Exploring microsoft office access 2016 comprehensive 1 1st edition poatsy test bank

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Exploring Microsoft Office Access 2016 Comprehensive (Poatsy/Grauer) Chapter 5 Data Validation and Data Analysis 1) Which of the following is not a way to address data validation violations? A) Press the "Allow This Exception" button and keep going. B) Correct the data. C) Cancel the record entry. D) Change the data validation rule. Answer: A Diff: 3 Objectives: Multiple Objectives 2) Data validation is a ________. A) set of rules or constraints B) set of formatting codes C) set of masking characters D) set of drop down options Answer: A Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 3) Which feature limits the data that is allowed to be entered into a field? A) Default value B) Required C) Caption D) Validation rule Answer: D Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 4) Which of the following is considered a custom error message? A) Caption text B) Required text C) Default text D) Validation text Answer: D Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 5) Which of the following is a primary reason for manually setting up data validation? A) To make sure that two identical entries are not entered as the primary key B) To make sure that fields, like phone numbers, display in a consistent format C) To make sure that text is not entered into number fields D) To reduce user entry errors Answer: D Diff: 3 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 1 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

6) When is validation text displayed? A) Whenever a field with a validation rule applied is entered B) Each time there is not a validation rule violation C) When a validation rule violation occurs D) If the user presses F1 during data entry Answer: C Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 7) Where would you go to set up validation fields? A) A table's Data Entry Rules pane B) A table's Field Rules pane C) A table's Field Properties pane D) A table's Text Properties pane Answer: C Diff: 3 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 8) For which of the following data types can you not change the Required field property? A) Hyperlink B) AutoNumber C) Long text D) Calculated Answer: B Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 9) Which of the following is not true about validation text? A) It displays when a data violation has occurred. B) It displays anytime a field is entered to aid in data entry. C) It provides feedback on what was wrong with the data. D) It is considered a custom error message. Answer: B Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 10) Which of the following features helps to insure that improper information is not entered in a field? A) Cell validation B) Data validation C) Field validation D) AutoCorrect Data Answer: B Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation

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11) What is a primary reason for setting up a default value? A) Guarantees data accuracy B) Reduce data redundancy C) Reduce the number of options available D) Reduce data entry time Answer: D Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 12) Which of the following comparative operators cannot be used in a data validation rule? A) <> B) Between C) =< D) > Answer: C Diff: 3 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 13) Which of the following is not affected by inconsistent data? A) Sorting B) Filtering C) Queries D) File size Answer: D Diff: 2 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 14) Although you can type an input mask manually, it is easier to use the Input Mask ________. A) Template B) Wizard C) Guide D) Options Answer: B Diff: 2 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 15) Which of the following data types cannot have an input mask applied? A) Number B) Long Text C) Short Text D) Date/Time Answer: A Diff: 3 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry

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16) Which of the following input masks would produce the following formatting: the letters AC followed by a plus sign following by four required numbers? A) AC+0000 B) "AC+"0000 C) "AC+"9999 D) AC+9999 Answer: B Diff: 3 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 17) Which of the following is not data that can have an Input Mask applied without creating a custom mask? A) Phone number B) Social Security number C) Credit card number D) Zip Code Answer: C Diff: 3 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 18) A field with a limited number of values is well suited for what type of field? A) Short Text B) Calculated field C) Lookup field D) Hyperlink Answer: C Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 19) What is not a reason for avoiding making the state field a two-character lookup field? A) You might miss states that have more than one abbreviation. B) You might miss areas like the District of Columbia. C) You might miss other countries with two letter abbreviations recognized by the post office. D) You might miss abbreviations for military areas. Answer: A Diff: 3 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 20) When using the Lookup Field Wizard, how wide should the columns be? A) You cannot adjust the column width from the wizard. B) Up to the maximum width of the field C) To display neatly on the screen D) To display the longest value Answer: D Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 4 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

21) Which of the following provides for uniformity and consistency of data? A) Lookup field B) Cell validation C) Field validation D) One-to-One relationships Answer: A Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 22) What is a predefined list of values? A) Input mask B) Input field C) Lookup mask D) Lookup field Answer: D Diff: 1 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 23) When the Enable Data Integrity check box in the Lookup Field Wizard is checked ________. A) you can type in the data source manually B) values can be deleted from the lookup table C) new values can be added to the lookup table D) only values found in the lookup table can be used Answer: D Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 24) Which of the following is often not true about tables used to supply data in a lookup field? A) It has no relationship set up. B) It has no primary key. C) It may just have one field. D) It is locked so no additional entries can be made. Answer: D Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 25) Which of the following is often the first step in creating a lookup field? A) Create the lookup field. B) Create a relationship between the lookup table and the table which has the lookup field. C) Create a new table to hold the options. D) Create a new query to hold the options. Answer: C Diff: 3 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field

