Las Vegas Natural History Museum Annual Report 2010

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Can you see anything? HO W AR D C ARTER :


wonderful things.

las vegas natual history museum annual report 2010





2010 Celebrating 19 years

Mission The Las Vegas Natural History Museum is a private, non-profit institution dedicated to educating children, adults and families in the natural sciences – both past and present. Through its interactive exhibits, educational programs and the preservation of its collections, the Museum strives to instill an understanding and appreciation of the world’s wildlife, ecosystems and cultures.

4 5 6 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23

f r o m th e c ha i r m a n

Board of Executive Directors

f r o m th e d i r e c to r

John Good, Chairman, President, Exhibit IQ Stephanie Stallworth, Vice Chair, Director of Public Affairs, Cox Communications Anthony Guenther, Secretary, Law Offices of Anthony D. Guenther, Esq. Of Counsel at Cane Clark LLP

e x p l o r ati o n v i s i o n o f th e futu r e

e n g e l s ta d e x h i b i t i o n

Donald T. Polednak, Esq., Treasurer, Sylvester & Polednak

Board of Directors Charles Creigh, Principal, NewMarket Advisors Mike Fauci, President, MG Fauci Construction Jill Long, District Manager, Walmart Michael Severino, General Marketing Event Manager,

e d u c ati o n d e pa rtm e nt

Southern Wine & Spirits of Nevada

c o l l e c ti o n s

Felix Rappaport, COO, Mirage Hotel and Casino Denny Weddle, President, Weddle & Associates

s p e c ia l eve nts Left: Tutankhamun on a leopard

y e a r i n r evi ew

The original Tut's Tomb artifact in the Egyptian Museum collection was destroyed during the Egyptian uprising; this replica is on display at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum.

d e m o g r a ph i c s f i na n c ia l r e p o rt fund raising c r e d its



Letter from the Chairman The last few years have been trying times for our community. Everyone has had to adjust to new economic realities that often mean having to make do with a lot less. The local economic climate has been particularly difficult for our city’s museum community. Sadly we’ve lost a couple of venerable cultural organizations as part of the overall downturn. Thankfully, under the capable leadership of our founder and executive director Marilyn Gillespie, the Las Vegas Natural History Museum has not only survived these challenging times but also thrived. As this annual report reveals, the past year has seen some of our best attendance numbers ever. We hosted a record-breaking Dinosaur Ball in the fall and embarked on a major expansion initiative that included the opening of the Treasures of Egypt Hall and a complete remodel of the front entrance. If you haven’t visited the Museum recently, you may not recognize it! From our new solar power generating covered parking to a completely new outer façade that better represents all of the treasures visitors will find inside – the Museum has never looked better! 2011 marks the Museum’s 20th Anniversary and we fully expect another year of growth both in the Museum and throughout our neighborhood – the Cultural Corridor. We’ll soon dedicate a stunning new bridge that connects the Las Vegas Natural History Museum with the Las Vegas Library and Lied Discovery Children’s Museum across the street. Our portion of Las Vegas Boulevard is now awash in beautifully refurbished historic neon signs as part of the soonto-open Neon Museum just down the street. And inside the Museum, you’ll see continued progress on our interior renovations and gallery additions. The Museum is also taking the lead with the production of a very exciting first-ever Las Vegas Science Festival in May and will host another engaging traveling exhibit over the summer. At a time when other organizations have been forced to greatly reduce services or close their doors altogether, the Las Vegas Natural History Museum remains a healthy and vital institution. Of course this would not have been possible had it not been for your continued support, the stellar management of Marilyn and her team, and the active involvement and guidance of our board of directors. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the Museum’s success! We look forward to welcoming you and your family at one, or all, of our exciting programs and events at the Museum this year.

