Venus factor

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Benefits Of The Venus Factor The Venus factor is a unique approach to weight loss for women that is based on a diet and fitness system. The diet's potential for reshaping the female body has been one of the main reasons for its increasing popularity. Given the differences between the male and female body especially with regards to metabolism, the Venus factor is a solution specifically designed for the female body. It is not uncommon for women, especially after giving birth to gain weight, lose it and then struggle to keep it off. This is where the Venus factor comes in. One of its key components is Leptin, a hormone that is responsible for controlling metabolism, weight and appetite. Women who are overweight commonly have Leptin resistance. Although they can have twice as much Leptin as compared to men, the female body can be less responsive to Leptin's signal to burn fat. Therefore, an overweight woman has higher chances of taking in more calories than needed because the brain does not get the signal that the food intake is enough. Even worse is that Leptin resistance increases after pregnancy, when one most needs to lose excess weight. The Venus factor presents a number of advantages. You can forget about food cravings, no plateaus, faster metabolism and permanent fat loss for areas such as your hips, butts, thighs and stomach. With metabolism rates increasing, you get more energy and weight rapidly decreases. The Venus factor nutrition plan is a step by step 12 week plan aimed at ensuring you lose weight and maintain your body. You learn more about Leptin and the foods that damage Leptin sensitivity. The plan also reveals the food trick that keeps your leptin levels high and spikes female metabolism. Based on online reviews and weight loss success stories, the Venus factor is indeed on another level. It works fast and hundreds of women report high weight loss success rates within a few weeks. It is amazing that there are still rapid results even for people who are still consuming junk foods. One of the greatest achievements of the Venus factor is that you do not necessarily have to spend hours in the gym or sacrifice your favorite foods to achieve that bikini body. However, there is a 12 week fat loss exercise program to complement the program. It is a system that offers permanent weight loss. What is more, it is affordable for every woman who would like to lose weight.

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