATE STATEMENT – USUFONO FILIPO

Usufono Filipo

Like many before me, I have stumbled and fumbled into unionism as clueless as the next person, until I was faced with unexpected trouble & tribulation many years ago. An organiser and delegate represented me at the time, where I was vulnerable and needed help. To return the favour I made a decision to give back by looking out for other members in similar situations. I’m not your typical delegate screaming from the rooftops nor a fan of the limelight, but I will stand my ground and can, have & will bear the brunt in the fight for procedural fairness and advocate for the many reasons that make Australia and being an Australian a wonderful gift. The history and legacy of the union is a great example of hope, courage and resilience. Something my children are witnessing as they have seen me joining in on the EA bargaining table this year, advocating for our members and seeing my attempts to contribute to the mighty RTBU in a positive and respectful manner. I firmly believe everyone deserves a voice and respect, just beware it’s to be reciprocated and I’ve tolerated nothing less. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.—Thomas Paine Your valuable vote would enable me to continue the fight and ensure the next generation gets a chance to get up and persevere. In true solidarity, Usufono Filipo PS. I still love chocolate. K, bye.

VOTE X Usufono Filipo

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Branch Divisional Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Secretary • Anthony Chase • Usufono Filipo • Nerida Mullally CANDIDATE STATEMENT – NERIDA MULLALLY

Nerida Mullally

I am running for two positions in the Administrative, Supervisory, Technical and Professional Division as Branch Divisional Secretary and as a Sub-Divisional Representative in the Metropolitan District Group. I seek the opportunity to continue to support members as their elected representative in both positions. In my 13 years with the railway, I have worked as a train guard and am currently a Crew Support Officer based at Auburn Stabling Yard. I am a qualified lawyer, so I am familiar with, and have an interest in, industrial matters in the workplace. I have advised members regarding Fair Work Commission and Industrial Relations Commission matters and locally across our network. I have proven experience as an effective advocate. I am a firm believer that all employees should have fair representation, and I endeavour to achieve this in order to maintain a safe, harmonious and equitable workplace, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect, across the entire rail network. I hope I will be given the opportunity to serve in the Union in an active way. I am passionate about this and will advocate at all levels to defend the rights of all staff and improve communications between all departments.

VOTE X Nerida Mullally


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ivisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District D (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Divisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Andrew Bent • Anthony Chase • Stephen Priestley • Peter Vrettos CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW BENT

Andrew Bent

Once again time has come for members to cast their vote to determine who will lead the RTBU forward. You pay for your membership and therefore deserve the best. For background, I have been a delegate for the Salary Division for the last four years. As a delegate, I have helped many of our members from across various divisions of the RTBU and have always been available to lend a helping hand. My philosophy of Unionism is simple, I've always looked out for our members and have their best interest at heart. With the support of my colleagues from the Rank and File First off the RTBU , we are looking to support and represent our members to ensure they get the best outcomes for all issues raised. I encourage all members to cast their vote, make a statement and show support for the ones from the past that paved the way for us. It is not the time for complacency and to settle - the easy option is to do nothing. Fighting for our rights and entitlements will ensure a better future for the generations to come. We are a union and are only as strong as our members and collective power. I need your support by way of your vote so that we can improve our current workplace conditions while sealing our future and the future of generations to come. As a delegate, I am responsible for defending our membership and cannot do it without your support.

VOTE X Andrew Bent Position:

ivisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District D (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Divisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Andrew Bent • Anthony Chase • Stephen Priestley • Peter Vrettos CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANTHONY CHASE

I started my career in the Railways over 32 years ago as a Fitter at DELEC Enfield maintaining the diesel locomotives after serving 10 years in the Royal Australian Navy. I have been working in a salaried position now for 27 years within the various rail organisations created in that time and have experienced personally how that change can affect people. My goal is to keep the rights of workers in the forefront of any change that the rail organisations what to implement in consultation with all the affected members.