John H. Good Board Chair



Letter from the Director The Museum’s history has been a journey filled with growth, change and improvement. After surviving incredible odds in our formative years, the Museum has evolved into an invaluable resource for the Las Vegas community. We’re an active participant in education by continuing to broaden horizons, introducing new experiences and enriching lives. The Las Vegas Natural History Museum has established itself as a place where children and families come to learn and have fun. Responding to the needs within the community, the Museum has developed innovative exhibits and educational programs that continue to engage children and promote early childhood learning. As the only Museum in the community with a collection extensive enough to interpret life forms and environments beyond the local region, the Museum is a place rich in resources. As a Smithsonian Affiliate, the Museum has access to the Smithsonian’s vast collections. This affiliation will benefit the community through long-term loans of artifacts that are being integrated into exhibitions and educational programs. The Museum is more than a building and a collection; it is a dedicated and endlessly resourceful staff, a tireless group of volunteers, and a committed Board of Directors. We have learned that we progress through partnerships, and we succeed only with the gracious help and support of many. During a period of economic uncertainty, the Museum has made major strides: we completed our first building addition, opened a new major permanent exhibit, and remodeled the exterior and interior entrance areas. We present this review of the Museum’s accomplishments of 2010, and look forward to continued growth as we journey into our twentieth year.

Marilyn Gillespie Director



Exploration is about discovery In November 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered a series of steps leading to a sealed door. Behind the door, there was a passageway and another sealed door marked with the royal impressions of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. With trembling hands Carter made a tiny hole in the door. He inserted a candle and peered in. At first he could see nothing. And then … “As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold – everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment – an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by – I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, 'Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.'” (Howard Carter; The Tomb of Tutankhamen, 1923). The "wonderful things" that Carter saw represented the greatest Egyptian antiquities ever discovered and the greatest archeological find in world history.

Inside the new Treasures of Egypt exhibit



Exploration is about growth In 2010, the Las Vegas Natural History Museum proudly opened its newest permanent gallery, Treasures of Egypt. We tell Howard Carter’s story because it is now the Museum’s story as well. Treasures of Egypt re-creates Carter’s experience for visitors as they first peer into its wonders through a narrow opening in the wall. The most significant part of the display is comprised of carefully reproduced replicas,



donated by the Luxor Las Vegas Hotel and Casino from its former King Tut’s Tomb Museum. All of the items were made in Egypt by Egyptian artisans, with the same materials and techniques used 3,000 years ago. Each item was approved by the Head of Egyptian Antiquities before being sent to Las Vegas, and the tomb contents are one of the only two reproductions sanctioned by the Egyptian government. Today, at least one of the statues –

Tutankhamun standing on the back of a leopard – has become even more significant. The original piece on display at the renowned Egyptian Museum in Cairo was destroyed in the early 2011 uprising. Extending beyond the royal life of the pharaoh, visitors experience the daily life of ancient Egypt. A recreated Egyptian village and marketplace offers a hands-on encounter of day-to-day tasks such as gathering water, grinding wheat, making pottery, using ancient

carpenter’s tools and bartering for food and supplies. The exhibit reveals this ancient culture’s dependence upon the Nile River and how its people thrived in the harsh desert environment. State-of-the-art technology shows the fascinating mummification process. In the first-time use of this technology in a museum setting, visitors slide a computerized panel over a replica mummy, to reveal CAT scan images. Two touch-screen experiences give a virtual tour

of King Tut’s burial chamber, and a cruise on the Nile detailing life 3,000 years ago. Treasures of Egypt opened January 31, 2010 in a building addition that enclosed a 5,000 square-foot outdoor patio. An appropriation from the 2007 State of Nevada Legislature funded the addition. Development of the exhibit was made possible by a generous donation from the Engelstad Family Foundation. The exhibit presents an ideal teaching and

learning environment for a variety of subjects including geography, history, mathematics, science and technology. The new Ancient Egypt Experience introduces middle school students to this ancient world in guided gallery and lab sessions. For nearly two decades the Museum has maintained a steady rate of exhibit construction that supports its mission statement; 2010 represented a banner year and has paved the way for continue growth.

