Never get cheated on

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What’s the worst thing that can happen in any relationship? It is not arguing or fighting. For any couple, from a new relationship to a couple married of 50 years, the most devastating thing that can happen in any relationship, is cheating. And it is always the worst for the one who was cheated on. Because of the break of trust that occurs, the doubts and insecurities that follow, and the resentment and hatred that fill the hearts of those who were hurt, most relationships cannot recover from such a devious deed. So if you value the one you’re with, you have to prevent these situations from occurring.

What Would You Rather Do: Take Your Relationship To The Next Level Or Get Cheated On? If you want to avoid the hurt, pain, and rejection people feel when their partners go outside the relationship, you have to try your best to make sure you don’t get cheated on. When I tell guys that they have to make sure their girls don’t cheat, they instantly get defensive. They tell me it’s not their fault their girlfriends are bitches. They shouldn’t have to chase her around just to make sure she is faithful. And my favorite one is that if a girl is a cheat she will cheat in every relationship. Now to me, I think these guys just don’t want to take responsibility in their relationships. They don’t want to put forth any effort, and then if the girl cheats, it has everything to do with her and nothing to do with them. I don’t understand this mentality, but I do know it’s pretty common among guys. It makes more sense to me to prevent a girl from cheating so that the hurt, pain, and blame game can be avoided entirely. Let’s think like the rational men we are. What is your most prized possession? Is it a Rolex? Car? Gun? Money in general? For this example, let’s use money since we can all relate to that. So, the most important thing in your life is your money. Without your money, you would have nothing. You would be sad, alone, hurt, and angry. So what do we do? We protect it because we don’t want to lose it. Even worse, we don’t want anyone to steal it. So we keep it with us all the time. And when we don’t have it with us, we lock it up. We put it somewhere safe. If we think someone wants our money, we do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. We check and double check our bank statements, check our credit reports, and keep careful attention and records on what we do with our money. Why? Because money is extremely important to us.

The Secret To Keep Your Girlfriend Happy Is Simply To Put In Some Effort! Now think about your girlfriend. Without her you would be lost. You would be sad, alone, hurt, and angry. But for some reason, we don’t do anything to protect the relationship we are in. We don’t pay special attention to her to make sure we don’t lose her. When we are not with our girlfriends, do we do anything to ensure someone won’t steal her? Nope. If we think someone wants her, we don’t check, double check, or pay any extra attention to make sure that she doesn’t get taken. We just get angry. Why? It’s not because she isn’t extremely important. So, it only makes sense that you should treat your girlfriend as your prized possession if you want to keep her. Now that we are all in agreement that cheating can very well be prevented, we have to figure out how to prevent it. The simple fact is that if you keep your girlfriend happy in your relationship, then she won’t have to go anywhere else to find happiness. That’s the easy answer. The harder part is figuring out how to do that. The first thing you must ensure is that your girlfriend feels special. How do you make sure she feels special? You treat her as if she were special. What does she like to do? Do it. What does she like to eat? Eat it. Where does she like to go? Go there. What kind of movies does she like to watch? Watch them. Do you see the pattern? When you are happy to do the things she likes and wants to do, especially if she knows you aren’t real fond of them, she will feel special. You are putting her feelings above yours and that, in turn, is special. You wouldn’t do that for just anybody. Only her. Because she’s special. And the great part about this is that you don’t have to do what she wants all the time. Once she knows you think she is special, she will gladly oblige to doing the things you want to do.

Discover How YOU Can Keep Your Girlfriend Happy! What will happen if your girlfriend doesn’t feel special? She will put up with it for awhile. She will give you chances and openings to make her feel special. But if you don’t take the bait, and her feelings of being just average continue, she will find someone to make her feel like she is a queen. With you she feels like any other girl in your life. You don’t do anything to make her feel like she stands out or is different. When someone else is willing to show her the love, it won’t take much to get her tempted. As soon as a guy pays her the attention she craves, makes her feel as important as she wants you to make her feel, and shows her how truly special he thinks she is, your girlfriend is heading down that path of destruction. So it’s important to make her feel special. You are giving her attention and showering her with kisses. Now you have to make sure she knows you actually care about her. You need to ask her about her life. How was work? How was school? Did you finish that project? Is your grandma feeling better? There are 2 goals you want to reach. The first is showing her that you really do care about what is going in her life, not just the part of her life that she shares with you. The second is that you are showing her you paid enough attention to her when she was talking to actually remember that stuff was going on. It’s a perfect combination. With this however, be prepared to deal with her emotions. And to deal with them sincerely. If she is upset with work and is crying, you better be supportive and tell her everything will be ok. If she upset about something you feel is unimportant, don’t say that. Make it important to you. What will happen if you don’t? If you tell her that she is overreacting, that what she is feeling is stupid, or that she needs to just get over it, then you are showing her that you think her feelings are wrong. She doesn’t want to hear that. What will happen next? She will find someone to hear her out, offer a shoulder to cry on, and a bed to sleep in. My old friend used to date this girl who was a real drama queen. Everything was a big deal and she spent most of her life in tears. One night she stopped by his house in tears over not being invited to a work party. He told her to get over it, she didn’t like those people anyway, and that she was making a big deal out of nothing. So she turned, walked out the door, and headed to the nearest bar. A woman sitting on a barstool, crying over her jerk of a boyfriend–any man in the world would take advantage of that perfect storm. So some guy sat down, bought her a drink, listened intently to her feelings, assured her it would be ok and took her home with him. I don’t need to tell you the rest. Do you see how easy it was for her to cheat just because my friend didn’t want to deal with her feelings? So be sure you listen to what your girl has to say and be supportive no matter what she feels. Now this next bit of advice may sound shallow, but it is the truth and needs to be said. You need to stay HOT. She started dating you when you were hot and is expecting you to stay that way. She is not anticipating for you to start wearing pajama pants and a stained t-shirt when she comes over. She expects you to shave and still cut your hair. Showers are always a must. There should be no drop in your style or appearance. So don’t get so comfortable that you think being hot doesn’t matter. Because no matter what she says, it always does.