Anthony Chase

VOTE X Anthony Chase

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ivisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District D (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Divisional Delegates to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Andrew Bent • Anthony Chase • Stephen Priestley • Peter Vrettos CANDIDATE STATEMENT – STEPHEN PRIESTLEY No Image Supplied

Stephen Priestley

My Name is Stephen Priestley. I have been involved within the union movement for over 47 years now. I am currently The Division Branch President of Administrative, supervisory, technical & Professional Division. I started my Railway career as a junior Station assistance Parramatta – Wentworthville in 1975. Then as a Senior Station assistance I worked through out the Metropolitan area working in Parcel and Goods Sheds. I then around 1978 worked as a shunter in Sydney Terminal shunting for e period. I then moved into Train Crewing late 1980 working Freight Trains from various yard to Broadmeadow, Bomaderry, Goulbourn, Port Kembla, Lithgow, Passenger Trains from Sydney Terminal to Bomaderry and Goulbourn, Lithgow. Then as of 1996 I have worked within Train Control section I am today. My current place of work is the Rail Operations Centre this is a multiple functional area of the Salary Admin section of the RTBU. I have been involved in three EA for my division and I am currently involved in the current EA Negotiations between Sydney Trains and NSW Train Link. I have given a commitment to rebuild my division because of some internal division and to ensure that we communicate better in the future. We currently have new Organiser Amanda Perkins who has experience within the union move will be heavily involved in the future of the Salary Division. Helen Bellette will the be Organiser for the ROC as well to help build a better and brighter future for the Salary Division.

VOTE X Stephen Priestley


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Branch Divisional President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional President • Dave Hauser • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVE HAUSER

Dave Hauser

Hi members, I am running for the RTBU NSW Operations Division President position because I am ready to step up from Vice President. For the last 4 years I have been frustrated by attempts from within our Union to stifle dissent and I have looked on as Station Staff have been let down by the incumbent administration with two major disputes over part time workers and travelling time not being progressed to the Fair Work Commission for 8 years. This situation is untenable and all Operations Members deserve better, as your new President I will make sure that every member gets a fair shake and that systematic wage theft is not ignored but is vigorously prosecuted and justice for those affected is delivered. I will be the President for all Operations Members; I will continue to argue for the retention of the Guards role on the NIF and any other new rolling stock and in addition the retention of all station staff positions too. I am a founding member of Rank and File First and we have been instrumental in holding RTBU Officials to account on many issues and we will continue to do so as we believe in transparency and accountability of all Union activities. I look forward to meeting as many members as I can during the campaign and live by our motto: TOUCH ONE-FIGHT ALL.

VOTE X Dave Hauser


Branch Divisional President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional President • Dave Hauser • Craig Turner CANDIDATE STATEMENT – CRAIG TURNER

Craig Turner

My name is Craig Turner. I began my railway career as a CSA at Strathfield in 2006. In 2007 I became a suburban Train Guard, firstly at Central and later transferred to Hornsby. In 2008 I became a delegate. Since then, I have been elected to, and acted in, various roles including President, Train Guards Sub Division; Secretary Rail Operations; Senior Vice President RTBU (NSW Branch): and as a NSW delegate on the National Executive. I am currently the Organiser for Guards and On Boarders. I believe it is essential that this Union continues to push hard to keep jobs and retain our hardfought conditions. Since 2016 I have been working hard to fight Driver Only (NIF). I believe the roles of Train Guards and Station Staff are critical to the safe operation of our rail network. I will continue to work with our honest and experienced railway team at the RTBU to achieve the best outcomes for our members.