The day-to-day life and culture of ancient Egyptians comes to life in the Treasures of Egypt exhibit, with a reproduction of an ancient marketplace , a Nile felucca, and gold necklaces.



Vision for the Future The Museum strives to be the recognized leader in promoting education in natural science, cultural history and conservation of natural resources to the Las Vegas community. The Museum will engage, expand and captivate the minds of visitors to the wonders of the natural world. Over its 19-year history, the Museum has continued to expand within the confines of the existing facility, remodeling the physical structure, making significant upgrades and creating exhibits. The underlying goal has been to continue to improve and to strive for higher standards. In 2010 the Museum completed its first expansion project. Future building projects will encompass the Marine Life Gallery, which will allow for improved life systems, expanded interpretive capabilities and additional offices for the growing staff. The Museum also needs larger collection areas. As the Museum grows, its collection (the core of the Museum) grows. Currently, all collections are stored in a 1,000 square-foot room with difficult access. Some collection donations have been turned away due to an inability to store and properly curate new items.

In June of 2009, the Board of Directors conducted strategic planning for a three-year period (2010-2012). To assist the Museum in its journey to reach its vision, goals were identified as:

Create development plan and policies Continue emphasis on building attendance Review and adjust staffing and budget patterns Continue development of branding within the community Continue board and volunteer development Complete accreditation process with the American Association of Museums Continue development of facility plans This plan is a means to strengthen the Museum and its ability to continue to be a valued educational resource to the Las Vegas community.

Life in an ancient village and Replicas of artifacts on display in Treasures of egypt.





New Endowment for Traveling Exhibits The Engelstad Family Special Exhibition Series resulted from a generous $1 million endowment fund. The Museum hosts at least one traveling exhibition each year, and featured two in 2010. These exhibits allow the Museum to extend beyond its own collections and broaden its teaching capabilities. They encourage interest for new visitors and offer new experiences for Museum members. The Engelstad Family Foundation assists the Museum in bringing exciting new traveling exhibits to the Las Vegas community. The Museum launched the new Engelstad Family Special Exhibition Series with Bizarre Beasts Past and Present. This exhibit features replicas of some of the strangest animals ever to inhabit the Earth, from giant terror birds to incredible invertebrates. It explores the forces that cause life to change and adapt to



different environments. Each of the bizarre animals ran, swam, flew or crawled on the Earth at some point during its history. In January 2009, the Museum opened the acclaimed traveling exhibit, Glow: Living Lights, created by the exhibition company Exhibit IQ. Glow: Living Lights explores the phenomenon of bioluminescence, the ability of an organism to produce light. The exhibit explains how and why some animals “glow.� Using rare photographs and film footage, research-related artifacts, live and preserved specimens and hands-on activities, the exhibit sheds light on bioluminescence and the important role it plays in nature and in medical research. Glow: Living Lights was on display at the Museum until spring 2010.

$1 milllion Traveling exhibit endowment

above and left: A closer look at Text

Bizarre Beasts Past and Present



Education Department In 2010, the Museum gave educational tours to approximately 30,000 Clark County school children. The Museum's field trip programs are grade specific and supplement school curriculum. This year, the Museum published its first teacher packet, to assist educators in making connections with field trips and state standards. It contains information on tour programs, exhibits, scholarships and scheduling; it also shows program alignment with Nevada State Education Standards. Download the new Teacher Guide at:

Admission and Bus Scholarships The Open Door Program provides scholarships for at-risk schools to visit the Museum free of charge. An organized school field trip is the only opportunity most of these children will have to experience the Museum. In 2010, approximately 20,000 children from economically disadvantaged schools toured the Museum through this program. The Explore! Program provides school bus transportation to the Museum for at-risk schools. This program funded 233 school buses at a cost of $25,670 in 2010. Both of these programs are underwritten by generous support from community-minded corporations and local businesses.

