Exploring research 9th edition salkind test bank

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Salkind_9e_TB_ch8 Key: Answer, Type, Learning Objective, Level Type A=Applied C=Conceptual F=Factual Level (1)=Easy; (2)=Moderate; (3)=Difficult LO=Learning Objective Multiple Choice Single Select M/C Question 1 What does a level of significance of .05 mean? a) there is a .5% chance of Type I error b) there is a 5% chance of Type I error c) there is a .05% chance of Type I error d) there is a 50% chance of Type I error ANS: b Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 2 What is the correct order of steps in testing a hypothesis? a) statement of null hypothesis, setting level of risk, selection of test statistic b) statement of null hypothesis, computation of test statistic, selection of test statistic c) selection of test statistic, comparison of obtained value to critical value, computation of test statistic d) selection of test statistic, computation of test statistic, statement of null hypothesis ANS: a Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 3 What is the statistical test for examining the significant difference between two means from two unrelated groups? a) t-test for dependent means b) MANOVA

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c) t-test for independent means d) factor analysis ANS: c Topic=Tests of Significance, Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations M/C Question 4 If the two groups you are comparing are related to each other, what test should you use? a) factor analysis b) MANOVA c) t-test for independent means d) t-test for dependent means ANS: d Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 5 When examining whether group differences occur on more than one dependent variable, what should be used? a) factor analysis b) MANOVA c) t-test for independent means d) t-test for dependent means ANS: b Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 6 When examining the significance of the relationship between two variables, what test should you use? a) t-test for dependent means b) t-test for independent means c) t-test for the correlation coefficient d) analysis of variance ANS: c Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance

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M/C Question 7 To compare findings from many different studies that use the same dependent variable, what technique is used? a) MANOVA b) factor analysis c) t-test d) meta-analysis ANS: d Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 8 What technique reduces the number of variables in a construct? a) effect size b) MANOVA c) factor analysis d) t-test ANS: c Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 9 Which of the following statements is true? a) Significance is better than meaningfulness. b) Meaningfulness is better than significance. c) Both significance and meaningfulness are equal in value. d) Neither significance nor meaningfulness is important in a study. ANS: b Objective=8.2: Evaluate statistical significance as the degree of risk that the researcher is willing to take while rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true, Topic=The Idea of Statistical Significance M/C Question 10 When investigating a relationship between two variables, what is the most acceptable initial explanation of the relationship? a) the treatment b) chance c) researcher bias d) defined factors ANS: b

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Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 11 When a researcher draws conclusions about a population based on the results of a test on a sample, he or she is most likely using which of the following? a) inductive statistics b) deductive statistics c) descriptive statistics d) inferential statistics ANS: d Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 12 What is the crucial element in making an accurate inference? a) obtaining a representative sample of the population b) obtaining a representative population of the sample c) being well versed in multivariate statistical procedures d) doing a good literature review ANS: a Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics!, Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics M/C Question 13 Which of the following states that regardless of the shape of the population, the means of all the samples selected will be normally distributed? a) Type I Error b) Type II Error c) central limit theorem d) factor analysis ANS: c Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 14 One of the keys to successful operation of the central limit theorem is that the sample size must be ___________________. a) less than 20 b) greater than 30 c) greater than 40

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d) greater than 50 ANS: b Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 15 If Helen mistakenly accepts her null hypothesis when it should be rejected, what has occurred? a) Type I error b) Type II error c) researcher bias d) none of the above ANS: b Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 16 How can Type II errors be reduced? a) decreasing sample size b) homogeneous population c) increasing sample size d) heterogeneous population ANS: c Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 17 The level of significance is similar to which of the following? a) a Type I error b) a Type II error c) a bell curve d) the null hypothesis ANS: a Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 18 What does the central limit theorem enable researchers to do? a) compare means from two independent samples b) generalize the results from a sample to a population without knowing the exact nature of the population’s distribution