VOTE X Craig Turner

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Branch Divisional Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Secretary • Alan Van Der Horn • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ALAN VAN DER HORN No Image Supplied

Alan van der Horn

I have been on the railways for 17 years and have been a delegate for station staff and currently depot delegate for North Sydney Guards. In the station area the introduction of hubs have led to station staff standing for 8 hours bullying and harassment by managers and increased part timers and contractors. On the guards side, persecution of guards by Compliance, lack of career opportunities and the constant threat of driver only operations by management. Cleaners have reduced job security due to the increase of contractors. I believe in old school unionism, fighting to secure jobs, improving working conditions and ensuring that members have the full union support when dealing with disputes and unfair dismissals. I am running for Branch Divisional Secretary Rail Operations because I feel we need to unify division in our battle to get protect our jobs against privatisation, contractors and our entitlements that we have secured over the years. Thanks Alan van der Horn

VOTE X Alan van der Horn


Branch Divisional Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Secretary • Alan Van Der Horn • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVID WEBLIN No Image Supplied

David Weblin

My name is David Weblin. I Have been a Train Guard at Sydney Trains for 11 years, briefly at Central. Then Liverpool, until moving to LSY when Liverpool shut. During my time I have held numerous roles in the RTBU, and am currently the President of Guards at LSY, the Guards Delegate on the Rail Operations Divisional Council, and also a National Councillor. I was also a HSR for 3 years and was briefly the Chairperson of the Sydney Trains Guards WHS Committee. During my time holding various Union/WHS roles, I have proven that I can assertively hold management to account whilst keeping a level head. Some of my achievements in the recent past have included getting Sydney Trains guards training on ATP, something which our counterparts at NSW TrainsLink didn’t receive, and I also played a part in getting Sydney Trains to scrap their plans to drastically alter the guards compartment on K Sets in order to install ATP. I believe that the RTBU is facing unprecedented challenges going forward, as is currently being seen in our Enterprise Agreement fight with the NSW Government. Now is a time to ensure that the people leading this union have the ability not only to fight, but to be intelligent about the way we fight these challenges, and I believe I have a proven track record of doing this, whether that is in broader meetings affecting multiple members, or supporting members who have come to the attention of management for whatever reason.

VOTE X David Weblin


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District (5 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Aaron Donaldson • Troy Howell • Terry Johnson • Marina McMaugh • Nagaiya Naidu • Purkis Purkis • Drew Sloan • Mick Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – AARON DONALDSON

I commenced my railway career as a CSA at Central in 2005. In 2007 I became a Train Guard and joined Central Intercity in 2010. I was elected to the position of Sydney Intercity Guards President in 2019, and have acted as the Depot Secretary since our previous Secretary relinquished his position. I have also been a Health and Safety Representative for Central for approximately 10 years. I have represented the RTBU on various projects. I have opposed Driver Only Operation on the NIF and believe that Guard's role is critical to the safe operation of the train. I believe that members rights, pay and conditions must be protected. As your elected representative I will continue to support your rights at work.

Aaron Donaldson

VOTE X Aaron Donaldson

Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District (5 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Aaron Donaldson • Troy Howell • Terry Johnson • Marina McMaugh • Nagaiya Naidu • Purkis Purkis • Drew Sloan • Mick Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MARINA MCMAUGH

Marina McMaugh

My name is Marina McMaugh. I first started my railway career as a Customer Service Attendant in 2003, my home station was Burwood. In the 9 years that I was a CSA, I worked at many stations right across the network. In 2012 I started the next phase in my railway career as a Suburban Train Guard. I worked at Central Depot for just over 12 months before transferring to Campbelltown Depot. While I have been a member of the RTBU since my first day back in 2003, I didn't get involved in the Union until 2018 when I became the Guards Sub-Division Secretary at Campbelltown Depot. I have enjoyed every moment of being a Delegate and I believe it is essential that this Union, the RTBU continues to push hard to keep jobs and to also retain the hard fought conditions that Delegates and members before me had achieved.

VOTE X Marina McMaugh

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District (5 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Aaron Donaldson • Troy Howell • Terry Johnson • Marina McMaugh • Nagaiya Naidu • Purkis Purkis • Drew Sloan • Mick Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW SLOAN

Andrew Sloan

My Name is Andrew “Drew” Sloan. I have been a Guard for more than 15 years. Since the opening of the Auburn Stabling Yard, I have acted as the Guards Depot Secretary. For the past 2 years I have acted in the role of Guards Sub Division Secretary. At various times I have also acted as Guards Relief Organiser. I was a member of the RTBU Delegates team that negotiated the payment of the WOBOD allowance for Sydney Trains Guards. I consider the Guard's role as vital to the safe operation of trains within the Sydney and Regional network and have been involved in the fight to maintain the Guards role on the NIF. As your representative I have always sought to protect Guard's pay and conditions. If I'm elected, I will continue to represent my workmates, and defend your rights, a role in which I have always taken great pride.