Education Programs The Museum provides bus scholarships to at-risk schools; in 2010, the program funded 233 buses.



The Museum’s field trip programs are carefully designed by grade level to introduce students to science and nature found around the world. Learning Safaris use guided questioning and interaction to empower 1st – 8th grade students to construct knowledge, make discoveries and connect their experience to the natural world while exploring habitats or adaptations. Early Explorers addresses early childhood developmental milestones, through active exploration and interactive inquiry, for children from 3 to 6 years old. Children learn important skills, concepts and vocabulary to provide a foundation for future science education. Science Sleuths has been in place for a number of years, as a response to low science test scores of Clark County School District

students. It is based on National Science Standards and the Clark County Curriculum Essentials Framework. The program was expanded this year to include both life and earth studies for grades 4 – 8. Integrating inquiry-based, investigative and hands-on learning with peer interaction, this combined interpretive Museum tour and lab experience encourages observational and deductive reasoning skills as well as self-discovery outside the traditional classroom setting. With the opening of Treasures of Egypt, the Museum created the student program Ancient Egypt Experience. This rich exhibit introduces middle school students to diverse topics such as the ancient Egyptians’ dependence on the Nile River for survival; the social hierarchy and its impact on the daily lives of the Egyptians; and the technology and archaeology that reveals their legacy. Students explore ancient Egypt through geography, history, mathematics, science and technology, using teamwork and critical thinking in a combined gallery and lab experience. This is the Museum’s first program focusing on culture and aligning with Nevada State Social Studies Standards.

adaptation within a threatened environment. This program served approximately 3,600 at-risk students in its first year. Through the Las Vegas Centennial Grants Project, the Museum developed the Wild Nevada Trunks Program with curriculum, activities, books, and specimens to help teachers illustrate the natural history of Nevada specific to 4th grade curriculum.

Weekend Programming To enrich family visits, the Museum offers Family Weekend Science. For years, these interactive opportunities have showcased educational applications of basic scientific principles through hands-on experiments, “make-and-take” projects and the use of scientific equipment. Families have made mini-volcanoes, witnessed shark dissections and excavated a dinosaur at a mock site. A popular component of the Weekend Science Program is Critter Connections, where visitors interact with and learn more about live animals. Many of the animals highlighted in the program are residents of the Museum.

In the Schools

Living History

We bring the Museum’s science programs to schools when students can’t come to the Museum. In 2010, the Museum expanded the Outreach and Teaching Trunk Program through Omnibus funds. New presentations and trunks have been created for PK – 1st grade classrooms on dinosaurs, garden animals and ancient Egypt. Lessons include inquiry-based activity centers, books, games and observation of models or specimens. In addition, many of the investigative and handson learning activities from the Science Sleuths programs for 4th – 6th grade classrooms can now travel to the classroom. The Underwater City: Life in the Coral Reef is an interdisciplinary outreach program for 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. Benchmarks include habitats and ecosystems, conservation, and organism

The past comes to life in the Museum’s newest educational offering, "Walk with the Egyptians" theatrical series. This living history program features an Egyptian high priest and embalmer giving lessons to his young son who will be following in his father’s career path, as was the custom in ancient Egypt. The lessons describe the mummification process, as well as how and why it was done. The royal embalmer, Baruti, is played by Ellis Rice; his son, Ahmose is played by young Cory Covell. These short plays take place in the new Treasures of Egypt gallery twice a month on Sundays. There are two performances, at12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Future plays will take these ancient characters through their daily activities and give audiences a glimpse into life in Egypt 3,000 year ago.



Collections When the Museum opened in 1991 it exhibited loaned items from an extensive private collection. With collection policies in place, the Museum began adding pertinent items. In 1995, Bruno Scherrer of Los Angeles donated his vast collection of taxidermied specimens. Several of the animals in the collection are so rare they cannot be found in any other U.S. museum. With this collection, the Museum was no longer reliant upon loaned items. One significant item in the Museum’s fossil collection is a prehistoric three-millionyear-old four-tusked elephant, Rhynchotherium. This fossil is the best specimen of this species and has had several scientific papers written about it.

