Design Portfolio - Alexeus Nicol

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Design Portfolio 2011 - 2015

Alexeus Nicol

Alexeus Nicol Education

Volunteer Work

University of Maryland B.S. Architecture Fall 2009 - Spring 2013

Neighborhood Design Center Schroeder and Lombard Park Baltimore, MD Summer 2014

Work History

DCBIA Community Improvement Day DBI Architects, Inc. Washington, DC Architecture / Marketing Intern Fall 2014 March 2015 - Current

DBI Architects, Inc. Graphic Design Intern

FEN Enterprises, Inc. Drafter

Summer 2012

July 2014 - March 2015


Neighborhood Design Center Riverdale Park Farmers Market Riverdale Park, MD Fall 2014 - Current

Table of


LightBox - Transparent, Translucent, Opaque



Lombard Park - Baltimore, MD

Riverdale Park Farmers Market - Riverdale Park, MD Schroeder Civic Building - North Beach, MD Master Planning - North Beach, MD

California Academy


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


ExBox - Baltimore, MD Renderings


CoLAB - Baltimore, MD Coffee Kiosk - University


MoFAB - Creating Space Through Motion


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MoFAB - Creating Space Through Motion


From analysis, we can track certain parts of the body and how they intertwine and communicate. I also discovered that the motion contains contracting and expanding regions, elements that are used in architecture to define space. Once analysis and digital fabrication was completed, I used a 3D printer to create the space my body created while doing the manuver.

MoFAB - Creating Space Through Motion

The goal of this project is to create space using the motion of the human body. I chose to replicate a common childhood motion; that of the leap frog.


Coffee Kiosk - University




Coffee Kiosk - University of

Maryland 7

Coffee Kiosk - University




I then introduced different materials and created threashold using the material’s additive and subtractive qualities. These findings were then applied to the creation of a coffee kiosk. The coffee kiosk sits on a site where it can be accessed at any side. Thusly, it is important that the kiosk be a sculpture in the round.



The kiosk is a cube with a hollowed center. Once the customer places their order, they follow the datum of the wood to the pick-up counter and then to the condiments table. The wooden members above refer to the monument and the path through the solid form.

Coffee Kiosk - University

My design process began with cutting and folding paper to create space and enclosure.


CoLAB - Baltimore, MD

The CoLAB building is a new concept building where multiple people within a neighborhood can come together to fabricate a specific object. During my design process, I experimented with a processor and created space by the method of folding. I then implimented this method in order to create space in a building context. Materials appear to fold and create different spaces within the building.


CoLAB - Baltimore, MD


CoLAB - Baltimore, MD


In addition to the CoLAB, the building contains an educational center. Locals can take classes on digital modeling. These classrooms can then open up to create an auditorium when opening displays in the gallery.

CoLAB - Baltimore, MD

The CoLAB is designated as a digital fabrication laboratory. The building contains two robotic arms and a 3D printer. Collaboration computer rooms are provided within the CoLAB. A membership is required to enter the CoLAB.

Office walls, as well as the walls diving the classroom and conference rooms are retractable in order to allow collaboration and flexibility of the space.


Renderings of

California Academy of

Sciences 14

In my digital rendering class, I chose to recreate the California Academy of Sciences by Renzo Piano. I decided to focus mainly on the roof and its structure as I believe this is its most impressive feature and is the most difficult to replicate digitally. I, also, created a video that represents the beauty and grace found in the roof. Video can be found at:

Renderings of

California Academy of



ExBox - Baltimore, MD 16

The goal of this project was to connect the two communities, since an industrial zone currently seperates them. The project reactivates the streetfront while continuing the city grid through the creation of a pedestrian path. The two level lobby allows access from both of these locations.

ExBox - Baltimore, MD


ExBox - Baltimore, MD


ExBox - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Around these courtyards, I placed a double-loaded corridor buildings and single loaded corridor buildings. The double loaded corridors are unique in that the walking surface is suspended to allow light and air to pass throughout the corridor, a luxury most double loaded corridors lack.

Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD

The goal of this project is to connect Highlandtown and Greek Town. A major obsticle is the light rail line that will pass in the middle of the site. To address this issue, I created two green roof courtyards that are raised above the rails.


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Immigrant Housing - Baltimore, MD


Master Planning - North Beach, MD

The city of North Beach, MD was in need of new zoning laws as they transition to sustainable measures within their city. As a team, we decided to complete the streets, fix the city grid and concentrate retail along Chesapeake Avenue. We created green space within the public realm, something the city was desperately lacking.

City Limits



We designed the central plaza to be floodable but still usable, as this area frequently floods. Houses along the coast are no longer rebuilt, allowing a natural barrier between the bay and the city.