VOTE X Andrew Sloan Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District (5 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Aaron Donaldson • Troy Howell • Terry Johnson • Marina McMaugh • Nagaiya Naidu • Purkis Purkis • Drew Sloan • Mick Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MICK SULLIVAN

Mick Sullivan

My name is Mick Sullivan, and I am asking for your support in the RTBU elections. I have been a Guard at Mortdale for over 16 years. In this time I have become an active Union member and delegate both locally in my depot of Mortdale and across the Rail Operations Division, striving to protect and improve members' rights and conditions in the workplace. I’ve done my best to help members in my time as a delegate to help protect their workplace rights and conditions, and if elected, will continue to work passionately to support members. In my time as a delegate, I have been elected on Branch and National Council, along with being President of the Train Guards Sub Division and Secretary of the Rail Operations Division. I have edited the Blue Light Guards newsletter for the last 10 years, as I believe communication is vital in order to keep members informed on significant issues. I am committed to standing up for and fighting to protect members' hard fought rights and conditions in the workplace. My aim is to improve the organisation and communication within the Rail Operations Division, so members and delegates are better prepared to face the coming challenges. I also want to encourage members to become more involved as activists and delegates to build power in the workplace. Good luck to all members taking part in the election, and remember, to remain STRONG, we need to remain UNITED.

VOTE X Mick Sullivan 34

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District (5 positions)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Metropolitan District • Aaron Donaldson • Troy Howell • Terry Johnson • Marina McMaugh • Nagaiya Naidu • Purkis Purkis • Drew Sloan • Mick Sullivan • David Weblin CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVID WEBLIN No Image Supplied

David Weblin

My name is David Weblin. I Have been a Train Guard at Sydney Trains for 11 years, briefly at Central. Then Liverpool, until moving to LSY when Liverpool shut. During my time I have held numerous roles in the RTBU, and am currently the President of Guards at LSY, the Guards Delegate on the Rail Operations Divisional Council, and also a National Councillor. I was also a HSR for 3 years and was briefly the Chairperson of the Sydney Trains Guards WHS Committee. During my time holding various Union/WHS roles, I have proven that I can assertively hold management to account whilst keeping a level head. Some of my achievements in the recent past have included getting Sydney Trains guards training on ATP, something which our counterparts at NSW TrainsLink didn’t receive, and I also played a part in getting Sydney Trains to scrap their plans to drastically alter the guards compartment on K Sets in order to install ATP. I believe that the RTBU is facing unprecedented challenges going forward, as is currently being seen in our Enterprise Agreement fight with the NSW Government. Now is a time to ensure that the people leading this union have the ability not only to fight, but to be intelligent about the way we fight these challenges, and I believe I have a proven track record of doing this, whether that is in broader meetings affecting multiple members, or supporting members who have come to the attention of management for whatever reason.

VOTE X David Weblin

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Position: Branch

Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Northern District (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Branch Divisional Delegate to Branch Council – Northern District • Jason Haskins • Joanne McMallum CANDIDATE STATEMENT – JASON HASKINS

Jason Haskins

I Jason Haskins am nominating for the Northern District of Rail Operations divisional delegate to Branch Council. Unlike the current delegate I will represent all union members with integrity and honesty. There will be no party time with management because the current management is against the worker. Fed up with conditions being stripped, industrial action being withdrawn, wages suppressed and unambitious elected officials short-changing their members with a log of claims about as heavy as a box of feathers. Vote in a new membership team that will put it members interest first, will communicate with all divisions in an uncomplicated manner, be transparent, is willing to fight for its members rights and end a spate of unprofessional outrageous behaviour. Respect for the worker is long overdue something our current member forgets and its time to change things for a better future. I will give a relentless fight with stubborn determination and will be a tough uncompromising champion of the worker. Vote strength – Vote Haskins

