Antichrist is Anticoruption

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The Antichrist is Anticorruption and He is Fighting Against Evil The enemy is not a religion. The enemy is not a person. The enemy is not a nation nor is the enemy a Human Race. The enemy is the Beast known as Freemasonry and we must come together and stand united as one nation, under G-D to fight this evil. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

PRLog (Press Release) - Oct. 16, 2012 - The term "Antichrist" is the example of the Freemasonic pollution which has been spread throughout the world by THE BEAST in its conceited effort for self-preservation because it knows that the only THREAT against the FREEMASON FRATERNAL ALLIANCE will be the ANTICHRIST. True believers that have seen prophetic visions inspired by True divinity call him "The Great Catholic Monarch."


My name is Alejandro Carbajal Estrada. My mother is Jewish and my father is Christian, thus I was born Jewish, was not raised Jewish, yet I will always be Jewish. According to numerology, my name equals the number six. I do not believe in labels such as "homosexuality" or "heterosexuality" BECAUSE these are terms which have been invented by THE BEAST to keep humankind distracted and confused in chaos.

G-D is the only reason I am alive and fighting for our existence against the BEAST which is trying to consume the Human Race all the while, hiding covertly, as wolves in sheeps clothing, leading the flock down a rocky ridge of which, none will be able to climb up from. The need for urgency is because one, two maybe three more steps, and the human race will be balancing itself on the edge of a flooded quarry and then, it will not be matter of if, but only when, the tender hooves of G-D's lamb lose its footing on the slippery slanted rocks of the Quarry; at which point nothing will save us from THE BEAST called FREEMASONRY. A BEAST which is so close to success, it is already salivating for the taste of human flesh and I will be DAMNED if that BEAST doesn't choke on me because I will not give up fighting--fighting for not just my self-preservation but for the preservation of the entire human race. THE BEAST has already started to panic and it will say anything to keep control of its host except it will never be able to FACE ME because THE BEAST knows me well enough to fear me and on this entire planet, the only thing that will stop THE BEAST is THE ANTICHRIST. However, I cannot do it alone and I need the Roman Pontiff next to me in order to exterminate this vile vomitus excrement called FREEMASONRY. In 1738 Pope Clement XII wrote the Pontifical Constitution entitled "In Eminenti" which Pope Leo XIII readdressed in the Pontifical Constitution entitled "Humanum Genus." and thus, the Roman Catholic Church has already made its DECISION on the condemnation of Freemasonry. However, the Roman Catholic Church was TOO LENIENT and by not physically eradicating this presence, they have done the Human Race the injustice and the TIME IS NOW UPON US to take this BEAST by its HORNS and cast it into the LAKE OF FIRE FOREVER! THE VATICAN does not have a choice and by ignoring me, they have confirmed the authenticity of who I am and I am telling Joseph Ratzinger, that as the current Roman Pontiff, he has the DUTY to ENFORCE the Laws of G-D and he MUST enforce the PONTIFICAL CONSTITUTION of Pope Clement XII and if he does not act NOW on this DAY October 16, 2012 he will make the CHOICE to turn his BACK on G-D and then, G-D save us ALL from the fate that lies before us. According to the words of Pope Clement XII

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