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Print still matters Nation

As technology continues


to d e v e lo p a n d c h a n g e t h e w ay p e o p l e d o busi ness, ma ny have considered pr i nt a dead


A great designer

marketing the wave of the future. But Print

medium and online

design is still an effective tool for delivering Habit

messages for audiences. I will investigate how

Music and History

to let people know print is still a good tool to use in the digital world.

IS PRINT DEAD TODAY? As technology continues to develop and change the way people do business, many

have considered print a dead medium

and online marketing the wave of the future. But Print design is still an effective tool for delivering messages for audiences. I will investigate how to let people know print is still a good tool to use in the digital world.

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research T h e s i s re s e a r c h i n c lu d e i mp o r t a nt i n s i g ht s , background, and thinking process for projects.

audience In this chapter, there are the personas for the target audience in the thesis project.

solutions There are three deliverables and promotional materials for Thinkink, including printspiration, printechnique, website etc.

feedback It contains user testing and feedback from the target audience to proves my thesis.

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the s is proje cts of Alex [Fe nghao] Gu

IS PRINT DEAD TODAY? As technology continues to develop and change the way people do business, many

have considered print a dead medium

and online marketing the wave of the future. But Print design is still an effective tool for delivering messages for audiences. I will investigate how to let people know print is still a good tool to use in the digital world.

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SOME PEOPLE THINK PRINT IS OBSOLETE. Time Warner, 21st Century Fox, The Tibune Co., Gannett and E. W. Scripps, all of these companies have spun off their publishing divisions into stand alone companies, leaving the film / television / digital sides to flourish while the far less lucrative newspaper / magazine companies are left to fend for themselves. Michael Wolff says maybe, but maybe not: Print, many people argue, is dead; or quickly dying. Still, many newspapers and magazines are profitable. Such profits continue to derive more from print than from digital; which, almost everyone believes, somewhat paradoxically, is the future of print. ... Curiously, or alarmingly, print companies, as Wall Street will realize when it turns to evaluating these new print-focused stocks — could be even more profitable, albeit with fewer people. ... Perhaps it is best to keep all options open until a promising way appears. ... And, too, there is a natural desire not to throw away what has worked so well up until just a short time ago. This is not only because there are still vast numbers of readers and because many print businesses still make a good buck, but also to not

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be so cavalier about one’s way of life and achievements.

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RETHINK ABOUT TOPIC We will cover the art of Socratic qeustions and the insights this method can lend to the deisgn process.

Print is the ideal communications medium and a powerful marketing tool. But because it has been around for so long, print often gets lost in the enthusiasm for newer options, such as online and social media channels. Yet, after all is said and done, print is still the prime communication and promotional vehicle. Why? Because of its unique characteristics: Print is durable, portable, credible, universal, beautiful and works well with other media. Most important, print works. Studies show that print gets read – a whopping 78% of households read or scan the advertising mail they receive. A Direct Marketing Association study showed that direct mail advertising gives businesses, on average, a remarkable 12 to 1 return on their investment (“ROI”). The high ROI holds up across all industries. For example, printed catalogs have been shown to provide a 7 to 1 ROI, while direct mail provides the lowest cost per lead or order, ahead of email, pay-per-click and telemarketing.[3] In fact, a study conducted by Oracle found that 79% of consumers surveyed make

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purchases via printed catalogs at least four times each year.

WHY DOES PRINT MATTER? p a g e _ 1 0 / 1 1

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WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP WITH GRAPHIC DESIGN AND PRINTING? We will cover the art of Socratic qeustions and the insights this method can lend to the deisgn process.