VOTE X Jason Haskins


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

Position: Sub-Divisional

Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Sub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division • Julie Lawlor • Joanne McCallum • Mark Rolph • Debra Yee CANDIDATE STATEMENT – JULIENNE LAWLOR No Image Supplied

Julienne Lawlor

I began my railway career in 2016 after 31 years of service in Qantas as a flight attendant. In 2017 I became a CSA delegate for the Blue Mountains (Lapstone to Lithgow) because there was no RTBU representation for CSA staff. In 2018 I was elected to the position of Sub Divisional Representative on the Rail Operations Division on the Branch Divisional Committee for the CSA Sub Division. I believe the role of Station Staff is greatly undervalued by both Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink. I consider the role of Station Staff to be vital to the safe operation of our rail network. As your representative I have always sought to protect our pay and conditions. If elected I will continue to work with our RTBU team to maintain and improve our pay and conditions and achieve the best outcomes for our members.

VOTE X Julienne Lawlor Position: Sub-Divisional

Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Sub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division • Julie Lawlor • Joanne McCallum • Mark Rolph • Debra Yee CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MARK ROLPH

Mark Rolph

Hi my name is Mark Rolph, I am a CSA at Parramatta Station and have worked on Stations for 30years. I have been a workers Representative since 2015, as a Health and Safety Representative and a RTBU delegate since 2018. In that time as a Representative my focus has been, to be the voice of workers concerns and to hold Management to account for their decisions. In that time as a Worker’s representative, we have had wins and losses, but all of the wins whether big all small has been because I have had the support of the members who I represent. I have been a local CSA Stations delegate for the past 4 years and I am now seeking a higher Representative position for the workers I represent, so I can continue to improve the representation of members with relation to, job security, entitlements and conditions of employment, including but not limited to health safety and wellbeing of workers. Over the years CSA Stations staff have been somewhat neglected and my goal is to strengthen the voices of those RTBU members within the RTBU if elected.

VOTE X Mark Rolph

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Position: Sub-Divisional

Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division (2 positions)

Candidates for the position of Sub-Divisional Representatives on Branch Divisional Committee – Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division • Julie Lawlor • Joanne McCallum • Mark Rolph • Debra Yee CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DEBRA YEE

I am Debra Yee, I have been an RTBU Delegate on the Southern Highlands for the past 5 years and have recently been representing staff at Central for NSW Trainlink. I have experience in dispute and conflict resolution, Staff reviews and station reforms. I am currently on the EA negotiating team and Branch Council for wages division. I have been an employee for the past 12years and worked at various locations across the network. I have a sound knowledge of Station Operations. I have experience as a Customer Service Attendant, Customer Service Team Leader, Duty Manager and Platform Manager.

Debra Yee

VOTE X Debra Yee


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Train Guards Sub-Division President (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Train Guards Sub-Division President • Damian Kershaw • Marina McMaugh CANDIDATE STATEMENT – MARINA MCMAUGH

Marina McMaugh

My name is Marina McMaugh. I first started my railway career as a Customer Service Attendant in 2003, my home station was Burwood. In the 9 years that I was a CSA, I worked at many stations right across the network. In 2012 I started the next phase in my railway career as a Suburban Train Guard. I worked at Central Depot for just over 12 months before transferring to Campbelltown Depot. While I have been a member of the RTBU since my first day back in 2003, I didn't get involved in the Union until 2018 when I became the Guards Sub-Division Secretary at Campbelltown Depot. I have enjoyed every moment of being a Delegate and I believe it is essential that this Union, the RTBU continues to push hard to keep jobs and to also retain the hard fought conditions that Delegates and members before me had achieved.