Master Planning - North Beach, MD


Civic Building - North Beach, MD


Civic Building - North Beach, MD


Civic Building - North Beach, MD 32

The main objective of the project was to provide a civic building that responds to rising sea levels. The building addresses the city’s desire to have a theater for the local theater company and an the need for an educational hub as the schools in the area are distant. The building will provide the city with a tourist attraction during non-summer months. It will pull people into the city and provide customers for the local businesses. It also acts as a meeting locationfor citizens to gather.

Civic Building - North Beach, MD


Schroeder and

Lombard Park - Baltimore, MD 34

THe local neighborhood wanted to reactivate an abandoned park. They planned on creating a space where musicians could perform and outdoor movies could be Shown. The neighborhood sits adjacent to the B&O Railroad museum. I pulled inspiration from that to create a railroad theme. Inspired by the Highline in NYC, a path made of railroad ties and metal pipe cuts across the site where heavy traffic had worn the grass away. This was extended to the perimeter of the circle to create a stage. With new rain taxes being enforced, it was imperative that the paving be pourous. Gravel infill between railroad ties ensures that rainwater will percolate through the soil in a natural manner. Shrubbery was trimmed and added to buffer the Hard

Location in the city

verticle surfaces and prevent rebverberation of sound by the musicians. The neighborhood plans to hold a competition to add two murals to the sides of the adjacent buildings.

View along Path


Schroeder and

Lombard Park - Baltimore, MD


Diagramatic Plan

Diagramatic Axonemetric


Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD 36

The Riverdake Park Farmer’s Market (RPFM) recieved a raw tenant space from a local real estate agent. The space had laid vacant for a large amount of time. The goal from the realtor was to create a community hub to activate the area and to show the potential of the real estate. RPFM wanted to add to this by creating a warm and inviting space to house their Winter Market. RDFM wanted to capture the feel of the farm in their design while maintaining a sleek feel aproach to the design. We created a kit-of-parts for the Market, organizing a color pallet and an overall theme. We drew on the fact that the farmers market brings different people in the community together, like a community quilt. This theme was carried out by utiliting a triangle pattern throught the space, from an accent wall, to window treatments, to signage. brainstorming ways to draw people into the space, we decided to utilize the window space as a factor that draws peeople to the space, both during the market times and when the space is unoccupied. We designed the window bays to have a uniform triangle pattern along the base, to hold interesting furniture and pendant lights that could also be sold during market hours. We ensured that the views into the space were not obstructed so that you can see the activity occuring within the space During the Winter Market and the intrigue of potential activity when it is not activated.

Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD

Since the budget for the project was $1000, we utilized cheap materials and materials that could be found for free. We created structural pieces out of free pallets that were resourced from the RDFM’s Owner’s friend. We also created lighting fixtures using the pre-existing construction lights and alluminum pie plates. This created an interesting farm/food theme while eliminating the need for additional lighting due to the reflectivity of the pie plates.


Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD 38

Market Space

Lounge Space



View of STage

View of Market Space From Entry

View of Pallet Wall

View of Lounge Space from Stage

The Lounge is lit just enough to create a relaxed vibe. It is decorated with furniture from a local vendor. The tables are cable spools draped with fabric that matches the color scheme. A ramp leads from the Lounge to the Market to give ADA accessablility.The pre-existing stud wall is covered with deconstructed pallets to create a clean linear divide between the two spaces. THe space focuses on the stage that sits infront of the triangle acent wall. This wall wraps around into the market space to tie the two spaces togehter. The market is extentenively lit as to better view the merchandise. The Market is decorated minimally as to focus the attention on the products. The vendors set up their tables along the outter perimiter of the space as a buffer to the barren concrete walls and a counter made of pallets divides the space promoting circulation. Signs are displayed throught, carring the triangle theme throughout the space. The signs promote the ideals of the RDFM: “Eat Fresh, Eat Local.” At the rear of the MArket space is a Nook created by a Pallet Wall. This provides a quieter space to relax and enjoy fresh food and coffee.

Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD

We decided to divide the space into two sections, the Market Space and the Lounge Space. THe two spaces would have seperate atmospheres.


Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD


Riverdale Park Farmer’s Market - Riverdale Park, MD


LightBox - Transparent, Translucent, Opaque 42

The goal of the project was to study the effects of light on translucent, transparent and opaque surfaces. The materials I experimented with were trace paper, wooden rods and panels, aluminum foil, and clear plastic. I studied how orientation of materials affected how the light projected onto the surface. I did so by orienting long skinny wooden pieces in different directions and orientations and by allowing the trace paper to protrude into the LightBox at certain points. By doing so, surfaces of the trace paper recieved ample amounts of light with severe contrast Adjacent to these pieces. The light bounced through the length of the box and, much to my surprise, reached entirely though the box. The wooden rods were percieved to obtain a much softer light in comparasion to the wooden panels.


Alexeus Nicol

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