The Museum has three separate collections Non-Living, Living, and Teaching Non-living collection Taxidermy mounts, fossils, wildlife artwork, cultural artifacts, models and robotic creations

Primarily used for exhibition, but occasionally art students have used the collection as study models. Living collection Reptiles, fish, amphibians, insects and invertebrates

Living specimens allow the Museum to better demonstrate the diversity of life, as well as promote compassion and conservation. Teaching collection Replaceable, sturdy specimens that children can handle

This collection supplements exhibits and programs by bringing objects to the visitor and enhancing their museum experience. The Museum continues to collect and to expand its interpretive abilities. Its extensive collections total 6,847 individual items, consisting of taxidermied mammals and birds, shells and mollusks, North American bird nests, and bird eggs, fiberglass sharks and whales, fossils, skulls, African masks and wildlife art. Items from the Luxor Hotel and Casino include murals, statues and artifacts representing the contents of King Tut’s tomb. The Museum owns one of only two tomb reproductions sanctioned by the Egyptian government.



18 Years of the Dinosaur Ball

Special Events January VIP preview reception, Treasures of Egypt This exclusive pre-opening special event showcased the Museum’s first expansion project and newest permanent exhibit. Speakers were Mayor Oscar Goodman, donor Kris Engelstad McGarry of the Engelstad Family Foundation, and Felix Rappaport, representing MGM Mirage and Luxor Hotel and Casino. Egyptian Art contest For 3rd-5th GATE students in the Clark County School District; four winners and their classes received a free field trip and were the first students to see Treasures of Egypt in late January.

April Earth Day celebration with Stories From the Earth The programs focused on rocks, wind, plants and fossils and how man will impact the Earth’s future.

May traveling exhibit sneak preview Members viewed the inaugural traveling exhibit sponsored by the Engelstad Family Foundation Special Exhibition Series, Bizarre Beasts Past and Present.

July 19th anniversary party and Desert Animal Funarama Activities and programs revolved around desert animals such as the Mojave green rattlesnake, Australia’s thorny devil lizard and a live camel.

Treasures of Egypt opening; pictured from left are Denny Weddle, Kris Engelstad Mcgarry, Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Felix Rappaport.

October The 18th annual Dinosaur Ball, at the Luxor Hotel and Casino The Philanthropic Organization of 2010 Award was presented to the E. L. Wiegand Foundation, accepted by Marie Hoel. The Conservationists of the Year Award recognized the family of world conservationist Steve Irwin – Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin – who were present to accept the award. More than 300 guests attended this successful event, emceed by Kevin Janison of Channel 3. Entertainment was presented by a variety of Luxor entertainers. Halloween Kids in costumes were admitted free on October 29 and 30. Participants made their

own slime, touched gooey-slimey “stuff,” made bubbles from dry ice and went on a scavenger hunt for mummy hands.

December A December to Remember For this collaborative effort of the Cultural Corridor, each institution presented its own programming based on winter celebrations. The Museum takes a global approach to explore celebrations of many ethnicities and faiths. The result is a collection of displays that illustrate world-wide beliefs and traditions. To kick off the six-week event, (November 26 – January 3) the Museum conducted a Cultural Fashion Show to illustrate diverse costuming from around the world.



