Updated Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan: 2020-2023

Page 53



Inclusion of chest X-ray benefit in PhilHealth package under UHC

Health-care worker surveillance

Guidelines on how to conduct ACF (and ICF)

Outsourcing chest X-ray provider, or deployment of one-stop mobile chest X-ray with RDT (1 per provincewide/citywide health system)

Social and behavior change campaign for ACF

Develop capacity-building program and tools for TB navigators

Formation and capacity-building of patient support groups

Community-based sputum collection and transport

Expand and scale up pharmacy referral for identified presumptive TB

Integrate contact investigation in ACF and ICF

Utilize NDPs and TB navigators for contact investigations and sputum collection

Expand use of TST (or IGRA) for screening of LTBI

STRATEGY 4: Contact investigation

Professionalize community volunteers (capacity-building and incentives) as TB navigators

STRATEGY 3: Enhanced case finding (ECF)

Develop policy on use of digital chest X-ray and artificial intelligence for reading

STRATEGY 2: Active case finding (ACF)

Adoption of ICF approach in hospitals

Develop regulatory policies for mandatory reporting of chest X-ray census and results

Online reporting system for workplace chest X-ray screening

STRATEGY 1: Intensified case finding (ICF)

Expand chest X-ray voucher system



Annex 3. Timelines of key activities per strategy 2020




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