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c) compute the significance of a relationship between two variables d) reduce the possibility that chance accounts for variability in the variable of interest ANS: b Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 19 Which of the following has the largest potential to decrease the accuracy of an inference made to a population based on a sample? a) variance b) a heterogeneous sample c) a homogeneous sample d) sampling error ANS: d Topic=Tests of Significance, Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations M/C Question 20 The critical value is__________________________________. a) the value found after calculating a test statistic b) the value needed to determine a valid study c) the value needed to determine a reliable study d) the value needed to reject the null hypothesis ANS: d Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 21 The critical value decreases when_______________________________. a) the sample size increases b) the sample size decreases c) the sample is heterogeneous d) the sample is homogeneous ANS: a Topic=Tests of Significance, Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations M/C Question 22 What assumption forms the basis for inference? a) A researcher can select a sample that is similar to the population from which it came.

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b) Null hypotheses can be proven to be false. c) A researcher can select the level at which he/she is willing to risk Type I error. d) The central limit theorem is false. ANS: a Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 23 If Dr. Robinson rejects the null hypothesis after observing a test statistic which exceeds the critical value at the .05 level, there is_____________________________________________. a) a 95% chance that the null hypothesis is actually true b) a 5% chance that the null hypothesis is actually true c) a 5% chance that the null hypothesis is actually false d) no chance that the null hypothesis is actually true ANS: b Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 24 The minimum or maximum value that one would expect the test statistic to yield if the null hypothesis is true is an example of which of the following? a) critical value b) F value c) t-test score d) sampling mean ANS: a Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 25 What can you conclude if the obtained value of a test statistic exceeds the critical value? a) The null hypothesis cannot be rejected. b) You made an error when calculating the test statistic. c) The null hypothesis can be rejected. d) Your obtained value is not statistically significant. ANS: c Topic=Tests of Significance, Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations

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M/C Question 26 In order to determine the critical value, which two pieces of information are needed? a) mean and sample size b) degrees of freedom and level of significance c) mean and standard deviation d) degrees of freedom and variance ANS: b Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 27 If Professor Columbo is interested in the general trend of research findings regarding infant visual attention and childhood intelligence, what technique would be most amenable to his inquiry? a) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) b) Meta-analysis c) Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) d) Factor analysis ANS: b Objective=8.5: Describe the four basic steps of a conventional meta-analysis, Topic=MetaAnalysis M/C Question 28 What is the standard metric used in most meta-analytic studies called? a) standard deviation b) effect size c) sampling mean d) standard error ANS: b Objective=8.5: Describe the four basic steps of a conventional meta-analysis, Topic=MetaAnalysis M/C Question 29 Which of the following statements regarding statistical significance is FALSE? a) The level of statistical significance and Type I error are the same thing. b) Statistical significance is the degree of risk you are willing to take that you will reject a null when it is actually true. c) When your results are found to be statistically significant, you can conclude that they will have a meaningful effect in the clinic. d) The researcher can determine the level of statistical significance.

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ANS: c Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 30 The first step for conducting a meta-analysis is ____________. a) decide on an appropriate statistical software package b) develop a system to code the various dimensions of the study c) collect as many studies as possible (or at least a representative group) d) determine the most appropriate type of descriptive or correlational technique to examine the outcomes of the studies as a whole ANS: c Objective=8.5: Describe the four basic steps of a conventional meta-analysis, Topic=MetaAnalysis Essay Essay Question 31 What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics? Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics!, Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics Essay Question 32 What are the steps involved in testing a hypothesis? Objective=8.1: Illustrate different tools and techniques of inferential statistics, Topic=Say Hello to Inferential Statistics! M/C Question 33 Explain what t120 = 2.00, p < .05 means. Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance M/C Question 34 What factors decrease the likelihood of making a Type II error? Objective=8.3: Demonstrate how test of statistical significance can be applied to different types of situations in order make decisions about populations, Topic=Tests of Significance

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M/C Question 35 What is the difference between statistical significance and meaningfulness? Which is more important? Objective=8.4: Distinguish between statistically significant versus meaningful data, Topic=Significance Versus Meaningfulness M/C Question 36 Why would you do a meta-analytic study? Objective=8.5: Describe the four basic steps of a conventional meta-analysis, Topic=MetaAnalysis

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