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26) Which of the following is not true about a parameter query? A) It reduces development time. B) It can be run repeatedly. C) The criterion parameters are fixed. D) The criterion can vary each time it is run. Answer: C Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 27) How will the parameter query request display when the query is run? A) Pop-up message B) Status Bar message C) Pop-up menu of options D) Help message box Answer: A Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 28) You can restrict the data type that will be accepted in a parameter query by ________. A) limiting the number of parameters in a query B) choosing a data type for each parameter C) choosing the field for the parameter query carefully D) You cannot restrict what a user enters in a parameter query. Answer: B Diff: 1 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 29) Which of the following would not be a valid parameter query criterion? A) >=[Enter contract value] B) <=[Enter contract value] C) =>[Enter contract value] D) [Enter contract value] Answer: C Diff: 3 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 30) When is the criterion entered in a parameter query? A) When the query is created B) When the query is saved C) When the query is run D) When the query is in SQL view Answer: C Diff: 1 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input

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31) To select to how many decimal places a value will display; you would use which function? A) Int B) Decimal C) Round D) Currency Answer: C Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 32) How many arguments does the IIf function have? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Answer: C Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 33) Which of the following functions evaluates whether a value has been entered into a field? A) IsEmpty B) IsVoid C) IsNull D) Null Answer: C Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 34) If you wanted to just display the year in a date field, you would use which function? A) PartDate B) DatePart C) Date D) YearPart Answer: B Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 35) To display the minute portion of a date, what would you put in the interval argument in the DatePart function? A) "n" B) "m" C) "t" D) "min" Answer: A Diff: 3 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions

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36) What function would you use to display the word January instead of the number 1 which is what the DatePart function would display? A) NameMonth(1) B) MonthName(1) C) Month(1) D) MonthName(January) Answer: B Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 37) In the Round function, if you leave the precision level blank, Access will default to how many decimal places? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) You cannot leave the precision level argument blank. Answer: A Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 38) Which of the following functions required no parameters? A) Date B) Sum C) Avg D) Trim Answer: A Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 39) Validation ________ helps the data entry person know why the entry is being rejected. Answer: text Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 40) The default setting for the Required field property for most fields is ________. Answer: no Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 41) The ________ value is entered automatically when a new record is created. Answer: default Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation

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42) Data ________ is the process of controlling the data that is entered into a field. Answer: Validation Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 43) A(n) ________ rule limits the values that can be entered in a field. Answer: validation Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 44) In proper database design, you should set the Required field property to Yes for ________ fields. Answer: critical, important Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 45) ________ validation helps to make sure that incorrect information is not entered in a field. Answer: Data Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 46) A(n) ________ mask specifies the exact formatting of data entry. Answer: input Diff: 1 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 47) A(n) ________ field is often used when there are a limited number of values in a field. Answer: lookup Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 48) To make sure that data entry personnel can only pick from existing items in a lookup field, you would check the Enable ________ Integrity check box. Answer: Data Diff: 3 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 49) The Lookup ________ helps you create a lookup field. Answer: Wizard Diff: 2 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 50) A(n) ___ field is a predefined list of values. Answer: Lookup Diff: 1 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 9 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

51) A(n) ________ query relies on the user providing the criterion when the query is run. Answer: parameter Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 52) Access identifies dates by enclosing them in ________. Answer: hash tags, #, pound signs Diff: 3 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 53) If you wanted a parameter query to prompt for a partial value, you can use the ________ operator. Answer: like Diff: 3 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 54) The ________ function calculates the current date. Answer: Date Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 55) The ________ function check to see if a field has had no value entered into it. Answer: IsNull Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 56) To define how many decimal places should display, you can use the ________ function. Answer: Round Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 57) If you wanted to display just the month in a date, you would use the ________ function. Answer: DatePart Diff: 3 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 58) If you wanted to display the day of the week using the DatePart function, you would put ________ in the interval argument. Answer: "w" Diff: 3 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 59) The function, MonthName(DatePart("m",12/26/1959)), would give the answer ________. Answer: December Diff: 3 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 10 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

60) The ________ function evaluates whether an expression is true or false. Answer: IIf Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 61) The Required field property only applies to new data, not to existing data. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 62) Default values can be changed during data entry. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 63) You do not have to set the Required field property for AutoNumber fields. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 64) You must set the Required field property to Yes for any field used as a Primary Key unless it has an AutoNumber data type. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 65) The default setting for the Required field property for most fields is "Yes". Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 66) Validation rules serve as warnings; they do not actually prevent invalid data entry. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 67) You cannot change the Required field property after data has been entered. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 68) You can use the word Like in a data validation rule. Answer: TRUE Diff: 3 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation

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69) Access automatically validates some data entry. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation 70) Input masks can restrict the number of characters allowed in a field. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 71) An input mask is used to consistently format data. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 72) Access allows for the creation of custom input masks. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 73) To help limit the file size, the textbook recommends that all symbols in an input mask not be stored with the data. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 74) Storing the options used in a lookup field in a separate table makes adding options easier. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 75) When you change the lookup field's source table, the options will be updated when the user tries to change data in the future. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 76) If you used a lookup field for a field named State, the book recommends that you have fifty menu options available to anyone doing data entry. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 77) Tables are a good source for data in a lookup field. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 3 Control Input with a Lookup Field 12 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

78) In a parameter query, if you do not specify a comparison operator, Access will assume equal to. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 79) To create a parameter query, you would put the desired text in parenthesis in the criterion row of the desired field. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 80) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date] is a valid statement to use in a parameter query. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 81) Reports cannot be based on parameter queries. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 82) A parameter query is not a type of select query. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Objectives: 4 Customize Output Based on User Input 83) The Date function calculates the current date. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 84) In the Round function, the precision cannot be a negative number. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 85) The DatePart function always returns a number. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions

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86) Match the following terms with their descriptions: I. Data validation II. Validation text III. Validation Rule IV. Default value V. Input Mask Wizard A. Provides custom error message when incorrect data is entered B. Value entered automatically when a record is created C. A setting that limits what values can be entered in a field D. Set of rules that help control the accuracy of data entry E. Tool used to help create consistent formatting of data Answer: D, A, C, B, E Diff: 1 Objectives: Multiple Objectives 87) Match the following terms with their descriptions: I. Date function II. Round function III. DatePart function IV. IIf function V. IsNull function A. Checks to see if a field has no value entered into it B. Calculates the current date C. Returns a number to a certain number of decimal places D. Evaluates a comparison as true or false and takes appropriate action E. Examines a date and return a portion of it Answer: B, C, E, D, A Diff: 1 Objectives: Multiple Objectives

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88) Match the following terms with their descriptions: I. Input mask II. Lookup field III. Lookup Wizard IV. Parameter query V. Input Mask Wizard A. Predefined list of values presented in a menu B. Criterion is provided when query is run C. Took used to help create consistent formatting of data in a field D. Helps create a list of predefined values E. Setting that guarantees consistent formatting of data in a field Answer: E, A, D, B, C Diff: 1 Objectives: Multiple Objectives 89) Match the following functions with when they would be used: I. Date II. DatePart III. IIf IV. Round V. IsNull A. When you need to use today's date B. When you need to display a number to four decimal places C. When you need to do one action if a condition is true and another if a condition is false D. When you need to see if a field was skipped in data entry E. When you need to use only the month within a date Answer: A, E, C, B, D Diff: 1 Objectives: Multiple Objectives

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90) Match the following with where they are found: I. Parameters II. Run (a query) III. Criteria (in a query) IV. Input Mask V. Validation Text A. Table Tools tab; Design tab; Field Properties; Input Mask row B. Query Tools tab; Design tab; Show/Hide group C. Table Tools tab; Design tab; Field Properties; Validation Text row D. Query Tools tab; Design tab; Criteria row E. Query Tools tab; Design tab; Results group Answer: B, E, D, A, C Diff: 1 Objectives: Multiple Objectives 91) Match the following results with the proper comparison operators: I. Does not equal 5000 II. Is less than 5000 III. Is less than or equal to 5000 IV. Is greater than 5000 V. Is greater than or equal to 5000 A. <5000 B. <=5000 C. >=5000 D. >5000 E. <>5000 Answer: E, A, B, D, C Diff: 1 Objectives: 1 Establish Data Validation

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92) Match the following types of data with the appropriate input masks: I. Phone number II. Long Time III. Zip Code IV. Short Time V. Social Security Number A. 00:00 B. 000-00-0000 C. 00000-9999 D. !(999) 000-0000 E. 99:00:00 >LL Answer: D, E, C, A, B Diff: 3 Objectives: 2 Control the Format of Data Entry 93) Match the following DatePart arguments with the data they would return: I. "yyyy" II. "n" III. "h" IV. "m" V. "w" A. Minute B. Month C. Year D. Day of the Week E. Hour Answer: C, A, E, B, D Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions

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94) Match the following results with the proper DatePart formulas (assume a BirthDate of December 26, 1959 at 10:30 AM): I. 1959 II. 12 III. 26 IV. 7 V. 10 A. =DatePart("h",[BirthDate]) B. =DatePart("w",[BirthDate]) C. =DatePart("d",[BirthDate]) D. =DatePart("m",[BirthDate]) E. =DatePart("yyyy",[BirthDate]) Answer: E, D, C, B, A Diff: 2 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions 95) Match the following results with the proper formulas: I. January II. Wednesday III. December IV. Saturday V. 1 A. =MonthName(1) B. =WeekdayName(4) C. =MonthName(12) D. =WeekdayName(7) E. =DatePart("m",#01/16/1959#) Answer: A, B, C, D, E Diff: 1 Objectives: 5 Use Advanced Functions

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