VOTE X Marina McMaugh

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



Train Guards Sub-Division Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Train Guards Sub-Division Secretary • Dave Hauser • Drew Sloan CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DAVE HAUSER

Dave Hauser

Hi members, I am running for the NSW Guards Sub-Division Secretary position because I believe I can deliver better outcomes for all Guards and I am completely opposed to giving away practice drives, Door Control or any other Safety Critical components of the Guards Role. I have been opposed to the introduction of Driver Only Operations on the NIF from the outset and that is why I have been largely excluded from meetings even though I was the Guards Sub Division Vice president for 4 years from 2014 to 2018. I have campaigned long and hard through Rank and File First to make sure that those who would sell off our conditions be exposed and held to account. Safety is not for Sale! I am a founding member of Rank and File First and we have been instrumental in holding RTBU Officials to account on many issues and we will continue to do so as we believe in transparency and accountability of all Union activities. I look forward to meeting as many members as possible during the campaign and hear your concerns so that I can act upon them. I will defend delegates and HSR’s vigorously from any management attacks as I believe they are the backbone of our Union and I live by our motto: TOUCH ONE-FIGHT ALL!

VOTE X Dave Hauser Position:

Train Guards Sub-Division Secretary (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Train Guards Sub-Division Secretary • Dave Hauser • Drew Sloan CANDIDATE STATEMENT – ANDREW SLOAN

Andrew Sloan

My Name is Andrew “Drew” Sloan. I have been a Guard for more than 15 years. Since the opening of the Auburn Stabling Yard, I have acted as the Guards Depot Secretary. For the past 2 years I have acted in the role of Guards Sub Division Secretary. At various times I have also acted as Guards Relief Organiser. I was a member of the RTBU Delegates team that negotiated the payment of the WOBOD allowance for Sydney Trains Guards. I consider the Guard's role as vital to the safe operation of trains within the Sydney and Regional network and have been involved in the fight to maintain the Guards role on the NIF. As your representative I have always sought to protect Guard's pay and conditions. If I'm elected, I will continue to represent my workmates, and defend your rights, a role in which I have always taken great pride.

VOTE X Andrew Sloan


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


epot Sub-Division Secretary – Flemington Maintenance Centre D (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Flemington Maintenance Centre • Tarjit Hargun • Shammi Vohra CANDIDATE STATEMENT – SHAMMI VOHRA

Since the past 20 years, I, Shammi Vohra, have been a part of Sydney Trains and am currently employed there as a Train Guard in Flemington. I have taken a very active role in a variety of Train crew activities. As a spokesperson for work health and safety, I have been involved in safety-related concerns and their resolution. In order to positively impact the current crew and incoming new hires at Flemington, I would like to actively use my experience and expertise at the depot.

Shammi Vohra

VOTE X Shammi Vohra

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



epot Sub-Division Secretary – Newcastle Interchange D (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Newcastle Interchange • Andrew Foster • Jason Haskins • Max Lawrence CANDIDATE STATEMENT – JASON HASKINS

Jason Haskins

Fellow guards I Jason Haskins am running for the position of Secretary at Newcastle Depot. I am 100% strong on complete door control for all guards and will not apologise for aggressively and proactively defending every inch of the guards job. I will not and encourage every member to never give up guard control to drivers, positioning themselves in guards roles. I refuse to sell off or relinquish any part of the guard’s duties to nefarious actors looking to degrade the guard position or use our job as a bargaining chip for the enrichment of others. Too many things are continually being stripped from the guard’s position, the time for that stops immediately. Your job security needs my tough representation to ensure that guards are never stripped of a single duty and always paid what they are worth. The age of weakness is over and you have my word that my leadership will usher in a new age of strength that guard’s have been waiting for. I will not surrender and won’t give ground to anyone. Your job and your door controls are locked up and safe with me.