Year In Review In 2010, the Museum experienced one of its best years ever in attendance. Year-over-year growth was driven primarily by an increase in visits by local families. Attendance In 2010 the Las Vegas Natural History Museum experienced an 8% increase in visitation with 86,892 visitors – the secondhighest attendance in our history. The Museum’s main audience has been Clark County School District students and local families with small children. Marketing efforts have been geared toward touching these target groups. While field trip attendance fell slightly, visitation by local families and tourists rose, which tells us that families found the Museum

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

an accessible and affordable option during tough economic times. The Museum invested in television advertising to announce the opening of it newest exhibit, Treasures of Egypt. Several billboards were rotated around the Las Vegas Valley illustrating the exhibit’s eye-catching ad campaign, “No ifs, ands, or Tuts!” The Museum’s Education Department works closely with the Clark County School District Partnership Office to promote the unique programs being offered. We produced







school Member




Attendance History (1991-2010, visitors in thousands)


a new teacher packet to assist area educators in their field trip scheduling. The Las Vegas Natural History Museum has long been one of the preferred field trip destinations for Clark County schoolteachers. A sponsorship from Bank of America and its monthly Museums on Us program has created awareness and encouraged visitation of its customers. Target sponsored two free days that augmented attendance on September 11 and during the December to Remember event.




86,892 annual attendance

2010 collective Attendance % % % 13 14 34 Tourists Members Schools

% 39 Locals




Demographics of Museum Visitors 29,489

School attendance

Public Attendance

% 33 k-12

% 67 at-risk

% 13 Tourist







% 87 resident

Of our 86,892 visitors, approximately onethird – 29,367 – were Clark County School District students on organized field trips. Most of these children are in elementary school grades K-6. Their ages range from 5 to 12 years old; they were equally divided between boys and girls. More than 60% of these students (nearly 20,000) were from at-risk schools and utilized the Open Door and EXPLORE! Programs. Determination of low-income to moderate-income status is based on the at-risk designation provided by the school district, and the economic status of the areas in which the schools are located. Statistical information about FRL (Free or Reduced Lunches) allows the Museum to serve more students with economic needs. The remaining 57,517 visitors were local families and tourists. Approximately 13% of the Museum’s visitors were tourists.



Financial Report Expenditures



Operational Admissions Interest Income Giftshop Other Subtotal

Payroll Taxes









$2,699 $337,022

Donations Specific Memberships Family Memberships Corporate Memberships FOM Bricks Fund-raiser Special Events Donations Gift-in-Kind Subtotal

$16,722 $1,800 $48,190 $5,750 $13,935 $1,250 $105,489 $98,000 $291,136


Endowment Interest


Exhibit Donations


Collection Maintenance


Animal Care Donation


Education Program Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE

$140,745 $391,502 $1,019,660


Cost of Goods Giftshop


Misc. and Administrative

$11,312 $5,403





Office Supplies


Postage and Shipping


Outside Services


Repairs and Maintenance


Telephone Utilities Gift-in-Kind Expenditures Fund-raising Expenses Subtotal

Restricted Revenue (Program) Remodel


Dues and Memberships

Fund-raising & Public Memberships Donations Non-Specific


$3,228 $282 $98,000 $50,713 $753,304

Program and Exhibit Expenses Animal Care Exhibit Expenses Collection Maintenance

$29,477 $188,257 $3,859

Education Program


Traveling Exhibit


Entrance Remodel


Staff Development Subtotal TOTAL EXPENSES

$1,561 $476,296 $1,229,600

*Project funds received in 2009 were expended in 2010.



Revenue & Support


2% % donations embership 7% Min-kind 9 10% events 15% remodel 24% program 33% earned Expenditures



One of the replicas on display


in the new Treasures of Egypt exhibit.

