WASH YOUR HEART World Peace in five minutes
Aristotle believed that the soul of man accounted center and was located in the heart. This philosophical explanation of heart characterizes our cultural understanding of the pumping muscle to this day. From a historical spectacles the heart is not only a pumping muscle, but also a hotbed of emotion, passion and love. The story of the Egyptian special relationship with the heart is just one of countless. We humans have always regarded the heart as the body’s main organ. Across cultures, continents and eras, we have considered it the seat of intellect, courage and love.
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WASH YOUR HEART/VASK DIT HJERTE Did you know that the hearts electromagnetic field has a range of 15 meter and you do an effect on others with feelings and moods at this great distance?
As Christianity gradually began to become the dominant religion in Europe in 300 century onwards, took the Christians also the heart to itself as the ultimate symbol. It was the icon of man both holy and carnal love for God and for fellow humans. For Chinese people’s heart along with liver, stomach, lungs and kidneys still one of the five viscera, which defines a being’s spiritual and intellectual life. The heart is according to the Chinese Center for intelligence. The Chinese doctors, whose traditions go back thousands of years back, even believe that the heart has five or six openings. It is through them and not face two eyes that we can perceive reality and from this determine how we should act and react.
WASH YOUR HEART Plato’s student Aristotle, on the other hand, believed that there was only one soul. And it was in the man’s center - the heart. It was the inner fire and energy that gave human warmth, life and light. The brain served a way, only to refrigerate the blood pumped around in the human body. The heart was life itself. This philosophical approach to and discussion of the heart is a part of our culture and our continuing feeling that the heart is more than just a pump.
Does your city have heart enigizer?
The emotions lodged in the brain, but is love in your chest? Diana M. RøpckeI, heart researcher at the University of Aarhus, describing cardiac anatomy and our cultural understanding of the body’s blood-sufficient muscle in a new book. “The heart is mentioned in texts back from ancient Egypt, and the heart gave rise to many philosophical discussions about the soul and mind. As people began to autopsy and dissect dead, found out more about the structure of the heart, and thus became more concrete and less philosophical, “she says, but stresses that noone outside of the heart symbolism.
Today, the heart in part Demystified. “We can explain where the heart sits in the chest and how it pumps blood around 60 beats per minute. What happens when the heart becomes diseased. How do we keep it healthy. All people will from time to time feel that it can clench in the chest if there is anything special. Heart and brain are linked feelings and moods affect the heart. The heart will always be more than just a body, “said Diana M. Røpcke.
The magnetic heart
Medical science has long known of the electrical signals the heart sends out (ECG), but as the development of finer measuring instruments has been demonstrated that the heart also form the body’s powerful magnetic field. With a såfaldt SQUID magnetometer can detect a magnetic field is about 5000 times stronger than the brain up to 3-4 meters from the person.
The magnetic field pulses and has the shape of a double torus which, according to physics are one of the most information-rich waveforms. This knowledge may help to explain the many studies showing that a person’s heart clearly affects the hearts of other people nearby.
From heart to brain
Some researchers are beginning to use the term “Heart brain” because it has been shown that the cardiac nervous system by approximately 40,000 neurons are much more complicated than previously thought.
It can largely work independently and there are 10 times as many nerve fibers that transmits information from the heart to the brain than vice versa! Psychological and parapsychological research suggest that the heart is able to sense and react to emotional events before our normal senses and the brain when perceiving something!
A pinched heart
Could it be that the heart can be physically squeezed by too little space in the chest midst? With increasing time in front of computers and television developed a gradually known problem: Sternosymfysalt syndrome, with reduced distance between the sternum and the pubic symphysis. A position as a cucumber on the label of Heidelberg vinegar. There is less space for the heart, and will require more effort of the heart muscle to do its job. In yoga we speak in many exercises to “show your heart rather” to open the chest.
Pendulums beats as
The inventor of the pendulum clock Dutch Christian Huygens (1629-95) discovered that watches that are near each other tend to synchronize with each other so that all pendulums turn in line. And it is the strongest pendulum determines the pace. This principle (entrainment) has been found to apply to many rhythmic systems, also in biology. Man’s strongest pulse generator is the heart, but not mechanical like a clock. It has been shown that the heart can only synchronize or capturing the rhythms of the other parts if the human mind is at rest. If the mind is harmonious synchronized all the rhythms! These ideas are now being explored in a new discipline called kronobiologi
SOUNDmeditation Lydmeditation can be used to bring us into a state of presence and heart contact, we experience the surroundings and ourselves in a more intense and attentive way. We are seeing a shift in consciousness, where the joy, so to speak “crashing over us.� This state we know from many spontaneous situations where we experience the presence and joy, comes nearer what we describe as a true happiness. Through meditation we can promote this condition and deliberately put us in it. Meditation is to seek stillness within ourselves. But we can use heart music to promote this mode where we get rid of thought control and surrender to the heart energy and our intuition. Intuitive singing and overtone singing is also very effective methods that can be used for personal development. When sound transmission of vibrations in our body and mind, it will have an immediate impact on both parties.