Graphic Designing and printing have been associated for as long as the two have been invented, the designer makes the design to the best of his ability. Then comes in the printing process which has to be up to the mark of the design so that the outlook is equally dynamic, but if the design somehow is not executed as the original design then the whole energy spent is of waste. The key point is the combination of great graphic designing and quality printing services so the end result is something that is not odd but fascinating. In the design process often times a design is so beautiful and the colour so exquisite

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that the designer lays down some terms to the printer so that they can work accordingly. This would mean for the Print House to alter some rules to which they would have to negotiate with the graphic designer. Once a negotiation is complete between the two the designs are forwarded onto the print house. Now the print house has a separate responsibility altogether, which means the print after the settlements has to be exactly as the designer mentioned. Your job here is to make sure that the print follows through and the end result comes as the client’s requirements. Everyone would have assumed by this time that the process is over well certainly not over because once the design is set to print it needs a material to get printed on. The material being paper, leather, tissue or any other printable has to be ready for printing. The material matters a lot as well because the outcome depends on the material as well, for leathers dark and vibrant colours matter a lot. Similarly for paper mostly red, blue and green matter because then you can work out different combinations and have the desired result. Now as we see this relationship not being simple, the end result is that the two have a very deep connection. The designer has to make sure the files are the format the printer accepts and then the sizes, measurements are to be the same as well. Then the print house has to make the outcome as good as the original file as we know the outcome is what matters the most.

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INSIGHTS communications

1. Print still has a vital part to play in communications because one of its traditional strengths, touch, is not offered by other mediums.


2. Holding a well created printed piece in your hand, I believe, creates an emotional connection that can seldom be achieved on screen.



3. Print often provides legitimacy to businesses, individuals and startups, helps their business successful. 4. By producing print collateral, you demonstrate to potential clients, colleagues and business partners that you are willing to invest in your business.


5. In addition, knowing that anything they find online can be easily retrieved, readers of online news stories may simply pay

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less attention as they read.


6. When Nielsen asked people whether they thought the different media is “trustworthy,” printed media outranked all other options, with 58% of respondents appreciating its trustworthiness for printed media.



7. People who touch printed material remember more than people who read on the screen. 8. Benjamin said on his block, “I am a graphic designer who is frequently asked to work on print projects. I love doing print but I realize I don’t exactly have the proper training. ”


9. The look, touch, feel and even the smell of printed materials offer a sensory experience that digital media can’t replicate.


10. The modern print press is a magical engine of design that can churn out exciting print pieces through sophisticated techniques like foil stamping, embossing and finishing.


11. A small Brooklyn commercial print shop owner confidently said that 95% of customers are not press-ready and need some fixing, yet about 90% of them are coming from “graphic designers.�











competition and opportunities for jobs in their careers. 13. Interactive print projects stretch imagination with surprises, and more attraction for the customers. 14. The pace of technological development in the digital age has now outstripped our capacity for preservation. 15. Print customers can order just what they need, when they need it; with spectacular visual results. 16. Print ads and editorial coverage were viewed as the most important advertising options.

16. Print ads and editorial coverage were viewed as the most important advertising options. 17. It’s a simple fact that many people do judge a brand by its print outcomes because print bring value to the company. 18. Audience interest is a critical strength of the traditional print media which is important for packaging design. 19. Clients are beginning to associate the tactile experience of print with luxury. This is why print brings value to the clients. 20. there are a lot of technical differences when it comes to working on something that will be printed versus a website. 21. Print and digital media can coexist well because they have different approach. Print is focused on advertising while digital is more about information.

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12. Graphic designers who work with print will have more

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Important Insights

TACTILE p a g e _ 2 4 / 2 5

The modern print press is a magical engine of design that can churn out exciting print pieces through sophisticated techniques like foil stamping, embossing and finishing.

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Important Insights




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183 billions

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172 billions

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Important Insights

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Prove print is

Graphic Designers

still alive.

between 20–30 years old


NO. 1

NO. 2

NO. 3

Most of designers

Print is still valuable

Marketing the projects.

need to know more

because it is tangible

print knowledge

and physical.

for their projects.


Inspire the designers

Provide an education

Provide a way to sell

by the print projects

book for designers

the books.

and explain the print

who wants to know

technology other

about tangible print.

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designers used.


Design an inspiration

Create a book for

Provide a website

book for designers

designers to teach

to sell the books for

and tell them what

them the different

designers wherever

print technology other

print process, show

and whenever.

designers and design

tactile examples.

agency used.