VOTE X Jason Haskins


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Central (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Central • Amy Kraemer • Lyndal Moore • Nagaiya Naidu CANDIDATE STATEMENT – AMY KRAEMER

Amy Kraemer

Central guards deserve a stronger union presence, and that is what I will deliver. It’s time for change. Do you believe the union should communicate better with its members? Do you believe that we’re often left in the dark on matters that are important to us? Do you believe we need somebody who isn’t afraid to stand up to management on any issue, big or small? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then vote for me. Allow me the privilege of representing you and being the positive change we need. I’ve been a suburban guard for 4 years and I believe it’s well past time for us to be taken seriously. I will be a fierce defender of guards’ rights and will hold management to account every chance I get. I believe a strong union is critical to our rights, well-being and happiness at work. But should a strong union really just be reserved for drivers? Of course not. If you believe that union representation for guards at Central should be stronger than it is now, use your voice and vote for change. All guards - not just those working certain times - deserve access to union representatives. A vote for me is a vote for somebody that will be available when you need me, no matter what time of day your shifts are. Our opinion and voice should matter. Vote for me so I can make it happen.

VOTE X Amy Kraemer Position:

Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Central (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Depot Sub-Division Secretary – Central • Amy Kraemer • Lyndal Moore • Nagaiya Naidu CANDIDATE STATEMENT – LYNDAL MOORE

Lyndal Moore

My name is Lyndal Moore, and I am asking for your vote for the position of Secretary representing Guards at Central Depot. As Secretary, I will greatly improve the communication channels between the NSW Branch and my fellow members. Information will be provided to members in a timely manner, and feedback from members will be diligently received and effectively reported. I will continue to support members when violations of our rights and working conditions occur. My history of support will be the foundation for my goal of ensuring that repeat and blatant violations are identified and abolished. I will support all Guards, of all levels of experience and seniority, with a particular dedication to providing guidance to Trainee Guards during and upon completion of their training. I will be accountable for my time when performing union duties, and will ensure a wider time frame of accessibility to the Guard Delegate Team at Central. I will continue to forge and strengthen my existing relationships with delegates from other divisions and depots, in order to promote the unity of all members. I have shown my passion and drive for union activism by stepping up when representation during industrial action has been absent or inadequate. We must not waver in our fight against the erosion of our rights and conditions. With your vote I will continue to rally on behalf of Central Guards.

VOTE X Lyndal Moore

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



ustomer Service Attendants Sub-Division Vice-President C (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division Vice-President • Sean Berry • Julie Lawlor • Richard Tudor CANDIDATE STATEMENT – JULIENNE LAWLOR No Image Supplied

Julienne Lawlor

I began my railway career in 2016 after 31 years of service in Qantas as a flight attendant. In 2017 I became a CSA delegate for the Blue Mountains (Lapstone to Lithgow) because there was no RTBU representation for CSA staff. In 2018 I was elected to the position of Sub Divisional Representative on the Rail Operations Division on the Branch Divisional Committee for the CSA Sub Division. I believe the role of Station Staff is greatly undervalued by both Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink. I consider the role of Station Staff to be vital to the safe operation of our rail network. As your representative I have always sought to protect our pay and conditions. If elected I will continue to work with our RTBU team to maintain and improve our pay and conditions and achieve the best outcomes for our members.

VOTE X Julienne Lawlor


ustomer Service Attendants Sub-Division Vice-President C (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Customer Service Attendants Sub-Division Vice-President • Sean Berry • Julie Lawlor • Richard Tudor

VOTE X Richard Tudor

Richard Tudor


RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022


ustomer Service Attendants Sub-Depot Representative C – City Circle (1 position)

Candidates for the position of Customer Service Attendants Sub-Depot Representative – City Circle • Alexander Torossian • Debra Yee CANDIDATE STATEMENT – DEBRA YEE

I am Debra Yee, I have been an RTBU Delegate on the Southern Highlands for the past 5 years and have recently been representing staff at Central for NSW Trainlink. I have experience in dispute and conflict resolution, Staff reviews and station reforms. I am currently on the EA negotiating team and Branch Council for wages division. I have been an employee for the past 12years and worked at various locations across the network. I have a sound knowledge of Station Operations. I have experience as a Customer Service Attendant, Customer Service Team Leader, Duty Manager and Platform Manager.

Debra Yee

VOTE X Debra Yee

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022



RTBU National and NSW Branch Elections 2022

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