Personal development Music and sound creates resonance in our minds and our emotions and therefore we can with great advantage use music and sound as a means of personal development. Mankind has for the past about 2000 years developed what we today call the personality. We’ve gone from a collective consciousness that animals possess an individualization of our own personality.
The energy we developed the three centers or chakras called root, hare and solar plexus. Developmentally, humanity is now on the way to an even higher level of development, as Jung calls individuationen or the realization of the self and which involve an opening of the heart center and the higher chakras.
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Today’s music Nutidens musik
Because of most people’s focus of the personality arise very of today’s music from the solar plexus and reflect our different emotional moods in different ways. Physical movement through dance, contact to the ground, sexuality and painful / joyful feelings are essential components in today’s popular music. It is emotion that has its starting point the energy from the solar plexus. The music reflects the feeling state we are in and can help to release emotions. This is immediately positive and liberating and an important step to open the heart center. But the music can unfortunately also keep us in the solar plexus. This is important to be aware of. One of the major topics in healing music is the issue of music that is tuned to ISO standard concert pitch - ie A = 440 cycles per second (hertz or Hz) - is less healing than music that is tuned to A = 432 Hz. When you vote an instrument that is the standard today, to vote to A = 440 Hz. The standard was introduced with industrialization, but before that, there were many who voted to A = 432 Hz. If you download it to your color, it means that you have to agree on which shade of red, which is the most red. To get the different instruments to play together in an orchestra, it is necessary that all agree on what frequency you vote for A.
This is also about how music affects us and why 432 Hz may be necessary so that we can better connect our hearts with our thoughts. When we are affected in our energy centers of the music we listen to, it is important to label as if we just “revel” in emotions or whether we really redeems emotions. “Enjoying” we recognize an emotion, perhaps a sad or wistful feeling pain or despair. A recognizable feeling that the music turns into us. Paradoxically, we like to recognize even negative emotions. Solar plexus is confirmed! It is part of the personality pattern that it tries to protect us (and themselves) against change that could threaten us (and it). By getting us to identify with the personality, the personality maintain control.
But we are more than personality and we can through meditation and heart music closer self and the heart center, which includes a much greater part of us and do not restrict ourselves to a hovering identification with the ego. We can transcend the ego! Music can also be used to “intoxicate” us. We can be filled with a joy intoxication. We may desire heart feeling so much that we shut out our negative impulses and displace them. But we do it without the emotions that cause emotions are processed or sublimated, they will like a wolf at night come to the surface at a time. Immediately it may be ok to know and confirm his emotions, but it unfortunately can also mean that we delay our development (and thus maintains us in the pain), if the stay in solar plexus prevents that we are moving towards an opening of the heart, which is our development goals. It is therefore strongly advised to listen to different musical genre’ and not only unilaterally listen to a genre’. Have you listened to pop / rock music, which mostly affects and originates in the solar plexus, hare and rodcenter, so it can be “healthy” to listen to classical or meditation (new age) music later. Often we will naturally feel like this, if we follow our body’s signals.
It can of course also advised to listen to pop / rock / dance music, if you have been “intoxicated” by heart and have lost your grounding. We must become more aware of our use of music, so the music does not help to keep us in a state of stagnation. Instead, we use music to development. We can consciously use of sound and music stimulate the opening of the heart center and the development of deeper love feelings, which is not only limited to the ego. Music and sound can bring us from our personality narrow perspective of self love perspective. Deliberate use of sound and music for personal development is what lydmeditation, sound healing, (also called toning) intuitive singing and overtone singing about. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been reduced so much that they are perceived by the senses. There is no substance. - Albert Einstein Tesla said it. Einstein agreed. Science has proven it. It is a known fact that everything - including our own body - made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Therefore it is logical to ask; may sound frequencies affect us? It seems that this is the case. Frequencies affect frequencies - in the same way as when mixing the ingredients with other ingredients, the overall flavor of a meal affected. The way in which frequencies affect the physical world, has been demonstrated by various experiments, such as the science of Cymatics and water memory. Cymatics illustrates that when sound frequencies travels through a given material, such as water, air, sand, changing the vibration of the material. Underwater memory also illustrates how even our intentions can change the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has done studies that show how simple intentions expressed through sound, emotions and thoughts that can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes.