Fund-raising As a non-profit organization, the Museum continues to be predominantly supported by the community and receives only a limited amount of public funds. Educational programs, exhibits and operational needs are sustained and expanded by the generosity of foundations, corporations and individuals. In 2009 the Museum received its largest donation to date. The Engelstad Family Foundation donated $500,000 for the completion of the Egyptian exhibit and provided an endowment of $1 million. The endowment is dedicated as The Engelstad Family Special Exhibition Series and supports the annual traveling exhibit programming. The E. L. Wiegand Foundation provided a $143,000 grant that enabled the Museum to make major improvements to the building. Renovations to the exterior and interior entrance gave the building a much-needed upgrade and new look. A replica of a fossil wall surrounds the door to greet visitors and offer a glimpse at some of the treasures they will encounter in the Museum. The Museum also added a new dinosaur to its collection. In an effort to showcase the cutting edge of scientific thinking, the Museum commissioned artist Ed Bigelow to create a feathered Deinonychus (pictured above). To further enhance the exterior of the building, the Museum secured a grant from the City of Las Vegas VIP Program which supports redevelopment of the downtown area. Funding from this grant and the E. L. Wiegand Foundation allowed for landscaping and a new slate façade on the walls and entrance patio.



Family memberships also help sustain the Museum. This type of membership offers frequent visit benefits and gift shop discounts, while it remains affordable starting at $65. A new collaboration with Association of ScienceTechnology Centers offers Museum members free admission to science museums around the country. The “Friends of the Museum” membership category also attracts members starting at the $250 level. Approximately 900 families participate in the Museum’s membership programs.

The annual Dinosaur Ball, the Museum’s only fund-raising event, raised $105,500 in 2010. The Ball was held at the Luxor Las Vegas Hotel and Casino and attracted over 300 guests. Honorees were the E. L. Wiegand Foundation, Philanthropic Organization of the Year; and Terri Irwin and her children Bindi and Robert as Conservationists of the Year for continuing the legacy of Steve Irwin and his conservation efforts.

4,500+ hours served by Museum volunteers

The following individuals, corporations and foundations made a contribution to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum in 2010. Space limitations prevent us from listing donations under $1,000. This list only reflects the larger donations of gifts in kind.

$100,000 and above E. L. Wiegand Foundation Exhibit IQ

$50,000 and above City of Las Vegas M. G. Fauci Construction U. S. Department of Education

$25,000 and above Lamar Outdoor Advertising Las Vegas Billboards WalMart

$20,000 and above Engelstad Family Foundation

$10,000 and above Bank of America Cox Communications Target Wesley Martin Consulting

$7,500 and above Boyd Foundation Evening Call

Felix Rappaport Wells Fargo Bank

$5,000 and above 5th Avenue Restaurant Group Cox Charities / United Way McDonald Carano Wilson NV Energy New Market Advisors Southwest Gas Sylvester and Polednak, Ltd.

$2,500 and above Allen D. Kohl Charitable Foundation, Inc. Anita Mann Carolyn Sparks Cirque du Soleil FaissFoleyWarren Greenheart, LLC Hollywood Bar, LLC Joshua Reid Anderson Foundation Kaercher Campbell & Associates Marilyn Gillespie Davis Martin Harris Construction Phillip T. Varricchio Republic Services Disposal Safari Club Int’l Desert Las Vegas Chapter United Way

$1,000 and above Anthony & Debra Guenther Desert Research Industries Edward & Deanna Ackerman

English Garden Florist George Isaacs Harry & Helen Mortenson HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Las Vegas – Clark County Library District Mark Litwin MGM Voice Foundation Michael Angelo Co. Nevada State Bank Project Dinner Table Richard A. Ditton Superior Letterpress Timothy & Denise Cashman Tire Works Vegaswood Industries

Volunteers The Museum could not function without the support of concerned, involved volunteers including the Board of Directors, the Dinosaur Ball Committee, and the docents who give tours to thousands of children each year. In 2010, dedicated Museum volunteers served a total of 4,500 hours. The Museum is especially grateful to the volunteers who served 100 hours or more:

Derek Shaw, Diana Shaw, Donna Robinson, Guy Chapman, Martin Zamora, Mike Mendeloff, Riley Kelley, Shell Stacey, Zak Fisher, Don Steinbok, Liz Raiman, Morris Raiman, Stefani Schmidt, Cathi Poer, and Linda Wilcock.



900 Las Vegas Blvd. North Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-384-3466

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