What will happen if you get into that relationship rut and stop taking care of yourself? Well let’s see. You wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt to dinner and didn’t comb your hair before you left. Or maybe you haven’t gotten it cut in weeks and it is looking a little shaggy. The guy eyeballing your hot girlfriend has on the most in-style pair of jeans, a white dress shirt, perfect hair and just the right amount of stubble. Compared to your 3-day unshaven face and wrinkly sweatshirt, what do you think is going through her mind? She can’t wait to get her hands on the hotty in the corner. It’s human nature, man. Just like you don’t want your girl to go from sexy devil to frumpy sheep, she doesn’t want a hot stud to go to a dumpy dud.

Did You Know That You Can Become The Most Amazing Person? Along with making her feel special, giving her attention and looking good while you are doing this, don’t forget to be fun. Use your personality to make her laugh. Use your charm to keep her in love with you. Play flirty games, do spontaneous activities, and always keep her on her toes. This will make her always want to come back to you for more. Think of it this way. Your relationship is like an amusement park and you want to be the main attraction. You want to be the reason she came to the park. You are the most exciting, fun roller coaster there. Compared to you, everyone else is the merry-go-round. Now what will happen if everything you do becomes monotonous, predictable, and routine? What if you never surprise with her flowers or candy? What if you never open the door naked when you know she is stopping by? What if you never plan an adventurous Saturday and keep the whole thing a surprise? You, my friend, will have become the merry-go-round. Who goes to an amusement park to ride the merry-go-round? You may ride it once you’re there because the line is short, but it definitely is not anyone’s main attraction. She will go looking for that roller coaster. The one that is exciting and makes her tummy twirl. So if you don’t want to be the lame ride, you have to make sure you keep the relationship moving forward with spontaneity and fun. Now of course, the last thing we need to talk about is one of the most obvious. You need to keep her satisfied in bed. You need to make the sex so good that she will not have to look for it anywhere else. Again, you cannot let it become monotonous. You can’t always have planned, ritualistic sex on the same days of the week at the same time each night in the same positions every time. You really need to change it up, try new things, and make it enticing. Spontaneous sex in the kitchen, a quickie on your lunch breaks, changing positions several times throughout the night, making it last longer than 5 minutes. Switch from romantic love making to hard-core sex. Try everything in between. You have to keep that spark going or she will light it up with someone else.

Now what will happen if you have a boring sex life? Very obvious–If she isn’t satisfied, she will find someone to satisfy her. And trust me, millions of guys would like the opportunity to do so. There isn’t much else to say than sex ends up being the foundation of most relationships. If the foundation is broken, the relationship collapses. Don’t let that happen to YOU. Relationships should be treated with as much love and respect as you would treat your most prizedpossession, because it should be the most important thing in your life. Make your girlfriend feel special, appreciated, loved, and make her feel good in both the relationship and in the bedroom. THIS will keep her satisfied and there will be no room in her life for straying off and finding guys on the side. She won’t need to because YOU are giving her everything she needs. Keep your relationship the best thing in your life by preventing your girlfriend from cheating on you. If you still are a little unsure where to go from here, or about how to get your relationship back into an exciting, sexual experience, then you need to check out this new product that just came out. It’s called FB Inception and it is a God-send to guys who are struggling with getting girls, keeping the girls they have, and making sure their sex lives keep everyone happy. There are tips, suggestions, even step-by-step explanations to make sure you are getting the women you want and also turning your sex life up higher than you ever dreamed. My friend recently got ahold of FB Inception and he swears by its success. It has given him astounding results for dating and in the bedroom. He was amazed at how easy it was and how successful he was by using the product. If you need help in your dating life or just help getting your sex life up and moving, FB Inception is a must have for you. If you enjoyed this book, visit Dani Carter’s site for a special offer.

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