Any expression through sound, feelings or thoughts have a special frequency that affects everything around it - in much the same way as a single drop of water can create a number of ripple effect that spreads out to a large area. We all have a personal vibrational frequency, and our bodies contain about 70% water. In relation to the above experiments, it means that musical frequencies can affect and change our personal vibration, both positively and negatively. music Frequency With this concept in mind, let’s turn our attention to the frequency of the music we listen to. The most music worldwide has been set to the tone A = 440 Hz when the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) specified it in 1953. Before then, A = 432 Hz. There is a theory that changes from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. He did it to make people think and feel in a certain way, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but it is the true reason for the switch to 440Hz, is still not completely resolved. Today there is a growing musical and metaphysical movement that wants to return to 432Hz tuning. In April 2008 founded the Dutch journalist Richard Huisken ‘Back to 432 Hz’ group claims that this original tuning was used back to the most ancient cultures and has been found on ancient instruments like Stradivarius violin.
Universe mathematics
432 Hz is said to be mathematically in accordance with the patterns of the universe. 432 Hz vibrates with the universe golden section and with PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. The number 432 is reflected for example in the relationship between the Sun, Earth and Moon, as well as precision of the equinoxes, Sri Yantra, the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Stonehenge. When our atoms and DNA starts to resonate in harmony with nature spiral patterns, enhanced our sense of connection to nature.
Colour spectrum
Another interesting factor is that A = 432 Hz corresponds to the color spectrum and chakra system while A = 440 Hz do not. How does they difference? Musicians and music lovers have noticed that music is tuned to A = 432 Hz is not only more beautiful and harmonious in the ears, but it also produces a more inward experience that can be felt inside the body of the spine and heart. Many people experience being more meditative and relaxed in body and mind when listening to this music. 432 Hz seems to work in the heart chakra, “feel”, and therefore it has a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. Some people find that the music feels warmer because of the longer wavelength.
Et hvert udtryk gennem lyd, følelser eller tanker har en særlig frekvens, som påvirker alt omkring det – lidt på samme måde, som en enkelt dråbe vand kan skabe en mængde ringe i vandet, der breder sig ud til et stort område.
432 Hz is based on nature, and therefore creates the healthy effects of those who listen. It creates a natural harmony and balance in the 3rd dimension and connects the listener with a higher consciousness. The clean and clear energy from 432 Hz remove mental blocks and open up a path to a more fulfilling life. Because 432 Hz gives a greater clarity than 440 Hz, there is no need to play it as high as 440 Hz. This means less damage to hearing. Researchers and musicians Coreen Morsink (pianist and music teacher) say they feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when they play music at 432Hz. Music tuned to A = 440 Hz feels like a more passive and emotional experience, and can be felt on the side of the head which faces the music. Audiophiles also says that A = 432hz music is considered as if it is nonlocal and can fill an entire room, while A = 440Hz can be perceived as directional or linear. A = 440 music is more aggressive, more thought-oriented and connect the menneskeligefølelses centers from, especially the heart. When the heart is disconnected brain is in many ways a disaster. It shuts down our innate wisdom and compassion for other beings, and disconnect us from each other andfrom the other creatures we share this planetmed (not to mention the planet itself, jets into living intelligence). “The overall sound difference was noticeable 432 version sounded warmer, clearer and more listenable, while the 440 version felt tighter, with more aggressive energy.” - Anonymous guitarist
UVA rays
Richard Weller: Kunne solen være godt for ens hjerte?/ Could the sun be good for one’s heart?
Richard Weller:“Australians have about a third fewer heart ailments than we have - fewer deaths from heart attacks, heart failure, fewer strokes they are generally healthier gang. And of course they said that this was because of their good morals, their exercise because they are Australians. Well, I am an experimental dermatologist, so what we did was that we thought that we should expose our animals to sunlight. We took a stack volunteers and exposed them to UV light. A kind of sunlamps. Vitamin D is made by ultraviolet B rays and we would separate our trials with vitamin D. So we used ultraviolet A rays, which do not make vitamin D. When we put people under a lamp to the equivalent of 30 minutes of sunlight in summer in Edinburgh, we produced an increase in circulating nitric oxide. So we put the patients with these human subjects under a UV lamp, and their nitric oxide levels increase, and their blood pressure drops. Not by much, on an individual level, but enough population level to move rates of heart disease in the general population. And when we shone UV rays on them, or when we warmed them up to the same level as the lights but not actually let the rays hit the skin, this did not happen. So it seems to be a property of the ultraviolet radiation that hits the skin. “Wash your heart machine” is a scientific project that aims to bring greater comfort and well-being into the very heart of one either with a loved one or alone, want to spend a little while where you are exposed to vibrations, hz, uVA rays, audio guide and heavenly scent.
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