We are Compass clothing, the Destination to start your adventure...
contents THe brand
Compass clothing is About... Our mission Compass cares for the environment Who are our customers? Why us, why now? advocate & inspire
Logo & toolkit colour palette type logo & icon
Brand Applications product & packaging social media & online Print in-store
The Brand
Our Mission To provide on-trend practical outdoorwear and build a strong community to educate and inspire the youth to go outdoors.
Compass cares for the environment Currently many outdoorwear brands use harmful chemicals and heavily synthetic materials within their products. We don’t want our consumers going outdoors in products that have caused damage on our planet. All our products will be made from sustainable sources, and once the product is at the end of its cycle, it can be recycled.
Who are our customers? We want to target those who are tempted travellers. Those who love to browse #wanderlust, #adventure & #exploreeverything on social media, but they still haven’t stepped out their front door or looked up from their smart phones. However, we still want to be trusted by other consumers, even those who love the extreme, adrenaline pumping activities.
advanced user
Why Us, Why now? The heath and fitness market has been booming, and it’s the outdoors sectors chance to tap into this. We want to fill the gap for those who don’t want to go to the gym or join a sports team, but instead enjoy what the world has to offer.
Advocate and Inspire
Product/Benefit Outdoorwear and outdoor awareness
Positioning An youthful & approachable brand for outdoor beginners
Styling environmental, natural, reliable, inspiring
Mission bridge the gap between the outdoors and the millennial consumer
Vision Compass will become a trusted brand with a strong community of consumers.
Values cares about the environement, builds a community, offers an inspiring experience
Logo & Toolkit
Colour Palette THe brands colours are warm browns, intense oranges and muted creams to follow throughout the brand. The bright orange brings a contemporary contrast to the more muted shades.
Pantone 7527 C
Pantone 7518 C
Pantone 499 C
Pantone 168 C
Pantone 1595 C
Pantone 7584 C
Type Bebas Neue Regular, will be used for any body text, whilst bebas neue bold will be used for titles. Pacifico is only to be used within the logo, or enlarged quotes.
Bebas Neue regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Bebas neue bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Pacifico ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Logo & Icon With a compass being a device used to help find direction, we believe this works with our brands values. Our consumer is at a stage in their life when they are finding their way in life. This led to the brand name compass clothing, with the strapline ‘find your path’ and the graphic of a compass to bind it altogether into our logo.
Brand Applications
Product & Packaging
Social Media & online We want our social media accounts to be somewhere, where our customers can be inspired and educated on going outdoors, as well as being able to share their own stories and experiences to build a strong community. It will also offer a place where they can see the latest products, trends and styles in our clothing.
Print Compass Clothing is also branching out to reach consumers that aren’t based online. You can find our advertisements featured in cereal, kinfolk, sidetracked, and another escape magazines.
In-store as a brand , compass is very passionate about hearing back from our consumers. We love the idea of providing an area in-store where they can share their adventures with friends and inspire others to explore new horizons. The in-store layout is designed to be minimalistic and contemporary, while still having a rustic woodland feel.
Ground Floor exterior walls of changing room feature wood-effect
Changing Room
contemporary installation of a feature wall combined with a clothing rail.
Ground Floor Plan 1:100
first Floor
exterior walls of changing room feature wood-effect
Changing Room
Public Space
Upper Floor dedicated socialising area
Plan 1:100
Find Your Path
alexandra Howe | alexandraelizabeth.co.uk