Print still has a vital part to play in communications because one of its traditional strengths, touch, is not offered by other mediums. It’s the part of a communication package that clients reach for because it’s the only thing they can hold. To them, it is something real and static while everything else seems to be in constant flux. You can’t ignore one of the basic senses and offer a complete experience. Print will always be part of graphic communications.

NO. 1


NO. 2


NO. 3


Deisgn an education resource for

Design an inspriation books for

Deisgn a website that wherever

designers about print skill.

designers about prints.

and whenever the designers can







In the book, there are a lot of tips

Best print designs for designers

selling books

and technology information for

to collect and explain the print

print potential market

designers to learn.

technology they used.


Different print process

die cutting materials


fold up materials


color method lenticular printing




Create tangible examples to show

Learning materials and

Design a website to help designers

different print methods.

effective research category

to buy the projects easily.

should save time and give designers more inspiration.

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buy the books.

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NO. 2

NO. 3



Deisgn an education resource

Deisgn a website that designers

for designers about prints.

for designers about print skill.

can buy the books wherever.


Book bidning



Color inspiration

A book that will show the most innovative print to give others ideas and inspiration to create more print work. The book could include physical interactive and explore the pirnt technology for designers.


Lenticular printing

In the book, it will include different printing information

Book Mockup

Promotion materials for thesis project in the market.



T shirt

and tangible print examples. Book include color method,

Website and Swag will promote

bookbinding, screenprinting,

projects and let designers know

embossing & debossing, die

more about print technology and

cutting and lenticular printting.

buy the books.

Inspiration first, then education for designers. Marketing materials and advertizing for projects.

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Design an inspriation books

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Identifying the demographics of your target audience is important because every aspect of the marketing materials or website for your company must speak to this

market. Look for common

characteristics and this information affects decisions as basic as which color scheme to use in the design. Thinkink target audiences are graphic designers and design students.

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KATE Graphic Designer

26 years old

freelance designer

Lives in Daly City

Visual communication/Branding

Design Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe

Likes: Reading books; love

Editorial typography/Information design

Indesign, Adobe Illustration, After Effects

typography; drink a lot of coffee

Interactive media/Packaging

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“I am interested in all fields of art and design, particularly the design crafts. And I want a more intuitive way to interact with my projects, make it more interesting. �

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ALFRED Design Students

21 years old

Art & Technology in SFAI

Lives in San Francisco

Structural Drawing/Design Visualization

Design Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe

Likes: Reading books; playing

Internet Tools and Concepts

Indesign, Adobe Illustration

games; like musics when working;

Typography/Print experiences

like staying in the museum

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“Although I pursued an academic rather than creative path in school, I have always been fascinated by the patterns that occur in art, architecture and the natural world.�

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SURVEY 1. How old are you?

6. How much of your projects involve print?


A Less than 29%


or more

B 30% to 59% C 60% to 89% D 90%


7. How much time do you spend on printing?


A. Less than 29 minutes


B. 30 minutes to 59 minutes

65 or older

C. 60 minutes to 119 minutes D. 120 minutes or more

2. What is the highest level of school or the highest degree you have received? (Check all that apply)

8. What is the most interesting print method do you want

A. Less than high school degree

to learn? (Check all that apply)

B. High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED)

A. Letterpress

C. Some college but no degree

B. Embossing & Debossing

D. Associate degree

C. Die Cutting

E. Bachelor degree

D. Bookbinding

F. Graduate degree

E. Screen Printing F. Lenticular printing

3. Which of the following best describes your occupation?

G. Other (please specify)

(Check all that apply) A. Designers / Artists

9. What kinds of print projects have you worked on

B. Business Owner or Entrepreneur

the past year? (Check all that apply)

C. Corporate Leader

Brochures/Collateral/Sales Promotion

D. Ministry or Other Non-Profit Leader


E. Educational Leader

Direct Mail/Postcards

F. Military Leader

Letterheads/Business Cards

G. Other (please specify)

Print Advertising Posters

4. If you have design / art education background, how


many print classes did you have in your school?


A. 0

Annual+Corporate Reports

B. 1


C. 2

Books/Photo books

D. 3 or more


5. What do you think about the advantages of print

10. Do you buy these related business products/


services? (Check all that apply)

A Audience Interest B Audience trustworthy C Tactile

A Type/Fonts

D Other (please specify)


B Software for design


D Other (please specify)

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Thinkink provides three deliverables for designers. The first one is a book that readers can inspire from the great print projects. The second book is to teach people about

different special printing

techonology. The third deliverable is a website to sell the books for designers whenever and wherever. Thinkink has some swags for promotion in the business market.

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PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 47 M : 6 Y: 14 K: 0

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PA N TO N E 100 C C : 12 M: 27 Y:5 7 K :2

PANTONE 100 C C:10 M:7 Y:5 K :0

PANTO NE 100 C C:65 M:5 1 Y: 52 K: 56

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 1 2 M : 27 Y: 57 K: 2

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 1 0 M : 7 Y: 5 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 6 5 M : 51 Y: 52 K: 56

PA N TO N E 100 C C: 0 M: 12 Y: 5 K :0

PANTO NE 100 C C:0 M:23 Y:9 K :0

PANTONE 100 C C:0 M:2 5 Y: 14 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 1 1 M : 1 9 Y: 1 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 2 1 M : 3 8 Y: 3 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 3 2 M : 56 Y: 4 K: 0

PA N TO N E 100 C C: 2 M: 46 Y: 1 8 K :0

PANTO NE 100 C C:2 M:5 8 Y:23 K :0

PANTONE 100 C C:0 M:43 Y: 1 7 K: 2 5

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 4 2 M : 75 Y: 5 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 53 M : 9 4 Y: 7 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 4 0 M : 70 Y: 5 K: 2 6

PA N TO N E 100 C C: 12 M: 27 Y:5 7 K :2

PANTO NE 100 C C:10 M:7 Y:5 K :0

PANTO NE 100 C C:65 M:5 1 Y: 52 K: 56

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 1 2 M : 27 Y: 57 K: 2

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 1 0 M : 7 Y: 5 K: 0

PA N TO N E 10 0 C C : 6 5 M : 51 Y: 52 K: 56

PA N TO N E 100 C C : 4 M: 0 Y: 20 K :0

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PANTO NE 100 C C:12 M:0 Y:60 K: 0

PA N TO N E 100 C C : 16 M: 0 Y: 80 K :0

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DELIVERABLE_1 Deliverable


PRINTSPIRATION Print project collections p a g e _ 6 2 / 6 3

The information for print technology

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DELIVERABLE_1 Deliverable


PRINTECHNIQUE Print process p a g e _ 8 0 / 8 1

Physical examples

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Feedback’s a touchy subject for most designers. So

touchy, in fact, that many of us

would love to skip that stage of the process sometimes. The feedback can even provides the beautiful concept for designs. I have showed mywork to different designers and students to get more feedbacks. They helps me a lot in projects.

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AILEEN Designer, met at coffee shop She is a freelance designer, who build the business by world of mouth. She has international design experience. Right now she lives in San Francisco.

DAVID Design Students, met at library He is a sophomore design student, he is new to learning design. He is interested in printing process and hopes to be a great designer someday.

“I am interested in your topic because I want to be an A+ student and work at IDEO someday.”

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“I am interested in the topic of your thesis because it gives me new ideas to try with my clients and personal projects.”

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CHRISTINA Design Student, met at library She is a design student at AAU. She is having problems coming up with innovative ideas for her projects. She wants to get better grades and have design jobs later.

WEIYI Designer, invited to home She is an Asian fashion and graphic designer worked in San Fransico. She created the graphic illustration and transfer to the clothes, also she printed a lot for pattern design.

“I am very interested in the screen print because it is related to my works. ”

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“I never thought about using lenticular printing before. This will definitely let my design stand out.”

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